Exemple #1
Session::Request(const Arguments& args)
    HandleScope scope;

    if (args.Length() < 1 || !args[0]->IsString()) {
        return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(
                "Service URI string must be provided as first parameter.")));
    if (args.Length() < 2 || !args[1]->IsString()) {
        return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(
                "String request name must be provided as second parameter.")));
    if (args.Length() < 3 || !args[2]->IsObject()) {
        return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(
                "Object containing request parameters must be provided "
                "as third parameter.")));
    if (args.Length() < 4 || !args[3]->IsInt32()) {
        return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(
                "Integer correlation identifier must be provided "
                "as fourth parameter.")));
    if (args.Length() >= 5 && !args[4]->IsUndefined() && !args[4]->IsString()) {
        return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(
                "Optional request label must be a string.")));
    if (args.Length() > 5) {
        return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(
                "Function expects at most five arguments.")));

    int cidi = args[3]->Int32Value();

    Session* session = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Session>(args.This());


    Local<String> uri = args[0]->ToString();
    String::AsciiValue uriv(uri);

    blpapi::Service service = session->d_session->getService(*uriv);

    Local<String> name = args[1]->ToString();
    String::Utf8Value namev(name);

    blpapi::Request request = service.createRequest(*namev);

    // Loop over object properties, appending/setting into the request.
    Local<Object> obj = args[2]->ToObject();
    Local<Array> props = obj->GetPropertyNames();

    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < props->Length(); ++i) {
        // Process the key.
        Local<Value> keyval = props->Get(i);
        Local<String> key = keyval->ToString();
        String::Utf8Value keyv(key);

        // Process the value.
        // The values present on the outer object are marshalled into the
        // blpapi::Request by setting values using 'set'.  Arrays indicate
        // values which should be marshalled using 'append'.
        Local<Value> val = obj->Get(keyval);
        if (val->IsString()) {
            Local<String> s = val->ToString();
            String::Utf8Value valv(s);
            request.set(*keyv, *valv);
        } else if (val->IsBoolean()) {
            request.set(*keyv, val->BooleanValue());
        } else if (val->IsNumber()) {
            request.set(*keyv, val->NumberValue());
        } else if (val->IsInt32()) {
            request.set(*keyv, val->Int32Value());
        } else if (val->IsUint32()) {
        } else if (val->IsDate()) {
            blpapi::Datetime dt;
            mkdatetime(&dt, val);
            request.set(*keyv, dt);
        } else if (val->IsArray()) {
            // Arrays are marshalled into the blpapi::Request by appending
            // value types using the key of the array in the outer object.
            Local<Object> subarray = val->ToObject();
            int jmax = Array::Cast(*val)->Length();
            for (int j = 0; j < jmax; ++j) {
                Local<Value> subval = subarray->Get(j);
                // Only strings, booleans, and numbers are marshalled.
                if (subval->IsString()) {
                    Local<String> s = subval->ToString();
                    String::Utf8Value subvalv(s);
                    request.append(*keyv, *subvalv);
                } else if (subval->IsBoolean()) {
                    request.append(*keyv, subval->BooleanValue());
                } else if (subval->IsNumber()) {
                    request.append(*keyv, subval->NumberValue());
                } else if (subval->IsInt32()) {
                    request.append(*keyv, subval->Int32Value());
                } else if (subval->IsUint32()) {
                } else if (subval->IsDate()) {
                    blpapi::Datetime dt;
                    mkdatetime(&dt, subval);
                    request.append(*keyv, dt);
                } else {
                    return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(
                                "Array contains invalid value type.")));
        } else {
            return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(
                        "Object contains invalid value type.")));

    blpapi::CorrelationId cid(cidi);

    if (args.Length() == 5) {
        String::Utf8Value labelv(args[4]->ToString());
        session->d_session->sendRequest(request, session->d_identity,
                                        cid, 0, *labelv, labelv.length());
    } else {
        session->d_session->sendRequest(request, session->d_identity, cid);


    return scope.Close(Integer::New(cidi));
    bool QueryOperation::BindParameters( Handle<Array> node_params )
        uint32_t count = node_params->Length();

        if( count > 0 ) {

            for( uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i ) {

                Local<Value> p = node_params->Get( i );
                ParamBinding binding;

                if( p->IsNull() ) {

                    binding.js_type = ParamBinding::JS_NULL;
                    binding.c_type = SQL_C_CHAR;
                    binding.sql_type = SQL_CHAR;
                    binding.param_size = 1;
                    binding.digits = 0;
                    binding.buffer = NULL;
                    binding.buffer_len = 0;
                    binding.indptr = SQL_NULL_DATA;
                else if( p->IsString() ) {

