void CSFunctionWriter::WriteManagedFunction(String& source) { JSBClass* klass = function_->GetClass(); JSBPackage* package = klass->GetPackage(); String sig; String returnType = CSTypeHelper::GetManagedTypeString(function_->GetReturnType()); GenManagedFunctionParameters(sig); String line = "public "; if (function_->IsStatic()) { line += "static "; } bool marked = false; JSBClass* baseClass = klass->GetBaseClass(); if (baseClass) { JSBFunction* override = baseClass->MatchFunction(function_, true); if (override) { marked = true; if (override->IsVirtual()) line += "override "; else line += "new "; } }
void JSBModule::ProcessHaxeDecl() { // Haxe declarations JSONValue root = moduleJSON_->GetRoot(); JSONValue decl = root.GetChild("haxe_decl"); if (decl.IsObject()) { Vector<String> childNames = decl.GetChildNames(); for (unsigned j = 0; j < childNames.Size(); j++) { String classname = childNames.At(j); JSBClass* klass = GetClass(classname); if (!klass) { ErrorExit("Bad Haxe decl class"); } JSONValue classdecl = decl.GetChild(classname); for (unsigned k = 0; k < classdecl.GetSize(); k++) { klass->AddHaxeDecl(classdecl.GetString(k)); } } } }
bool JSBHaxe::checkV(JSBClass* clazz, const String name, const String type) { PODVector<JSBClass*>& base = clazz->GetBaseClasses(); for (unsigned j = 0; j < base.Size(); j++) { JSBClass* baseClass = base[j]; Vector<String> propertyNames; baseClass->GetPropertyNames(propertyNames); for (unsigned i = 0; i < propertyNames.Size(); i++) { JSBProperty* prop = baseClass->GetProperty(propertyNames[i]); JSBFunctionType* ftype = NULL; if (prop->getter_ && !prop->getter_->Skip()) { ftype = prop->getter_->GetReturnType(); } else if (prop->setter_ && !prop->setter_->Skip()) ftype = prop->setter_->GetParameters()[0]; if (!ftype) continue; String scriptName = prop->GetCasePropertyName(); if (scriptName == name) { return true; } } } return false; }
String CSTypeHelper::GetNativeFunctionSignature(JSBFunction* function, String& returnType) { if (function->Skip()) return String::EMPTY; if (function->IsDestructor()) return String::EMPTY; if (OmitFunction(function)) return String::EMPTY; JSBClass* klass = function->GetClass(); JSBPackage* package = klass->GetPackage(); String fname = function->IsConstructor() ? "Constructor" : function->GetName(); returnType = "void"; if (function->IsConstructor()) { returnType = "RefCounted*"; } else if (function->GetReturnType()) { if (function->IsConstructor()) { returnType = ToString("%s*", klass->GetNativeName().CString()); } else if (function->GetReturnClass()) { if (!function->GetReturnClass()->IsNumberArray()) { returnType = ToString("const %s*", function->GetReturnClass()->GetNativeName().CString()); } } else if (function->GetReturnType()->type_->asStringHashType()) { returnType = "unsigned"; } else { returnType = ToString("%s", CSTypeHelper::GetNativeTypeString(function->GetReturnType()).CString()); // ScriptVector is handled by a out parameter if (returnType.Contains("ScriptVector")) returnType = "void"; } } String sig; GenNativeFunctionParameterSignature(function, sig); String functionSig = ToString("csb_%s_%s_%s_%u(%s)", package->GetName().CString(), klass->GetName().CString(), fname.CString(), function->GetID(), sig.CString()); return functionSig; }
void CSTypeHelper::GenNativeFunctionParameterSignature(JSBFunction* function, String& sig) { JSBClass* klass = function->GetClass(); const Vector<JSBFunctionType*>& parameters = function->GetParameters(); Vector<String> args; if (!function->IsConstructor() && !function->IsStatic()) { args.Push(ToString("%s* self", klass->GetNativeName().CString())); } if (parameters.Size()) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < parameters.Size(); i++) { JSBFunctionType* ptype = parameters.At(i); // ignore "Context" parameters if (ptype->type_->asClassType()) { JSBClassType* classType = ptype->type_->asClassType(); JSBClass* klass = classType->class_; if (klass->GetName() == "Context") { continue; } args.Push(ToString("%s* %s", klass->GetNativeName().CString(), ptype->name_.CString())); } else { args.Push(CSTypeHelper::GetNativeTypeString(ptype) + " " + ptype->name_); } } } if (function->GetReturnClass() && function->GetReturnClass()->IsNumberArray()) { args.Push(ToString("%s* returnValue", function->GetReturnClass()->GetNativeName().CString())); } if (function->GetReturnType()) { JSBVectorType* vtype = function->GetReturnType()->type_->asVectorType(); if (vtype) { args.Push("ScriptVector* returnValue"); } } sig.Join(args, ", "); }
void CSFunctionWriter::GenManagedFunctionParameters(String& sig) { // generate args const Vector<JSBFunctionType*>& parameters = function_->GetParameters(); if (parameters.Size()) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < parameters.Size(); i++) { bool isStruct = false; JSBFunctionType* ptype = parameters.At(i); // ignore "Context" parameters if (ptype->type_->asClassType()) { JSBClassType* classType = ptype->type_->asClassType(); JSBClass* klass = classType->class_; if (klass->GetName() == "Context") { continue; } // TODO: we should have a better system for struct type in general // This number array is really for JS if (klass->IsNumberArray()) { isStruct = true; } } String managedTypeString = CSTypeHelper::GetManagedTypeString(ptype); if (!ptype->isConst_ && (ptype->isReference_ && isStruct)) { // pass by reference managedTypeString = "ref " + managedTypeString; } sig += managedTypeString; String init = ptype->initializer_; if (init.Length()) { init = MapDefaultParameter(ptype); if (init.Length()) sig += " = " + init; } if (i + 1 != parameters.Size()) sig += ", "; } } }
