Exemple #1
void _buildingWall( const Polygon_2& ring, const Kernel::FT& wallHeight, PolyhedralSurface& shell )
    size_t npt = ring.size() ;

    for ( size_t i = 0; i < npt; i++ ) {
        const Point_2& a = ring.vertex( i ) ;
        const Point_2& b = ring.vertex( ( i+1 ) % npt ) ;

        LineString wallRing ;
        wallRing.addPoint( new Point( a.x(), a.y(), Kernel::FT( 0 ) ) );
        wallRing.addPoint( new Point( b.x(), b.y(), Kernel::FT( 0 ) ) );
        wallRing.addPoint( new Point( b.x(), b.y(), wallHeight ) );
        wallRing.addPoint( new Point( a.x(), a.y(), wallHeight ) );
        wallRing.addPoint( new Point( a.x(), a.y(), Kernel::FT( 0 ) ) );
        shell.addPolygon( Polygon( wallRing ) );
PolyhedralSurface::PolyhedralSurface( const MarkedPolyhedron& poly ) :
    for ( MarkedPolyhedron::Facet_const_iterator fit = poly.facets_begin(); fit != poly.facets_end(); ++fit ) {
        LineString* face = new LineString();
        MarkedPolyhedron::Halfedge_around_facet_const_circulator hit = fit->facet_begin();

        do {
            face->addPoint( hit->vertex()->point() );
        while ( hit != fit->facet_begin() );

        // close the ring
        face->addPoint( hit->vertex()->point() );
        _polygons.push_back( new Polygon( face ) );
Exemple #3
std::auto_ptr< Geometry > building(
    const Polygon& g,
    const Kernel::FT& wallHeight,
    const Kernel::FT& roofSlope
    //typedef Straight_skeleton_2::Vertex_const_handle     Vertex_const_handle ;
    typedef Straight_skeleton_2::Halfedge_const_handle   Halfedge_const_handle ;
    //typedef Straight_skeleton_2::Halfedge_const_iterator Halfedge_const_iterator ;
    typedef Straight_skeleton_2::Face_const_iterator     Face_const_iterator ;

    // convert to CGAL polygon and generate straight skeleton
    Polygon_with_holes_2 polygon = g.toPolygon_with_holes_2() ;

    // fix orientation
    algorithm::makeValidOrientation( polygon ) ;

    boost::shared_ptr< Straight_skeleton_2 > skeleton = CGAL::create_interior_straight_skeleton_2( polygon ) ;

    std::auto_ptr< PolyhedralSurface > shell( new PolyhedralSurface );
    // bottom part
        Polygon bottom( polygon );
        algorithm::force3D( bottom );
        shell->addPolygon( bottom );

    // walls
        //exterior rings
        _buildingWall( polygon.outer_boundary(), wallHeight, *shell ) ;

        //interior rings
        for ( Polygon_with_holes_2::Hole_const_iterator it = polygon.holes_begin(); it != polygon.holes_end(); ++it ) {
            _buildingWall( *it, wallHeight, *shell ) ;

    // roof
        for ( Face_const_iterator it = skeleton->faces_begin(); it != skeleton->faces_end(); ++it ) {

            LineString roofFaceRing ;
            Halfedge_const_handle h = it->halfedge(), done( h ) ;
            bool infiniteTimeFound = false ;

            do {
                infiniteTimeFound = infiniteTimeFound || h->has_infinite_time() ;

                Point_2    point  = h->vertex()->point() ;
                Kernel::FT zPoint = wallHeight + h->vertex()->time() * roofSlope ;

                roofFaceRing.addPoint( Point( point.x(), point.y(), zPoint ) );

                h = h->next() ;
            while ( h != done && ! infiniteTimeFound );

            if ( ! infiniteTimeFound ) {
                roofFaceRing.addPoint( roofFaceRing.startPoint() );
                shell->addPolygon( Polygon( roofFaceRing ) );

    return std::auto_ptr< Geometry >( new Solid( shell.release() ) );