Exemple #1
TEST_F(VisualRectMappingTest, LayoutInline) {
  document().setBaseURLOverride(KURL(ParsedURLString, "http://test.com"));
      "<style>body { margin: 0; }</style>"
      "<div id='container' style='overflow: scroll; width: 50px; height: 50px'>"
      "  <span><img style='width: 20px; height: 100px'></span>"
      "  <span id=leaf></span></div>");

  LayoutBlock* container =
  LayoutObject* leaf = container->lastChild();

  LayoutRect originalRect(0, 60, 20, 80);
  LayoutRect rect = originalRect;
  EXPECT_TRUE(leaf->mapToVisualRectInAncestorSpace(container, rect));
  EXPECT_EQ(rect, LayoutRect(0, 10, 20, 80));

  rect = originalRect;
  EXPECT_TRUE(leaf->mapToVisualRectInAncestorSpace(&layoutView(), rect));
  EXPECT_EQ(rect, LayoutRect(0, 10, 20, 40));
  checkPaintInvalidationStateRectMapping(rect, originalRect, *leaf,
                                         layoutView(), layoutView());

  rect = LayoutRect(0, 60, 80, 0);
      leaf->mapToVisualRectInAncestorSpace(container, rect, EdgeInclusive));
  EXPECT_EQ(rect, LayoutRect(0, 10, 80, 0));
Exemple #2
TEST_F(VisualRectMappingTest, LayoutText) {
      "<style>body { margin: 0; }</style>"
      "<div id='container' style='overflow: scroll; width: 50px; height: 50px'>"
      "  <span><img style='width: 20px; height: 100px'></span>"
      "  text text text text text text text"

  LayoutBlock* container =
  LayoutText* text = toLayoutText(container->lastChild());

  LayoutRect originalRect(0, 60, 20, 80);
  LayoutRect rect = originalRect;
  EXPECT_TRUE(text->mapToVisualRectInAncestorSpace(container, rect));
  EXPECT_EQ(rect, LayoutRect(0, 10, 20, 80));

  rect = originalRect;
  EXPECT_TRUE(text->mapToVisualRectInAncestorSpace(&layoutView(), rect));
  EXPECT_EQ(rect, LayoutRect(0, 10, 20, 40));
  checkPaintInvalidationStateRectMapping(rect, originalRect, *text,
                                         layoutView(), layoutView());

  rect = LayoutRect(0, 60, 80, 0);
      text->mapToVisualRectInAncestorSpace(container, rect, EdgeInclusive));
  EXPECT_EQ(rect, LayoutRect(0, 10, 80, 0));
void FieldsetPainter::paintMask(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    if (m_layoutFieldset.style()->visibility() != VISIBLE || paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseMask)

    LayoutRect paintRect = LayoutRect(paintOffset, m_layoutFieldset.size());
    LayoutBox* legend = m_layoutFieldset.findInFlowLegend();
    if (!legend)
        return BoxPainter(m_layoutFieldset).paintMask(paintInfo, paintOffset);

    if (LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder::useCachedDrawingIfPossible(paintInfo.context, m_layoutFieldset, paintInfo.phase, paintOffset))

    // FIXME: We need to work with "rl" and "bt" block flow directions.  In those
    // cases the legend is embedded in the right and bottom borders respectively.
    // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=47236
    if (m_layoutFieldset.style()->isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
        LayoutUnit yOff = (legend->location().y() > LayoutUnit()) ? LayoutUnit() : (legend->size().height() - m_layoutFieldset.borderTop()) / 2;
        paintRect.expand(LayoutUnit(), -yOff);
        paintRect.move(LayoutUnit(), yOff);
    } else {
        LayoutUnit xOff = (legend->location().x() > LayoutUnit()) ? LayoutUnit() : (legend->size().width() - m_layoutFieldset.borderLeft()) / 2;
        paintRect.expand(-xOff, LayoutUnit());
        paintRect.move(xOff, LayoutUnit());

    LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder recorder(paintInfo.context, m_layoutFieldset, paintInfo.phase, paintRect, paintOffset);
    BoxPainter(m_layoutFieldset).paintMaskImages(paintInfo, paintRect);
Exemple #4
IntRect RenderVideo::videoBox() const
    if (m_cachedImageSize.isEmpty() && videoElement()->shouldDisplayPosterImage())
        return IntRect();

    LayoutSize elementSize;
    if (videoElement()->shouldDisplayPosterImage())
        elementSize = m_cachedImageSize;
        elementSize = intrinsicSize();

    IntRect contentRect = pixelSnappedIntRect(contentBoxRect());
    if (elementSize.isEmpty() || contentRect.isEmpty())
        return IntRect();

    LayoutRect renderBox = contentRect;
    LayoutUnit ratio = renderBox.width() * elementSize.height() - renderBox.height() * elementSize.width();
    if (ratio > 0) {
        LayoutUnit newWidth = renderBox.height() * elementSize.width() / elementSize.height();
        // Just fill the whole area if the difference is one pixel or less (in both sides)
        if (renderBox.width() - newWidth > 2)
        renderBox.move((contentRect.width() - renderBox.width()) / 2, 0);
    } else if (ratio < 0) {
        LayoutUnit newHeight = renderBox.width() * elementSize.height() / elementSize.width();
        if (renderBox.height() - newHeight > 2)
        renderBox.move(0, (contentRect.height() - renderBox.height()) / 2);

    return pixelSnappedIntRect(renderBox);
void AccessibilityObject::scrollToGlobalPoint(const IntPoint& globalPoint) const
    // Search up the parent chain and create a vector of all scrollable parent objects
    // and ending with this object itself.
    Vector<const AccessibilityObject*> objects;
    AccessibilityObject* parentObject;
    for (parentObject = this->parentObject(); parentObject; parentObject = parentObject->parentObject()) {
        if (parentObject->getScrollableAreaIfScrollable())

    // Start with the outermost scrollable (the main window) and try to scroll the
    // next innermost object to the given point.
    int offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0;
    IntPoint point = globalPoint;
    size_t levels = objects.size() - 1;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < levels; i++) {
        const AccessibilityObject* outer = objects[i];
        const AccessibilityObject* inner = objects[i + 1];

        ScrollableArea* scrollableArea = outer->getScrollableAreaIfScrollable();

        LayoutRect innerRect = inner->isAccessibilityScrollView() ? inner->parentObject()->elementRect() : inner->elementRect();
        LayoutRect objectRect = innerRect;
        IntPoint scrollPosition = scrollableArea->scrollPosition();

        // Convert the object rect into local coordinates.
        objectRect.move(offsetX, offsetY);
        if (!outer->isAccessibilityScrollView())
            objectRect.move(scrollPosition.x(), scrollPosition.y());

        int desiredX = computeBestScrollOffset(
            objectRect.x(), objectRect.maxX(),
            objectRect.x(), objectRect.maxX(),
            point.x(), point.x());
        int desiredY = computeBestScrollOffset(
            objectRect.y(), objectRect.maxY(),
            objectRect.y(), objectRect.maxY(),
            point.y(), point.y());
        outer->scrollTo(IntPoint(desiredX, desiredY));

        if (outer->isAccessibilityScrollView() && !inner->isAccessibilityScrollView()) {
            // If outer object we just scrolled is a scroll view (main window or iframe) but the
            // inner object is not, keep track of the coordinate transformation to apply to
            // future nested calculations.
            scrollPosition = scrollableArea->scrollPosition();
            offsetX -= (scrollPosition.x() + point.x());
            offsetY -= (scrollPosition.y() + point.y());
            point.move(scrollPosition.x() - innerRect.x(),
                       scrollPosition.y() - innerRect.y());
        } else if (inner->isAccessibilityScrollView()) {
            // Otherwise, if the inner object is a scroll view, reset the coordinate transformation.
            offsetX = 0;
            offsetY = 0;
Exemple #6
void RenderFieldset::paintMask(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    if (style().visibility() != VISIBLE || paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseMask)

