status_t ServerWindow::UpdateTitle (char *title){ DFBFontDescription font_dsc; IDirectFBSurface *wsurface = NULL; int wdth; int ht; int width1, width2, width3; int height1, height2, height3; DFBCHECK(window->GetSurface(window, &wsurface)); DFBCHECK(window->GetSize(window, &wdth, &ht)); if (fType==B_FLOATING_WINDOW){ DFBCHECK (shead->GetSize(shead, &width1, &height1)); DFBCHECK (sok_button->GetSize(sok_button, &width2, &height2)); DFBCHECK (sclose_button->GetSize(sclose_button, &width3, &height3)); DFBRectangle rect; rect.x = 0; rect.y = 0; rect.h = height1; rect.w = wdth-width2-width3; DFBCHECK (wsurface->StretchBlit (wsurface, shead, NULL, &rect)); DFBCHECK (wsurface->Blit (wsurface, sok_button, NULL, rect.w, 0)); DFBCHECK (wsurface->Blit (wsurface, sclose_button, NULL, rect.w+width2, 0)); // Draw the window title font_dsc.flags = DFDESC_HEIGHT; font_dsc.height = 10; font_dsc.width = 10; DFBCHECK (app_server->dfb->CreateFont (app_server->dfb, "./decker.ttf", &font_dsc, &font)); DFBCHECK (wsurface->SetFont (wsurface, font)); DFBCHECK (wsurface->SetColor (wsurface, 0xff, 0x0, 0x0, 0xFF)); DFBCHECK (wsurface->DrawString (wsurface, title, -1, 5, 2*height1/3, DSTF_LEFT)); } else if (fType==B_TITLED_WINDOW){ DFBCHECK (head->GetSize(head, &width1, &height1)); DFBCHECK (ok_button->GetSize(ok_button, &width2, &height2)); DFBCHECK (close_button->GetSize(close_button, &width3, &height3)); DFBRectangle rect; rect.x = 0; rect.y = 0; rect.h = height1; rect.w = wdth-width2-width3; DFBCHECK (wsurface->StretchBlit (wsurface, head, NULL, &rect)); DFBCHECK (wsurface->Blit (wsurface, ok_button, NULL, rect.w, 0)); DFBCHECK (wsurface->Blit (wsurface, close_button, NULL, rect.w+width2, 0)); // Draw the window title font_dsc.flags = DFDESC_HEIGHT; font_dsc.height = 15; font_dsc.width = 15; DFBCHECK (app_server->dfb->CreateFont (app_server->dfb, "./decker.ttf", &font_dsc, &font)); DFBCHECK (wsurface->SetFont (wsurface, font)); DFBCHECK (wsurface->SetColor (wsurface, 0x0, 0x10, 0xfa, 0xFF)); DFBCHECK (wsurface->DrawString (wsurface, title, -1, 6, 2*height1/3, DSTF_LEFT)); } }
static void app_update( App *app ) { static const DFBColor colors[3] = { { 0xff, 0x30, 0xc0, 0xff }, { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x30 }, { 0xff, 0x30, 0xff, 0xc0 } }; IDirectFBSurface *surface = app->surface; surface->Clear( surface, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x20 ); surface->SetColor( surface, colors[app->index].r, colors[app->index].g, colors[app->index].b, colors[app->index].a ); surface->FillRectangle( surface, app->anim_x, app->anim_y, 40, 300 ); surface->Flip( surface, NULL, DSFLIP_WAITFORSYNC ); app->anim_x += app->anim_dirx; if (app->anim_x >= app->resolution.w - 40) app->anim_dirx = -5; else if (app->anim_x <= 0) app->anim_dirx = 5; app->anim_y += app->anim_diry; if (app->anim_y >= app->resolution.h - 300) app->anim_diry = -5; else if (app->anim_y <= 0) app->anim_diry = 5; }
static int PrepareDraw(SDL_Renderer * renderer) { DirectFB_RenderData *data = (DirectFB_RenderData *) renderer->driverdata; IDirectFBSurface *destsurf = data->target; Uint8 r, g, b, a; r = renderer->r; g = renderer->g; b = renderer->b; a = renderer->a; SetBlendMode(data, renderer->blendMode, NULL); SDL_DFB_CHECKERR(destsurf->SetDrawingFlags(destsurf, data->drawFlags)); switch (renderer->blendMode) { case SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE: /* case SDL_BLENDMODE_MASK: */ case SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND: break; case SDL_BLENDMODE_ADD: case SDL_BLENDMODE_MOD: r = ((int) r * (int) a) / 255; g = ((int) g * (int) a) / 255; b = ((int) b * (int) a) / 255; a = 255; break; } SDL_DFB_CHECKERR(destsurf->SetColor(destsurf, r, g, b, a)); return 0; error: return -1; }
static int _dfb_surface_set_blit_params(DirectFB_Engine_Image_Entry *d, DirectFB_Engine_Image_Entry *s, RGBA_Draw_Context *dc) { IDirectFBSurface *surface; DFBSurfaceBlittingFlags blit_flags = DSBLIT_NOFX; DFBResult res; int r, g, b, a; _context_get_color(dc, &r, &g, &b, &a); if (a == 0) return 0; if (a != 255) blit_flags = DSBLIT_BLEND_COLORALPHA | DSBLIT_SRC_PREMULTCOLOR; if ((r != a) || (g != a) || (b != a)) { blit_flags |= DSBLIT_COLORIZE; r = 0xff * r / a; g = 0xff * g / a; b = 0xff * b / a; } if (s->cache_entry.src->flags.alpha) blit_flags |= DSBLIT_BLEND_ALPHACHANNEL; surface = d->surface; if (blit_flags & (DSBLIT_BLEND_COLORALPHA | DSBLIT_SRC_PREMULTCOLOR | DSBLIT_COLORIZE)) { res = surface->SetColor(surface, r, g, b, a); if (res != DFB_OK) goto error; } res = surface->SetBlittingFlags(surface, blit_flags); if (res != DFB_OK) goto error; #ifdef DFB_DEBUG_FLAGS DBG("sfunc=%s, dfunc=%s, color=%d %d %d %d, blit=%s, draw=%s", _dfb_blend_func_str(src_func), _dfb_blend_func_str(dst_func), r, g, b, a, _dfb_blit_flags_str(blit_flags), _dfb_draw_flags_str(draw_flags)); #endif /* DFB_DEBUG_FLAGS */ return 1; error: ERR("Could not set blit params: %s", DirectFBErrorString(res)); return 0; }
