Maze* MazeGame::CreateMaze(MazeFactory& factory) { Maze* m = factory.MakeMaze(); Room* r1 = factory.MakeRoom(1); Room* r2 = factory.MakeRoom(2); Door* d = factory.MakeDoor(r1, r2); m->AddRoom(r1); m->AddRoom(r2); r1->SetSide(North, factory.MakeWall()); r1->SetSide(East, d); r1->SetSide(South, factory.MakeWall()); r1->SetSide(West, factory.MakeWall()); r2->SetSide(North, factory.MakeWall()); r2->SetSide(East, factory.MakeWall()); r2->SetSide(South, factory.MakeWall()); r2->SetSide(West, d); return m; }
void expandSuccessors(Node c) { int i,d,g,h; Node t; P_II jp; V_PII nbs=neighbourPrune(c); for (i=0; i<nbs.size(); i++) { jp=checkJump(nbs[i],c.pos); if (jp.first != -1) { if (mazer.isInVis(jp) == true) continue; d=abs(jp.first-c.pos.first)+abs(jp.second-c.pos.second); g=c.g+d; if (mazer.isInQue(jp) == false || g < mem_g[jp.first][jp.second]) { mem_g[jp.first][jp.second]=g; t.g=g; h=abs(jp.first-end.first)+abs(jp.second-end.second); t.f=t.g+h; t.pos=jp; // printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d\n",t.pos.first,t.pos.second,t.parent.first,t.parent.second,c.pos.first,c.pos.second); t.parent=c.pos; if (mazer.isInQue(jp) == false) { path[jp.first][jp.second]=c.pos; pri_List.push(t); mazer.pushQue(t.pos); } else { pri_List.update(t); } } } } }
void onIdle() { int elapsedTime = glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME) - lastUpdate; //elapsedTime = (int) (elapsedTime * 0.5f); //slow down //if (elapsedTime < 5) return; if (!paused) { // FPS COUNTER // fpsCounter[0] += elapsedTime; fpsCounter[1]++; if (fpsCounter[0] > 1000) { //system("cls"); cout << "FPS: " << 1000 / (fpsCounter[0] / fpsCounter[1]) << endl; fpsCounter[0] = fpsCounter[1] = 0; } // FPS COUNTER // cams.update(elapsedTime, &pacman); int pacmanDeathTime = maze.getPacmanDeathTime(); if (!pacmanDeathTime) { //pacman is alive pacmanIsAlive = 1; pacman.update(elapsedTime, &maze); maze.eatBallAt(pacman.getPosX(), pacman.getPosY()); ghosts.update(elapsedTime, pacman.getPosX(), pacman.getPosY(), &maze); } else { if (pacmanDeathTime + 6000 < glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME)) { //pacman.onBirth(); pacman = Pacman(); ghosts = Ghosts(); maze.onPacmanBirth(); } else { if (pacmanIsAlive) { pacmanIsAlive = 0; particles.start(pacman.getPosX(), pacman.getPosY()); } particles.update(elapsedTime); } } glutPostRedisplay(); } lastUpdate = glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME); }
void ColoredCubeApp::reloadLevel() { currentKeys = 0; flashLightObject.getBattery(); //add in the maze reset function Dimension d; d.x=20; d.z = 20; maze.init(d,mfxWVPVar,mfxWorldVar,md3dDevice);; /*maze.setTex(mfxDiffuseMapVar,mfxSpecMapVar,L"brickwork-texture.jpg",L"brickwork-bump-map.jpg"); maze.setCeilTex(mfxDiffuseMapVar,mfxSpecMapVar,L"",L"brickwork-bump-map.jpg"); maze.setFloorTex(mfxDiffuseMapVar,mfxSpecMapVar,L"carpet_diffuse.jpg",L"brickwork-bump-map.jpg");*/ for(int i = 0; i < numLightObjects; i++) { Location l; l.x = rand()%mazeX; l.z = rand()%mazeZ; auto spot = maze.cellToPx(l); lamps[i].setPosition(Vector3(spot.x,5,spot.z)); } for(int i = 0; i < totalKeys; i++) { Location l; l.x = rand()%mazeX; l.z = rand()%mazeZ; auto spot = maze.cellToPx(l); keyObject[i].setPosition(Vector3(spot.x,-1,spot.z)); keyObject[i].setActive(); } for(int i = 0; i < numBatteries; i++) { Location l; l.x = rand()%mazeX; l.z = rand()%mazeZ; auto spot = maze.cellToPx(l); batteries[i].setPosition(Vector3(spot.x,-1,spot.z)); batteries[i].setActive(); } }