    LayoutRect paintRect = LayoutRect(paintOffset, size());
    RenderBox* legend = findLegend();
    if (!legend)
        return RenderBlockFlow::paintMask(paintInfo, paintOffset);

    // FIXME: We need to work with "rl" and "bt" block flow directions.  In those
    // cases the legend is embedded in the right and bottom borders respectively.
    // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=47236
    if (style().isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
        LayoutUnit yOff = (legend->y() > 0) ? LayoutUnit() : (legend->height() - borderTop()) / 2;
        paintRect.expand(0, -yOff);
        paintRect.move(0, yOff);
    } else {
        LayoutUnit xOff = (legend->x() > 0) ? LayoutUnit() : (legend->width() - borderLeft()) / 2;
        paintRect.expand(-xOff, 0);
        paintRect.move(xOff, 0);

    paintMaskImages(paintInfo, paintRect);
Exemple #7
IntRect RenderThemeChromiumSkia::convertToPaintingRect(RenderObject* inputRenderer, const RenderObject* partRenderer, LayoutRect partRect, const IntRect& localOffset) const
    // Compute an offset between the part renderer and the input renderer.
    LayoutSize offsetFromInputRenderer = -partRenderer->offsetFromAncestorContainer(inputRenderer);
    // Move the rect into partRenderer's coords.
    // Account for the local drawing offset.
    partRect.move(localOffset.x(), localOffset.y());

    return pixelSnappedIntRect(partRect);
Exemple #8
void RenderView::adjustViewportConstrainedOffset(LayoutRect& rect, ViewportConstrainedPosition viewportConstraint) const
    if (viewportConstraint != IsFixedPosition)

    if (m_frameView) {
        // If we have a pending scroll, invalidate the previous scroll position.
        if (!m_frameView->pendingScrollDelta().isZero())
static LayoutRect rectToAbsoluteCoordinates(Frame* initialFrame, const LayoutRect& initialRect)
    LayoutRect rect = initialRect;
    for (Frame* frame = initialFrame; frame; frame = frame->tree().parent()) {
        if (Element* element = frame->ownerElement()) {
            do {
                rect.move(element->offsetLeft(), element->offsetTop());
            } while ((element = element->offsetParent()));
    return rect;
Exemple #10
void FontCascade::adjustSelectionRectForComplexText(const TextRun& run, LayoutRect& selectionRect, int from, int to) const
    UniscribeController it(this, run);
    float beforeWidth = it.runWidthSoFar();
    float afterWidth = it.runWidthSoFar();

    if (run.rtl()) {
        selectionRect.move(it.runWidthSoFar() - afterWidth, 0);
    } else
        selectionRect.move(beforeWidth, 0);
    selectionRect.setWidth(afterWidth - beforeWidth);
Exemple #11
void RenderWidget::paintContents(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    IntPoint contentPaintOffset = roundedIntPoint(paintOffset + location() + contentBoxRect().location());
    // Tell the widget to paint now. This is the only time the widget is allowed
    // to paint itself. That way it will composite properly with z-indexed layers.
    LayoutRect paintRect = paintInfo.rect;

    IntPoint widgetLocation = m_widget->frameRect().location();
    IntSize widgetPaintOffset = contentPaintOffset - widgetLocation;
    // When painting widgets into compositing layers, tx and ty are relative to the enclosing compositing layer,
    // not the root. In this case, shift the CTM and adjust the paintRect to be root-relative to fix plug-in drawing.
    if (!widgetPaintOffset.isZero()) {
    // FIXME: Remove repaintrect encolsing/integral snapping when RenderWidget becomes device pixel snapped.
    m_widget->paint(paintInfo.context(), snappedIntRect(paintRect));

    if (!widgetPaintOffset.isZero())

    if (is<FrameView>(*m_widget)) {
        FrameView& frameView = downcast<FrameView>(*m_widget);
        bool runOverlapTests = !frameView.useSlowRepaintsIfNotOverlapped();
        if (paintInfo.overlapTestRequests && runOverlapTests) {
            paintInfo.overlapTestRequests->set(this, m_widget->frameRect());
Exemple #12
void RenderWidget::paintContents(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    LayoutPoint adjustedPaintOffset = paintOffset + location();