void JSPackageWriter::WriteProtoTypeRecursive(String &source, JSBClass* klass, Vector<JSBClass*>& written) { if (written.Contains(klass)) return; if (klass->GetModule()->GetDotNetModule()) return; PODVector<JSBClass*>& baseClasses = klass->GetBaseClasses(); Vector<JSBClass*>::Iterator itr = baseClasses.End() - 1 ; while (itr != baseClasses.Begin() - 1) { WriteProtoTypeRecursive(source, (*itr), written); itr--; } JSBClass* base = baseClasses.Size() ? baseClasses[0] : NULL; if (!klass->IsNumberArray() && klass->GetPackage() == package_) { JSBModule* module = klass->GetModule(); String moduleGuard = module->GetModuleDefineGuard(); if (moduleGuard.Length()) { source += ToString("\n%s\n", moduleGuard.CString()); } if (module->Requires("3D")) source += "\n#ifdef ATOMIC_3D\n"; String packageName = klass->GetModule()->GetPackage()->GetName(); String basePackage = base ? base->GetModule()->GetPackage()->GetName() : ""; source.AppendWithFormat(" js_setup_prototype(vm, \"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\", %s);\n", packageName.CString(), klass->GetName().CString(), base ? basePackage.CString() : "", base ? base->GetName().CString() : "", klass->HasProperties() ? "true" : "false"); if (module->Requires("3D")) source += "#endif\n\n"; if (moduleGuard.Length()) { source += ToString("\n#endif\n", moduleGuard.CString()); } } written.Push(klass); }
void JSBModule::ProcessExcludes() { // excludes JSONValue root = moduleJSON_->GetRoot(); JSONValue excludes = root.GetChild("excludes"); if (excludes.IsObject()) { Vector<String> childNames = excludes.GetChildNames(); for (unsigned j = 0; j < childNames.Size(); j++) { String classname = childNames.At(j); JSBClass* klass = GetClass(classname); if (!klass) { ErrorExit("Bad exclude klass"); } JSONValue classexcludes = excludes.GetChild(classname); Vector<String> functionNames = classexcludes.GetChildNames(); for (unsigned k = 0; k < functionNames.Size(); k++) { JSONValue sig = classexcludes.GetChild(functionNames[k]); if (!sig.IsArray()) { ErrorExit("Bad exclude defintion"); } Vector<String> values; for (unsigned x = 0; x < sig.GetSize(); x++) { values.Push(sig.GetString(x)); } JSBFunctionSignature* fe = new JSBFunctionSignature(functionNames[k], values); klass->AddFunctionExclude(fe); } } } }
void JSBModuleWriter::WriteForwardDeclarations(String& source) { Vector<SharedPtr<JSBClass>> classes = module_->classes_.Values(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < classes.Size(); i++) { JSBClass* cls = classes.At(i); if (cls->IsNumberArray()) continue; source.AppendWithFormat("static duk_ret_t jsb_constructor_%s(duk_context* ctx);\n", cls->GetName().CString()); source.AppendWithFormat("static void jsb_class_define_%s(JSVM* vm);\n", cls->GetName().CString()); } }
void JSBModule::WriteClassDeclaration(String& source) { source += "static void jsb_declare_classes(JSVM* vm)\n{\n"; source += "duk_context* ctx = vm->GetJSContext();\n"; for (unsigned i = 0; i < classes_.Size(); i++) { JSBClass* klass = classes_.At(i); if (klass->isNumberArray()) continue; source.AppendWithFormat(" js_class_declare(vm, \"%s\", jsb_constructor_%s);\n", klass->GetName().CString(), klass->GetName().CString()); if (klass->hasProperties()) { source.AppendWithFormat("js_class_push_propertyobject(vm, \"%s\");\n", klass->GetName().CString()); Vector<String> pnames; klass->GetPropertyNames(pnames); for (unsigned j = 0; j < pnames.Size(); j++) { JSBProperty* prop = klass->GetProperty(pnames[j]); source.Append("duk_push_object(ctx);\n"); if (prop->getter_ && !prop->getter_->Skip()) { source.AppendWithFormat("duk_push_c_function(ctx, jsb_class_%s_%s, 0);\n", klass->GetName().CString(), prop->getter_->name_.CString()); source.Append("duk_put_prop_string(ctx, -2, \"get\");\n"); } if (prop->setter_ && !prop->setter_->Skip()) { source.AppendWithFormat("duk_push_c_function(ctx, jsb_class_%s_%s, 1);\n", klass->GetName().CString(), prop->setter_->name_.CString()); source.Append("duk_put_prop_string(ctx, -2, \"set\");\n"); } pnames[j][0] = tolower(pnames[j][0]); source.AppendWithFormat("duk_put_prop_string(ctx, -2, \"%s\");\n", pnames[j].CString()); } source.Append("duk_pop(ctx);\n"); } } source += "\n}\n\n"; }
void CSModuleWriter::GenerateManagedModuleClass(String& sourceOut) { Indent(); String source; String line = ToString("public static partial class %sModule\n", module_->GetName().CString()); source += IndentLine(line); source += IndentLine("{\n"); Indent(); source += IndentLine("public static void Initialize()\n"); source += IndentLine("{\n"); Indent(); Vector<SharedPtr<JSBClass>> classes = module_->classes_.Values(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < classes.Size(); i++) { JSBClass* klass = classes.At(i); JSBPackage* package = module_->GetPackage(); if (klass->IsNumberArray() || klass->IsAbstract()) continue; line = ToString("NativeCore.RegisterNativeType(typeof(%s));\n", klass->GetName().CString()); source += IndentLine(line); line = ToString("NativeCore.nativeClassIDToManagedConstructor [ %s.csb_%s_%s_GetClassIDStatic ()] = (IntPtr x) => {\n", klass->GetName().CString(), package->GetName().CString(), klass->GetName().CString()); source += IndentLine(line); Indent(); source += IndentLine(ToString("return new %s (x);\n", klass->GetName().CString())); Dedent(); source += IndentLine("};\n"); } Dedent(); source += IndentLine("}\n"); Dedent(); source += IndentLine("}\n"); sourceOut += source; Dedent(); }