int findPath() { init(); Node s=Node(sta,0,0,make_pair(-1,-1)),tmp; pri_List.push(s); mazer.pushQue(s.pos); while (!pri_List.empty()) {; printf("%d %d %d %d %d\n",tmp.pos.first,tmp.pos.second,tmp.parent.first,tmp.parent.second,tmp.f); mazer.pushVis(tmp.pos); pri_List.pop(); if (tmp.pos == end) { backtrace(end.first,end.second); return 1; } expandSuccessors(tmp); } return 0; }
void onDisplay(void) { // cams.projection(winW, winH); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); cams.look(); lights.display(&pacman); //draw stuff maze.draw(); if (!maze.getPacmanDeathTime()) { //pacman is alive pacman.draw(); } else particles.draw(); mazeFloor.draw(); ghosts.draw(); hud.draw(winW, winH, &maze); glFlush(); }
void Rat::scurry(double dt, Maze &maze) { double radians = mDegrees * M_PI / 180; dx = cos(radians) * dt * SCURRY_SPEED; dy = sin(radians) * dt * SCURRY_SPEED; // double dz if (maze.isSafe(mX+dx, mY+dy, mRadius)) { mX += dx; mY += dy; } else if (maze.isSafe(mX, mY+dy, mRadius)) { mY += dy; } else if (maze.isSafe(mX+dx, mY, mRadius)) { mX += dx; } }
void Animate() { if (direction != 0){ double step_limit = 60; static double step = 0; m_center = glm::vec3(glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.0f), glm::vec3(0, direction * (1 / step_limit) * 4, 0))*glm::vec4(m_center, 1)); m_eye = glm::vec3(glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.0f), glm::vec3(0, direction * (1 / step_limit) * 4, 0))*glm::vec4(m_eye, 1)); step++; if (step >= step_limit) { step = 0; cur_layer += direction; if (direction == 1) M.NextLayer(); else M.PreviousLayer(); direction = 0; } else { DrawElevator(step,step_limit); } } }
void test_KShortestPath(const char *filename) { Maze field; field.loadFromFile(filename); //field.loadFromArray(mazeData_66test); ShortestPath path(field); path.calcKShortestDistancePath(IndexVec(0,0), MAZE_GOAL_LIST, 5, false); int cnt = 0; for (auto &p : path.getKShortestDistancePath()) { cnt++; printf("path#%d length %lu\n", cnt, p.size()); bool route[MAZE_SIZE][MAZE_SIZE] = {false}; for (auto &index : p) { route[index.y][index.x] = true; } field.printWall(route); } printf("found %lu route\n", path.getKShortestDistancePath().size()); }
Maze* MazeGame::CreateMaze(MazeFactory& factory) { Maze* aMaze = factory.MakeMaze(); Room* r1 = factory.MakeRoom(1); Room* r2 = factory.MakeRoom(2); Door* aDoor = factory.MakeDoor(r1, r2); aMaze->AddRoom(r1); aMaze->AddRoom(r2); r1->SetSide(North, factory.MakeWall()); r1->SetSide(East, aDoor); r1->SetSide(South, factory.MakeWall()); r1->SetSide(West, factory.MakeWall()); r2->SetSide(North, factory.MakeWall()); r2->SetSide(East, factory.MakeWall()); r2->SetSide(South, factory.MakeWall()); r2->SetSide(West, aDoor); return aMaze; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Maze maze; if (argc != 2) { cout << "Must supply 1 argument to this program\n"; return 0; } maze.loadMaze(argv[1]); if (!maze.isValid()) { cout << "Unable to load maze " << argv[1] << "\n"; exit(0); } maze.calculatePath(); maze.printMaze(); exit(0); }
