void CSFunctionWriter::WriteManagedFunction(String& source)
    JSBClass* klass = function_->GetClass();
    JSBPackage* package = klass->GetPackage();

    String sig;
    String returnType = CSTypeHelper::GetManagedTypeString(function_->GetReturnType());


    String line = "public ";

    if (function_->IsStatic())
        line += "static ";

    bool marked = false;
    JSBClass* baseClass = klass->GetBaseClass();
    if (baseClass)
        JSBFunction* override = baseClass->MatchFunction(function_, true);
        if (override)
            marked = true;
            if (override->IsVirtual())
                line += "override ";
                line += "new ";
String CSTypeHelper::GetNativeFunctionSignature(JSBFunction* function, String& returnType)

    if (function->Skip())
        return String::EMPTY;

    if (function->IsDestructor())
        return String::EMPTY;

    if (OmitFunction(function))
        return String::EMPTY;

    JSBClass* klass = function->GetClass();
    JSBPackage* package = klass->GetPackage();
    String fname = function->IsConstructor() ? "Constructor" : function->GetName();

    returnType = "void";

    if (function->IsConstructor())
        returnType = "RefCounted*";
    else if (function->GetReturnType())
        if (function->IsConstructor())
            returnType = ToString("%s*", klass->GetNativeName().CString());
        else if (function->GetReturnClass())
            if (!function->GetReturnClass()->IsNumberArray())
                returnType = ToString("const %s*", function->GetReturnClass()->GetNativeName().CString());
        else if (function->GetReturnType()->type_->asStringHashType())
            returnType = "unsigned";
            returnType = ToString("%s", CSTypeHelper::GetNativeTypeString(function->GetReturnType()).CString());

            // ScriptVector is handled by a out parameter
            if (returnType.Contains("ScriptVector"))
                returnType = "void";

    String sig;
    GenNativeFunctionParameterSignature(function, sig);

    String functionSig = ToString("csb_%s_%s_%s_%u(%s)",
                package->GetName().CString(), klass->GetName().CString(),
                fname.CString(), function->GetID(), sig.CString());

    return functionSig;
void CSFunctionWriter::WriteManagedConstructor(String& source)
    JSBClass* klass = function_->GetClass();
    JSBPackage* package = klass->GetPackage();

    if (klass->GetName() == "RefCounted")

    // wrapping constructor

    String line;

    line = ToString("public %s (IntPtr native) : base (native)\n", klass->GetName().CString());
    source += IndentLine(line);
    source += IndentLine("{\n");
    source += IndentLine("}\n\n");

    String sig;

    line = ToString("public %s (%s)\n", klass->GetName().CString(), sig.CString());

    source += IndentLine(line);

    source += IndentLine("{\n");



    line = ToString("if (typeof(%s) == this.GetType()", klass->GetName().CString());
    line += ToString(" || (this.GetType().BaseType == typeof(%s) && !NativeCore.GetNativeType(this.GetType())))\n", klass->GetName().CString());

    source += IndentLine(line);

    source += IndentLine("{\n");


    String callSig;

    line = ToString("nativeInstance = NativeCore.RegisterNative (csb_%s_%s_Constructor(%s), this);\n",
                     package->GetName().CString(), klass->GetName().CString(), callSig.CString());

    source += IndentLine(line);


    source += IndentLine("}\n");


    source += IndentLine("}\n");
    String JSBHaxe::GetScriptType(JSBFunctionType* ftype)
        String scriptType = "Dynamic";

        if (ftype->type_->asPrimitiveType())
            JSBPrimitiveType* ptype = ftype->type_->asPrimitiveType();
            scriptType = GetPrimitiveType(ptype);
            return scriptType;

        if (ftype->type_->asStringHashType() || ftype->type_->asStringType())
            scriptType = "String";

        if (ftype->type_->asEnumType())
            scriptType = ftype->type_->asEnumType()->enum_->GetName();

        if (ftype->type_->asClassType())
            JSBClass* klass = ftype->type_->asClassType()->class_;

            scriptType = klass->GetName();

            if (klass->GetPackage()->GetName() != package_->GetName())

                scriptType = klass->GetPackage()->GetName() + "." + klass->GetName();



        if (ftype->type_->asVectorType())
            JSBVectorType* vectorType = ftype->type_->asVectorType();
            scriptType = "Array<String>";

        return scriptType;

