std::string V8Engine::compileScript(std::string script)
    HandleScope handleScope;
    TryCatch tc;

    Local<String> source = String::New(script.c_str());

    // Compile the source code.

    Local<Script> code = Script::Compile(source);
    if (!code.IsEmpty())
        return "";

    // There were errors, return them

    std::string ret = "";

    Handle<Object> exception = tc.Exception()->ToObject();
    String::AsciiValue exception_str(exception);

    ret += *exception_str; ret += "\n";

    Local<Message> message = tc.Message();

    ret += *(v8::String::Utf8Value( message->Get() )); ret += "\n";
    ret += "Source line: "; ret += *(v8::String::Utf8Value( message->GetSourceLine() )); ret += "\n";
    ret += "Source line number: "; ret += Utility::toString(message->GetLineNumber()); ret += "\n";

    return ret;
static void logV8Exception(Local<Message> msg, Local<Value> data)
	HandleScope scope(V8Runtime::v8_isolate);

	// Log reason and location of the error.
	LOGD(TAG, *v8::String::Utf8Value(msg->Get()));
	LOGD(TAG, "%s @ %d >>> %s",
void handleException(TryCatch& tc)
    Logging::log(Logging::ERROR, "V8 exception:\r\n");

    HandleScope handleScope;

    Handle<Object> exception = tc.Exception()->ToObject();
    String::AsciiValue exception_str(exception);

    Logging::log(Logging::ERROR, "            : %s\r\n", *exception_str);

    Handle<Array> names = exception->GetPropertyNames();
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < names->Length(); i++)
        std::string strI = Utility::toString((int)i);
        Logging::log(Logging::ERROR, "    %d : %s : %s\r\n", i,

    Local<Message> message = tc.Message();

    Logging::log(Logging::ERROR, "Message: Get: %s\r\n", *(v8::String::Utf8Value( message->Get() )));
    Logging::log(Logging::ERROR, "Message: GetSourceLine: %s\r\n", *(v8::String::Utf8Value( message->GetSourceLine() )));
    Logging::log(Logging::ERROR, "Message: GetScriptResourceName: %s\r\n", *(v8::String::Utf8Value( message->GetScriptResourceName()->ToString() )));
    Logging::log(Logging::ERROR, "Message: GetLineNumber: %d\r\n", message->GetLineNumber() );

    Local<Value> stackTrace = tc.StackTrace();
    if (!stackTrace.IsEmpty())
        Logging::log(Logging::ERROR, "Stack trace: %s\r\n", *(v8::String::Utf8Value( stackTrace->ToString() )));
        printf("\r\n\r\n^Stack trace^: %s\r\n", *(v8::String::Utf8Value( stackTrace->ToString() )));
        Logging::log(Logging::ERROR, "No stack trace available in C++ handler (see above for possible in-script stack trace)\r\n");

    #ifdef SERVER
        std::string clientMessage = *(v8::String::Utf8Value( message->Get() ));
        clientMessage += "  -  ";
        clientMessage += *(v8::String::Utf8Value( message->GetSourceLine() ));

//    assert(0);
    throw ScriptException("Bad!");
Exemple #4
 * 吉里吉里に対して例外通知
JSEXCEPTION(Isolate* isolate, TryCatch *try_catch)
	HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);

	//HandleScope handle_scope;
	String::Value exception(try_catch->Exception());

	Local<Message> message = try_catch->Message();
	if (!message.IsEmpty()) {
		// 例外表示
		String::Value filename(message->GetScriptResourceName());
		ttstr msg;
		msg += *filename;
		msg += ":";
		msg += tTJSVariant(message->GetLineNumber());
		msg += ":";
		msg += *exception;

		// Print (filename):(line number): (message).
		String::Value sourceline(message->GetSourceLine());

		// エラー行表示
		ttstr wavy;
		int start = message->GetStartColumn();
		for (int i = 0; i < start; i++) {
			wavy += " ";
		int end = message->GetEndColumn();
		for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
			wavy +="^";

		// スタックトレース表示
		String::Value stack_trace(try_catch->StackTrace());
		if (stack_trace.length() > 0) {