                    binding.js_type = ParamBinding::JS_STRING;
                    binding.c_type = SQL_C_WCHAR;
                    binding.sql_type = SQL_WVARCHAR;
                    Local<String> str_param = p->ToString();
                    int str_len = str_param->Length();
                    binding.buffer = new uint16_t[ str_len + 1 ];   // null terminator
                    str_param->Write( static_cast<uint16_t*>( binding.buffer ));
                    if( str_len > 4000 ) {
                        binding.param_size = 0;     // max types require 0 precision
                    else {
                        binding.param_size = str_len;
                    binding.buffer_len = str_len * sizeof( uint16_t );
                    binding.digits = 0;
                    binding.indptr = binding.buffer_len;
                else if( p->IsBoolean() ) {
                    binding.js_type = ParamBinding::JS_BOOLEAN;
                    binding.c_type = SQL_C_BIT;
                    binding.sql_type = SQL_BIT;
                    binding.buffer = new uint16_t;
                    binding.buffer_len = sizeof( uint16_t );
                    *static_cast<uint16_t*>( binding.buffer ) = p->BooleanValue();
                    binding.param_size = 1;
                    binding.digits = 0;
                    binding.indptr = binding.buffer_len;
                else if( p->IsInt32()) {

                    binding.js_type = ParamBinding::JS_INT;
                    binding.c_type = SQL_C_SLONG;
                    binding.sql_type = SQL_INTEGER;
                    binding.buffer = new int32_t;
                    binding.buffer_len = sizeof( int32_t );
                    *static_cast<int32_t*>( binding.buffer ) = p->Int32Value();
                    binding.param_size = sizeof( int32_t );
                    binding.digits = 0;
                    binding.indptr = binding.buffer_len;
                else if( p->IsUint32()) {

                    binding.js_type = ParamBinding::JS_UINT;
                    binding.c_type = SQL_C_ULONG;
                    binding.sql_type = SQL_BIGINT;
                    binding.buffer = new uint32_t;
                    binding.buffer_len = sizeof( uint32_t );
                    *static_cast<int32_t*>( binding.buffer ) = p->Uint32Value();
                    binding.param_size = sizeof( uint32_t );
                    binding.digits = 0;
                    binding.indptr = binding.buffer_len;
                else if( p->IsNumber()) {

                    // numbers can be either integers or doubles.  We attempt to determine which it is through a simple
                    // cast and equality check
                    double d = p->NumberValue();
                    if( _isnan( d ) || !_finite( d ) ) {

                        return ParameterErrorToUserCallback( i, "Invalid number parameter" );

                    else if( d == floor( d ) && 
                             d >= std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min() && 
                             d <= std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() ) {

                        binding.js_type = ParamBinding::JS_NUMBER;
                        binding.c_type = SQL_C_SBIGINT;
                        binding.sql_type = SQL_BIGINT;
                        binding.buffer = new int64_t;
                        binding.buffer_len = sizeof( int64_t );
                        *static_cast<int64_t*>( binding.buffer ) = p->IntegerValue();
                        binding.param_size = sizeof( int64_t );
                        binding.digits = 0;
                        binding.indptr = binding.buffer_len;
                    else {

                        binding.js_type = ParamBinding::JS_NUMBER;
                        binding.c_type = SQL_C_DOUBLE;
                        binding.sql_type = SQL_DOUBLE;
                        binding.buffer = new double;
                        binding.buffer_len = sizeof( double );
                        *static_cast<double*>( binding.buffer ) = p->NumberValue();
                        binding.param_size = sizeof( double );
                        binding.digits = 0;
                        binding.indptr = binding.buffer_len;
                else if( p->IsDate() ) {

                    // Since JS dates have no timezone context, all dates are assumed to be UTC
                    Handle<Date> dateObject = Handle<Date>::Cast<Value>( p );
                    assert( !dateObject.IsEmpty() );
                    // dates in JS are stored internally as ms count from Jan 1, 1970
                    double d = dateObject->NumberValue();
                    TimestampColumn sql_date( d );
                    sql_date.ToTimestampOffset( *sql_tm );

                    binding.js_type = ParamBinding::JS_DATE;
                    binding.c_type = SQL_C_BINARY;
                    // TODO: Determine proper SQL type based on version of server we're talking to
                    binding.sql_type = SQL_SS_TIMESTAMPOFFSET;
                    binding.buffer = sql_tm;
                    binding.buffer_len = sizeof( SQL_SS_TIMESTAMPOFFSET_STRUCT );
                    // TODO: Determine proper precision and size based on version of server we're talking to
                    binding.param_size = SQL_SERVER_2008_DEFAULT_DATETIME_PRECISION;
                    binding.digits = SQL_SERVER_2008_DEFAULT_DATETIME_SCALE;
                    binding.indptr = binding.buffer_len;
                else if( p->IsObject() && node::Buffer::HasInstance( p )) {