String JSBTypeScript::GetScriptType(JSBFunctionType* ftype)
    String scriptType = "number";

    if (ftype->type_->asPrimitiveType())
        JSBPrimitiveType* ptype = ftype->type_->asPrimitiveType();
        if (ptype->kind_ == JSBPrimitiveType::Bool)
            scriptType = "boolean";


    if (ftype->type_->asStringHashType() || ftype->type_->asStringType())
        scriptType = "string";

    if (ftype->type_->asEnumType())
        scriptType = ftype->type_->asEnumType()->enum_->GetName();

    if (ftype->type_->asClassType())
        JSBClass* klass = ftype->type_->asClassType()->class_;

        scriptType = klass->GetName();

        if (klass->GetPackage()->GetName() != package_->GetName())

            scriptType = klass->GetPackage()->GetName() + "." + klass->GetName();



    if (ftype->type_->asVectorType())
        scriptType = "string[]";

    return scriptType;

void CSFunctionWriter::WriteManagedPInvokeFunctionSignature(String& source)
    source += "\n";

    // CoreCLR has pinvoke security demand code commented out, so we do not (currently) need this optimization:
    // https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/issues/1605
    // line = "[SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]\n";
    // source += IndentLine(line);

    String line = "[DllImport (Constants.LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]\n";
    source += IndentLine(line);
    JSBClass* klass = function_->GetClass();
    JSBPackage* package = klass->GetPackage();

    String returnType = CSTypeHelper::GetPInvokeTypeString(function_->GetReturnType());

    if (returnType == "string")
        returnType = "IntPtr";

    if (function_->IsConstructor())
        returnType = "IntPtr";

    Vector<JSBFunctionType*>& parameters = function_->GetParameters();

    Vector<String> args;

    if (!function_->IsConstructor() && !function_->IsStatic())
        args.Push("IntPtr self");

    if (parameters.Size())
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < parameters.Size(); i++)
            JSBFunctionType* ptype = parameters.At(i);

            String name = ptype->name_;

            if (name == "object")
                name = "_object";
            else if (name == "readonly")
                name = "readOnly";
            else if (name == "params")
                name = "parameters";

            // ignore "Context" parameters
            if (ptype->type_->asClassType())
                JSBClassType* classType = ptype->type_->asClassType();
                JSBClass* klass = classType->class_;
                if (klass->GetName() == "Context")

                if (klass->IsNumberArray())
                    args.Push("ref " + klass->GetName() + " " + name);
                    args.Push("IntPtr " + name);
                args.Push(CSTypeHelper::GetPInvokeTypeString(ptype) + " " + name);


    if (function_->GetReturnClass())
        JSBClass* retClass = function_->GetReturnClass();
        if (retClass->IsNumberArray())
            args.Push("ref " + retClass->GetName() + " retValue");


    String pstring;
    pstring.Join(args, ", ");

    String fname = function_->IsConstructor() ? "Constructor" : function_->GetName();
    line = ToString("private static extern %s csb_%s_%s_%s(%s);\n",
                    returnType.CString(), package->GetName().CString(), klass->GetName().CString(),
                    fname.CString(), pstring.CString());

    source += IndentLine(line);

    source += "\n";

void CSFunctionWriter::WriteNativeFunction(String& source)
    JSBClass* klass = function_->GetClass();
    JSBPackage* package = klass->GetPackage();
    String fname = function_->IsConstructor() ? "Constructor" : function_->GetName();

    String returnType;
    String functionSig = CSTypeHelper::GetNativeFunctionSignature(function_, returnType);

    String line;

    line = ToString("ATOMIC_EXPORT_API %s %s\n",
                    returnType.CString(), functionSig.CString());

    source += IndentLine(line);

    source += IndentLine("{\n");


    source += "\n";

    bool returnValue = false;
    bool sharedPtrReturn = false;

    String returnStatement;

    if (returnType == "const char*")
        returnValue = true;
        source += IndentLine("static String returnValue;\n");
        returnStatement = "returnValue = ";
    else if (function_->GetReturnClass() && function_->GetReturnClass()->IsNumberArray())
        returnStatement = "*returnValue = ";
    else if (function_->GetReturnClass() && function_->GetReturnType()->isSharedPtr_)
        returnStatement = ToString("SharedPtr<%s> returnValue = ", function_->GetReturnClass()->GetNativeName().CString());
        sharedPtrReturn = true;
        if (returnType != "void")
            returnStatement = "return ";

