//[ Private virtual PLScene::SNMTransformGizmo functions  ]
void SNMTransformGizmoRotationController::UpdateSelection(Renderer &cRenderer, const VisNode &cVisNode)
	// Get the frontend instance
	Frontend &cFrontend = static_cast<FrontendApplication*>(CoreApplication::GetApplication())->GetFrontend();

	// Check whether or not the mouse is currently over the frontend
	if (cFrontend.IsMouseOver()) {
		// Get current mouse cursor position inside the widget
		const int nMousePosX = cFrontend.GetMousePositionX();
		const int nMousePosY = cFrontend.GetMousePositionY();

		// Calculate the clip space to object space matrix
		Matrix4x4 mClipSpaceToObjectSpace = m_mObjectSpaceToClipSpace;

		// Check where the mouse is over
		// Get the ray starting from the camera position in direction of the mouse position
		Vector3 v2DPos(static_cast<float>(nMousePosX), static_cast<float>(nMousePosY), 0.0001f);
		Vector3 vCamPos = v2DPos.To3DCoordinate(mClipSpaceToObjectSpace, cRenderer.GetViewport());
		v2DPos.z = 0.9999f;
		Vector3 vEndPos = v2DPos.To3DCoordinate(mClipSpaceToObjectSpace, cRenderer.GetViewport());

		// Determine the current selected axis by using a picking ray
		Ray cRay;
		cRay.Set(vCamPos, vEndPos);
		m_nSelected = DetermineSelected(cRay);
	} else {
		m_nSelected = 0;
Exemple #2
VRDisplayOpenVR::UpdateEyeParameters(gfx::Matrix4x4* aHeadToEyeTransforms /* = nullptr */)
  // Note this must be called every frame, as the IPD adjustment can be changed
  // by the user during a VR session.
  for (uint32_t eye = 0; eye < VRDisplayState::NumEyes; eye++) {
    ::vr::HmdMatrix34_t eyeToHead = mVRSystem->GetEyeToHeadTransform(static_cast<::vr::Hmd_Eye>(eye));

    mDisplayInfo.mDisplayState.mEyeTranslation[eye].x = eyeToHead.m[0][3];
    mDisplayInfo.mDisplayState.mEyeTranslation[eye].y = eyeToHead.m[1][3];
    mDisplayInfo.mDisplayState.mEyeTranslation[eye].z = eyeToHead.m[2][3];

    if (aHeadToEyeTransforms) {
      Matrix4x4 pose;
      // NOTE! eyeToHead.m is a 3x4 matrix, not 4x4.  But
      // because of its arrangement, we can copy the 12 elements in and
      // then transpose them to the right place.
      memcpy(&pose._11, &eyeToHead.m, sizeof(eyeToHead.m));
      aHeadToEyeTransforms[eye] = pose;
LayerManagerComposite::PostProcessLayers(Layer* aLayer,
                                         nsIntRegion& aOpaqueRegion,
                                         LayerIntRegion& aVisibleRegion,
                                         const Maybe<ParentLayerIntRect>& aClipFromAncestors)
  if (aLayer->Extend3DContext()) {
    // For layers participating 3D rendering context, their visible
    // region should be empty (invisible), so we pass through them
    // without doing anything.

    // Direct children of the establisher may have a clip, becaue the
    // item containing it; ex. of nsHTMLScrollFrame, may give it one.
    Maybe<ParentLayerIntRect> layerClip =
    Maybe<ParentLayerIntRect> ancestorClipForChildren =
      IntersectMaybeRects(layerClip, aClipFromAncestors);
    MOZ_ASSERT(!layerClip || !aLayer->Combines3DTransformWithAncestors(),
               "Only direct children of the establisher could have a clip");

    for (Layer* child = aLayer->GetLastChild();
         child = child->GetPrevSibling()) {
      PostProcessLayers(child, aOpaqueRegion, aVisibleRegion,