void CSModuleWriter::GenerateManagedClasses(String& source) { Vector<SharedPtr<JSBClass>> classes = module_->classes_.Values(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < classes.Size(); i++) { JSBClass* klass = classes.At(i); if (klass->IsNumberArray()) continue; CSClassWriter clsWriter(klass); clsWriter.GenerateManagedSource(source); } }
void JSBModule::WriteClassDefine(String& source) { source += "static void jsb_init_classes(JSVM* vm)\n{\n"; for (unsigned i = 0; i < classes_.Size(); i++) { JSBClass* klass = classes_.At(i); if (klass->isNumberArray()) continue; source.AppendWithFormat(" jsb_class_define_%s(vm);\n", klass->GetName().CString()); } source += "\n}\n\n"; }
void JSBModuleWriter::WriteClassDeclaration(String& source) { Vector<SharedPtr<JSBClass>> classes = module_->classes_.Values(); source += "static void jsb_declare_classes(JSVM* vm)\n{\n"; source += "duk_context* ctx = vm->GetJSContext();\n"; String packageName = module_->GetPackage()->GetName(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < classes.Size(); i++) { JSBClass* klass = classes.At(i); if (klass->IsNumberArray()) continue; source.AppendWithFormat(" js_class_declare<%s>(vm, \"%s\", \"%s\", jsb_constructor_%s);\n", klass->GetNativeName().CString(), packageName.CString(), klass->GetName().CString(), klass->GetName().CString()); if (klass->HasProperties()) { source.AppendWithFormat("js_class_push_propertyobject(vm, \"%s\", \"%s\");\n", packageName.CString(), klass->GetName().CString()); Vector<String> pnames; klass->GetPropertyNames(pnames); for (unsigned j = 0; j < pnames.Size(); j++) { JSBProperty* prop = klass->GetProperty(pnames[j]); source.Append("duk_push_object(ctx);\n"); if (prop->getter_ && !prop->getter_->Skip()) { source.AppendWithFormat("duk_push_c_function(ctx, jsb_class_%s_%s, 0);\n", klass->GetName().CString(), prop->getter_->GetName().CString()); source.Append("duk_put_prop_string(ctx, -2, \"get\");\n"); } if (prop->setter_ && !prop->setter_->Skip()) { source.AppendWithFormat("duk_push_c_function(ctx, jsb_class_%s_%s, 1);\n", klass->GetName().CString(), prop->setter_->GetName().CString()); source.Append("duk_put_prop_string(ctx, -2, \"set\");\n"); } String propertyName = prop->GetCasePropertyName(); source.AppendWithFormat("duk_put_prop_string(ctx, -2, \"%s\");\n", propertyName.CString()); } source.Append("duk_pop(ctx);\n"); } } source += "\n}\n\n"; }
void JSBModuleWriter::WriteClassDefine(String& source) { Vector<SharedPtr<JSBClass>> classes = module_->classes_.Values(); source += "static void jsb_init_classes(JSVM* vm)\n{\n"; for (unsigned i = 0; i < classes.Size(); i++) { JSBClass* klass = classes.At(i); if (klass->IsNumberArray()) continue; source.AppendWithFormat(" jsb_class_define_%s(vm);\n", klass->GetName().CString()); } source += "\n}\n\n"; }
String JSBTypeScript::GetScriptType(JSBFunctionType* ftype) { String scriptType = "number"; if (ftype->type_->asPrimitiveType()) { JSBPrimitiveType* ptype = ftype->type_->asPrimitiveType(); if (ptype->kind_ == JSBPrimitiveType::Bool) scriptType = "boolean"; } if (ftype->type_->asStringHashType() || ftype->type_->asStringType()) scriptType = "string"; if (ftype->type_->asEnumType()) scriptType = ftype->type_->asEnumType()->enum_->GetName(); if (ftype->type_->asClassType()) { JSBClass* klass = ftype->type_->asClassType()->class_; scriptType = klass->GetName(); if (klass->GetPackage()->GetName() != package_->GetName()) { scriptType = klass->GetPackage()->GetName() + "." + klass->GetName(); } } if (ftype->type_->asVectorType()) { scriptType = "string[]"; } return scriptType; }
String JSBHaxe::GetScriptType(JSBFunctionType* ftype) { String scriptType = "Dynamic"; if (ftype->type_->asPrimitiveType()) { JSBPrimitiveType* ptype = ftype->type_->asPrimitiveType(); scriptType = GetPrimitiveType(ptype); return scriptType; } if (ftype->type_->asStringHashType() || ftype->type_->asStringType()) scriptType = "String"; if (ftype->type_->asEnumType()) scriptType = ftype->type_->asEnumType()->enum_->GetName(); if (ftype->type_->asClassType()) { JSBClass* klass = ftype->type_->asClassType()->class_; scriptType = klass->GetName(); if (klass->GetPackage()->GetName() != package_->GetName()) { scriptType = klass->GetPackage()->GetName() + "." + klass->GetName(); } } if (ftype->type_->asVectorType()) { JSBVectorType* vectorType = ftype->type_->asVectorType(); scriptType = "Array<String>"; } return scriptType; }
void CSFunctionWriter::GenNativeCallParameters(String& sig) { JSBClass* klass = function_->GetClass(); Vector<JSBFunctionType*>& parameters = function_->GetParameters(); Vector<String> args; if (parameters.Size()) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < parameters.Size(); i++) { JSBFunctionType* ptype = parameters.At(i); // ignore "Context" parameters if (ptype->type_->asClassType()) { JSBClassType* classType = ptype->type_->asClassType(); JSBClass* klass = classType->class_; if (klass->GetName() == "Context") { continue; } if (klass->IsNumberArray()) args.Push(ToString("*%s", ptype->name_.CString())); else args.Push(ToString("%s", ptype->name_.CString())); } else { args.Push(ToString("%s", ptype->name_.CString())); } } } sig.Join(args, ", "); }