static mrb_value surface_set_color(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self) { IDirectFBSurface* surface = mrb_directfb_surface(mrb, self); DFBResult ret = -1; if (surface != NULL) { mrb_int r, g, b, a; mrb_get_args(mrb, "iiii", &r, &g, &b, &a); ret = surface->SetColor(surface, r, g, b, a); } return mrb_fixnum_value(ret); }
/* render callback */ virtual void Render( IDirectFBSurface &surface ) { surface.Clear( 0, 0, 255, 255 ); surface.SetFont( font ); surface.SetColor( 0, 0, 0, 255 ); surface.SetSrcBlendFunction( DSBF_INVSRCALPHA ); surface.SetDstBlendFunction( DSBF_INVSRCALPHA ); surface.DrawString( "Test Text", -1, 10, 10, (DFBSurfaceTextFlags)(DSTF_TOPLEFT | DSTF_BLEND_FUNCS) ); }
static int l_SetColor (lua_State* L) { // [ sfc | r | g | b | a ] DFBColor color; IDirectFBSurface* sfc = * (IDirectFBSurface**) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "ldirectfb.IDirectFBSurface"); DFBCHECK( sfc->SetColor(sfc, luaL_checkint(L, 2), // r luaL_checkint(L, 3), // g luaL_checkint(L, 4), // b luaL_optint(L, 5, 255)) ); // a return 0; }
static void* render_loop (void *arg) { IDirectFBSurface *view = (IDirectFBSurface*)arg; view->SetBlittingFlags( view, DSBLIT_SRC_COLORKEY | DSBLIT_COLORIZE ); while (started_rendering()) { int i; pthread_testcancel(); view->SetColor( view, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); view->FillRectangle( view, 0, 0, xres, yres ); for (i=0; i<STARFIELD_SIZE; i++) { int map = (int)(t_starfield[i].pos.v[Z]) >> 8; int light = 0xFF - ((int)(t_starfield[i].pos.v[Z] * t_starfield[i].pos.v[Z]) >> 12); if (map >= 0 && light > 0) { if (map >= NUM_STARS) map = NUM_STARS - 1; view->SetColor( view, light, light, light, 0xff ); view->Blit( view, stars[map], NULL, (int)(t_starfield[i].pos.v[X]), (int)(t_starfield[i].pos.v[Y]) ); } } view->Flip( view, NULL, DSFLIP_WAITFORSYNC ); finished_rendering(); } pthread_testcancel(); return NULL; }
static void update( Context *context ) { unsigned long t; IDirectFBSurface *surface = context->surface; static __u8 r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; context->gl->Lock( context->gl ); glClearColor( r++/255.0, g++/255.0, b++/255.0, 1.0 ); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); context->gl->Unlock( context->gl ); if (context->fps) { char buf[16]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.1f FPS\n", context->fps); surface->SetColor( surface, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff ); surface->DrawString( surface, buf, -1, context->width - 5, 5, DSTF_TOPRIGHT ); } surface->Flip( surface, NULL, 0 ); context->frames++; t = get_millis(); if (t - context->last_time >= 2000) { float seconds = (t - context->last_time) / 1000.0f; context->fps = context->frames / seconds; context->last_time = t; context->frames = 0; } }
void DirectFB_WM_RedrawLayout(_THIS, SDL_Window * window) { SDL_DFB_WINDOWDATA(window); IDirectFBSurface *s = windata->window_surface; DFB_Theme *t = &windata->theme; int i; int d = (t->caption_size - t->font_size) / 2; int x, y, w; if (!windata->is_managed || (window->flags & SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN)) return; SDL_DFB_CHECK(s->SetSrcBlendFunction(s, DSBF_ONE)); SDL_DFB_CHECK(s->SetDstBlendFunction(s, DSBF_ZERO)); SDL_DFB_CHECK(s->SetDrawingFlags(s, DSDRAW_NOFX)); SDL_DFB_CHECK(s->SetBlittingFlags(s, DSBLIT_NOFX)); LoadFont(_this, window); /* s->SetDrawingFlags(s, DSDRAW_BLEND); */ s->SetColor(s, COLOR_EXPAND(t->frame_color)); /* top */ for (i = 0; i < t->top_size; i++) s->DrawLine(s, 0, i, windata->size.w, i); /* bottom */ for (i = windata->size.h - t->bottom_size; i < windata->size.h; i++) s->DrawLine(s, 0, i, windata->size.w, i); /* left */ for (i = 0; i < t->left_size; i++) s->DrawLine(s, i, 0, i, windata->size.h); /* right */ for (i = windata->size.w - t->right_size; i < windata->size.w; i++) s->DrawLine(s, i, 0, i, windata->size.h); /* Caption */ s->SetColor(s, COLOR_EXPAND(t->caption_color)); s->FillRectangle(s, t->left_size, t->top_size, windata->client.w, t->caption_size); /* Close Button */ w = t->caption_size; x = windata->size.w - t->right_size - w + d; y = t->top_size + d; s->SetColor(s, COLOR_EXPAND(t->close_color)); DrawTriangle(s, 1, x, y, w - 2 * d); /* Max Button */ s->SetColor(s, COLOR_EXPAND(t->max_color)); DrawTriangle(s, window->flags & SDL_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED ? 1 : 0, x - w, y, w - 2 * d); /* Caption */ if (*window->title) { s->SetColor(s, COLOR_EXPAND(t->font_color)); DrawCraption(_this, s, (x - w) / 2, t->top_size + d, window->title); } /* Icon */ if (windata->icon) { DFBRectangle dr; dr.x = t->left_size + d; dr.y = t->top_size + d; dr.w = w - 2 * d; dr.h = w - 2 * d; s->SetBlittingFlags(s, DSBLIT_BLEND_ALPHACHANNEL); s->StretchBlit(s, windata->icon, NULL, &dr); } windata->wm_needs_redraw = 0; }
