Exemple #1
void userCB( MNodeMessage::AttributeMessage msg, MPlug & plug,
             MPlug & otherPlug, void* )
	if ( msg & MNodeMessage::kConnectionMade ) {
		cout << "Connection made ";
	} else if ( msg & MNodeMessage::kConnectionBroken ) {
		cout << "Connection broken ";
	} else {
	cout << plug.info();
	if ( msg & MNodeMessage::kOtherPlugSet ) {
		if ( msg & MNodeMessage::kIncomingDirection ) {
				cout << "  <--  " << otherPlug.info();
		} else {
				cout << "  -->  " << otherPlug.info();
	cout << endl;
    void DagHelper::setArrayPlugSize ( MPlug& plug, uint size )
        if ( plug.node().isNull() ) return;

        MStatus status = plug.setNumElements ( size );
        CHECK_STAT ( status );

        MObject node = plug.node();
        MString plugPath = plug.info();
        if ( node.hasFn ( MFn::kDagNode ) )
            MFnDagNode dagFn ( node );
            int dot = plugPath.index ( '.' );
            plugPath = dagFn.fullPathName() + plugPath.substring ( dot, plugPath.length() );

        MString command = MString ( "setAttr -s " ) + size + " \"" + plugPath + "\";";

        MGlobal::executeCommand ( command );
#endif // MAYA 8.00+
Exemple #3
MStatus nodeInfo::doIt( const MArgList& args )
// Description
//     This method performs the action of the command.
//     This method iterates over all selected items and
//     prints out connected plug and dependency node type
//     information.
	MStatus stat;			// Status code
	MObject dependNode;		// Selected dependency node

	stat = parseArgs ( args );
	if ( !stat )
		return stat;

	// Create a selection list iterator
	MSelectionList slist;
	MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( slist );
	MItSelectionList iter( slist, MFn::kInvalid,&stat );

	// Iterate over all selected dependency nodes
	for ( ; !iter.isDone(); iter.next() ) 
		// Get the selected dependency node
		stat = iter.getDependNode( dependNode );
		if ( !stat ) {

		// Create a function set for the dependency node
		MFnDependencyNode fnDependNode( dependNode );

		// Check the type of the dependency node
		MString nodeName = fnDependNode.name();
		nodeName += ": ";
		printType( dependNode, nodeName );

		// Get all connected plugs to this node
		MPlugArray connectedPlugs;
		stat = fnDependNode.getConnections( connectedPlugs );

		int numberOfPlugs = connectedPlugs.length();
		if ( !quiet )
			cerr << "  Found: " << numberOfPlugs << " connections" << endl;

		// Print out the dependency node name and attributes
		// for each plug
		for ( int i=0; i<numberOfPlugs; i++ ) 
			MPlug plug = connectedPlugs[i];
			MString pinfo = plug.info();
			if ( !quiet )
				cerr << "  Plug info: " << pinfo << endl;

			// Now get the plugs that this plug is the
			// destination of and print the node type.
			MPlugArray array;
			plug.connectedTo( array, true, false );

			for ( unsigned int j=0; j<array.length(); j++ )
				MObject mnode = array[j].node();
				MString msg( "    This plug is a dest of a " );
				printType( mnode, msg );
	return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus CVstWeldNode::compute(
	const MPlug &mPlug,
	MDataBlock &mDataBlock )
	if ( mPlug == m_oaWeldOutput || mPlug == m_oaTranslate || mPlug == m_oaRotate ||
			mPlug == m_oaTranslateX || mPlug == m_oaTranslateY || mPlug == m_oaTranslateZ ||
			mPlug == m_oaRotateX || mPlug == m_oaRotateY || mPlug == m_oaRotateZ )
		const MObject geoObj = mDataBlock.inputValue( m_iaWorldGeometry ).data();
		if ( geoObj.apiType() == MFn::kMeshData )
			MStatus mStatus;

			MObject meshObj = mDataBlock.inputValue( m_iaWorldGeometry ).asMeshTransformed();
			MFnMesh meshFn( meshObj );
			MItMeshPolygon pIt( meshObj );
			MPointArray facePoints;

			MArrayDataHandle wiAH = mDataBlock.inputArrayValue( m_iaWeldInput );
			MArrayDataHandle woAH = mDataBlock.outputArrayValue( m_oaWeldOutput, &mStatus );
			MArrayDataBuilder woADB = woAH.builder( &mStatus );

			const int nWeldCount = wiAH.elementCount();
			for ( int i = 0; i < nWeldCount; ++i, wiAH.next() )
				MDataHandle wiDH = wiAH.inputValue();

				const MMatrix &offsetMatrix = wiDH.child( m_iaOffsetMatrix ).asMatrix();
				const MMatrix &inverseParentSpace = wiDH.child( m_iaInverseParentSpace ).asMatrix();
				const MEulerRotation::RotationOrder rotationOrder = static_cast< MEulerRotation::RotationOrder >( wiDH.child( m_iaRotateOrder ).asShort() );
				MMatrix geoMatrix;

				switch ( wiDH.child( m_iaType ).asShort() )
				case kMeshFace:
						const int nMeshFaceIndex = wiDH.child( m_iaInt ).asInt();
						GetMeshMatrix( pIt, nMeshFaceIndex, geoMatrix );
					merr << "Unknown Weld Type " << wiDH.child( m_iaType ).asShort() << std::endl;

				const int nWeldIndex = wiAH.elementIndex();
				MDataHandle woDH = woADB.addElement( nWeldIndex );

				MTransformationMatrix L( inverseParentSpace * offsetMatrix * geoMatrix );

				woDH.child( m_oaTranslate ).set( L.getTranslation( MSpace::kWorld ) );
				MEulerRotation e = L.rotation().asEulerRotation();
				e.reorder( rotationOrder );
				woDH.child( m_oaRotate ).set( e.asVector() );
			merr << "Invalid .inputGeometry data of type: " << geoObj.apiTypeStr() << " found while computing " << mPlug.info() << std::endl;
			return MS::kFailure;

		return MS::kSuccess;

	return MS::kUnknownParameter;