void CSFunctionWriter::WriteManagedConstructor(String& source) { JSBClass* klass = function_->GetClass(); JSBPackage* package = klass->GetPackage(); if (klass->GetName() == "RefCounted") return; // wrapping constructor String line; line = ToString("public %s (IntPtr native) : base (native)\n", klass->GetName().CString()); source += IndentLine(line); source += IndentLine("{\n"); source += IndentLine("}\n\n"); String sig; GenManagedFunctionParameters(sig); line = ToString("public %s (%s)\n", klass->GetName().CString(), sig.CString()); source += IndentLine(line); source += IndentLine("{\n"); Indent(); WriteDefaultStructParameters(source); line = ToString("if (typeof(%s) == this.GetType()", klass->GetName().CString()); line += ToString(" || (this.GetType().BaseType == typeof(%s) && !NativeCore.GetNativeType(this.GetType())))\n", klass->GetName().CString()); source += IndentLine(line); source += IndentLine("{\n"); Indent(); String callSig; GenPInvokeCallParameters(callSig); line = ToString("nativeInstance = NativeCore.RegisterNative (csb_%s_%s_Constructor(%s), this);\n", package->GetName().CString(), klass->GetName().CString(), callSig.CString()); source += IndentLine(line); Dedent(); source += IndentLine("}\n"); Dedent(); source += IndentLine("}\n"); }
void CSFunctionWriter::GenManagedFunctionParameters(String& sig) { // generate args Vector<JSBFunctionType*>& parameters = function_->GetParameters(); if (parameters.Size()) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < parameters.Size(); i++) { JSBFunctionType* ptype = parameters.At(i); // ignore "Context" parameters if (ptype->type_->asClassType()) { JSBClassType* classType = ptype->type_->asClassType(); JSBClass* klass = classType->class_; if (klass->GetName() == "Context") { continue; } } sig += CSTypeHelper::GetManagedTypeString(ptype); String init = ptype->initializer_; if (init.Length()) { init = MapDefaultParameter(ptype); if (init.Length()) sig += " = " + init; } if (i + 1 != parameters.Size()) sig += ", "; } } }
JSBFunction* JSBHaxe::findFunctionInBase(JSBFunction* function) { PODVector<JSBClass*>& base = function->GetClass()->GetBaseClasses(); for (unsigned j = 0; j < base.Size(); j++) { JSBClass* klass = base[j]; PODVector<JSBFunction*>& functions = klass->GetFunctions(); for (unsigned j = 0; j < functions.Size(); j++) { JSBFunction* func = functions[j]; if (func->IsConstructor() || func->IsDestructor() ) continue; if (func->GetName() == function->GetName()) { return func; } } } return NULL; }
void JSBModule::Load(const String &moduleJSONFilename) { ResourceCache* cache = JSBind::context_->GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>(); JSONFile* moduleJSONFile = cache->GetResource<JSONFile>(moduleJSONFilename); if (!moduleJSONFile) { LOGERRORF("Couldn't load module json: %s", moduleJSONFilename.CString()); ErrorExit("Couldn't load module json"); } JSONValue moduleJSON = moduleJSONFile->GetRoot(); JSONValue sources = moduleJSON.GetChild("sources"); JSONValue classes = moduleJSON.GetChild("classes"); JSONValue includes = moduleJSON.GetChild("includes"); JSONValue classes_rename = moduleJSON.GetChild("classes_rename"); JSONValue overloads = moduleJSON.GetChild("overloads"); JSONValue requires = moduleJSON.GetChild("requires"); HashMap<String, String> rename; if (requires.IsArray()) { for (unsigned j = 0; j < requires.GetSize(); j++) { requirements_.Push(requires.GetString(j)); } } if (classes_rename.IsObject()) { Vector<String> childNames = classes_rename.GetValueNames(); for (unsigned j = 0; j < childNames.Size(); j++) { String classname = childNames.At(j); String crename = classes_rename.GetString(classname); rename[classname] = crename; } } if (includes.IsArray()) { for (unsigned j = 0; j < includes.GetSize(); j++) { includes_.Push(includes.GetString(j)); } } if (classes.IsArray()) { for (unsigned j = 0; j < classes.GetSize(); j++) { String classname = classes.GetString(j); if (rename.Contains(classname)) bindings_->RegisterClass(classname, rename[classname]); else bindings_->RegisterClass(classname); } } if (overloads.IsObject()) { Vector<String> childNames = overloads.GetChildNames(); for (unsigned j = 0; j < childNames.Size(); j++) { String classname = childNames.At(j); JSBClass* klass = bindings_->GetClass(classname); if (!klass) { ErrorExit("Bad overload klass"); } JSONValue classoverloads = overloads.GetChild(classname); Vector<String> functionNames = classoverloads.GetChildNames(); for (unsigned k = 0; k < functionNames.Size(); k++) { JSONValue sig = classoverloads.GetChild(functionNames[k]); if (!sig.IsArray()) { ErrorExit("Bad overload defintion"); } Vector<String> values; for (unsigned x = 0; x < sig.GetSize(); x++) { values.Push(sig.GetString(x)); } JSBFunctionOverride* fo = new JSBFunctionOverride(functionNames[k], values); klass->AddFunctionOverride(fo); } } } this->name_ = moduleJSON.GetString("name"); if (this->name_ == "Graphics") { #ifdef _MSC_VER sources.AddString("Graphics/Direct3D9"); #else sources.AddString("Graphics/OpenGL"); #endif } for (unsigned j = 0; j < sources.GetSize(); j++) { String sourceFolder = sources.GetString(j); Vector<String> fileNames; String sourceRoot = "Atomic"; if (sourceFolder == "Javascript") sourceRoot = "AtomicJS"; JSBind::fileSystem_->ScanDir(fileNames, JSBind::ROOT_FOLDER + "/Source/" + sourceRoot + "/" + sourceFolder, "*.h", SCAN_FILES, false); for (unsigned k = 0; k < fileNames.Size(); k++) { // TODO: filter String filepath = JSBind::ROOT_FOLDER + "/Source/" + sourceRoot + "/" + sourceFolder + "/" + fileNames[k]; this->headerFiles_.Push(filepath); } } }