  nsIntRegion localOpaque;
  // Treat layers on the path to the root of the 3D rendering context as
  // a giant layer if it is a leaf.
  Matrix4x4 transform = GetAccTransformIn3DContext(aLayer);
  Matrix transform2d;
  Maybe<IntPoint> integerTranslation;
  // If aLayer has a simple transform (only an integer translation) then we
  // can easily convert aOpaqueRegion into pre-transform coordinates and include
  // that region.
  if (transform.Is2D(&transform2d)) {
    if (transform2d.IsIntegerTranslation()) {
      integerTranslation = Some(IntPoint::Truncate(transform2d.GetTranslation()));
      localOpaque = aOpaqueRegion;

  // Compute a clip that's the combination of our layer clip with the clip
  // from our ancestors.
  LayerComposite* composite = static_cast<LayerComposite*>(aLayer->AsHostLayer());
  Maybe<ParentLayerIntRect> layerClip = composite->GetShadowClipRect();
  MOZ_ASSERT(!layerClip || !aLayer->Combines3DTransformWithAncestors(),
             "The layer with a clip should not participate "
             "a 3D rendering context");
  Maybe<ParentLayerIntRect> outsideClip =
    IntersectMaybeRects(layerClip, aClipFromAncestors);

  // Convert the combined clip into our pre-transform coordinate space, so
  // that it can later be intersected with our visible region.
  // If our transform is a perspective, there's no meaningful insideClip rect
  // we can compute (it would need to be a cone).
  Maybe<LayerIntRect> insideClip;
  if (outsideClip && !transform.HasPerspectiveComponent()) {
    Matrix4x4 inverse = transform;
    if (inverse.Invert()) {
      Maybe<LayerRect> insideClipFloat =
      if (insideClipFloat) {
        LayerIntRect insideClipInt;
        if (insideClipFloat->ToIntRect(&insideClipInt)) {
          insideClip = Some(insideClipInt);

  Maybe<ParentLayerIntRect> ancestorClipForChildren;
  if (insideClip) {
    ancestorClipForChildren =
      Some(ViewAs<ParentLayerPixel>(*insideClip, PixelCastJustification::MovingDownToChildren));

  // Save the value of localOpaque, which currently stores the region obscured
  // by siblings (and uncles and such), before our descendants contribute to it.
  nsIntRegion obscured = localOpaque;

  // Recurse on our descendants, in front-to-back order. In this process:
  //  - Occlusions are computed for them, and they contribute to localOpaque.
  //  - They recalculate their visible regions, taking ancestorClipForChildren
  //    into account, and accumulate them into descendantsVisibleRegion.
  LayerIntRegion descendantsVisibleRegion;
  bool hasPreserve3DChild = false;
  for (Layer* child = aLayer->GetLastChild(); child; child = child->GetPrevSibling()) {
    PostProcessLayers(child, localOpaque, descendantsVisibleRegion, ancestorClipForChildren);
    if (child->Extend3DContext()) {
      hasPreserve3DChild = true;

  // Recalculate our visible region.
  LayerIntRegion visible = composite->GetShadowVisibleRegion();

  // If we have descendants, throw away the visible region stored on this
  // layer, and use the region accumulated by our descendants instead.
  if (aLayer->GetFirstChild() && !hasPreserve3DChild) {
    visible = descendantsVisibleRegion;

  // Subtract any areas that we know to be opaque.
  if (!obscured.IsEmpty()) {

  // Clip the visible region using the combined clip.
  if (insideClip) {

  // Transform the newly calculated visible region into our parent's space,
  // apply our clip to it (if any), and accumulate it into |aVisibleRegion|
  // for the caller to use.
  ParentLayerIntRegion visibleParentSpace = TransformBy(
      ViewAs<LayerToParentLayerMatrix4x4>(transform), visible);
  if (const Maybe<ParentLayerIntRect>& clipRect = composite->GetShadowClipRect()) {

