void FeatureInvestigator::printBayesian (
   Persistance::TextWriter& writer, Feature& feature, 
   const PositionVector& positions)
   const int motifLength = feature.assignment ().length ();

   CPositionIterator it (positions.begin (), positions.end ());
   for (; it.hasNext () ; it.next())   {
      const SeqPosition& position = *(*it);

      StrBuffer buf;
      USELESS (int middleSection = )
         position.getSeedString (buf, motifLength, _outputLength, '?');

      writer << '(';

      int length = buf.length();
      for (int i=0 ; i<length ; i++) {
         writer << buf [i] << ' ';

      writer << ')';
      writer.writeln ();
void FeatureInvestigator::printSeed (Persistance::TextTableReport::Output& out, 
                                     Feature& feature, 
                                     const PositionVector& positions)
   int currentField = Persistance::TextTableReport::firstFieldIndex;
   Persistance::TextTableReport::Data data (_seedFormat);

   TextWriter writer (NULL);

	// print all scores
	Scores::Score_ptr score = feature.score ();
	while (score) {
      writer.setStream (data.getOutputStream(currentField++));
      writer << (- score->log10Score ());
		score = score->next ();

   // print the assignment
   writer.setStream (data.getOutputStream(currentField++));
   writer << _parameters.langauge ().format (feature.assignment ());

   // print score params if available
   writer.setStream (data.getOutputStream(currentField++));
	feature.score ()->writeAsText (writer);

   if (feature.scoreParameters ()) {
      writer << '[';
      feature.scoreFunction ().writeAsText (writer, feature.scoreParameters ());
      writer << ']';

   // print projection details if available
   writer.setStream (data.getOutputStream(currentField++));
   if (feature.projection ()) {
      writer << _parameters.langauge ().format (*feature.projection ());
   // print how many seeds counted for bonf correction, if available
   writer.setStream (data.getOutputStream(currentField++));
   if (feature.numSeedsSearched () > 0) {
      writer << feature.numSeedsSearched();

   writer.setStream (NULL);
   out << data;
void FeatureInvestigator::createPSSM (PositionWeightType positionWeightType,
                                      Feature& feature_i, 
                                      const PositionVector& positions, 
                                      PSSM& outPSSM)
   const int seed_length = feature_i.assignment ().length ();

   outPSSM = PSSM (
            _parameters.langauge ().code (), 
            *_parameters.wf ());
// adds the positive positions of the feature to the position vector
void FeatureInvestigator::addPositions (
                           Feature& feature, 
                           PositionVector& outPositives,
                           PositionVector& outNegatives)
   // use the positions in the cluster if they are available
   if (!feature.cluster ().hasPositions ()) {
      // it is assumed that if it has any positions, then
      // it contains all relevant positions
      Preprocessor::NodeCluster motifNodes;
      _parameters.preprocessor ().add2Cluster ( motifNodes, 
                                                feature.assignment ());

      motifNodes.add2SeqClusterPositions (feature.cluster ());

   SeqCluster::AddPositions pos(outPositives);
   SeqCluster::AddPositions neg(outNegatives);
   feature.cluster ().performDivided(*_parameters.wf (), pos, neg);
void FeatureInvestigator::printMotifPosition (    
                     Persistance::TextTableReport::Output& out,
                     Feature& feature, 
                     const SeqPosition& position)
   Persistance::TextTableReport::Data data (_motifPositionFormat);

   const int motifLength = feature.assignment ().length ();
   StrBuffer buf(_outputLength);
   int middleSection = 
      position.getSeedString (

   int fieldIndex = Persistance::TextTableReport::firstFieldIndex;
   Persistance::TextWriter writer (data.getOutputStream (fieldIndex++));
   writer << buf.substring (0, middleSection) << ' '
          << buf.substring (middleSection, middleSection + motifLength) << ' '
          << buf.substring (middleSection + motifLength);
   // write seq id 
   writer << position.sequence ()->id (); 

   // write seq name
   writer << position.sequence ()->name ();
   // output sequence weight 
   writer << '[' << _parameters.wf ()->weight (position.sequence ()->id ()) << ']';
   // output the position information:
   // we write the position from the TSS, that is:
	// the upstream offset from the gene
	// the promoter is assumed to be on the same strand as the gene
	// and read in the same direction as the gene.
	// this means that the 'reverse' strand is the strand that DOES not
	// have the gene.
   //       98765|432|10
   //       TTTTT|TGC|TT   <--
   // -->   AAAAA|ACG|AA
   //       01234|567|89
   // CGT-positions:       2-->5
   // CGT-tssPositions (): 5-->8 = (10 - 2 - 3) --> (10 - 2)
   int tssPosition = position.tssPosition (motifLength);
   writer << tssPosition;
	writer << tssPosition + (position.strand ()? motifLength : - motifLength);
   // print +/- if it is on normal/reverse strand
   writer << (position.strand ()? '+' : '-');

	// print the sequence length
   writer << position.sequence ()->length ();

   out << data;