void GetMarkerPoses(IplImage *image, ARCloud &cloud) {

  //Detect and track the markers
  if (marker_detector.Detect(image, cam, true, false, max_new_marker_error,
			     max_track_error, CVSEQ, true)) 
      for (size_t i=0; i<marker_detector.markers->size(); i++)
	  vector<cv::Point, Eigen::aligned_allocator<cv::Point> > pixels;
	  Marker *m = &((*marker_detector.markers)[i]);
	  int id = m->GetId();
	  cout << "******* ID: " << id << endl;

	  int resol = m->GetRes();
	  int ori = m->ros_orientation;
	  PointDouble pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4;
	  pt4 = m->ros_marker_points_img[0];
	  pt3 = m->ros_marker_points_img[resol-1];
	  pt1 = m->ros_marker_points_img[(resol*resol)-resol];
	  pt2 = m->ros_marker_points_img[(resol*resol)-1];
	  m->ros_corners_3D[0] = cloud(pt1.x, pt1.y);
	  m->ros_corners_3D[1] = cloud(pt2.x, pt2.y);
	  m->ros_corners_3D[2] = cloud(pt3.x, pt3.y);
	  m->ros_corners_3D[3] = cloud(pt4.x, pt4.y);
	  if(ori >= 0 && ori < 4){
	    if(ori != 0){
	      std::rotate(m->ros_corners_3D.begin(), m->ros_corners_3D.begin() + ori, m->ros_corners_3D.end());
	    ROS_ERROR("FindMarkerBundles: Bad Orientation: %i for ID: %i", ori, id);

	  //Get the 3D marker points
	  BOOST_FOREACH (const PointDouble& p, m->ros_marker_points_img)
	    pixels.push_back(cv::Point(p.x, p.y));	  
	  ARCloud::Ptr selected_points = ata::filterCloud(cloud, pixels);

	  //Use the kinect data to find a plane and pose for the marker
	  int ret = PlaneFitPoseImprovement(i, m->ros_corners_3D, selected_points, cloud, m->pose);	
// Updates the bundlePoses of the multi_marker_bundles by detecting markers and
// using all markers in a bundle to infer the master tag's position
void GetMultiMarkerPoses(IplImage *image, ARCloud &cloud) {

  for(int i=0; i<n_bundles; i++){
    master_visible[i] = false;
    bundles_seen[i] = 0;
  //Detect and track the markers
  if (marker_detector.Detect(image, cam, true, false, max_new_marker_error,
			     max_track_error, CVSEQ, true)) 
      for (size_t i=0; i<marker_detector.markers->size(); i++)
	  vector<cv::Point, Eigen::aligned_allocator<cv::Point> > pixels;
	  Marker *m = &((*marker_detector.markers)[i]);
	  int id = m->GetId();
	  //cout << "******* ID: " << id << endl;
	  //Get the 3D points of the outer corners
	  PointDouble corner0 = m->marker_corners_img[0];
	  PointDouble corner1 = m->marker_corners_img[1];
	  PointDouble corner2 = m->marker_corners_img[2];
	  PointDouble corner3 = m->marker_corners_img[3];
	  m->ros_corners_3D[0] = cloud(corner0.x, corner0.y);
	  m->ros_corners_3D[1] = cloud(corner1.x, corner1.y);
	  m->ros_corners_3D[2] = cloud(corner2.x, corner2.y);
	  m->ros_corners_3D[3] = cloud(corner3.x, corner3.y);
	  //Get the 3D inner corner points - more stable than outer corners that can "fall off" object
	  int resol = m->GetRes();
	  int ori = m->ros_orientation;
	  PointDouble pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4;
	  pt4 = m->ros_marker_points_img[0];
	  pt3 = m->ros_marker_points_img[resol-1];
	  pt1 = m->ros_marker_points_img[(resol*resol)-resol];
	  pt2 = m->ros_marker_points_img[(resol*resol)-1];
	  m->ros_corners_3D[0] = cloud(pt1.x, pt1.y);
	  m->ros_corners_3D[1] = cloud(pt2.x, pt2.y);
	  m->ros_corners_3D[2] = cloud(pt3.x, pt3.y);
	  m->ros_corners_3D[3] = cloud(pt4.x, pt4.y);
	  if(ori >= 0 && ori < 4){
	    if(ori != 0){
	      std::rotate(m->ros_corners_3D.begin(), m->ros_corners_3D.begin() + ori, m->ros_corners_3D.end());
	    ROS_ERROR("FindMarkerBundles: Bad Orientation: %i for ID: %i", ori, id);

	  //Check if we have spotted a master tag
	  int master_ind = -1;
	  for(int j=0; j<n_bundles; j++){
	    if(id == master_id[j])
	      master_visible[j] = true; 
	    master_ind = j;

	  //Mark the bundle that marker belongs to as "seen"
	  int bundle_ind = -1;
	  for(int j=0; j<n_bundles; j++){
	    for(int k=0; k<bundle_indices[j].size(); k++){
	      if(bundle_indices[j][k] == id){
            bundle_ind = j;
            bundles_seen[j] += 1;

	  //Get the 3D marker points
	  BOOST_FOREACH (const PointDouble& p, m->ros_marker_points_img)
	    pixels.push_back(cv::Point(p.x, p.y));	  
	  ARCloud::Ptr selected_points = ata::filterCloud(cloud, pixels);

	  //Use the kinect data to find a plane and pose for the marker
	  int ret = PlaneFitPoseImprovement(i, m->ros_corners_3D, selected_points, cloud, m->pose);
	  //If the plane fit fails...
	  if(ret < 0){
		//Mark this tag as invalid
		m->valid = false;
	    //If this was a master tag, reset its visibility
	    if(master_ind >= 0)
	      master_visible[master_ind] = false;
	    //decrement the number of markers seen in this bundle
	    bundles_seen[bundle_ind] -= 1;
		m->valid = true;

      //For each master tag, infer the 3D position of its corners from other visible tags
      //Then, do a plane fit to those new corners   	
      ARCloud inferred_corners;
      for(int i=0; i<n_bundles; i++){
        if(bundles_seen[i] > 0){
            //if(master_visible[i] == false){
                if(InferCorners(cloud, *(multi_marker_bundles[i]), inferred_corners) >= 0){
                    ARCloud::Ptr inferred_cloud(new ARCloud(inferred_corners));
                    PlaneFitPoseImprovement(i+5000, inferred_corners, inferred_cloud, cloud, bundlePoses[i]);
            //If master is visible, use it directly instead of inferring pose
            //    for (size_t j=0; j<marker_detector.markers->size(); j++){
            //        Marker *m = &((*marker_detector.markers)[j]);                     
            //        if(m->GetId() == master_id[i])
            //            bundlePoses[i] = m->pose;
            //    } 
            Pose ret_pose;
            if(med_filt_size > 0){
                bundlePoses[i] = ret_pose;