Exemple #1
 * Change IP configuration settings disabling the dhcp client
 * @param local_ip   Static ip configuration
 * @param gateway    Static gateway configuration
 * @param subnet     Static Subnet mask
 * @param dns1       Static DNS server 1
 * @param dns2       Static DNS server 2
bool ESP8266WiFiSTAClass::config(IPAddress local_ip, IPAddress arg1, IPAddress arg2, IPAddress arg3, IPAddress dns2) {

  if(!WiFi.enableSTA(true)) {
      return false;

  //ESP argument order is: ip, gateway, subnet, dns1
  //Arduino arg order is:  ip, dns, gateway, subnet.

  //first, check whether dhcp should be used, which is when ip == 0 && gateway == 0 && subnet == 0.
  bool espOrderUseDHCP = (local_ip == 0U && arg1 == 0U && arg2 == 0U);
  bool arduinoOrderUseDHCP = (local_ip == 0U && arg2 == 0U && arg3 == 0U);
  if (espOrderUseDHCP || arduinoOrderUseDHCP) {
      _useStaticIp = false;
      return true;

  //To allow compatibility, check first octet of 3rd arg. If 255, interpret as ESP order, otherwise Arduino order.
  IPAddress gateway = arg1;
  IPAddress subnet = arg2;
  IPAddress dns1 = arg3;

  if(subnet[0] != 255)
    //octet is not 255 => interpret as Arduino order
    gateway = arg2;
    subnet = arg3[0] == 0 ? IPAddress(255,255,255,0) : arg3; //arg order is arduino and 4th arg not given => assign it arduino default
    dns1 = arg1;

  // check whether all is IPv4 (or gateway not set)
  if (!(local_ip.isV4() && subnet.isV4() && (!gateway.isSet() || gateway.isV4()))) {
    return false;

  //ip and gateway must be in the same subnet
  if((local_ip.v4() & subnet.v4()) != (gateway.v4() & subnet.v4())) {
    return false;

  struct ip_info info;
  info.ip.addr = local_ip.v4();
  info.gw.addr = gateway.v4();
  info.netmask.addr = subnet.v4();

  if(wifi_set_ip_info(STATION_IF, &info)) {
      _useStaticIp = true;
  } else {
      return false;

  if(dns1.isSet()) {
      // Set DNS1-Server
      dns_setserver(0, dns1);

  if(dns2.isSet()) {
      // Set DNS2-Server
      dns_setserver(1, dns2);

  return true;