NIImporter_VISUM::parse_EdgePolys() {
    // get the from- & to-node and validate them
    NBNode* from = getNamedNode("VonKnot", "VonKnotNr");
    NBNode* to = getNamedNode("NachKnot", "NachKnotNr");
    if (!checkNodes(from, to)) {
    bool failed = false;
    int index;
    SUMOReal x, y;
    try {
        index = TplConvert::_2int(myLineParser.get("INDEX").c_str());
        x = getNamedFloat("XKoord");
        y = getNamedFloat("YKoord");
    } catch (NumberFormatException&) {
        WRITE_ERROR("Error in geometry description from node '" + from->getID() + "' to node '" + to->getID() + "'.");
    Position pos(x, y);
    if (!NILoader::transformCoordinates(pos)) {
        WRITE_ERROR("Unable to project coordinates for node '" + from->getID() + "'.");
    NBEdge* e = from->getConnectionTo(to);
    if (e != 0) {
        e->addGeometryPoint(index, pos);
    } else {
        failed = true;
    e = to->getConnectionTo(from);
    if (e != 0) {
        e->addGeometryPoint(-index, pos);
        failed = false;
    // check whether the operation has failed
    if (failed) {
        // we should report this to the warning instance only if we have removed
        //  some nodes or edges...
        if (OptionsCont::getOptions().isSet("keep-edges.min-speed") || OptionsCont::getOptions().isSet("keep-edges.explicit")) {
            WRITE_WARNING("Could not set geometry between node '" + from->getID() + "' and node '" + to->getID() + "'.");
        } else {
            // ... in the other case we report this to the error instance
            if (OptionsCont::getOptions().getBool("visum.verbose-warnings")) {
                WRITE_WARNING("There is no edge from node '" + from->getID() + "' to node '" + to->getID() + "'.");