    // Tell the widget to paint now. This is the only time the widget is allowed
    // to paint itself. That way it will composite properly with z-indexed layers.
    IntPoint widgetLocation = m_widget->frameRect().location();
    IntPoint paintLocation(roundToInt(adjustedPaintOffset.x() + borderLeft() + paddingLeft()),
        roundToInt(adjustedPaintOffset.y() + borderTop() + paddingTop()));
    LayoutRect paintRect = paintInfo.rect;

    LayoutSize widgetPaintOffset = paintLocation - widgetLocation;
    // When painting widgets into compositing layers, tx and ty are relative to the enclosing compositing layer,
    // not the root. In this case, shift the CTM and adjust the paintRect to be root-relative to fix plug-in drawing.
    if (!widgetPaintOffset.isZero()) {
    m_widget->paint(paintInfo.context, pixelSnappedIntRect(paintRect));

    if (!widgetPaintOffset.isZero())

    if (m_widget->isFrameView()) {
        FrameView* frameView = toFrameView(m_widget.get());
        bool runOverlapTests = !frameView->useSlowRepaintsIfNotOverlapped() || frameView->hasCompositedContentIncludingDescendants();
        if (paintInfo.overlapTestRequests && runOverlapTests) {
            paintInfo.overlapTestRequests->set(this, m_widget->frameRect());
Exemple #13
void RenderView::computeRectForRepaint(RenderBoxModelObject* repaintContainer, LayoutRect& rect, bool fixed) const
    // If a container was specified, and was not 0 or the RenderView,
    // then we should have found it by now.
    ASSERT_ARG(repaintContainer, !repaintContainer || repaintContainer == this);

    if (printing())

    if (style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) {
        // We have to flip by hand since the view's logical height has not been determined.  We
        // can use the viewport width and height.
        if (style()->isHorizontalWritingMode())
            rect.setY(viewHeight() - rect.maxY());
            rect.setX(viewWidth() - rect.maxX());

    if (fixed && m_frameView)
    // Apply our transform if we have one (because of full page zooming).
    if (!repaintContainer && m_layer && m_layer->transform())
        rect = m_layer->transform()->mapRect(rect);
Exemple #14
LayoutRect RenderReplaced::replacedContentRect(const LayoutSize& intrinsicSize) const
    LayoutRect contentRect = contentBoxRect();
    ObjectFit objectFit = style().objectFit();
    if (objectFit == ObjectFitFill)
        return contentRect;

    if (!intrinsicSize.width() || !intrinsicSize.height())
        return contentRect;

    LayoutRect finalRect = contentRect;
    switch (objectFit) {
    case ObjectFitContain:
    case ObjectFitScaleDown:
    case ObjectFitCover:
        finalRect.setSize(finalRect.size().fitToAspectRatio(intrinsicSize, objectFit == ObjectFitCover ? AspectRatioFitGrow : AspectRatioFitShrink));
        if (objectFit != ObjectFitScaleDown || finalRect.width() <= intrinsicSize.width())
        // fall through
    case ObjectFitNone:
    case ObjectFitFill:

    // FIXME: This is where object-position should be taken into account, but since it's not
    // implemented yet, assume the initial value of "50% 50%".
    LayoutUnit xOffset = (contentRect.width() - finalRect.width()) / 2;
    LayoutUnit yOffset = (contentRect.height() - finalRect.height()) / 2;
    finalRect.move(xOffset, yOffset);

