Exemple #1
		virtual int init(unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
			g_pIndieLib = mI = CIndieLib::Instance();
	// ----- IndieLib intialization -----

#if 0
	//CIndieLib * mI = CIndieLib::Instance();
	if (!mI->Init ()) return 0;
//CIndieLib * mI = CIndieLib::Instance();
	if (!mI->
		Init (
		)) return -1;
	//IND_Entity2d Beetle

	// Loading Background
	//IND_Entity2d Beetle
	if (!mI->SurfaceManager->Add (&mSurfaceBack, "/IndieLib-Animation-Collision/cave.png", IND_ALPHA, IND_32))
		return 0;

	// Loading Beetleship
	//IND_Entity2d Beetle
	if (!mI->SurfaceManager->Add (&mSurfaceBeetle, "/IndieLib-Animation-Collision/beetleship.png", IND_ALPHA, IND_32))
		return 0;

	// ----- Animations loading -----

	// Characters animations
	//IND_Entity2d Beetle
	if (!mI->AnimationManager->AddToSurface (&AnimationCharacter, "/IndieLib-Animation-Collision/mario.xml", IND_ALPHA, IND_32))
		return 0;

	// ----- Set the surface and animations into 2d entities -----

	// Creating 2d entity for the background
	//IND_Entity2d Beetle
	mI->Entity2dManager->Add (&mBack);						// Entity adding (layer 0)
	mBack.SetSurface (&mSurfaceBack);						// Set the surface into the entity

	// Character 1
	//IND_Entity2d Beetle
	mI->Entity2dManager->Add (1, &Player);					// Entity adding (layer 1)
	Player.SetAnimation (&AnimationCharacter);				// Set the animation into the entity

	// Beetle
	//IND_Entity2d Beetle
	mI->Entity2dManager->Add (0, &Beetle);					// (layer 1)
	Beetle.SetSurface (&mSurfaceBeetle);					// Set the surface into the entity
	Beetle.SetPosition(500, 460, 0);
	Beetle.SetHotSpot (0.5f, 0.5f);
	Beetle.SetMirrorX (1);
	Beetle.SetBoundingTriangle ("beetle_head", 160, 105, 160, 170, 190, 135);
	Beetle.SetBoundingCircle ("beetle_boy_head", 85, 52, 55);

	MiddleScreenX = mI->Window->GetWidth() / 2;
	MiddleScreenY = mI->Window->GetHeight() / 2;
	CamPosX = MiddleScreenX;
	Cameras2d=IND_Camera2d(MiddleScreenX, MiddleScreenY);

	// ----- Main Loop -----


	// Init Player
	Player.SetSequence (0);			// standing
	Player.SetPosition (x , y, 0);
	Player.SetHotSpot (0.5f, 0.5f);
	Player.SetMirrorX (0);
	Player.SetBoundingRectangle("entire", 0, 0, 48, 48);
	return 0;

Exemple #2
		virtual int init(unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
			g_pIndieLib = mI = CIndieLib::Instance();
	// ----- IndieLib intialization -----
#if 0
	//CIndieLib * mI = CIndieLib::Instance();
	if (!mI->Init ()) return 0;
//CIndieLib * mI = CIndieLib::Instance();
	if (!CIndieLib::Instance()->
		Init (
		)) return -1;
	// ----- Surface loading -----

	// Loading Background
	////////////////////IND_Entity2d mTextSmallWhite;
	if (!mI->SurfaceManager->Add (&mSurfaceBack, "/twist.jpg", IND_OPAQUE, IND_32)) return 0;

	// Loading Rocket
	////////////////////IND_Entity2d mTextSmallWhite;
	if (!mI->SurfaceManager->Add (&mSurfaceRocket, "/rocket.png", IND_ALPHA, IND_32)) return 0;

	// Loading Beetleship
	////////////////////IND_Entity2d mTextSmallWhite;
	if (!mI->SurfaceManager->Add (&mSurfaceBeetle, "/beetleship.png", IND_ALPHA, IND_32)) return 0;

	// Sword Master animation, we apply a color key of (0, 255, 0)
	////////////////////IND_Entity2d mTextSmallWhite;
	if (!mI->AnimationManager->AddToSurface (&mSwordMasterAnimation, "/animations/sword_master.xml", IND_ALPHA, IND_16, 0, 255, 0)) return 0;

	// ----- Font loading -----

	// Font
	////////////////////IND_Entity2d mTextSmallWhite;
	if (!mI->FontManager->Add (&mFontSmall, "/font_small.png", "/font_small.xml", IND_ALPHA, IND_32)) return 0;

	// ----- Set the surfaces into 2d entities -----

	// Creating 2d entity for the background
	////////////////////IND_Entity2d mTextSmallWhite;
	mI->Entity2dManager->Add (&mBack);						// Entity adding
	mBack.SetSurface (&mSurfaceBack);						// Set the surface into the entity

	// Creating 2d entity for the Rocket
	////////////////////IND_Entity2d mTextSmallWhite;
	mI->Entity2dManager->Add (&mRocket);					// Entity adding
	mRocket.SetSurface (&mSurfaceRocket);					// Set the surface into the entity