void JSFunctionWriter::WriteFunction(String& source) { JSBClass* klass = function_->class_; source.AppendWithFormat("static int jsb_class_%s_%s(duk_context* ctx)\n{\n", klass->GetName().CString(), function_->name_.CString()); WriteParameterMarshal(source); if (!function_->IsStatic()) { source.Append("duk_push_this(ctx);\n"); source.AppendWithFormat("%s* native = js_to_class_instance<%s>(ctx, -1, 0);\n", klass->GetNativeName().CString(), klass->GetNativeName().CString()); } // declare return value; bool returnDeclared = false; JSBFunctionType* returnType = function_->returnType_; if (returnType) { if (returnType->type_->asStringType()) { returnDeclared = true; source.Append("const String& retValue = "); } else if (returnType->type_->asPrimitiveType()) { returnDeclared = true; JSBPrimitiveType* prtype = returnType->type_->asPrimitiveType(); if (prtype->kind_ == JSBPrimitiveType::Bool) { source.Append("bool retValue = "); } else { source.Append("double retValue = "); } } else if (returnType->type_->asClassType()) { JSBClassType* klassType = returnType->type_->asClassType(); if (returnType->isTemplate_) { returnDeclared = true; source.AppendWithFormat("SharedPtr<%s> object = ", klassType->class_->GetNativeName().CString()); } else if (klassType->class_->IsObject()) { returnDeclared = true; source.Append("const Object* object = "); } else if (klassType->class_->IsNumberArray()) { returnDeclared = true; if (returnType->isReference_) source.AppendWithFormat("const %s& retValue = ", klassType->class_->GetName().CString()); else source.AppendWithFormat(" %s retValue = ", klassType->class_->GetName().CString()); } else { returnDeclared = true; source.Append("const RefCounted* object = "); } } else if (returnType->type_->asEnumType()) { JSBEnumType* enumType = returnType->type_->asEnumType(); returnDeclared = true; source.AppendWithFormat("%s retValue = ", enumType->enum_->GetName().CString()); } else if (returnType->type_->asVectorType()) { returnDeclared = true; JSBVectorType* vtype = returnType->type_->asVectorType(); source.AppendWithFormat("const %s& retValue = ", vtype->ToString().CString()); } } const Vector<JSBFunctionType*>& parameters = function_->GetParameters(); if (function_->IsStatic()) { source.AppendWithFormat("%s::%s(", klass->GetNativeName().CString(), function_->name_.CString()); } else { if (function_->HasMutatedReturn()) { source.AppendWithFormat("__arg%i = native->%s(", parameters.Size() - 1, function_->name_.CString()); } else { source.AppendWithFormat("native->%s(", function_->name_.CString()); } } unsigned numParams = parameters.Size(); if (numParams && function_->HasMutatedReturn()) numParams--; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numParams; i++) { source.AppendWithFormat("__arg%i", i); if (i != numParams - 1) { source += ", "; } } source += ");\n"; if (!returnDeclared) { if (function_->HasMutatedReturn()) { // this handles the VariantVector case currently, can be expanded source.AppendWithFormat("__scriptVectorArg%i->AdaptFromVector(__arg%i);\n", parameters.Size() - 1, parameters.Size() - 1); } source += "return 0;\n"; } else { if (returnType->type_->asStringType()) { source.Append("duk_push_string(ctx, retValue.CString());\n"); } else if (returnType->type_->asPrimitiveType()) { JSBPrimitiveType* prtype = returnType->type_->asPrimitiveType(); if (prtype->kind_ == JSBPrimitiveType::Bool) { source.Append("duk_push_boolean(ctx, retValue ? 1 : 0);\n"); } else { source.Append("duk_push_number(ctx, retValue);\n"); } } else if (returnType->type_->asClassType()) { JSBClassType* klassType = returnType->type_->asClassType(); if (klassType->class_->IsObject()) { returnDeclared = true; source.Append("js_push_class_object_instance(ctx, object);\n"); } else if (klassType->class_->IsNumberArray()) { returnDeclared = true; String elementType = klassType->class_->GetArrayElementType(); source.AppendWithFormat("const %s* arrayData = retValue.Data();\n", elementType.CString()); source.Append("duk_push_array(ctx);\n"); for (int i = 0; i < klassType->class_->GetNumberArrayElements(); i++) { source.AppendWithFormat("duk_push_number(ctx, arrayData[%i]);\n", i); source.AppendWithFormat("duk_put_prop_index(ctx, -2, %i);\n", i); } } else { returnDeclared = true; source.AppendWithFormat("js_push_class_object_instance(ctx, object, \"%s\");\n", klassType->class_->GetName().CString()); } } else if (returnType->type_->asEnumType()) { returnDeclared = true; source.Append("duk_push_number(ctx, (double) retValue);\n"); } else if (returnType->type_->asVectorType()) { JSBType* vectorType = returnType->type_->asVectorType()->vectorType_; source.Append("duk_push_array(ctx);\n"); source.Append("for (unsigned i = 0; i < retValue.Size(); i++)\n{\n"); if (vectorType->asClassType()) { source.AppendWithFormat("js_push_class_object_instance(ctx, retValue[i], \"%s\");\n", vectorType->asClassType()->class_->GetName().CString()); } else { source.Append("duk_push_string(ctx, retValue[i].CString());\n"); } source.Append("duk_put_prop_index(ctx, -2, i);\n}\n"); } source += "return 1;\n"; } source.Append("}\n"); }