    String callSig;
    if (!function_->isConstructor_)
        if (function_->IsStatic())
            line = ToString("%s%s::%s(%s);\n", returnStatement.CString(), klass->GetNativeName().CString(), function_->GetName().CString(), callSig.CString());
            line = ToString("%sself->%s(%s);\n", returnStatement.CString(), function_->GetName().CString(), callSig.CString());

        if (klass->IsAbstract())
            line = "return 0; // Abstract Class\n";
        else if (klass->IsObject())
            if (callSig.Length())
                line = ToString("return new %s(NETCore::GetContext(), %s);\n", klass->GetNativeName().CString(), callSig.CString());
                line = ToString("return new %s(NETCore::GetContext());\n", klass->GetNativeName().CString());
            line = ToString("return new %s(%s);\n", klass->GetNativeName().CString(), callSig.CString());

    source += IndentLine(line);

    if (sharedPtrReturn)
        source += IndentLine("returnValue->AddRef();\n");
        source += IndentLine("return returnValue;\n");
    else if (returnType == "const char*")
        source += IndentLine("return returnValue.CString();\n");


    source += IndentLine("}\n");

    source += "\n";

void JSBTypeScript::ExportModuleClasses(JSBModule* module)
    Vector<SharedPtr<JSBClass>> classes = module->GetClasses();

    if (!classes.Size())

    source_ += "\n";

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < classes.Size(); i++)
        JSBClass* klass = classes.At(i);

        source_ += "   export class " + klass->GetName();

        JSBClass* base = klass->GetBaseClass();

        if (base)
            if (klass->GetPackage() != base->GetPackage())
                source_ += " extends " + base->GetPackage()->GetName() + "." + base->GetName();
                source_ += " extends " + base->GetName();


        source_ += " {\n\n";

        Vector<String> propertyNames;


        for (unsigned j = 0; j < propertyNames.Size(); j++)

            JSBProperty* prop = klass->GetProperty(propertyNames[j]);

            JSBFunctionType* ftype = NULL;

            if (prop->getter_ && !prop->getter_->Skip())
                ftype = prop->getter_->GetReturnType();
            else if (prop->setter_ && !prop->setter_->Skip())
                ftype = prop->setter_->GetParameters()[0];

            if (!ftype)

            String scriptType = GetScriptType(ftype);
            String scriptName = prop->GetCasePropertyName();

            source_ += "      " + scriptName + ": " + scriptType + ";\n";


        if (propertyNames.Size())
            source_ += "\n";

        JSBFunction* constructor = klass->GetConstructor();
        if (constructor)
            source_ += "\n";

        PODVector<JSBFunction*>& functions = klass->GetFunctions();

        for (unsigned j = 0; j < functions.Size(); j++)

            JSBFunction* func = functions[j];

            if (func->IsConstructor() || func->IsDestructor() || func->Skip())



        for (unsigned j = 0; j < klass->GetNumTypeScriptDecl(); j++)
            source_ += "      " + klass->GetTypeScriptDecl(j) + "\n";

        source_ += "\n   }\n\n";


    source_ += "\n";

void CSFunctionWriter::WriteManagedConstructor(String& source)
    JSBClass* klass = function_->GetClass();
    JSBPackage* package = klass->GetPackage();

    if (klass->GetName() == "RefCounted")

    // wrapping constructor

    String line;

    if (!wroteConstructor_)
        line = ToString("public %s (IntPtr native) : base (native)\n", klass->GetName().CString());
        source += IndentLine(line);
        source += IndentLine("{\n");
        source += IndentLine("}\n\n");

    // don't add wrapping constructor for overloads
    wroteConstructor_ = true;

    String sig;

    line = ToString("public %s (%s)\n", klass->GetName().CString(), sig.CString());

    source += IndentLine(line);

    source += IndentLine("{\n");



    source += IndentLine("if (nativeInstance == IntPtr.Zero)\n");
    source += IndentLine("{\n");


    source += IndentLine(ToString("var classType = typeof(%s);\n", klass->GetName().CString()));
    source += IndentLine("var thisType = this.GetType();\n");
    source += IndentLine("var thisTypeIsNative = NativeCore.IsNativeType(thisType);\n");    
    source += IndentLine("var nativeAncsestorType = NativeCore.GetNativeAncestorType(thisType);\n");
    source += IndentLine("if ( (thisTypeIsNative && (thisType == classType)) || (!thisTypeIsNative && (nativeAncsestorType == classType)))\n");
    source += IndentLine("{\n");


    String callSig;

    line = ToString("nativeInstance = NativeCore.RegisterNative (csb_%s_%s_Constructor_%u(%s), this);\n",
                     package->GetName().CString(), klass->GetName().CString(), function_->GetID(), callSig.CString());

    source += IndentLine(line);


    source += IndentLine("}\n");


    source += IndentLine("}\n");


    source += IndentLine("}\n");
void CSFunctionWriter::WriteManagedPInvokeFunctionSignature(String& source)
    JSBClass* klass = function_->GetClass();
    JSBPackage* package = klass->GetPackage();

    if (klass->IsInterface())

    source += "\n";

