bool LocalIPAddresses::IsWithinLoopbackRange(const IPAddress &address) { if (address.GetType() == IPAddress::IPV4) { unsigned __int64 longAddress = address.GetAddress1(); // - if (longAddress >= 2130706433 && longAddress <= 2147483647) return true; else return false; } else if (address.GetType() == IPAddress::IPV6) { if (address.GetAddress1() == 0 && address.GetAddress2() == 1) return true; else return false; } return true; /* */ }
bool TCPConnection::Connect(const AnsiString &remote_ip_address, long remotePort, const IPAddress &localAddress) { #if _DEBUG if (!StringParser::IsValidIPAddress(remote_ip_address)) { ErrorManager::Instance()->ReportError(ErrorManager::High, 5506, "TCPConnection::Connect", Formatter::Format("Attempting to connect to {0} - Not a valid IP address.", remote_ip_address)); } #endif remote_port_ = remotePort; remote_ip_address_ = remote_ip_address; is_client_ = true; LOG_TCPIP(Formatter::Format("Connecting to {0}:{1}...", remote_ip_address_, remotePort)); if (!localAddress.IsAny()) { boost::system::error_code error_code; if (localAddress.GetType() == IPAddress::IPV4), error_code); else if (localAddress.GetType() == IPAddress::IPV6), error_code); if (error_code) { String errorMessage = Formatter::Format("Failed to open local socket on IP address {0}", localAddress.ToString()); OnCouldNotConnect(errorMessage); ReportError(ErrorManager::Medium, 5520, "TCPConnection::Connect", errorMessage, error_code); return false; } socket_.bind(boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(localAddress.GetAddress(), 0), error_code); if (error_code) { String errorMessage = Formatter::Format("Failed to bind to IP address {0}.", localAddress.ToString()); ReportError(ErrorManager::Medium, 4330, "TCPConnection::Connect", errorMessage, error_code); OnCouldNotConnect(errorMessage); boost::system::error_code ignored_error_code; socket_.close(ignored_error_code); return false; } } // Start an asynchronous resolve to translate the server and service names // into a list of endpoints. StartAsyncConnect_(remote_ip_address, remotePort); return true; }
/** @details The broadcast address can only be calculated on a IPv4 network. While it is * technically possible to calculate an IPv6 broadcast address, the IPv6 protocol has dropped * support for broadcasting. Since broadcasting is not supported in IPv6, this method will result * in an exception given an IPv6 address. * @param ip An IP address on the network. * @param netmask The netmask defining the network range. * @returns The broadcast address. */ _CGUL_EXPORT CGUL::Network::IPAddress CGUL::Network::IPAddress::CalculateBroadcast(const IPAddress& ip, const IPAddress& netmask) { if (ip.GetType() == IPAddressType::IPV6 || netmask.GetType() == IPAddressType::IPV6) { throw NetworkException(NetworkExceptionCode::FAILED_CALCULATE_ADDRESS, NetworkExceptionReason::ADDRESS_INVALID); } if (!ip.IsValid() || ip.GetType() != netmask.GetType()) { throw NetworkException(NetworkExceptionCode::FAILED_CALCULATE_ADDRESS, NetworkExceptionReason::ADDRESS_MISMATCH); } return IPAddress(ip.ToUInt32() | (~netmask.ToUInt32())); }
bool DNSResolver::GetPTRRecords(const String &sIP, std::vector<String> &vecFoundNames) { IPAddress address; if (!address.TryParse(AnsiString(sIP), true)) return false; if (address.GetType() == IPAddress::IPV4) { std::vector<String> vecItems = StringParser::SplitString(sIP, "."); reverse(vecItems.begin(), vecItems.end()); String result = StringParser::JoinVector(vecItems, "."); return Resolve_(result + "", vecFoundNames, DNS_TYPE_PTR, 0); } else { AnsiString long_ipv6 = address.ToLongString(); long_ipv6.MakeReverse(); long_ipv6.Remove(':'); for (int i = long_ipv6.GetLength() - 1; i > 0; i--) { long_ipv6.insert(i, 1, '.'); } return Resolve_(long_ipv6 + "", vecFoundNames, DNS_TYPE_PTR, 0); } }
shared_ptr<SecurityRange> PersistentSecurityRange::ReadMatchingIP(const IPAddress &ipaddress) { shared_ptr<SecurityRange> empty; IPAddressSQLHelper helper; String sSQL; if (ipaddress.GetType() == IPAddress::IPV4) { shared_ptr<SecurityRange> pSR = shared_ptr<SecurityRange>(new SecurityRange()); sSQL.Format(_T("select * from hm_securityranges where %s >= rangelowerip1 and %s <= rangeupperip1 and rangelowerip2 IS NULL and rangeupperip2 IS NULL order by rangepriorityid desc"), String(helper.GetAddress1String(ipaddress)), String(helper.GetAddress1String(ipaddress))); if (!ReadObject(pSR, SQLCommand(sSQL))) return empty; return pSR; } else { // Read all IPv6 items. shared_ptr<SecurityRange> bestMatch; SQLCommand