void test_Agent(const char *filename) { Maze field; Maze mazeInRobot; field.loadFromFile(filename); //field.loadFromArray(mazeData_66test); Agent agent(mazeInRobot); IndexVec cur(0,0); while(1) { bool pos[MAZE_SIZE][MAZE_SIZE] = {false}; pos[cur.y][cur.x] = true; mazeInRobot.printWall(pos); agent.update(cur, field.getWall(cur)); if (agent.getState() == Agent::FINISHED) break; Direction dir = agent.getNextDirection(); for (int i=0;i<4;i++) { if (dir[i]) cur += IndexVec::vecDir[i]; } usleep(1000000/10); } agent.caclRunSequence(true); bool route[MAZE_SIZE][MAZE_SIZE] = {false}; for (auto &index : agent.getShortestPath()) { route[index.y][index.x] = true; } mazeInRobot.printWall(route); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { Maze* maze; MazeGame game; StandardMazeBuilder builder; CountingMazeBuilder countBuilder; game.CreateMaze(builder); maze = builder.GetMaze(); game.CreateMaze(countBuilder); cout << "room size in maze : " << maze->RoomSize() << endl; int roomNum, doorNum; countBuilder.GetCounts(roomNum,doorNum); cout << "room Num : " << roomNum << " door Num: " << doorNum << endl; }
/** * Verifies that cells in a grid can have their state set. * @params pTestData - test object to store the maze in so it * will get cleaned up in all cases. * @returns error string if there was an error */ string MazeTest::TestSetCellState(TestUnit::tTestData* pTestData) { Maze* pMaze = (Maze*)pTestData->testObj; Maze::tCoord chg1 = Maze::tCoord(0, 0, 0); Maze::tCoord chg2 = Maze::tCoord(5, 3, 1); Maze::tCoord chg3 = Maze::tCoord(9, 4, 6); Maze::tCoord noChg = Maze::tCoord(2, 2, 2); // Update the cells, start, end, and inner item if (!pMaze->updateCell(chg1, Maze::CELL_SOLID) || !pMaze->updateCell(chg2, Maze::CELL_OCCUPIED) || !pMaze->updateCell(chg3, Maze::CELL_EXIT)) { return "Failed to update valid cell in maze"; } Maze::tGrid* pGrid = pMaze->getGrid(); // Verify the changes only occred where desired Maze::tCell* cell = pGrid->at(noChg); if (cell->state != Maze::CELL_EMPTY) { return "Cell state change when it wasn't supposed to."; } // Verify changes cell = pGrid->at(chg1); if (cell->state != Maze::CELL_SOLID) { return "Unable to set cell to solid state."; } cell = pGrid->at(chg2); if (cell->state != Maze::CELL_OCCUPIED) { return "Unable to set cell to occupied state."; } cell = pGrid->at(chg3); if (cell->state != Maze::CELL_EXIT) { return "Unable to set cell to exit state."; } return ""; }
Maze* MazeGame::CreateMaze() { Maze* aMaze = MakeMaze(); Room* r1 = MakeRoom(1); Room* r2 = MakeRoom(2); Door* theDoor = MakeDoor(r1, r2); aMaze->AddRoom(r1); aMaze->AddRoom(r2); r1->SetSide(North, MakeWall()); r1->SetSide(East, theDoor); r1->SetSide(South, MakeWall()); r1->SetSide(West, MakeWall()); r2->SetSide(North, MakeWall()); r2->SetSide(East, MakeWall()); r2->SetSide(South, MakeWall()); r2->SetSide(West, theDoor); return aMaze; }
bool search(Maze &maze,set<pointT> &includePoint,pointT current,pointT exit){ pointT around; includePoint.insert(current); int i=0; while(i<4){ around=current; switch(i){ case 0: around.col--; break; case 1: around.row--; break; case 2: around.col++; break; default: around.row++; } //判断该点合法 if(maze.pointInBounds(around)&&!maze.isWall(current,around)&&includePoint.count(around)==0){ if(around==exit){ cout<<"get it"<<endl; maze.drawMark(around,"Red"); return true; } else{ bool flag=search(maze,includePoint,around,exit); if(flag){ maze.drawMark(around,"Red"); return true; } } } i++; } return false; }