static DFBResult Test_CreateWindow( IDirectFBDisplayLayer *layer, void *arg ) { IDirectFBSurface *surface = NULL; IDirectFBWindow *window; DFBWindowID window_id; DFBDimension size = { m_desc_top.width, m_desc_top.height }; D_ASSERT( m_toplevel_id == 0 ); /* * Create a new top level window */ SHOW_TEST( "CreateWindow( %d,%d - %dx%d %s, options 0x%08x )...", m_desc_top.posx, m_desc_top.posy, m_desc_top.width, m_desc_top.height, dfb_pixelformat_name( m_desc_top.pixelformat ), m_desc_top.options ); _T( layer->CreateWindow( layer, &m_desc_top, &window ) ); if (m_topcolor.valid) { DFBColor c = m_topcolor.color; SHOW_INFO( " - SetColor( 0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x )...", c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a ); _T( window->SetColor( window, c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a ) ); } /* * Query its surface and clear it with light blue (if not input or color only) */ if (!(m_desc_top.caps & (DWCAPS_INPUTONLY | DWCAPS_COLOR) )) { SHOW_INFO( " - GetSurface()..." ); _T( window->GetSurface( window, &surface ) ); SHOW_INFO( " - Clear( 0x20, 0x50, 0xC0, 0xFF )..." ); _T( surface->Clear( surface, 0x20, 0x50, 0xC0, 0xFF ) ); _T( surface->SetColor( surface, 0x90, 0xF0, 0xC0, 0xFF ) ); _T( surface->DrawRectangle( surface, 0, 0, size.w, size.h ) ); _T( surface->FillRectangle( surface, size.w / 2, 1, 1, size.h - 2 ) ); _T( surface->FillRectangle( surface, 1, size.h / 2, size.w - 2, 1 ) ); } /* * Show the window */ SHOW_INFO( " - SetOpacity( 255 )..." ); _T( window->SetOpacity( window, 0xff ) ); /* * Query and print ID of new window */ SHOW_INFO( " - GetID()..." ); _T( window->GetID( window, &window_id ) ); /* * Set association of new window */ if (m_desc_top.parent_id) { SHOW_INFO( " - SetAssociation( %u )...", m_desc_top.parent_id ); _T( window->SetAssociation( window, m_desc_top.parent_id ) ); } /* * Set top level window ID (user hasn't specified one) */ m_toplevel_id = window_id; m_toplevel = window; SHOW_RESULT( "...CreateWindow( %d,%d - %dx%d %s ) done. => Top Window ID %u", m_desc_top.posx, m_desc_top.posy, m_desc_top.width, m_desc_top.height, dfb_pixelformat_name( m_desc_top.pixelformat ), window_id ); if (surface) surface->Release( surface ); return DFB_OK; }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { DFBResult ret; bool quit = false; int i; IDirectFB dfb; IDirectFBDisplayLayer layer; IDirectFBSurface surface; DFBDisplayLayerConfig config; DFBDimension sizes[2] = { {400, 400}, {600, 600} }; size_t num_sizes = D_ARRAY_SIZE(sizes); DFBInputEvent evt; IDirectFBEventBuffer keybuffer; /* Initialize DirectFB. */ DirectFB::Init( &argc, &argv ); /* Create super interface. */ dfb = DirectFB::Create(); layer = dfb.GetDisplayLayer( DLID_PRIMARY ); /* Create an input buffer for key events */ keybuffer = dfb.CreateInputEventBuffer( DICAPS_KEYS, DFB_TRUE ); layer.SetCooperativeLevel( DLSCL_EXCLUSIVE ); layer.GetConfiguration( &config ); config.width = sizes[0].w; config.height = sizes[0].h; layer.SetConfiguration( config ); surface = layer.GetSurface(); while (true) { surface.Clear( 0, 0, 0, 0xff ); surface.SetColor( 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff ); surface.DrawRectangle( 0, 0, config.width, config.height ); surface.Flip( NULL, DSFLIP_NONE ); keybuffer.WaitForEventWithTimeout( 3, 0 ); /* Process keybuffer */ while (keybuffer.GetEvent( DFB_EVENT(&evt) )) { if (evt.type == DIET_KEYPRESS) { switch (DFB_LOWER_CASE(evt.key_symbol)) { case DIKS_ESCAPE: case DIKS_SMALL_Q: case DIKS_BACK: case DIKS_STOP: case DIKS_EXIT: /* Quit main loop & test thread */ quit = 1; break; case DIKS_SPACE: case DIKS_OK: i++; config.width = sizes[i % num_sizes].w; config.height = sizes[i % num_sizes].h; layer.SetConfiguration( config ); break; default: break; } } } } return 0; }
