Exemple #1
void Camera::InverseLookAtMatrix( void )
	Vector rotVec = at-eye;
	rotVec = ( ball ? ball->ApplyTrackballMatrix( rotVec ) : rotVec );
	Point finalPos = ( eyeMove ? eyeMove->ApplyCurrentFrameMovementMatrix( at-rotVec ) : at-rotVec );
	Matrix4x4 m = Matrix4x4::LookAt( finalPos, at, up ).Invert();
	glMultMatrixf( m.GetDataPtr() );
// This multiplies onto the current matrix stack an inverse look-at matrix
//    (equivalent to Invert( gluLookAt() ) -- if such an operation were possible)
void Scene::LightLookAtInverseMatrix( int i )
	Point lightPos( light[i]->GetCurrentPos() );
	Vector view = camera->GetAt()-lightPos;
	Vector perp = abs( view.Dot( Vector::YAxis() ) ) < 0.95 ? view.Cross( Vector::YAxis() ) : view.Cross( Vector::XAxis() );
	Vector up = perp.Cross( view );
	Matrix4x4 mat = Matrix4x4::LookAt( lightPos, camera->GetAt(), up ).Invert();
	glMultMatrixf( mat.GetDataPtr() );
Exemple #3
void Camera::InverseLookAtMatrix( void )
	Matrix4x4 m;
	if (ball)
		Vector rotVec = ball->ApplyTrackballMatrix( at-eye );
		m = Matrix4x4::LookAt( at-rotVec, at, up ).Invert();
		m = Matrix4x4::LookAt( eye, at, up ).Invert();
	glMultMatrixf( m.GetDataPtr() );
Exemple #4
void Scene::LightPerspectiveInverseMatrix( int i, float aspect )
	Matrix4x4 mat = Matrix4x4::Perspective( light[i]->GetLightFovy(), aspect, 
					light[i]->GetLightNearPlane(), light[i]->GetLightFarPlane() ).Invert();
	glMultMatrixf( mat.GetDataPtr() );