// This callback function gets called by the Glut // system whenever it decides things need to be redrawn. void display(void) { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); if (current_view == perspective_view) { glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glLoadIdentity(); gluLookAt(-3,-3,7, 3,3,0, 0,0,1); } else if (current_view == top_view){ glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glLoadIdentity(); } else if (current_view == rat_view){ glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glLoadIdentity(); double z_level = .25; double x = gRat.getX(); double y = gRat.getY(); //problem with dx and dy double dx = gRat.getdX(); double dy = gRat.getdY(); //double at_x = x + dx; //double at_y = y + dy; double at_x =gRat.getNextX() ; double at_y =gRat.getNextY() ; double at_z = z_level; //std::cout<<dx<<" "<<at_x<<"----"<<dy<<" "<<at_y<<std::endl; gluLookAt(x,y,z_level, at_x, at_y, at_z, 0,0,1); //gluLookAt(x,y,z_level, 360, 360, at_z, 0,0,1); } gMaze.Draw(current_view); if(gMiddleButtonDown) { gRat.Scuttle(gMaze); glutPostRedisplay(); } if(gLeftButtonDown){ gRat.SpinLeft(); glutPostRedisplay(); } if(gRightButtonDown){ gRat.SpinRight(); glutPostRedisplay(); } gRat.Draw(current_view); glutSwapBuffers(); }
double Arena::runSimulation(Maze& maze, Robot& r) { //reset maze maze.clearVisited(); maze.clearValues(); //set needed values after reset Cell* curCell = maze.getStartCell(); robotOrientation = direction::SOUTH; unsigned int move; double score; //while the robot is not in the same cell facing the same direction while (!repeat(robotOrientation, curCell->getValue()) && !(curCell == maze.getEndCell())) { //set current cell to visited and update it's value curCell->setVisited(); curCell->setValue(curCell->getValue() + robotOrientation); //send the robot the environment and get it's next move move = r.getMove(getEnv(robotOrientation, curCell)); //perform next move //find rotation if (move == 3 || move == 7) { robotOrientation = Direction::left(robotOrientation); } else if (move == 2 || move == 6) { robotOrientation = Direction::opposite(robotOrientation); } else if (move == 1 || move == 5) { robotOrientation = Direction::right(robotOrientation); } else { //no rotation } //move forwards if (!curCell->hasWall(robotOrientation) && !curCell->hasEdge(robotOrientation)) { curCell = maze.getCell(curCell->getRow() + Direction::row(robotOrientation), curCell->getCol() + Direction::col(robotOrientation)); } } //calculate score //score is a 1 if the end has been reached, else it is 1 - (distance from end * 0.01) if (curCell == maze.getEndCell()) { score = 1.0; } else { score = (double)getNumberOfVisitedCells(maze) / (double)((double)maze.getRows() * (double)maze.getCols()); } //return score return score; }
void MazeCreator::move(Maze & m, State & s, Position & c, unsigned char dir) const { m.c(c) &= ~dir; switch (dir) { case TOP: m.c(c.first, c.second-1) &= ~BOTTOM; --c.second; break; case BOTTOM: m.c(c.first, c.second+1) &= ~TOP; ++c.second; break; case RIGHT: m.c(c.first+1, c.second) &= ~LEFT; ++c.first; break; case LEFT: m.c(c.first-1, c.second) &= ~RIGHT; --c.first; break; } s.visit(c); }
Maze *MazeGame::CreateMaze(MazeFactory &mazeFactory) { Maze *aMaze = mazeFactory.MakeMaze(); Room *r1 = mazeFactory.MakeRoom(1); Room *r2 = mazeFactory.MakeRoom(2); Door *door = mazeFactory.MakeDoor(r1, r2); r1->SetSide(Room::East, door); r1->SetSide(Room::South, mazeFactory.MakeWall()); r1->SetSide(Room::West, mazeFactory.MakeWall()); r1->SetSide(Room::North, mazeFactory.MakeWall()); r2->SetSide(Room::East, mazeFactory.MakeWall()); r2->SetSide(Room::South, mazeFactory.MakeWall()); r2->SetSide(Room::West, door); r2->SetSide(Room::North, mazeFactory.MakeWall()); aMaze->AddRoom(r1); aMaze->AddRoom(r2); return aMaze; }