command(_T("select * from hm_securityranges where rangelowerip2 is not null order by rangepriorityid desc")); shared_ptr<DALRecordset> recordset = Application::Instance()->GetDBManager()->OpenRecordset(command); if (!recordset) return empty; while (!recordset->IsEOF()) { shared_ptr<SecurityRange> securityRange = shared_ptr<SecurityRange>(new SecurityRange()); if (ReadObject(securityRange, recordset) == false) return empty; if (ipaddress.WithinRange(securityRange->GetLowerIP(), securityRange->GetUpperIP())) { // This IP range matches the client. Does it have higher prio than the currently // matching? if (!bestMatch || securityRange->GetPriority() > bestMatch->GetPriority()) bestMatch = securityRange; } recordset->MoveNext(); } return bestMatch; } }
AnsiString IPAddressSQLHelper::GetAddress2Equals(const IPAddress &address) const { if (address.GetType() == IPAddress::IPV4) return "IS NULL"; String s; s.Format(_T("= %I64d"), address.GetAddress2()); return s; }
/** @details A network address defines the "bottom-most" address for a given network. * @param ip An IP address on the network. * @param netmask The netmask defining the network range. * @returns The network address. */ _CGUL_EXPORT CGUL::Network::IPAddress CGUL::Network::IPAddress::CalculateNetwork(const IPAddress& ip, const IPAddress& netmask) { if (!ip.IsValid() || ip.GetType() != netmask.GetType()) { throw NetworkException(NetworkExceptionCode::FAILED_CALCULATE_ADDRESS, NetworkExceptionReason::ADDRESS_MISMATCH); } if (ip.GetType() == IPAddressType::IPV4) { return IPAddress(ip.ToUInt32() & netmask.ToUInt32()); } else { UInt64 network[2]; network[0] = ip.address[0] & netmask.address[0]; network[1] = ip.address[1] & netmask.address[1]; return IPAddress(network); } }
void IPAddressSQLHelper::AppendStatement(SQLStatement &statement, const IPAddress &address, const AnsiString &address1Column, const AnsiString &address2Column) const { statement.AddColumnInt64(address1Column, address.GetAddress1()); if (address.GetType() == IPAddress::IPV6) statement.AddColumnInt64(address2Column, address.GetAddress2()); else statement.AddColumnNULL(address2Column); }
/** @brief Connects to a server on a given ip and port. * @param ip The IP address to connect to. * @param port The port number. */ void Jatta::Network::SocketTCP::Connect(const IPAddress& ip, unsigned short port) { // Check that the IP is valid if (!ip.IsValid()) { throw NetworkException(NetworkExceptionCode::FAILED_CONNECT, NetworkExceptionReason::ADDRESS_INVALID); } // Create a hints variable used to determine the connection configuration. struct addrinfo hints; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(addrinfo)); // Check if the IP is an IPv4 or IPv6. if (ip.GetType() == IPAddressType::IPV4) { // Use IPv4. hints.ai_family = AF_INET; } else { // Use IPv6. hints.ai_family = AF_INET6; } // We're setting up a TCP/IP connection, which is a STREAM socket. hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; // Convert the port into a string. char portString[6]; # ifdef MSVC sprintf_s(portString, "%d", port); # else sprintf(portString, "%d", port); # endif // Get the address info using the hints. addrinfo* result; if (getaddrinfo(ip.ToString().GetCString(), portString, &hints, &result) != 0) { throw NetworkException(NetworkExceptionCode::FAILED_CONNECT, NetworkExceptionReason::NO_NETWORK_INTERFACE); } // Create the socket. Because our hints are so strict, we don't have to worry about looping // through the linked list. We should be able to trust that the first result is what we want. sock = socket(result->ai_family, result->ai_socktype, result->ai_protocol); if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) { freeaddrinfo(result); throw NetworkException(NetworkExceptionCode::FAILED_CONNECT, NetworkExceptionReason::FAILED_CREATE_SOCKET); } // Make the connection. if (::connect(sock, result->ai_addr, result->ai_addrlen) == SOCKET_ERROR) { freeaddrinfo(result); Close(); throw NetworkException(NetworkExceptionCode::FAILED_CONNECT, NetworkExceptionReason::FAILED_CONNECT_CALL); } // Make a non-blocking socket. if (!MakeNonBlocking()) { freeaddrinfo(result); Close(); throw NetworkException(NetworkExceptionCode::FAILED_CONNECT, NetworkExceptionReason::FAILED_NONBLOCKING); } // Turn off the Nagle Algorithm to increase speed. if (!MakeNoDelay()) { freeaddrinfo(result); Close(); throw NetworkException(NetworkExceptionCode::FAILED_CONNECT, NetworkExceptionReason::FAILED_NO_DELAY); } // Free up the address info linked list. freeaddrinfo(result); }