int main (int argc,char *argv[]) { int videofd1 = open("/dev/video0",O_RDWR); int videofd2 = open("/dev/video0",O_RDWR); IDirectFBSurface *SurfaceHandle; IDirectFBSurface *SurfaceHandle2; void *ptr,*ptr2; int pitch,pitch2; int colour_palette[256]; int colour_palette2_real[256]; /* random... */ int *colour_palette2 = colour_palette2_real; int is_lut8; is_lut8 = (argc > 1 && !strcmp (argv[1], "both")); memset(&colour_palette,0x0,4*256); //memset(&colour_palette[1],0xff,255*4); colour_palette[0] = 0xff000000; // black colour_palette[1] = 0xffff0000; // red colour_palette[2] = 0xff00ff00; // green colour_palette[3] = 0xff0000ff; // blue colour_palette[4] = 0xffffffff; // white colour_palette[5] = 0x80808000; // half-transp yellow colour_palette[6] = 0x00000000; // transp black if (videofd1 < 0) perror("Couldn't open video device 1\n"); if (videofd2 < 0) perror("Couldn't open video device 2\n"); v4l2_list_outputs (videofd1); fb_make_transparent(); init_dfb(&SurfaceHandle,is_lut8); init_dfb(&SurfaceHandle2,1); v4l2_set_output_by_name (videofd1, "RGB1"); v4l2_set_output_by_name (videofd2, "RGB2"); init_v4l(videofd1,0,0,1280,720,is_lut8); init_v4l(videofd2,0,0,1280,720,1); printf("%s:%d\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); // memcpy (colour_palette, colour_palette2, sizeof (colour_palette)); colour_palette2 = colour_palette; { int coords = 60; int size = 100; // clear if (!is_lut8) SurfaceHandle->Clear (SurfaceHandle, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); else { SurfaceHandle->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle, 0x6); SurfaceHandle->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle, 0, 0, 600, 600); } // White if (is_lut8) SurfaceHandle->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle, 0x4); else SurfaceHandle->SetColor (SurfaceHandle, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff); SurfaceHandle->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle, coords, coords, size, size); coords += size; // Red if (is_lut8) SurfaceHandle->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle, 0x1); else SurfaceHandle->SetColor (SurfaceHandle, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff); SurfaceHandle->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle, coords, coords, size, size); coords += size; // Green if (is_lut8) SurfaceHandle->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle, 0x2); else SurfaceHandle->SetColor (SurfaceHandle, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff); SurfaceHandle->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle, coords, coords, size, size); coords += size; // Blue if (is_lut8) SurfaceHandle->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle, 0x3); else SurfaceHandle->SetColor (SurfaceHandle, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff); SurfaceHandle->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle, coords, coords, size, size); coords += size; // half transp yellow if (is_lut8) SurfaceHandle->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle, 0x5); else SurfaceHandle->SetColor (SurfaceHandle, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x80); SurfaceHandle->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle, coords, coords, size, size); coords += size; // transp if (is_lut8) SurfaceHandle->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle, 0x6); else SurfaceHandle->SetColor (SurfaceHandle, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); SurfaceHandle->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle, coords, coords, size, size); coords += size; } { int xcoords = 60 + (100 * 6), ycoords = 60; int size = 100; // clear SurfaceHandle2->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle2, 0x6); SurfaceHandle2->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle2, 220, 220, 440, 440); // transp SurfaceHandle2->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle2, 0x6); SurfaceHandle2->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle2, xcoords, ycoords, size, size); xcoords -= size; ycoords += size; // half transp yellow SurfaceHandle2->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle2, 0x5); SurfaceHandle2->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle2, xcoords, ycoords, size, size); xcoords -= size; ycoords += size; // Blue SurfaceHandle2->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle2, 0x3); SurfaceHandle2->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle2, xcoords, ycoords, size, size); xcoords -= size; ycoords += size; // Green SurfaceHandle2->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle2, 0x2); SurfaceHandle2->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle2, xcoords, ycoords, size, size); xcoords -= size; ycoords += size; // Red SurfaceHandle2->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle2, 