Maze *MazeGame::CreateMaze() { Maze *aMaze = new Maze(); Room *r1 = new Room(1); Room *r2 = new Room(2); Door *door = new Door(r1, r2); r1->SetSide(Room::East, door); r1->SetSide(Room::South, new Wall()); r1->SetSide(Room::West, new Wall()); r1->SetSide(Room::North, new Wall()); r2->SetSide(Room::East, new Wall()); r2->SetSide(Room::South, new Wall()); r2->SetSide(Room::West, door); r2->SetSide(Room::North, new Wall()); aMaze->AddRoom(r1); aMaze->AddRoom(r2); return aMaze; }
string getSolution(vector <string> maze) { set<Maze> app; queue<Maze> q; Maze initS; initS.s = 0; mazeMap = maze; H = (int) maze.size(); W = (int) maze[0].size(); for (int i = 0; i < H; ++i) for (int j = 0; j < W; ++j) if (maze[i][j] == '.') initS.s |= (1 << (i * W + j)); q.push(initS); app.insert(initS); while (q.size() > 0) { Maze now = q.front(); q.pop(); if (now.s == 0) return now.path; for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) { Maze news = now.makeMove(k); if (app.find(news) == app.end()) { app.insert(news); q.push(news); } } } return ""; }
//Estimation statistique du commitor (on utilise directement le Maze) void commitor_montecarlo(Maze& M, Vector<float>& q) { int n=M.size(); q.setSize(n); q[0]=0; q[n-1]=1; int l=M.nbColonnes(); int nb;//compteur d'étapes float sumnb;//moyenne int sumB=0; //Nos deux états limites Position A(0,0); Position B(M.nbLignes()-1,M.nbColonnes()-1); //Position de début et de fin des trajectoire Position D, F; for(int i=1;i<n-1;i++) { sumB=0; sumnb=0; for(int j=0;j<NBITERMC;j++) { nb=0; D=Position(i/l,i%l); trajectoire(M,D,nb,F,A,B,false); sumnb+=nb; if (F==B) sumB++; } q[i]=float(sumB)/float(NBITERMC); M(i).q[3]=sumnb/float(NBITERMC); } }
int main() { try { Maze a; Coord start, end; int row, column; cout << "请输入迷宫的行数和列数:" << endl; cin >> row >> column; cout << "请设置迷宫:('.'表示通道, '#'表示墙壁)" << endl; a.MazeLayOut(row, column); cout << "请输入起点的位置:"; cin >> start.row >> start.column; cout << "请输入终点的位置:"; cin >> end.row >> end.column; a.FindPath(start, end); a.ShowDynamicPath(); } catch(string x) { cout << x << endl; } return 0; }
/** * Verifies the coord validation logic works * @params pTestData - test object to store the maze in so it * will get cleaned up in all cases. * @returns error string if there was an error */ string MazeTest::TestCoordValidation(TestUnit::tTestData* pTestData) { Maze* pMaze = (Maze*)pTestData->testObj; // Negatives if (pMaze->isValidCoord(Maze::tCoord(-1, 0, 0))) { return "Failed to mark coord(-1, 0, 0) as invalid"; } if (pMaze->isValidCoord(Maze::tCoord(0, -1, 0))) { return "Failed to mark coord(0, -1, 0) as invalid"; } if (pMaze->isValidCoord(Maze::tCoord(0, 0, -1))) { return "Failed to mark coord(0, 0, -1) as invalid"; } // Outside if (pMaze->isValidCoord(Maze::tCoord(100, 0, 0))) { return "Failed to mark coord(100, 0, 0) as invalid"; } if (pMaze->isValidCoord(Maze::tCoord(0, 100, 0))) { return "Failed to mark coord(0, 100, 0) as invalid"; } if (pMaze->isValidCoord(Maze::tCoord(0, 0, 100))) { return "Failed to mark coord(0, 0, 100) as invalid"; } // Maze edges if (pMaze->isValidCoord(Maze::tCoord(10, 0, 0))) { return "Failed to mark coord(0, 0, 100) as invalid"; } if (pMaze->isValidCoord(Maze::tCoord(0, 5, 0))) { return "Failed to mark coord(0, 0, 100) as invalid"; } if (pMaze->isValidCoord(Maze::tCoord(0, 0, 7))) { return "Failed to mark coord(0, 0, 100) as invalid"; } return ""; }
// Input : Maze, debut, A, B // Output: fin, nb void trajectoire(Maze& M, Position& debut, int& nb, Position& fin,const Position& A, const Position& B, const bool& with_aff) { debut.bouge(M); if (debut==A || debut==B) { fin=debut; } else { if (with_aff) { M.aff(true); debut.affiche(); milliSleep(200); } trajectoire(M,debut,++nb,fin,A,B,with_aff); } }