    return finalRect;
Exemple #15
bool BlockPainter::intersectsPaintRect(
    const PaintInfo& paintInfo,
    const LayoutPoint& adjustedPaintOffset) const {
  LayoutRect overflowRect;
  if (paintInfo.isPrinting() && m_layoutBlock.isAnonymousBlock() &&
      m_layoutBlock.childrenInline()) {
    // For case <a href="..."><div>...</div></a>, when m_layoutBlock is the
    // anonymous container of <a>, the anonymous container's visual overflow is
    // empty, but we need to continue painting to output <a>'s PDF URL rect
    // which covers the continuations, as if we included <a>'s PDF URL rect into
    // m_layoutBlock's visual overflow.
    Vector<LayoutRect> rects;
    m_layoutBlock.addElementVisualOverflowRects(rects, LayoutPoint());
    overflowRect = unionRect(rects);

  bool usesCompositedScrolling = m_layoutBlock.hasOverflowModel() &&

  if (usesCompositedScrolling) {
    LayoutRect layoutOverflowRect = m_layoutBlock.layoutOverflowRect();

  // Scrolling is applied in physical space, which is why it is after the flip
  // above.
  if (usesCompositedScrolling) {

  return paintInfo.cullRect().intersectsCullRect(overflowRect);
Exemple #16
LayoutRect SVGRenderSupport::clippedOverflowRectForPaintInvalidation(const RenderObject* object, const RenderLayerModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer, const PaintInvalidationState* paintInvalidationState)
    // Return early for any cases where we don't actually paint
    if (object->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE && !object->enclosingLayer()->hasVisibleContent())
        return LayoutRect();

    // Pass our local paint rect to computeRectForPaintInvalidation() which will
    // map to parent coords and recurse up the parent chain.
    FloatRect paintInvalidationRect = object->paintInvalidationRectInLocalCoordinates();

    if (paintInvalidationState && paintInvalidationState->canMapToContainer(paintInvalidationContainer)) {
        // Compute accumulated SVG transform and apply to local paint rect.
        AffineTransform transform = paintInvalidationState->svgTransform() * object->localToParentTransform();
        paintInvalidationRect = transform.mapRect(paintInvalidationRect);
        // FIXME: These are quirks carried forward from the old paint invalidation infrastructure.
        LayoutRect rect = enclosingIntRectIfNotEmpty(paintInvalidationRect);
        // Offset by SVG root paint offset and apply clipping as needed.
        if (paintInvalidationState->isClipped())
        return rect;

    LayoutRect rect;
    const RenderSVGRoot& svgRoot = mapRectToSVGRootForPaintInvalidation(object, paintInvalidationRect, rect);
    svgRoot.mapRectToPaintInvalidationBacking(paintInvalidationContainer, rect, paintInvalidationState);
    return rect;
Exemple #17
void RenderBlockFlow::invalidatePaintForOverflow()
    // FIXME: We could tighten up the left and right invalidation points if we let layoutInlineChildren fill them in based off the particular lines
    // it had to lay out. We wouldn't need the hasOverflowClip() hack in that case either.
    LayoutUnit paintInvalidationLogicalLeft = logicalLeftVisualOverflow();
    LayoutUnit paintInvalidationLogicalRight = logicalRightVisualOverflow();
    if (hasOverflowClip()) {
        // If we have clipped overflow, we should use layout overflow as well, since visual overflow from lines didn't propagate to our block's overflow.
        // Note the old code did this as well but even for overflow:visible. The addition of hasOverflowClip() at least tightens up the hack a bit.
        // layoutInlineChildren should be patched to compute the entire paint invalidation rect.
        paintInvalidationLogicalLeft = std::min(paintInvalidationLogicalLeft, logicalLeftLayoutOverflow());
        paintInvalidationLogicalRight = std::max(paintInvalidationLogicalRight, logicalRightLayoutOverflow());

    LayoutRect paintInvalidationRect = LayoutRect(paintInvalidationLogicalLeft, m_paintInvalidationLogicalTop, paintInvalidationLogicalRight - paintInvalidationLogicalLeft, m_paintInvalidationLogicalBottom - m_paintInvalidationLogicalTop);

    if (hasOverflowClip()) {
        // Adjust the paint invalidation rect for scroll offset

        // Don't allow this rect to spill out of our overflow box.
        paintInvalidationRect.intersect(LayoutRect(LayoutPoint(), size()));