void CSFunctionWriter::GenPInvokeCallParameters(String& sig) { // generate args Vector<JSBFunctionType*>& parameters = function_->GetParameters(); if (parameters.Size()) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < parameters.Size(); i++) { JSBFunctionType* ptype = parameters.At(i); // ignore "Context" parameters if (ptype->type_->asClassType()) { JSBClassType* classType = ptype->type_->asClassType(); JSBClass* klass = classType->class_; if (klass->GetName() == "Context") { continue; } } String name = ptype->name_; if (name == "object") name = "_object"; else if (name == "readonly") name = "readOnly"; else if (name == "params") name = "parameters"; if (ptype->type_->asClassType()) { JSBClass* pclass = ptype->type_->asClassType()->class_; if (pclass->IsNumberArray()) { sig += "ref " + name; } else { sig += name + " == null ? IntPtr.Zero : " + name + ".nativeInstance"; } } else { sig += name; } if (i + 1 != parameters.Size()) sig += ", "; } } // data marshaller if (function_->GetReturnType() && !CSTypeHelper::IsSimpleReturn(function_->GetReturnType())) { if (function_->GetReturnClass()->IsNumberArray()) { if (sig.Length()) sig += ", "; JSBClass* klass = function_->GetClass(); sig += ToString("ref %s%sReturnValue", klass->GetName().CString(), function_->GetName().CString()); } } }
void JSFunctionWriter::WriteParameterMarshal(String& source) { // generate args const Vector<JSBFunctionType*>& parameters = function_->GetParameters(); int cparam = 0; if (parameters.Size()) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < parameters.Size(); i++, cparam++) { JSBFunctionType * ptype = parameters.At(i); // ignore "Context" parameters if (ptype->type_->asClassType()) { JSBClassType* classType = ptype->type_->asClassType(); JSBClass* klass = classType->class_; if (klass->GetName() == "Context") { cparam--; continue; } } String pstring = ptype->ToArgString(cparam); const String& init = ptype->initializer_; if (ptype->type_->asClassType()) { JSBClassType* classType = ptype->type_->asClassType(); JSBClass* klass = classType->class_; if (!klass->IsNumberArray()) { if (init.Length()) { source.AppendWithFormat("%s = duk_get_top(ctx) >= %i ? js_to_class_instance<%s>(ctx, %i, 0) : %s;\n", pstring.CString(), cparam + 1, klass->GetNativeName().CString(), cparam, init.CString()); } else { source.AppendWithFormat("%s = js_to_class_instance<%s>(ctx, %i, 0);\n", pstring.CString(), klass->GetNativeName().CString(), cparam); } } else { int elements = klass->GetNumberArrayElements(); String elementType = klass->GetArrayElementType(); source.AppendWithFormat("%s arrayData%i[%i];\n", elementType.CString(), cparam, elements); if (init.Length()) { source.AppendWithFormat("const %s& defaultArg%i = %s;\n", klass->GetNativeName().CString(), cparam, init.CString()); source.AppendWithFormat("if (duk_get_top(ctx) >= %i) {\n", cparam + 1); } for (int j = 0; j < elements; j++) { source.AppendWithFormat("duk_get_prop_index(ctx, %i, %i);\n", cparam, j); source.AppendWithFormat("arrayData%i[%i] = (%s) duk_to_number(ctx, -1);\n", cparam, j, elementType.CString()); } source.AppendWithFormat("duk_pop_n(ctx, %i);\n", elements); if (init.Length()) { source.Append("}\n"); source.AppendWithFormat("%s __arg%i(duk_get_top(ctx) >= %i ? (const %s *) arrayData%i : defaultArg%i.Data());\n", klass->GetNativeName().CString(), cparam, cparam + 1, elementType.CString(), cparam, cparam); } else { source.AppendWithFormat("%s __arg%i(arrayData%i);\n", klass->GetNativeName().CString(), cparam, cparam); } } } else if (ptype->type_->asStringType() || ptype->type_->asStringHashType()) { if (init.Length()) { source.AppendWithFormat("%s = duk_get_top(ctx) >= %i ? duk_to_string(ctx, %i) : %s;\n", pstring.CString(), cparam + 1, cparam, init.CString()); } else { source.AppendWithFormat("%s = duk_to_string(ctx, %i);\n", pstring.CString(), cparam); } } else if (ptype->type_->asHeapPtrType()) { if (init.Length()) { source.AppendWithFormat("%s = duk_get_top(ctx) >= %i ? duk_get_heapptr(ctx, %i) : %s;\n", pstring.CString(), cparam + 1, cparam, init.CString()); } else { source.AppendWithFormat("%s = duk_get_heapptr(ctx, %i);\n", pstring.CString(), cparam); } } else if (ptype->type_->asPrimitiveType()) { JSBPrimitiveType* prtype = ptype->type_->asPrimitiveType(); if (prtype->kind_ == JSBPrimitiveType::Bool) { if (init.Length()) { source.AppendWithFormat("bool __arg%i = duk_get_top(ctx) >= %i ? (duk_to_boolean(ctx, %i) ? true : false) : %s;\n", cparam, cparam + 1, cparam, init.CString()); } else { source.AppendWithFormat("bool __arg%i = duk_to_boolean(ctx, %i) ? true : false;\n", cparam, cparam); } } else { if (init.Length()) { source.AppendWithFormat("double __arg%i = duk_get_top(ctx) >= %i ? (duk_to_number(ctx, %i)) : %s;\n", cparam, cparam + 1, cparam, init.CString()); } else { source.AppendWithFormat("double __arg%i = duk_to_number(ctx, %i);\n", cparam, cparam); } } } else if (ptype->type_->asEnumType()) { JSBEnumType* etype = ptype->type_->asEnumType(); if (init.Length()) { source.AppendWithFormat("%s __arg%i = duk_get_top(ctx) >= %i ? ((%s) ((int) duk_to_number(ctx, %i))) : %s;\n", etype->enum_->GetName().CString(), cparam, cparam + 1, etype->enum_->GetName().CString(), cparam, init.CString()); } else { source.AppendWithFormat("%s __arg%i = (%s) ((int)duk_to_number(ctx, %i));\n", etype->enum_->GetName().CString(), cparam, etype->enum_->GetName().CString(), cparam); } } else if (ptype->type_->asVectorType()) { JSBVectorType* vtype = ptype->type_->asVectorType(); if (vtype->isVariantVector_) { // variant vector arguments source.AppendWithFormat("VariantVector __arg%i;\nScriptVector* __scriptVectorArg%i = js_to_class_instance<ScriptVector>(ctx, %i, 0);\n", cparam, cparam, cparam); if (!function_->HasMutatedReturn()) source.AppendWithFormat("__scriptVectorArg%i->AdaptToVector(__arg%i);\n", cparam, cparam); } else if (ptype->isConst_) { // JS/TS side needs work for vector parameters, right now we support const (read only) // Vector of String/StringHash source.AppendWithFormat("%s __arg%i;\n", vtype->ToString().CString(), cparam); source.AppendWithFormat("if (duk_get_top(ctx) >= %i)\n{\n", cparam + 1); source.AppendWithFormat("duk_require_object_coercible(ctx, %i);\n", cparam); source.AppendWithFormat("unsigned sz = duk_get_length(ctx, %i);\n", cparam); source.AppendWithFormat("for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++)\n{\n"); source.AppendWithFormat("duk_get_prop_index(ctx, 2, i);\n"); if (vtype->vectorType_->asStringType() || vtype->vectorType_->asStringHashType() ) { source.AppendWithFormat("__arg%i.Push(duk_get_string(ctx, -1));\n", cparam); } source.AppendWithFormat("duk_pop(ctx);\n"); source.AppendWithFormat("\n}\n"); source.AppendWithFormat("\n}\n"); } } } } }
void JSBHaxe::ExportModuleClasses(JSBModule* module) { Vector<SharedPtr<JSBClass>> classes = module->GetClasses(); if (!classes.Size()) return; source_ += "\n"; for (unsigned i = 0; i < classes.Size(); i++) { JSBClass* klass = classes.At(i); if (klass->IsNumberArray()) { source_ += "typedef " + klass->GetName() + " = Array<Float>;\n"; continue; } source_ += "@:native(\"Atomic." + klass->GetName() + "\")\n"; source_ += "extern class " + klass->GetName(); JSBClass* base = klass->GetBaseClass(); if (base) { source_ += " extends " + base->GetName(); } source_ += " {\n\n"; Vector<String> propertyNames; klass->GetPropertyNames(propertyNames); for (unsigned j = 0; j < propertyNames.Size(); j++) { JSBProperty* prop = klass->GetProperty(propertyNames[j]); JSBFunctionType* ftype = NULL; if (prop->getter_ && !prop->getter_->Skip()) { ftype = prop->getter_->GetReturnType(); } else if (prop->setter_ && !prop->setter_->Skip()) ftype = prop->setter_->GetParameters()[0]; if (!ftype) continue; String scriptType = GetScriptType(ftype); String scriptName = prop->GetCasePropertyName(); if (!checkV(klass, scriptName, scriptType)) { //rename haxe reserved words if (scriptName == "override") { scriptName = "overide"; } if (scriptName == "dynamic") { scriptName = "dynamik"; } source_ += " var " + scriptName + ": " + scriptType + ";\n"; } } if (propertyNames.Size()) source_ += "\n"; JSBFunction* constructor = klass->GetConstructor(); if (constructor) { ExportFunction(constructor); source_ += "\n"; } PODVector<JSBFunction*>& functions = klass->GetFunctions(); for (unsigned j = 0; j < functions.Size(); j++) { JSBFunction* func = functions[j]; if (func->IsConstructor() || func->IsDestructor() || func->Skip()) continue; ExportFunction(func); } for (unsigned j = 0; j < klass->GetNumHaxeDecl(); j++) { source_ += " " + klass->GetHaxeDecl(j) + "\n"; } source_ += "\n}\n\n"; } source_ += "\n"; }
void JSBTypeScript::ExportModuleClasses(const String& moduleName) { JSBModule* module = JSBindings::Instance()->GetModuleByName(moduleName); if (!module->classes_.Size()) return; source_ += "\n"; for (unsigned i = 0; i < module->classes_.Size(); i++) { JSBClass* klass = module->classes_.At(i); source_ += " export class " + klass->GetName(); if (klass->GetBaseClass()) source_ += " extends " + klass->GetBaseClass()->GetName(); source_ += " {\n\n"; Vector<String> propertyNames; klass->GetPropertyNames(propertyNames); for (unsigned j = 0; j < propertyNames.Size(); j++) { JSBProperty* prop = klass->GetProperty(propertyNames[j]); JSBFunctionType* ftype = NULL; if (prop->getter_ && !prop->getter_->Skip()) { ftype = prop->getter_->returnType_; } else if (prop->setter_ && !prop->setter_->Skip()) ftype = prop->setter_->parameters_[0]; if (!ftype) continue; String scriptType = GetScriptType(ftype); String scriptName = propertyNames[j]; scriptName[0] = tolower(scriptName[0]); source_ += " " + scriptName + ": " + scriptType + ";\n"; } if (propertyNames.Size()) source_ += "\n"; JSBFunction* constructor = klass->GetConstructor(); if (constructor) { ExportFunction(constructor); source_ += "\n"; } for (unsigned j = 0; j < klass->GetFunctionCount(); j++) { JSBFunction* func = klass->GetFunction(j); if (func->isConstructor_ || func->isDestructor_ || func->Skip()) continue; ExportFunction(func); } source_ += "\n }\n\n"; } source_ += "\n"; }
void CSFunctionWriter::WriteNativeFunction(String& source) { JSBClass* klass = function_->GetClass(); JSBPackage* package = klass->GetPackage(); String fname = function_->IsConstructor() ? "Constructor" : function_->GetName(); String returnType; String functionSig = CSTypeHelper::GetNativeFunctionSignature(function_, returnType); String line; line = ToString("ATOMIC_EXPORT_API %s %s\n", returnType.CString(), functionSig.CString()); source += IndentLine(line); source += IndentLine("{\n"); Indent(); source += "\n"; bool returnValue = false; bool sharedPtrReturn = false; String returnStatement; if (returnType == "const char*") { returnValue = true; source += IndentLine("static String returnValue;\n"); returnStatement = "returnValue = "; } else if (function_->GetReturnClass() && function_->GetReturnClass()->IsNumberArray()) { returnStatement = "*returnValue = "; } else if (function_->GetReturnClass() && function_->GetReturnType()->isSharedPtr_) { returnStatement = ToString("SharedPtr<%s> returnValue = ", function_->GetReturnClass()->GetNativeName().CString()); sharedPtrReturn = true; } else { if (returnType != "void") { returnStatement = "return "; } } String callSig; GenNativeCallParameters(callSig); if (!function_->isConstructor_) { if (function_->IsStatic()) { line = ToString("%s%s::%s(%s);\n", returnStatement.CString(), klass->GetNativeName().CString(), function_->GetName().CString(), callSig.CString()); } else { line = ToString("%sself->%s(%s);\n", returnStatement.CString(), function_->GetName().CString(), callSig.CString()); } } else { if (klass->IsAbstract()) { line = "return 0; // Abstract Class\n"; } else if (klass->IsObject()) { if (callSig.Length()) line = ToString("return new %s(NETCore::GetContext(), %s);\n", klass->GetNativeName().CString(), callSig.CString()); else line = ToString("return new %s(NETCore::GetContext());\n", klass->GetNativeName().CString()); } else { line = ToString("return new %s(%s);\n", klass->GetNativeName().CString(), callSig.CString()); } } source += IndentLine(line); if (sharedPtrReturn) { source += IndentLine("returnValue->AddRef();\n"); source += IndentLine("return returnValue;\n"); } else if (returnType == "const char*") { source += IndentLine("return returnValue.CString();\n"); } Dedent(); source += IndentLine("}\n"); source += "\n"; }
void CSClassWriter::WriteManagedProperties(String& sourceOut) { String source; if (klass_->HasProperties()) { Vector<String> pnames; klass_->GetPropertyNames(pnames); for (unsigned j = 0; j < pnames.Size(); j++) { JSBProperty* prop = klass_->GetProperty(pnames[j]); JSBFunctionType* fType = NULL; JSBFunctionType* getType = NULL; JSBFunctionType* setType = NULL; if (CSTypeHelper::OmitFunction(prop->getter_) || CSTypeHelper::OmitFunction(prop->setter_)) continue; if (prop->getter_ && !prop->getter_->Skip()) { fType = getType = prop->getter_->GetReturnType(); } if (prop->setter_ && !prop->setter_->Skip()) { setType = prop->setter_->GetParameters()[0]; if (!fType) fType = setType; else if (fType->type_->ToString() != setType->type_->ToString()) continue; } if (!fType) continue; String line = klass_->IsInterface() ? "" : "public "; JSBClass* baseClass = klass_->GetBaseClass(); if (baseClass) { if (baseClass->MatchProperty(prop, true)) { // always new so we don't have to deal with virtual/override on properties line += "new "; } } String type = CSTypeHelper::GetManagedTypeString(fType, false); line += ToString("%s %s\n", type.CString(), prop->name_.CString()); source += IndentLine(line); source += IndentLine("{\n"); Indent(); if (prop->getter_) { if (klass_->IsInterface()) { source += IndentLine("get;\n"); } else { source += IndentLine("get\n"); source += IndentLine("{\n"); Indent(); source += IndentLine(ToString("return %s();\n", prop->getter_->GetName().CString())); Dedent(); source += IndentLine("}\n"); } } if (prop->setter_) { if (klass_->IsInterface()) { source += IndentLine("set;\n"); } else { source += IndentLine("set\n"); source += IndentLine("{\n"); Indent(); source += IndentLine(ToString("%s(value);\n", prop->setter_->GetName().CString())); Dedent(); source += IndentLine("}\n"); } } Dedent(); source += IndentLine("}\n\n"); } } sourceOut += source; }
void CSFunctionWriter::WriteManagedPInvokeFunctionSignature(String& source) { source += "\n"; // CoreCLR has pinvoke security demand code commented out, so we do not (currently) need this optimization: // https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/issues/1605 // line = "[SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]\n"; // source += IndentLine(line); String line = "[DllImport (Constants.LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]\n"; source += IndentLine(line); JSBClass* klass = function_->GetClass(); JSBPackage* package = klass->GetPackage(); String returnType = CSTypeHelper::GetPInvokeTypeString(function_->GetReturnType()); if (returnType == "string") returnType = "IntPtr"; if (function_->IsConstructor()) returnType = "IntPtr"; Vector<JSBFunctionType*>& parameters = function_->GetParameters(); Vector<String> args; if (!function_->IsConstructor() && !function_->IsStatic()) { args.Push("IntPtr self"); } if (parameters.Size()) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < parameters.Size(); i++) { JSBFunctionType* ptype = parameters.At(i); String name = ptype->name_; if (name == "object") name = "_object"; else if (name == "readonly") name = "readOnly"; else if (name == "params") name = "parameters"; // ignore "Context" parameters if (ptype->type_->asClassType()) { JSBClassType* classType = ptype->type_->asClassType(); JSBClass* klass = classType->class_; if (klass->GetName() == "Context") { continue; } if (klass->IsNumberArray()) { args.Push("ref " + klass->GetName() + " " + name); } else { args.Push("IntPtr " + name); } } else { args.Push(CSTypeHelper::GetPInvokeTypeString(ptype) + " " + name); } } } if (function_->GetReturnClass()) { JSBClass* retClass = function_->GetReturnClass(); if (retClass->IsNumberArray()) { args.Push("ref " + retClass->GetName() + " retValue"); } } String pstring; pstring.Join(args, ", "); String fname = function_->IsConstructor() ? "Constructor" : function_->GetName(); line = ToString("private static extern %s csb_%s_%s_%s(%s);\n", returnType.CString(), package->GetName().CString(), klass->GetName().CString(), fname.CString(), pstring.CString()); source += IndentLine(line); source += "\n"; }