                    // TODO: Determine if we need something to keep the Buffer object from going
                    // away while we use it we could just copy the data, but with buffers being 
                    // potentially very large, that could be problematic
                    Local<Object> o = p.As<Object>();
                    binding.js_type = ParamBinding::JS_BUFFER;
                    binding.c_type = SQL_C_BINARY;
                    binding.sql_type = SQL_VARBINARY;
                    binding.buffer = node::Buffer::Data( o );
                    binding.buffer_len = node::Buffer::Length( o );
                    binding.param_size = binding.buffer_len;
                    binding.digits = 0;
                    binding.indptr = binding.buffer_len;

                else {

                    return ParameterErrorToUserCallback( i, "Invalid parameter type" );


                params.push_back( move( binding ));

        return true;
Exemple #3
bool GNUtil::isDictionaryObject(Local<Value> obj) {
    return obj->IsObject() &&
           !(obj->IsRegExp() || obj->IsDate() ||
             obj->IsFunction() || obj->IsArray());
bool CQueryParameter::TransformParameter( Isolate* isolate, Local< Value > value, sBindParameter** pOutParam )
	HandleScope scope( isolate );
	Local< Context > context = isolate->GetCurrentContext( );

	sBindParameter* pParameter = *pOutParam;

	if( value->IsNull( ) )
		pParameter->SetNull( );
	else if( value->IsString( ) )
		pParameter->SetString( value.As<String>( ) );
	else if( value->IsBoolean( ) )
		pParameter->SetBool( value->BooleanValue( context ).FromJust( ) );
	else if( value->IsInt32( ) )
		pParameter->SetInt( value->Int32Value( context ).FromJust( ) );
	else if( value->IsUint32( ) )
		pParameter->SetUInt( value->Uint32Value( context ).FromJust( ) );
	else if( value->IsNumber( ) )
		double d = value->NumberValue( context ).FromJust( );
		if( _isnan( d ) || !_finite( d ) )
			return false;
		else if( d == floor( d ) &&
				 d >= std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min( ) &&
				 d <= std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max( )
			pParameter->SetInt64( value->IntegerValue( context ).FromJust( ) );
			pParameter->SetDouble( value->NumberValue( context ).FromJust( ) );
	else if( value->IsDate( ) )
		Local<Date> dateObject = value.As<Date>( );

		pParameter->SetDate( dateObject->NumberValue( context ).FromJust( ) );
	else if( value->IsObject( ) )
		Local<Object> objValue = value.As<Object>( );

		if( node::Buffer::HasInstance( value ) )
			pParameter->SetBuffer( isolate, objValue );
			Local< String > strId = String::NewFromUtf8( isolate, "_objId", NewStringType::kNormal ).ToLocalChecked( );

			if( objValue->HasRealNamedProperty( context, strId ).FromJust( ) )
				Local< Uint32 > numTypeId = objValue->Get( context, strId ).ToLocalChecked( ).As< Uint32 >( );

				uint32_t nType = numTypeId->Int32Value( context ).FromJust( );

				switch( nType )
					case ID_INPUT_STREAM:
						Local<Value> type = objValue->Get(
							context, String::NewFromUtf8( isolate, "type", NewStringType::kNormal ).ToLocalChecked( )
						).ToLocalChecked( );

						Local<Value> stream = objValue->Get(
							context, String::NewFromUtf8( isolate, "stream", NewStringType::kNormal ).ToLocalChecked( )
						).ToLocalChecked( );

						Local<Value> length = objValue->Get(
							context, String::NewFromUtf8( isolate, "length", NewStringType::kNormal ).ToLocalChecked( )
						).ToLocalChecked( );

						pParameter->SetStream( isolate, type->Uint32Value( context ).FromJust( ), stream, static_cast< SQLUINTEGER >( length->IntegerValue( context ).FromJust( ) ) );

						Local< Value > precision = objValue->Get(
							context, String::NewFromUtf8( isolate, "precision", NewStringType::kNormal ).ToLocalChecked( )
						).ToLocalChecked( );

						Local<Value> scale = objValue->Get(
							context, String::NewFromUtf8( isolate, "scale", NewStringType::kNormal ).ToLocalChecked( )
						).ToLocalChecked( );

						Local<Value> sign = objValue->Get(
							context, String::NewFromUtf8( isolate, "sign", NewStringType::kNormal ).ToLocalChecked( )
						).ToLocalChecked( );

						Local<Value> value = objValue->Get(
							context, String::NewFromUtf8( isolate, "value", NewStringType::kNormal ).ToLocalChecked( )
						).ToLocalChecked( );

						Local< Uint32 > numPrecision = precision.As<Uint32>( );
						Local< Uint32 > numScale = scale.As<Uint32>( );
						Local< Boolean > boolSign = sign.As<Boolean>( );
						Local< ArrayBuffer > arrBuffer = ( value.As<Uint8Array>( ) )->Buffer( );

						ArrayBuffer::Contents contents = arrBuffer->GetContents( );

						if( contents.ByteLength( ) > SQL_MAX_NUMERIC_LEN )
							return false;

						pParameter->SetNumeric( numPrecision->Uint32Value( context ).FromJust( ),
												numScale->Uint32Value( context ).FromJust( ),
												boolSign->BooleanValue( context ).FromJust( ),
												contents.Data( ),
												contents.ByteLength( )

						return false;
				return false;
		return false;

	return true;