    // Make sure the rect is still non-empty after intersecting for overflow above
    if (!paintInvalidationRect.isEmpty()) {
        // Hits in media/event-attributes.html
        DisableCompositingQueryAsserts disabler;

        invalidatePaintRectangle(paintInvalidationRect); // We need to do a partial paint invalidation of our content.

    m_paintInvalidationLogicalTop = 0;
    m_paintInvalidationLogicalBottom = 0;
Exemple #18
LayoutRect RenderReplaced::replacedContentRect(const LayoutSize& intrinsicSize) const
    LayoutRect contentRect = contentBoxRect();
    if (intrinsicSize.isEmpty())
        return contentRect;

    ObjectFit objectFit = style().objectFit();

    LayoutRect finalRect = contentRect;
    switch (objectFit) {
    case ObjectFitContain:
    case ObjectFitScaleDown:
    case ObjectFitCover:
        finalRect.setSize(finalRect.size().fitToAspectRatio(intrinsicSize, objectFit == ObjectFitCover ? AspectRatioFitGrow : AspectRatioFitShrink));
        if (objectFit != ObjectFitScaleDown || finalRect.width() <= intrinsicSize.width())
    case ObjectFitNone:
    case ObjectFitFill:

    LengthPoint objectPosition = style().objectPosition();

    LayoutUnit xOffset = minimumValueForLength(objectPosition.x(), contentRect.width() - finalRect.width());
    LayoutUnit yOffset = minimumValueForLength(objectPosition.y(), contentRect.height() - finalRect.height());

    finalRect.move(xOffset, yOffset);

    return finalRect;
static LayoutRect rectToAbsoluteCoordinates(LocalFrame* initialFrame, const LayoutRect& initialRect)
    LayoutRect rect = initialRect;
    for (Frame* frame = initialFrame; frame; frame = frame->tree().parent()) {
        if (!frame->isLocalFrame())
        // FIXME: Spatial navigation is broken for OOPI.
        if (Element* element = frame->deprecatedLocalOwner()) {
            do {
                rect.move(element->offsetLeft(), element->offsetTop());
            } while ((element = element->offsetParent()));
    return rect;
BoxClipper::BoxClipper(const LayoutBox& box, const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, ContentsClipBehavior contentsClipBehavior)
    : m_box(box)
    , m_paintInfo(paintInfo)
    , m_clipType(DisplayItem::UninitializedType)
    ASSERT(m_paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseSelfBlockBackgroundOnly && m_paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseSelfOutlineOnly);

    if (m_paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseMask)

    if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::slimmingPaintV2Enabled()) {
        const auto* objectProperties = m_box.objectPaintProperties();
        if (objectProperties && objectProperties->overflowClip()) {
            PaintChunkProperties properties(paintInfo.context.getPaintController().currentPaintChunkProperties());
            properties.clip = objectProperties->overflowClip();
            m_scopedClipProperty.emplace(paintInfo.context.getPaintController(), properties);

    bool isControlClip = m_box.hasControlClip();
    bool isOverflowOrContainmentClip = (m_box.hasOverflowClip() && !m_box.layer()->isSelfPaintingLayer())
        || m_box.style()->containsPaint();

    if (!isControlClip && !isOverflowOrContainmentClip)

    LayoutRect clipRect = isControlClip ? m_box.controlClipRect(accumulatedOffset) : m_box.overflowClipRect(accumulatedOffset);
    FloatRoundedRect clipRoundedRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
    bool hasBorderRadius = m_box.style()->hasBorderRadius();
    if (hasBorderRadius)
        clipRoundedRect = m_box.style()->getRoundedInnerBorderFor(LayoutRect(accumulatedOffset, m_box.size()));

    // Selection does not affect visual overflow, so this optimization is invalid if selection
    // is present.
    if (contentsClipBehavior == SkipContentsClipIfPossible && box.getSelectionState() == SelectionNone) {
        LayoutRect contentsVisualOverflow = m_box.contentsVisualOverflowRect();
        if (contentsVisualOverflow.isEmpty())