0x1); SurfaceHandle2->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle2, xcoords, ycoords, size, size); xcoords -= size; ycoords += size; // White SurfaceHandle2->SetColorIndex (SurfaceHandle2, 0x4); SurfaceHandle2->FillRectangle (SurfaceHandle2, xcoords, ycoords, size, size); xcoords -= size; ycoords += size; } DFBCHECK (SurfaceHandle->Lock (SurfaceHandle, DSLF_READ, &ptr, &pitch)); DFBCHECK (SurfaceHandle2->Lock (SurfaceHandle2, DSLF_READ, &ptr2, &pitch2)); printf("%s:%d\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); zorder(videofd2,V4L2_CID_STM_Z_ORDER_RGB2,1); zorder(videofd1,V4L2_CID_STM_Z_ORDER_RGB1,2); queue_buffer( videofd1, ptr, (is_lut8 ? colour_palette : 0), 0ULL); stream_on( videofd1 ); getchar(); queue_buffer( videofd2, ptr2, colour_palette2, 0ULL); printf("%s:%d\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); stream_on( videofd2 ); printf("%s:%d\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); getchar(); zorder(videofd2,V4L2_CID_STM_Z_ORDER_RGB2,2); zorder(videofd1,V4L2_CID_STM_Z_ORDER_RGB1,1); fprintf(stderr,"Press Return/Enter to quit\n"); getchar(); // This seems to dequeue all buffers too, but that's what the spec says // so this is ok. stream_off( videofd1 ); stream_off( videofd2 ); deinit_dfb(); close(videofd1); return 0; }
static void *handle_record_button(DirectThread *thread, void *arg) { IDirectFBSurface *surface = arg; IDirectFBFont *font, *font_s; DFBFontDescription font_desc; bool local_flg = false; int width, height; int font_big_height, font_little_height; char font_file[50] = "/misc/font/wqy-zenhei.ttc"; DFBCHECK(surface->GetSize(surface, &width, &height)); font_big_height = 48; while(font_big_height > (height / 2)) { font_big_height -= 4; } font_desc.flags = DFDESC_HEIGHT; font_desc.height = font_big_height; DFBCHECK(dfb->CreateFont( dfb, font_file, &font_desc, &font)); font_little_height = 32; while(font_little_height > (height / 4)) { font_little_height -= 4; } font_desc.height = font_little_height; DFBCHECK(dfb->CreateFont( dfb, font_file, &font_desc, &font_s)); printf("font size is %d %d\n", font_big_height, font_little_height); DFBCHECK(surface->SetFont(surface, font_s)); DFBCHECK(surface->SetColor(surface, 0x8C, 0x8C, 0x8C, 0xff)); DFBCHECK(surface->DrawString(surface, "点击录音", -1, width / 2, 0, DSTF_TOPCENTER)); DFBCHECK(surface->SetColor(surface, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0xff)); DFBCHECK(surface->DrawString(surface, "测试TP请避开此区域", -1, width / 2, height / 4, DSTF_TOPCENTER)); DFBCHECK(surface->SetFont(surface, font)); DFBCHECK(surface->SetColor(surface, 0xE3, 0x6C, 0x4C, 0xff)); DFBCHECK(surface->DrawString(surface, "状态:停止录音", -1, width / 2, height / 2, DSTF_TOPCENTER)); DFBCHECK(surface->Flip(surface, NULL, 0)); while(true) { if(record_flg != local_flg) { local_flg = record_flg; DFBCHECK(surface->SetColor(surface, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff)); DFBCHECK(surface->FillRectangle(surface, 0 , height / 2, width, font_big_height + 4)); //need fix DFBCHECK(surface->SetColor(surface, 0xE3, 0x6C, 0x4C, 0xff)); if(local_flg) { DFBCHECK(surface->DrawString(surface, "状态:正在录音", -1, width / 2, height / 2, DSTF_TOPCENTER)); } else { DFBCHECK(surface->DrawString(surface, "状态:停止录音", -1, width / 2, height / 2, DSTF_TOPCENTER)); } DFBCHECK(surface->Flip(surface, NULL, 0)); } direct_thread_sleep(100000); } font->Release(font); font_s->Release(font_s); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------wael work---------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- status_t ServerWindow::CreateWindow (IDirectFBDisplayLayer *layer){ DFBFontDescription font_dsc; DFBWindowDescription wdsc; IDirectFBSurface *wsurface = NULL; DFBSurfaceDescription dsc; // char *title;TODO: I need to convert the fTitle from BString to char * char title[fTitle.CountChars()+1]; fTitle.CopyInto(title, 0, fTitle.CountChars()); DFBRectangle frame; frame.x=(int)fFrame.LeftTop().x; frame.y=(int)fFrame.LeftTop().y; frame.w=(int)fFrame.IntegerWidth(); frame.h=(int)fFrame.IntegerHeight(); int width1, width2, width3; int height1, height2, height3; //create window inside the primary layer wdsc.flags = (DFBWindowDescriptionFlags)(DWDESC_CAPS | DWDESC_WIDTH | DWDESC_HEIGHT | DWDESC_POSX | DWDESC_POSY | DWDESC_SURFACE_CAPS); wdsc.caps = DWCAPS_ALPHACHANNEL; wdsc.width = frame.w; wdsc.height = frame.h; wdsc.posx = frame.x; wdsc.posy = frame.y; wdsc.surface_caps = DSCAPS_FLIPPING; DFBCHECK(layer->CreateWindow(layer, &wdsc, &window)); //Get the window surface and clear it