Exemple #1
void TetMesh::computeGradient(int element, const double * U, int numFields, double * grad) const
  // grad is 9 x numFields
  // grad is constant inside a tet
  Vec3d vtx[4];
  for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
    vtx[i] = *getVertex(element,i);

  // form M =
  // [b - a]
  // [c - a]
  // [d - a]

  Mat3d M(vtx[1] - vtx[0], vtx[2] - vtx[0], vtx[3] - vtx[0]);
  Mat3d MInv = inv(M);

  for(int field=0; field<numFields; field++)
    // form rhs =
    // [U1 - U0]
    // [U2 - U0]
    // [U3 - U0]
    const double * u[4];
    for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
      u[i] = &U[3 * numVertices * field + 3 * getVertexIndex(element, i)];

    Vec3d rows[3];
    for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
      rows[i] = Vec3d(u[i+1]) - Vec3d(u[0]);

    Mat3d rhs(rows);

    Mat3d gradM = trans(MInv * rhs);
    gradM.convertToArray(&grad[9 * field]);

    // test gradient
    if (field == 0)
      printf("0: pos: %.15f %.15f %.15f | uExact: %.15f %.15f %.15f\n", vtx[0][0], vtx[0][1], vtx[0][2], u[0][0], u[0][1], u[0][2]);
      for(int vertex=0; vertex<3; vertex++)
        Vec3d u1 = Vec3d(u[vertex+1]);
        printf("%d: ", vertex+1);
        printf("pos: %.15f %.15f %.15f | uExact: %.15f %.15f %.15f | ", vtx[vertex+1][0], vtx[vertex+1][1], vtx[vertex+1][2], u1[0], u1[1], u1[2]);
        Vec3d u1approx = Vec3d(u[0]) + gradM * (vtx[vertex+1] - vtx[0]);
        printf("uApprox: %.15f %.15f %.15f\n", u1approx[0], u1approx[1], u1approx[2]);
void PolarDecompositionGradient::Compute(const double * M, const double * Q, const double * S, const double * MDot, double * omega, double * QDot, double * SDot, const double * MDotDot, double * omegaDot, double * QDotDot)
  // compute omega = G^{-1} (2 * skew(Q^T * MDot)), where G = (tr(S)I - S) * Q^T
  // (see Barbic and Zhao, SIGGRAPH 2011)

  // first, construct G, and invert it

  // tempMatrix = tr(S)I - S
  double tempMatrix[9];
  for(int i=0; i<9; i++)
    tempMatrix[i] = -S[i];
  double trace = S[0] + S[4] + S[8];
  tempMatrix[0] += trace;
  tempMatrix[4] += trace;
  tempMatrix[8] += trace;

  double G[9]; // G = (tr(S)I - S) * Q^T
  MATRIX_MULTIPLY3X3ABT(tempMatrix, Q, G);
  Mat3d GM(G);
  Mat3d GInvM = inv(GM);
  double GInv[9];

  // omega = GInv * (2 * skew(R^T * Mdot))
  MATRIX_MULTIPLY3X3ATB(Q, MDot, tempMatrix);
  double rhs[3];
  SKEW_PART(tempMatrix, rhs);
  VECTOR_SCALE3(rhs, 2.0);
  MATRIX_VECTOR_MULTIPLY3X3(GInv, rhs, omega);

  // compute QDot = tilde(omega) * Q
  double omegaTilde[9];
  SKEW_MATRIX(omega, omegaTilde);
  //double QDot[9];
  MATRIX_MULTIPLY3X3(omegaTilde, Q, QDot);

  // compute SDot = Q^T * (MDot - QDot * S)
  // tempMatrix = MDot - QDot * S
  MATRIX_MULTIPLY3X3(QDot, S, tempMatrix);
  for(int i=0; i<9; i++)
    tempMatrix[i] = MDot[i] - tempMatrix[i];
  // SDot = Q^T * tempMatrix
  MATRIX_MULTIPLY3X3ATB(Q, tempMatrix, SDot); 

  if ((MDotDot != NULL) && (omegaDot != NULL))
    // compute omegaDot = GInv * ( 2 skew(Q^T (ADotDot - omegaTilde * ADot)) - (tr(SDot) I - SDot) * Q^T * omega )
    // (see Barbic and Zhao, SIGGRAPH 2011)
    // tempMatrix = MDotDot - omegaTilde * MDot
    MATRIX_MULTIPLY3X3(omegaTilde, MDot, tempMatrix);
    for(int i=0; i<9; i++)
      tempMatrix[i] = MDotDot[i] - tempMatrix[i];

    double tempMatrix2[9];
    // tempVector = 2 * skew(Q^T * tempMatrix)
    MATRIX_MULTIPLY3X3ATB(Q, tempMatrix, tempMatrix2);

    double tempVector[3];
    SKEW_PART(tempMatrix2, tempVector);
    VECTOR_SCALE3(tempVector, 2.0);

    // tempMatrix = tr(SDot)I - SDot
    for(int i=0; i<9; i++)
      tempMatrix[i] = -SDot[i];
    double trace = SDot[0] + SDot[4] + SDot[8];
    tempMatrix[0] += trace;
    tempMatrix[4] += trace;
    tempMatrix[8] += trace;

    // tempVector2 = (tempMatrix * Q^T) * omega
    double tempVector2[3];
    MATRIX_MULTIPLY3X3ABT(tempMatrix, Q, tempMatrix2);
    MATRIX_VECTOR_MULTIPLY3X3(tempMatrix2, omega, tempVector2);

    // tempVector -= tempVector2
    VECTOR_SUBTRACTEQUAL3(tempVector, tempVector2);

    // tempVector2 = GInv * tempVector
    MATRIX_VECTOR_MULTIPLY3X3(GInv, tempVector, omegaDot);

    if (QDotDot != NULL)
      double tempMatrix[9];
      SKEW_MATRIX(omegaDot, tempMatrix);
      MATRIX_MULTIPLY3X3(omegaTilde, omegaTilde, tempMatrix2);
      for(int i=0;i<9;i++)
	tempMatrix[i] += tempMatrix2[i];
      MATRIX_MULTIPLY3X3(tempMatrix, Q, QDotDot);