        LayoutRect conservativeClipRect = clipRect;
        if (hasBorderRadius)
        if (m_box.hasLayer())
        if (conservativeClipRect.contains(contentsVisualOverflow))

    if (!m_paintInfo.context.getPaintController().displayItemConstructionIsDisabled()) {
        m_clipType = m_paintInfo.displayItemTypeForClipping();
        Vector<FloatRoundedRect> roundedRects;
        if (hasBorderRadius)
        m_paintInfo.context.getPaintController().createAndAppend<ClipDisplayItem>(m_box, m_clipType, pixelSnappedIntRect(clipRect), roundedRects);
void InlineTextBox::move(const LayoutSize& delta)

    if (!knownToHaveNoOverflow()) {
        LayoutRect logicalOverflowRect = this->logicalOverflowRect();
        logicalOverflowRect.move(isHorizontal() ? delta : delta.transposedSize());
LayoutRect BlockPainter::overflowRectForPaintRejection() const
    LayoutRect overflowRect = m_layoutBlock.visualOverflowRect();
    if (!m_layoutBlock.hasOverflowModel() || !m_layoutBlock.usesCompositedScrolling())
        return overflowRect;

    return overflowRect;
bool BlockPainter::intersectsPaintRect(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset) const
    LayoutRect overflowRect = m_layoutBlock.visualOverflowRect();
    if (m_layoutBlock.hasOverflowModel() && m_layoutBlock.usesCompositedScrolling()) {
    overflowRect.moveBy(paintOffset + m_layoutBlock.location());
    return paintInfo.cullRect().intersectsCullRect(overflowRect);
void LayoutMultiColumnSet::addOverflowFromChildren()
    LayoutRect overflowRect;
    for (const auto& group : m_fragmentainerGroups) {
        LayoutRect rect = group.calculateOverflow();
LayoutRect AccessibilityScrollView::elementRect() const
    if (!m_scrollView)
        return LayoutRect();

    LayoutRect rect = m_scrollView->frameRect();
    float topContentInset = m_scrollView->topContentInset();
    // Top content inset pushes the frame down and shrinks it.
    rect.move(0, topContentInset);
    rect.contract(0, topContentInset);
    return rect;
Exemple #26
void ShadowData::adjustRectForShadow(LayoutRect& rect, int additionalOutlineSize) const
    int shadowLeft = 0;
    int shadowRight = 0;
    int shadowTop = 0;
    int shadowBottom = 0;
    calculateShadowExtent(this, additionalOutlineSize, shadowLeft, shadowRight, shadowTop, shadowBottom);

    rect.move(shadowLeft, shadowTop);
    rect.setWidth(rect.width() - shadowLeft + shadowRight);
    rect.setHeight(rect.height() - shadowTop + shadowBottom);
Exemple #27
static PassRefPtr<InspectorObject> buildObjectForRegionHighlight(FrameView* mainView, RenderRegion* region)
    FrameView* containingView = region->frame().view();
    if (!containingView)
        return nullptr;

    RenderBlockFlow* regionContainer = toRenderBlockFlow(region->parent());
    LayoutRect borderBox = regionContainer->borderBoxRect();
    borderBox.setWidth(borderBox.width() + regionContainer->verticalScrollbarWidth());
    borderBox.setHeight(borderBox.height() + regionContainer->horizontalScrollbarHeight());

    // Create incoming and outgoing boxes that we use to chain the regions toghether.
    const LayoutSize linkBoxSize(10, 10);
    const LayoutSize linkBoxMidpoint(linkBoxSize.width() / 2, linkBoxSize.height() / 2);
    LayoutRect incomingRectBox = LayoutRect(borderBox.location() - linkBoxMidpoint, linkBoxSize);
    LayoutRect outgoingRectBox = LayoutRect(borderBox.location() - linkBoxMidpoint + borderBox.size(), linkBoxSize);