  // If we have a simple transform, then we can add our opaque area into
  // aOpaqueRegion.
  if (integerTranslation &&
      !aLayer->HasMaskLayers() &&
      aLayer->IsOpaqueForVisibility()) {
    if (aLayer->IsOpaque()) {
    if (layerClip) {
Exemple #4
void Node::SetTransformation(const Matrix4x4& transformation) {
  transformation_ = transformation;
  transformation_inverse_ = transformation.Invert();
static void
ApplyAsyncTransformToScrollbarForContent(ContainerLayer* aScrollbar,
                                         Layer* aContent, bool aScrollbarIsChild)
  // We only apply the transform if the scroll-target layer has non-container
  // children (i.e. when it has some possibly-visible content). This is to
  // avoid moving scroll-bars in the situation that only a scroll information
  // layer has been built for a scroll frame, as this would result in a
  // disparity between scrollbars and visible content.
  if (aContent->AsContainerLayer() &&
      !LayerHasNonContainerDescendants(aContent->AsContainerLayer())) {

  const FrameMetrics& metrics = aContent->GetFrameMetrics();
  AsyncPanZoomController* apzc = aContent->GetAsyncPanZoomController();

  Matrix4x4 asyncTransform = apzc->GetCurrentAsyncTransform();
  Matrix4x4 nontransientTransform = apzc->GetNontransientAsyncTransform();
  Matrix4x4 nontransientUntransform = nontransientTransform;
  Matrix4x4 transientTransform = asyncTransform * nontransientUntransform;

  // |transientTransform| represents the amount by which we have scrolled and
  // zoomed since the last paint. Because the scrollbar was sized and positioned based
  // on the painted content, we need to adjust it based on transientTransform so that
  // it reflects what the user is actually seeing now.
  // - The scroll thumb needs to be scaled in the direction of scrolling by the inverse
  //   of the transientTransform scale (representing the zoom). This is because zooming
  //   in decreases the fraction of the whole scrollable rect that is in view.
  // - It needs to be translated in opposite direction of the transientTransform
  //   translation (representing the scroll). This is because scrolling down, which
  //   translates the layer content up, should result in moving the scroll thumb down.
  //   The amount of the translation to the scroll thumb should be such that the ratio
  //   of the translation to the size of the scroll port is the same as the ratio
  //   of the scroll amount to the size of the scrollable rect.
  Matrix4x4 scrollbarTransform;
  if (aScrollbar->GetScrollbarDirection() == Layer::VERTICAL) {
    float scale = metrics.CalculateCompositedSizeInCssPixels().height / metrics.mScrollableRect.height;
    scrollbarTransform = scrollbarTransform * Matrix4x4().Scale(1.f, 1.f / transientTransform._22, 1.f);
    scrollbarTransform = scrollbarTransform * Matrix4x4().Translate(0, -transientTransform._42 * scale, 0);
  if (aScrollbar->GetScrollbarDirection() == Layer::HORIZONTAL) {
    float scale = metrics.CalculateCompositedSizeInCssPixels().width / metrics.mScrollableRect.width;
    scrollbarTransform = scrollbarTransform * Matrix4x4().Scale(1.f / transientTransform._11, 1.f, 1.f);
    scrollbarTransform = scrollbarTransform * Matrix4x4().Translate(-transientTransform._41 * scale, 0, 0);

  Matrix4x4 transform = scrollbarTransform * aScrollbar->GetTransform();

  if (aScrollbarIsChild) {
    // If the scrollbar layer is a child of the content it is a scrollbar for, then we
    // need to do an extra untransform to cancel out the transient async transform on
    // the content. This is needed because otherwise that transient async transform is
    // part of the effective transform of this scrollbar, and the scrollbar will jitter
    // as the content scrolls.
    transform = transform * transientTransform;

  // GetTransform already takes the pre- and post-scale into account.  Since we
  // will apply the pre- and post-scale again when computing the effective
  // transform, we must apply the inverses here.
  transform = transform * Matrix4x4().Scale(1.0f/aScrollbar->GetPostXScale(),