    // CoreCLR has pinvoke security demand code commented out, so we do not (currently) need this optimization:
    // https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/issues/1605
    // line = "[SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]\n";
    // source += IndentLine(line);

    String line = "[DllImport (Constants.LIBNAME, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]\n";
    source += IndentLine(line);

    String returnType = CSTypeHelper::GetPInvokeTypeString(function_->GetReturnType());

    // handled by out parameter
    if (function_->GetReturnType() && function_->GetReturnType()->type_->asVectorType())
        returnType = "void";

    if (returnType == "bool")
        // default boolean marshal is 4 byte windows type BOOL and not 1 byte bool
        // https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/jaredpar/2008/10/14/pinvoke-and-bool-or-should-i-say-bool/        
        source += IndentLine("[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I1)]\n");

    if (returnType == "string")
        returnType = "IntPtr";

    if (function_->IsConstructor())
        returnType = "IntPtr";

    const Vector<JSBFunctionType*>& parameters = function_->GetParameters();

    Vector<String> args;

    if (!function_->IsConstructor() && !function_->IsStatic())
        args.Push("IntPtr self");

    if (parameters.Size())
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < parameters.Size(); i++)
            JSBFunctionType* ptype = parameters.At(i);

            String name = ptype->name_;

            if (name == "object")
                name = "_object";
            else if (name == "readonly")
                name = "readOnly";
            else if (name == "params")
                name = "parameters";

            // ignore "Context" parameters
            if (ptype->type_->asClassType())
                JSBClassType* classType = ptype->type_->asClassType();
                JSBClass* klass = classType->class_;
                if (klass->GetName() == "Context")

                if (klass->IsNumberArray())
                    args.Push("ref " + klass->GetName() + " " + name);
                    args.Push("IntPtr " + name);
                args.Push(CSTypeHelper::GetPInvokeTypeString(ptype) + " " + name);


    if (function_->GetReturnClass())
        JSBClass* retClass = function_->GetReturnClass();

        if (retClass->IsNumberArray())
            args.Push("ref " + retClass->GetName() + " retValue");

    else if (function_->GetReturnType() && function_->GetReturnType()->type_->asVectorType())
        args.Push("IntPtr returnValue");

    String pstring;
    pstring.Join(args, ", ");

    String fname = function_->IsConstructor() ? "Constructor" : function_->GetName();
    line = ToString("private static extern %s csb_%s_%s_%s_%u(%s);\n",
                    returnType.CString(), package->GetName().CString(), klass->GetName().CString(),
                    fname.CString(), function_->GetID(), pstring.CString());

    source += IndentLine(line);

    source += "\n";

void CSFunctionWriter::WriteNativeFunction(String& source)
    JSBClass* klass = function_->GetClass();
    JSBPackage* package = klass->GetPackage();
    String fname = function_->IsConstructor() ? "Constructor" : function_->GetName();

    String returnType;
    String functionSig = CSTypeHelper::GetNativeFunctionSignature(function_, returnType);

    String line;

    line = ToString("ATOMIC_EXPORT_API %s %s\n",
                    returnType.CString(), functionSig.CString());

    source += IndentLine(line);

    source += IndentLine("{\n");


    source += "\n";

    // vector marshal

    bool hasVectorMarshal = false;
    const Vector<JSBFunctionType*>& fparams = function_->GetParameters();

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < fparams.Size(); i++)
        JSBFunctionType* ftype = fparams[i];

        // Interface        
        JSBClass* interface = 0;
        if (ftype->type_->asClassType() && ftype->type_->asClassType()->class_->IsInterface())
            // We need to downcast to the interface 
            // TODO: this assumes Object* is in hierarchy, how do we validate this?
            interface = ftype->type_->asClassType()->class_;
            line = ToString("%s = dynamic_cast<%s*>((Object*)%s);\n", ftype->name_.CString(), interface->GetNativeName().CString(), ftype->name_.CString());
            source += IndentLine(line);

        // Vector
        JSBVectorType* vtype = ftype->type_->asVectorType();

        if (!vtype)

        JSBClassType* classType = vtype->vectorType_->asClassType();

        if (!classType)

        String className = classType->class_->GetName();