void initialize(Maze & maze) { for ( int y = 0 ; y < (int)maze.GetSizeY() ; y ++ ) { for ( int x = 0 ; x < (int)maze.GetSizeX() ; x ++ ) { if ( x == 0 || x == maze.GetSizeX() - 1 || y == 0 || y == maze.GetSizeY() - 1 ) maze.SetWall(x, y); if ( (x%2) == 0 && (y%2) == 0 ) maze.SetWall(x, y); } } }
// This callback function gets called by the Glut // system whenever it decides things need to be redrawn. void display(void) { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glLoadIdentity(); double dt = GetDeltaTime(); if (gFirstPerson) { double rad = gRat.getDegrees()/180.0 * M_PI; double dx = cos(rad) * MOVE_SPEED * dt; double dy = sin(rad) * MOVE_SPEED * dt; gluLookAt(gRat.getX(), gRat.getY(), gRatHeight, gRat.getX() + dx, gRat.getY() + dy, gRatHeight, 0, 0, 1); // when doing rat, calculate at point but z will stay. } else { gluLookAt(M*.5, -N*.5, 15, M*.5, N*.5, 0, 0, 0, 1); // 3 eye, 3 at point, 3 z-axis up } gMaze.draw(); gRat.draw(gFirstPerson); if (gLeft) gRat.spinLeft(dt); if (gRight) gRat.spinRight(dt); if (gMiddle) gRat.move(dt); if (gFirstPerson) { gluPerspective(.02, (double)screen_x/screen_y, .0001, .0001); } else { gluPerspective(40, (double)screen_x/screen_y, N*.5, 3*(M+N)); } glutSwapBuffers(); glutPostRedisplay(); }
/* * Rotate the Maze conter-clockwise for 45 degrees to get a grid system. Each * slash means connection of two pairs of grid points. This function translate * the Slash Maze to a graph of the grid system. * */ Grid mazeToGrid(const Maze & m) { Grid g; int i = 0, j = 0; //Grid coordinates int x, y; //Maze coordinates int h = m.size(); int w = m[0].size(); //Initially, let m(0, 0) corresponds to g(0, 0). This may cause negative i/j //for a grid, but it doesn't matter, since grid g is a adjacency list. for (x = 0; x < h; x++) { int oi = i; int oj = j; for (y = 0; y < w; y++) { //m(x, y) corresponds to g(i, j) that is the top grid of the four grids //that slash m(x, y) involves. if (m[x][y] == '\\') { //Then top and right grids connect, so do left and bottom grids. g[Point(i, j)].push_back(Point(i, j + 1)); g[Point(i, j + 1)].push_back(Point(i, j)); g[Point(i + 1, j)].push_back(Point(i + 1, j + 1)); g[Point(i + 1, j + 1)].push_back(Point(i + 1, j)); } else { //Then top and left grids connect, so do right and bottom grids. g[Point(i, j)].push_back(Point(i + 1, j)); g[Point(i + 1, j)].push_back(Point(i, j)); g[Point(i, j + 1)].push_back(Point(i + 1, j + 1)); g[Point(i + 1, j + 1)].push_back(Point(i, j + 1)); } //while m(x, y) corresponds to g(i, j), m(x, y + 1) corresponds to //g(i - 1, j + 1) i--; j++; } //while m(x, y) corresponds to g(i, j), m(x + 1, y) corresponds to //g(i + 1, j + 1) i = oi + 1; j = oj + 1; } return g; }
/*----- R e t r a c e ( ) ---------------------------------- PURPOSE Mark the path from the goal to the start cell. INPUT PARAMETERS maze -- the maze object to be marked -------------------------------------------------------------*/ void Retrace(Maze &maze) { Position curPos = maze.Goal(); int distance = maze.State(maze.Goal()); // Distance from start cell while (distance >= 0) { maze.Mark(curPos, PathCell); if ((maze.State(curPos + StepNorth)) == (distance - 1)) curPos = curPos + StepNorth; else if ((maze.State(curPos + StepWest)) == (distance - 1)) curPos = curPos + StepWest; else if ((maze.State(curPos + StepSouth)) == (distance - 1)) curPos = curPos + StepSouth; else if ((maze.State(curPos + StepEast)) == (distance - 1)) curPos = curPos + StepEast; distance -= 1; } }