DFBCHECK(window->GetSurface(window, &wsurface)); DFBCHECK(wsurface->Clear (wsurface, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)); DFBCHECK(window->SetOpaqueRegion (window, 0, 0, frame.h, frame.w)); //Set the window options to be transparent DFBWindowOptions options; window->GetOptions (window, &options); options = (DFBWindowOptions) ( options | DWOP_SHAPED ); DFBCHECK(window->SetOptions (window, options)); wsurface->SetSrcColorKey(wsurface, R, G, B); wsurface->SetBlittingFlags(wsurface, DSBLIT_SRC_COLORKEY); if (fType==B_FLOATING_WINDOW){ DFBCHECK (shead->GetSize(shead, &width1, &height1)); DFBCHECK (sok_button->GetSize(sok_button, &width2, &height2)); DFBCHECK (sclose_button->GetSize(sclose_button, &width3, &height3)); DFBRectangle rect; rect.x = 0; rect.y = 0; rect.h = height1; rect.w = frame.w-width2-width3; DFBCHECK (wsurface->StretchBlit (wsurface, shead, NULL, &rect)); DFBCHECK (wsurface->Blit (wsurface, sok_button, NULL, rect.w, 0)); DFBCHECK (wsurface->Blit (wsurface, sclose_button, NULL, rect.w+width2, 0)); // Draw the window title font_dsc.flags = DFDESC_HEIGHT; font_dsc.height = 10; font_dsc.width = 10; DFBCHECK (app_server->dfb->CreateFont (app_server->dfb, "./decker.ttf", &font_dsc, &font)); DFBCHECK (wsurface->SetFont (wsurface, font)); DFBCHECK (wsurface->SetColor (wsurface, 0xff, 0x0, 0x0, 0xFF)); int size = 0; DFBRectangle rect1; DFBCHECK (font->GetStringExtents (font, title, -1, NULL, &rect1)); if (rect1.w > rect.w){ do{ size++; DFBCHECK (font->GetStringExtents (font, title, size, NULL, &rect1)); }while (rect1.w < rect.w); size--; } DFBCHECK (wsurface->DrawString (wsurface, title, size-1, 5, 2*height1/3, DSTF_LEFT)); rect.x = 0; rect.y = height1; rect.w = frame.w; rect.h = frame.h-height1; DFBCHECK (wsurface->StretchBlit (wsurface, body, NULL, &rect)); } else if (fType==B_TITLED_WINDOW){ DFBCHECK (head->GetSize(head, &width1, &height1)); DFBCHECK (ok_button->GetSize(ok_button, &width2, &height2)); DFBCHECK (close_button->GetSize(close_button, &width3, &height3)); DFBRectangle rect; rect.x = 0; rect.y = 0; rect.h = height1; rect.w = frame.w-width2-width3; DFBCHECK (wsurface->StretchBlit (wsurface, head, NULL, &rect)); DFBCHECK (wsurface->Blit (wsurface, ok_button, NULL, rect.w, 0)); DFBCHECK (wsurface->Blit (wsurface, close_button, NULL, rect.w+width2, 0)); // Draw the window title font_dsc.flags = DFDESC_HEIGHT; font_dsc.height = 15; font_dsc.width = 15; DFBCHECK (app_server->dfb->CreateFont (app_server->dfb, "./decker.ttf", &font_dsc, &font)); DFBCHECK (wsurface->SetFont (wsurface, font)); DFBCHECK (wsurface->SetColor (wsurface, 0x0, 0x10, 0xfa, 0xFF)); int size = 0; DFBRectangle rect1; DFBCHECK (font->GetStringExtents (font, title, -1, NULL, &rect1)); if (rect1.w > rect.w){ do{ size++; DFBCHECK (font->GetStringExtents (font, title, size, NULL, &rect1)); }while (rect1.w < rect.w); size-=2; } DFBCHECK (wsurface->DrawString (wsurface, title, -1, 6, 2*height1/3, DSTF_LEFT)); rect.x = 0; rect.y = height1; rect.w = frame.w; rect.h = frame.h-height1; DFBCHECK (wsurface->StretchBlit (wsurface, body, NULL, &rect)); } else if (fType==B_MODAL_WINDOW){ } created = true; }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { IDirectFB *dfb; IDirectFBDisplayLayer *layer; IDirectFBSurface *bgsurface; IDirectFBImageProvider *provider; IDirectFBWindow *window1; IDirectFBWindow *window2; IDirectFBSurface *window_surface1; IDirectFBSurface *window_surface2; IDirectFBEventBuffer *buffer; DFBDisplayLayerConfig layer_config; #if ((DIRECTFB_MAJOR_VERSION == 0) && (DIRECTFB_MINOR_VERSION == 9) && (DIRECTFB_MICRO_VERSION < 23)) DFBCardCapabilities caps; #else DFBGraphicsDeviceDescription caps; #endif IDirectFBWindow* upper; DFBWindowID id1; IDirectFBFont *font; int fontheight; int err; int quit = 0; DFBCHECK(DirectFBInit( &argc, &argv )); DFBCHECK(DirectFBCreate( &dfb )); #if ((DIRECTFB_MAJOR_VERSION == 0) && (DIRECTFB_MINOR_VERSION == 9) && (DIRECTFB_MICRO_VERSION < 23)) dfb->GetCardCapabilities( dfb, &caps ); #else dfb->GetDeviceDescription( dfb, &caps ); #endif dfb->GetDisplayLayer( dfb, DLID_PRIMARY, &layer ); if (!