        String vectorMarshal;

        hasVectorMarshal = true;

        if (vtype->isPODVector_)
            const String& pname = ftype->name_;
            source += IndentLine(ToString("PODVector<%s*> %s__vector;\n", className.CString(), pname.CString()));
            source += IndentLine(ToString("if (%s) %s->AdaptToVector<%s*>(%s__vector);\n", pname.CString(), pname.CString(), className.CString(), pname.CString()));
            // vectorMarshal = ToString("PODVector<%s*> %s__vector", className.CString(), ftype->name_.CString());

        if (vectorMarshal.Length())
            source += IndentLine(vectorMarshal);
            vectorMarshal = String::EMPTY;

    bool returnValue = false;
    bool sharedPtrReturn = false;

    String returnStatement;

    if (returnType == "const char*")
        returnValue = true;
        source += IndentLine("static String returnValue;\n");
        returnStatement = "returnValue = ";
    else if (function_->GetReturnClass() && function_->GetReturnClass()->IsNumberArray())
        returnStatement = "*returnValue = ";
    else if (function_->GetReturnClass() && function_->GetReturnType()->isSharedPtr_)
        returnStatement = ToString("SharedPtr<%s> returnValue = ", function_->GetReturnClass()->GetNativeName().CString());
        sharedPtrReturn = true;
    else if (function_->GetReturnType() && function_->GetReturnType()->type_->asVectorType())
        // we have an out parameter
        JSBVectorType* vtype = function_->GetReturnType()->type_->asVectorType();

        if (!vtype->vectorTypeIsSharedPtr_ && !vtype->vectorTypeIsWeakPtr_)
            returnStatement = ToString("%sVector<%s*> returnValue__vector = ", vtype->isPODVector_ ? "POD" : "", vtype->vectorType_->asClassType()->class_->GetName().CString());
            returnStatement = ToString("%sVector<%s<%s>> returnValue__vector = ",  vtype->isPODVector_ ? "POD" : "", vtype->vectorTypeIsSharedPtr_ ? "SharedPtr" : "WeakPtr", vtype->vectorType_->asClassType()->class_->GetName().CString());
        if (returnType != "void" && !hasVectorMarshal)
            returnStatement = "return ";
        else if (returnType != "void")
            returnStatement = ToString("%s returnValue = ", returnType.CString());

    String callSig;
    if (!function_->isConstructor_)
        if (function_->IsStatic())
            line = ToString("%s%s::%s(%s);\n", returnStatement.CString(), klass->GetNativeName().CString(), function_->GetName().CString(), callSig.CString());
            line = ToString("%sself->%s(%s);\n", returnStatement.CString(), function_->GetName().CString(), callSig.CString());

        if (klass->IsAbstract())
            line = "return 0; // Abstract Class\n";
        else if (klass->IsObject())
            if (callSig.Length())
                line = ToString("return new %s(NETCore::GetContext(), %s);\n", klass->GetNativeName().CString(), callSig.CString());
                line = ToString("return new %s(NETCore::GetContext());\n", klass->GetNativeName().CString());
            line = ToString("return new %s(%s);\n", klass->GetNativeName().CString(), callSig.CString());

    source += IndentLine(line);

    // Vector marshaling

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < fparams.Size(); i++)
        JSBFunctionType* ftype = fparams[i];

        JSBVectorType* vtype = ftype->type_->asVectorType();

        if (!vtype)

        JSBClassType* classType = vtype->vectorType_->asClassType();

        if (!classType)

        String className = classType->class_->GetName();

        String vectorMarshal;

        if (vtype->isPODVector_)
            const String& pname = ftype->name_;
            source += IndentLine(ToString("if (%s) %s->AdaptFromVector<%s*>(%s__vector);\n", pname.CString(), pname.CString(), className.CString(), pname.CString()));
            // vectorMarshal = ToString("PODVector<%s*> %s__vector", className.CString(), ftype->name_.CString());

        if (vectorMarshal.Length())
            source += IndentLine(vectorMarshal);
            vectorMarshal = String::EMPTY;

    if (sharedPtrReturn)
        source += IndentLine("if (returnValue.NotNull()) returnValue->AddRef();\n");
        source += IndentLine("return returnValue;\n");
    else if (returnType == "const char*")
        source += IndentLine("return returnValue.CString();\n");
    else if (function_->GetReturnType() && function_->GetReturnType()->type_->asVectorType())
        // we have an out parameter
        JSBVectorType* vtype = function_->GetReturnType()->type_->asVectorType();
        source += IndentLine("if (returnValue) returnValue->AdaptFromVector(returnValue__vector);\n");

    else if (returnType != "void" && hasVectorMarshal)
        source += IndentLine("return returnValue;\n");


    source += IndentLine("}\n");

    source += "\n";