    // Move the link boxes slightly inside the region border box.
    LayoutUnit maxUsableHeight = std::max(LayoutUnit(), borderBox.height() - linkBoxMidpoint.height());
    LayoutUnit linkBoxVerticalOffset = std::min(LayoutUnit::fromPixel(15), maxUsableHeight);
    incomingRectBox.move(0, linkBoxVerticalOffset);
    outgoingRectBox.move(0, -linkBoxVerticalOffset);

    FloatQuad borderRectQuad = regionContainer->localToAbsoluteQuad(FloatRect(borderBox));
    FloatQuad incomingRectQuad = regionContainer->localToAbsoluteQuad(FloatRect(incomingRectBox));
    FloatQuad outgoingRectQuad = regionContainer->localToAbsoluteQuad(FloatRect(outgoingRectBox));

    contentsQuadToPage(mainView, containingView, borderRectQuad);
    contentsQuadToPage(mainView, containingView, incomingRectQuad);
    contentsQuadToPage(mainView, containingView, outgoingRectQuad);

    RefPtr<InspectorObject> regionObject = InspectorObject::create();

    regionObject->setArray("borderQuad", buildArrayForQuad(borderRectQuad));
    regionObject->setArray("incomingQuad", buildArrayForQuad(incomingRectQuad));
    regionObject->setArray("outgoingQuad", buildArrayForQuad(outgoingRectQuad));

    return regionObject.release();
Exemple #28
LayoutRect RenderReplaced::clippedOverflowRectForRepaint(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer) const
    if (style().visibility() != VISIBLE && !enclosingLayer()->hasVisibleContent())
        return LayoutRect();

    // The selectionRect can project outside of the overflowRect, so take their union
    // for repainting to avoid selection painting glitches.
    LayoutRect r = unionRect(localSelectionRect(false), visualOverflowRect());
    // FIXME: layoutDelta needs to be applied in parts before/after transforms and
    // repaint containers. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23308
    return computeRectForRepaint(r, repaintContainer);
LayoutRect RenderNamedFlowFragment::flowThreadPortionRectForClipping(bool isFirstRegionInRange, bool isLastRegionInRange) const
    // Elements flowed into a region should not be painted past the region's content box
    // if they continue to flow into another region in that direction.
    // If they do not continue into another region in that direction, they should be
    // painted all the way to the region's border box.
    // Regions with overflow:hidden will apply clip at the border box, not the content box.
    LayoutRect clippingRect = flowThreadPortionRect();
    RenderBlockFlow& container = fragmentContainer();
    if (container.style().hasPadding()) {
        if (isFirstRegionInRange) {
            if (flowThread()->isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
                clippingRect.move(0, -container.paddingBefore());
                clippingRect.expand(0, container.paddingBefore());
            } else {
                clippingRect.move(-container.paddingBefore(), 0);
                clippingRect.expand(container.paddingBefore(), 0);
        if (isLastRegionInRange) {
            if (flowThread()->isHorizontalWritingMode())
                clippingRect.expand(0, container.paddingAfter());
                clippingRect.expand(container.paddingAfter(), 0);
        if (flowThread()->isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
            clippingRect.move(-container.paddingStart(), 0);
            clippingRect.expand(container.paddingStart() + container.paddingEnd(), 0);
        } else {
            clippingRect.move(0, -container.paddingStart());
            clippingRect.expand(0, container.paddingStart() + container.paddingEnd());
    return clippingRect;
LayoutRect FilterEffectRenderer::computeSourceImageRectForDirtyRect(const LayoutRect& filterBoxRect, const LayoutRect& dirtyRect)
    // The result of this function is the area in the "filterBoxRect" that needs to be repainted, so that we fully cover the "dirtyRect".
    LayoutRect rectForRepaint = dirtyRect;
    if (hasFilterThatMovesPixels()) {
        // Note that the outsets are reversed here because we are going backwards -> we have the dirty rect and
        // need to find out what is the rectangle that might influence the result inside that dirty rect.
        rectForRepaint.move(-m_outsets.right(), -m_outsets.bottom());
        rectForRepaint.expand(m_outsets.left() + m_outsets.right(), m_outsets.top() + m_outsets.bottom());
    return rectForRepaint;