	// Creating 2d entity for the Beetleship
	////////////////////IND_Entity2d mTextSmallWhite;
	mI->Entity2dManager->Add (&mBeetle);					// Entity adding
	mBeetle.SetSurface (&mSurfaceBeetle);					// Set the surface into the entity

	// Creating 2d entity for the Sword Master animation
	////////////////////IND_Entity2d mTextSmallWhite;
	mI->Entity2dManager->Add (&mSwordMaster);				// Entity adding
	mSwordMaster.SetAnimation (&mSwordMasterAnimation);		// Set the animation into the entity

	// Text small white
	////////////////////IND_Entity2d mTextSmallWhite;
	mI->Entity2dManager->Add (&mTextSmallWhite);			// Entity adding
	mTextSmallWhite.SetFont (&mFontSmall);					// Set the font into the entity

	// ----- Changing the attributes of the 2d entities -----

	// Background
	mBack.SetHotSpot (0.5f, 0.5f);
	mBack.SetPosition (400, 300, 0);
	mBack.SetScale (1.7f, 1.7f);

	// Beetle
	mBeetle.SetHotSpot (0.5f, 0.5f);
	mBeetle.SetMirrorX (1);
	mBeetle.SetBoundingTriangle ("beetle_head", 160, 105, 160, 170, 190, 135);
	mBeetle.SetBoundingCircle ("beetle_boy_head", 85, 52, 55);

	// Rocket
	mRocket.SetHotSpot (0.5f, 0.5f);
	mRocket.SetPosition (200, 450, 1);
	mRocket.SetBoundingAreas ("/rocket_collisions.xml");
	//mRocket.DeleteBoundingAreas ("engines");

	// Sword Master Animation
	mSwordMaster.SetHotSpot (0.5f, 0.5f);
	mSwordMaster.SetPosition (400, 220, 3);

	// Text
	mTextSmallWhite.SetLineSpacing	(18);
	mTextSmallWhite.SetCharSpacing	(-7);
	mTextSmallWhite.SetPosition		(400, 30, 10);
	mTextSmallWhite.SetAlign		(IND_CENTER);

	// ----- Main Loop -----
	return 0;

Exemple #3
virtual int render()
		mI->Input->Update ();

		// ----- Delta Time -----
		fElapsedTime = mI->Render->GetFrameTime() / 1000.0f;

		// Toggle show bounding boxes
		if (mI->Input->OnKeyPress(KEY_p))
			bShowBoundsToggle = !bShowBoundsToggle;

		// Walk Left!
		if (mI->Input->IsKeyPressed(KEY_LEFT))
			VelocityX -= speed * fElapsedTime;
			if (!playerJumping)
				Player.SetSequence(0);		//walk
		// Walk Right!
		if (mI->Input->IsKeyPressed(KEY_RIGHT))
			VelocityX += speed * fElapsedTime;
			if (!playerJumping)
				Player.SetSequence(0);		//walk

			if (!playerJumping)
				Player.SetSequence(1);		// stand
			VelocityX = 0.0f;			// 0 = no slide

		// JUMP!
		if(mI->Input->OnKeyPress(KEY_SPACE) && !playerJumping)
			VelocityY -= fJumpForce;	// jump force (minus is up)
			Player.SetSequence(2);		// jump
			playerJumping = true;

		// TODO - if no key press then apply friction.  We want the player to move instantly
		// yet slide to a stop.

		VelocityY += gravity * fElapsedTime;	// apply gravity (value is gravity)
		y += VelocityY * fElapsedTime;			// position

		// Check falling limits (poor man collision detection!)
		if (y > 500)
			VelocityY = 0;
			y = 500;
			playerJumping = false;

		// Clamp walking velocity
		float Length = sqrtf(VelocityX * VelocityX);
		if ( Length > MaxVelocityX )
			VelocityX *= ( MaxVelocityX / Length );
		} // End if clamp X velocity

		x += VelocityX * fElapsedTime;
		if (x < 0)
			x = 0;

		// Move the player
		Player.SetPosition(x, y, 0);

		// Apply slide friction
		float Dec = -Dir * slideFriction * fElapsedTime;

		if (mI->Entity2dManager->IsCollision (&Player, "/IndieLib-Animation-Collision/entire", &Beetle, "/IndieLib-Animation-Collision/beetle_boy_head"))
			VelocityY = 80;	// force him downward
			VelocityX = 0;

		if (x > mI->Window->GetWidth() / 2)
			Cameras2d.SetPosition((int)x, MiddleScreenY);

		mI->Render->BeginScene ();
		mI->Render->ClearViewPort (60, 60, 60);
		mI->Render->SetViewPort2d (0, 0, mI->Window->GetWidth(), mI->Window->GetHeight());
		mI->Render->SetCamera2d (&Cameras2d);

		for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
			mI->Entity2dManager->RenderEntities2d ( i );
			if (bShowBoundsToggle)
				mI->Entity2dManager->RenderCollisionAreas (i, 255, 0, 0, 255);
		mI->Render->EndScene ();
		return 0;