((caps.blitting_flags & DSBLIT_BLEND_ALPHACHANNEL) && (caps.blitting_flags & DSBLIT_BLEND_COLORALPHA ))) { layer_config.flags = DLCONF_BUFFERMODE; layer_config.buffermode = DLBM_BACKSYSTEM; layer->SetConfiguration( layer, &layer_config ); } layer->GetConfiguration( layer, &layer_config ); layer->EnableCursor ( layer, 1 ); { DFBFontDescription desc; desc.flags = DFDESC_HEIGHT; desc.height = layer_config.width/50; DFBCHECK(dfb->CreateFont( dfb, PACKAGE_DATA_DIR"/grunge.ttf", &desc, &font )); font->GetHeight( font, &fontheight ); } { DFBSurfaceDescription desc; DFBCHECK(dfb->CreateImageProvider( dfb, PACKAGE_DATA_DIR"/bg.png", &provider )); desc.flags = DSDESC_WIDTH | DSDESC_HEIGHT; desc.width = layer_config.width; desc.height = layer_config.height; DFBCHECK(dfb->CreateSurface( dfb, &desc, &bgsurface ) ); provider->RenderTo( provider, bgsurface, NULL ); provider->Release( provider ); DFBCHECK(bgsurface->SetFont( bgsurface, font )); bgsurface->SetColor( bgsurface, 0xCF, 0xCF, 0xFF, 0xFF ); bgsurface->DrawString( bgsurface, "Move the mouse over a window to activate it.", -1, 10, 0, DSTF_LEFT | DSTF_TOP ); bgsurface->SetColor( bgsurface, 0xFF, 0xCF, 0xFF, 0xFF ); bgsurface->DrawString( bgsurface, "You can drag them around, too, if you want.", -1, 10 , 40, DSTF_LEFT | DSTF_TOP ); bgsurface->SetColor( bgsurface, 0xCF, 0xCF, 0xFF, 0xFF ); bgsurface->DrawString( bgsurface, "The one with funky stuff happening and things flying around is an evas.", -1, 10, 80, DSTF_LEFT | DSTF_TOP ); layer->SetBackgroundImage( layer, bgsurface ); layer->SetBackgroundMode( layer, DLBM_IMAGE ); } { DFBWindowDescription desc; desc.flags = ( DWDESC_POSX | DWDESC_POSY | DWDESC_WIDTH | DWDESC_HEIGHT | DWDESC_CAPS ); desc.posx = 20; desc.posy = 120; desc.width = 200; desc.height = 200; desc.caps = DWCAPS_ALPHACHANNEL; DFBCHECK( layer->CreateWindow( layer, &desc, &window2 ) ); window2->GetSurface( window2, &window_surface2 ); window2->SetOpacity( window2, 0xFF ); window2->CreateEventBuffer( window2, &buffer ); { window_surface2->SetColor( window_surface2, 0x00, 0x30, 0x10, 0xc0 ); window_surface2->DrawRectangle( window_surface2, 0, 0, desc.width, desc.height ); window_surface2->SetColor( window_surface2, 0x80, 0xa0, 0x00, 0x90 ); window_surface2->FillRectangle( window_surface2, 1, 1, desc.width-2, desc.height-2 ); DFBCHECK(window_surface2->SetFont(window_surface2, font )); window_surface2->SetColor( window_surface2, 0xCF, 0xFF, 0xCF, 0xFF ); window_surface2->DrawString( window_surface2, "Pants!", -1,10, fontheight + 5, DSTF_LEFT | DSTF_TOP ); } window_surface2->Flip( window_surface2, NULL, 0 ); } { DFBWindowDescription desc; desc.flags = ( DWDESC_POSX | DWDESC_POSY | DWDESC_WIDTH | DWDESC_HEIGHT | DWDESC_CAPS ); desc.posx = 200; desc.posy = 200; desc.width = 240; desc.height = 320; desc.caps = DWCAPS_ALPHACHANNEL; DFBCHECK(layer->CreateWindow( layer, &desc, &window1 ) ); window1->GetSurface( window1, &window_surface1 ); window_surface1->SetColor( window_surface1, 0xFF, 0x20, 0x20, 0x90 ); window_surface1->DrawRectangle( window_surface1, 0, 0, desc.width, desc.height ); window_surface1->Flip( window_surface1, NULL, 0 ); window1->SetOpacity( window1, 0xFF ); window1->GetID( window1, &id1 ); window1->AttachEventBuffer( window1, buffer ); } window1->RequestFocus( window1 ); window1->RaiseToTop( window1 ); upper = window1; { evas_init(); evas = evas_new(); evas_output_method_set(evas, evas_render_method_lookup("directfb")); evas_output_size_set(evas, 240, 320); evas_output_viewport_set(evas, 0, 0, 240, 320); { Evas_Engine_Info_DirectFB *einfo; einfo = (Evas_Engine_Info_DirectFB *) evas_engine_info_get(evas); einfo->info.dfb = dfb; einfo->info.surface = window_surface1; einfo->info.flags = DSDRAW_BLEND; evas_engine_info_set(evas, (Evas_Engine_Info *) einfo); } setup(); evas_render(evas); start_time = get_time(); } while (!quit) { static IDirectFBWindow* active = NULL; static int grabbed = 0; static int startx = 0; static int starty = 0; static int endx = 0; static int endy = 0; DFBWindowEvent evt; buffer->WaitForEventWithTimeout( buffer, 0, 10 ); while (buffer->GetEvent( buffer, DFB_EVENT(&evt) ) == DFB_OK) { IDirectFBWindow* window; if (evt.window_id == id1) window = window1; else window = window2; if (active) { switch (evt.type) { case DWET_BUTTONDOWN: if (!grabbed && evt.button == DIBI_LEFT) { grabbed = 1; layer->GetCursorPosition( layer, &startx, &starty ); window->GrabPointer( window ); } break; case DWET_BUTTONUP: switch (evt.button) { case DIBI_LEFT: if (grabbed) { window->UngrabPointer( window ); grabbed = 0; } break; case DIBI_MIDDLE: upper->LowerToBottom( upper ); upper = (upper == window1) ? window2 : window1; break; case DIBI_RIGHT: quit = DIKS_DOWN; break; default: break; } break; case DWET_KEYDOWN: if (grabbed) break; switch (evt.key_id) { case DIKI_RIGHT: active->Move (active, 1, 0); break; case DIKI_LEFT: active->Move (active, -1, 0); break; case DIKI_UP: active->Move (active, 0, -1); break; case DIKI_DOWN: active->Move (active, 0, 1); break; default: break; } break; case DWET_LOSTFOCUS: if (!grabbed) active = NULL; break; default: break; } } else if (evt.type == DWET_GOTFOCUS) active = window; switch (evt.type) { case DWET_MOTION: endx =; endy =; break; case DWET_KEYDOWN: switch (evt.key_symbol) { case DIKS_ESCAPE: case DIKS_SMALL_Q: case DIKS_CAPITAL_Q: case DIKS_BACK: case DIKS_STOP: quit = 1; break; default: break; } break; default: break; } } if (active) { if (grabbed) { active->Move( active, endx - startx, endy - starty); startx = endx; starty = endy; } active->SetOpacity( active, (sin( myclock()/300.0 ) * 85) + 170 ); } loop(); { Eina_List *updates; updates = evas_render_updates(evas); /* efficient update.. only flip the rectangle regions that changed! */ if (updates) { DFBRegion region; Eina_List *l; for (l = updates; l; l = l->next) { Evas_Rectangle *rect; rect = l->data; region.x1 = rect->x; region.y1 = rect->y; region.x2 = rect->x + rect->w - 1; region.y2 = rect->y + rect->h - 1; window_surface1->Flip(window_surface1, ®ion, DSFLIP_BLIT); } evas_render_updates_free(updates); } } } buffer->Release( buffer ); window_surface2->Release( window_surface2 ); window_surface1->Release( window_surface1 ); window2->Release( window2 ); window1->Release( window1 ); layer->Release( layer ); bgsurface->Release( bgsurface ); dfb->Release( dfb ); evas_shutdown(); return 0; }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { DFBResult ret; int i; int x, y; int dx, dy; int sw3, sh3; int opacity = 255; int opacity_delta = -1; IDirectFB *dfb; IDirectFBDisplayLayer *layer; IDirectFBSurface *surface; DFBDisplayLayerConfig config; DFBDimension size; DFBInputEvent evt; /* Initialize DirectFB. */ ret = DirectFBInit( &argc, &argv ); if (ret) { D_DERROR( ret, "DFBTest/Layer: DirectFBInit() failed!\n" ); return ret; } /* Create super interface. */ ret = DirectFBCreate( &dfb ); if (ret) { D_DERROR( ret, "DFBTest/Layer: DirectFBCreate() failed!\n" ); return ret; } dfb->GetDisplayLayer( dfb, DLID_PRIMARY, &layer ); /* Create an input buffer for key events */ dfb->CreateInputEventBuffer( dfb, DICAPS_KEYS, DFB_TRUE, &keybuffer); layer->SetCooperativeLevel( layer, DFSCL_EXCLUSIVE ); layer->GetConfiguration( layer, &config ); config.options = DLOP_OPACITY | DLOP_SRC_COLORKEY; config.buffermode = DLBM_FRONTONLY; layer->SetConfiguration( layer, &config ); layer->SetSrcColorKey( layer, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00 ); ret = layer->GetSurface( layer, &surface ); if (ret) { D_DERROR( ret, "DFBTest/Layer: GetSurface() failed!\n" ); dfb->Release( dfb ); return ret; } surface->GetSize( surface, &size.w, &size.h ); sw3 = ((size.w / 3) + 1) & ~1; sh3 = ((size.h / 3) + 1) & ~1; surface->Clear( surface, 0, 0, 0, 0xff ); for (i=0; i<10; i++) { surface->SetColor( surface, 0xff - i*16, 0xff - i*16, 0xff - i*16, 0xff ); surface->DrawRectangle( surface, i, i, size.w - i*2, size.h - i*2 ); } surface->FillRectangle( surface, 10, size.h/2, size.w - 20, 1 ); surface->FillRectangle( surface, size.w/2, 10, 1, size.h - 20 ); surface->SetColor( surface, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff ); surface->FillRectangle( surface, size.w/3, size.h/3, size.w/3, size.h/3 ); surface->SetColor( surface, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff ); surface->FillRectangle( surface, size.w/3 + size.w/9, size.h/3 + size.h/9, size.w/9, size.h/9 ); surface->Flip( surface, NULL, DSFLIP_NONE ); #ifdef BUILD_AUTOMATION sleep( 2 ); #else sleep( 12 ); #endif layer->SetSourceRectangle( layer, 0, 0, size.w - sw3, size.h - sh3 ); layer->SetScreenPosition( layer, 100, 100 ); layer->SetScreenRectangle( layer, 100, 100, size.w - sw3, size.h - sh3 ); sleep( 2 ); #ifdef BUILD_AUTOMATION sleep( 20 ); quit = 1; #endif for (x=0, y=0, dx=1, dy=1; !quit ; x+=dx, y+=dy) { layer->SetOpacity( layer, opacity ); if (opacity == 255) opacity_delta = -1; else if (opacity == 0) opacity_delta = 1; opacity += opacity_delta; layer->SetSourceRectangle( layer, x, y, size.w - sw3, size.h - sh3 ); surface->Flip( surface, NULL, DSFLIP_UPDATE ); if (dx > 0) { if (x == size.w/3) { dx = -1; usleep( 500000 ); } } else if (x == 0) { dx = 1; usleep( 500000 ); } if (dy > 0) { if (y == size.h/3) { dy = -1; usleep( 500000 ); } } else if (y == 0) { dy = 1; usleep( 500000 ); } usleep( 10000 ); /* Process keybuffer */ while (keybuffer->GetEvent( keybuffer, DFB_EVENT(&evt)) == DFB_OK) { if (evt.type == DIET_KEYPRESS) { switch (DFB_LOWER_CASE(evt.key_symbol)) { case DIKS_ESCAPE: case DIKS_SMALL_Q: case DIKS_BACK: case DIKS_STOP: case DIKS_EXIT: /* Quit main loop & test thread */ quit = 1; break; default: break; } } } } surface->Release( surface ); layer->Release( layer ); /* Shutdown DirectFB. */ dfb->Release( dfb ); return ret; }