NBEdgePriorityComputer::extractAndMarkFirst(NBNode& n, std::vector<NBEdge*>& s) {
    if (s.size() == 0) {
        return 0;
    NBEdge* ret = s.front();
    ret->setJunctionPriority(&n, 1);
    return ret;
NBEdgePriorityComputer::setPriorityJunctionPriorities(NBNode& n) {
    if (n.myIncomingEdges.size() == 0 || n.myOutgoingEdges.size() == 0) {
    EdgeVector incoming = n.myIncomingEdges;
    EdgeVector outgoing = n.myOutgoingEdges;
    // what we do want to have is to extract the pair of roads that are
    //  the major roads for this junction
    // let's get the list of incoming edges with the highest priority
    std::sort(incoming.begin(), incoming.end(), NBContHelper::edge_by_priority_sorter());
    EdgeVector bestIncoming;
    NBEdge* best = incoming[0];
    while (incoming.size() > 0 && samePriority(best, incoming[0])) {
    // now, let's get the list of best outgoing
    assert(outgoing.size() != 0);
    sort(outgoing.begin(), outgoing.end(), NBContHelper::edge_by_priority_sorter());
    EdgeVector bestOutgoing;
    best = outgoing[0];
    while (outgoing.size() > 0 && samePriority(best, outgoing[0])) { //->getPriority()==best->getPriority()) {
    // now, let's compute for each of the best incoming edges
    //  the incoming which is most opposite
    //  the outgoing which is most opposite
    EdgeVector::iterator i;
    std::map<NBEdge*, NBEdge*> counterIncomingEdges;
    std::map<NBEdge*, NBEdge*> counterOutgoingEdges;
    incoming = n.myIncomingEdges;
    outgoing = n.myOutgoingEdges;
    for (i = bestIncoming.begin(); i != bestIncoming.end(); ++i) {
        std::sort(incoming.begin(), incoming.end(), NBContHelper::edge_opposite_direction_sorter(*i, &n));
        counterIncomingEdges[*i] = *incoming.begin();
        std::sort(outgoing.begin(), outgoing.end(), NBContHelper::edge_opposite_direction_sorter(*i, &n));
        counterOutgoingEdges[*i] = *outgoing.begin();
    // ok, let's try
    // 1) there is one best incoming road
    if (bestIncoming.size() == 1) {
        // let's mark this road as the best
        NBEdge* best1 = extractAndMarkFirst(n, bestIncoming);
        if (counterIncomingEdges.find(best1) != counterIncomingEdges.end()) {
            // ok, look, what we want is the opposit of the straight continuation edge
            // but, what if such an edge does not exist? By now, we'll determine it
            // geometrically
            NBEdge* s = counterIncomingEdges.find(best1)->second;
            if (GeomHelper::getMinAngleDiff(best1->getAngleAtNode(&n), s->getAngleAtNode(&n)) > 180 - 45) {
                s->setJunctionPriority(&n, 1);
        if (bestOutgoing.size() != 0) {
            // mark the best outgoing as the continuation
            sort(bestOutgoing.begin(), bestOutgoing.end(), NBContHelper::edge_similar_direction_sorter(best1));
            best1 = extractAndMarkFirst(n, bestOutgoing);
            if (counterOutgoingEdges.find(best1) != counterOutgoingEdges.end()) {
                NBEdge* s = counterOutgoingEdges.find(best1)->second;
                if (GeomHelper::getMinAngleDiff(best1->getAngleAtNode(&n), s->getAngleAtNode(&n)) > 180 - 45) {
                    s->setJunctionPriority(&n, 1);

    // ok, what we want to do in this case is to determine which incoming
    //  has the best continuation...
    // This means, when several incoming roads have the same priority,
    //  we want a (any) straight connection to be more priorised than a turning
    SUMOReal bestAngle = 0;
    NBEdge* bestFirst = 0;
    NBEdge* bestSecond = 0;
    bool hadBest = false;
    for (i = bestIncoming.begin(); i != bestIncoming.end(); ++i) {
        EdgeVector::iterator j;
        NBEdge* t1 = *i;
        SUMOReal angle1 = t1->getTotalAngle() + 180;
        if (angle1 >= 360) {
            angle1 -= 360;
        for (j = i + 1; j != bestIncoming.end(); ++j) {
            NBEdge* t2 = *j;
            SUMOReal angle2 = t2->getTotalAngle() + 180;
            if (angle2 >= 360) {
                angle2 -= 360;
            SUMOReal angle = GeomHelper::getMinAngleDiff(angle1, angle2);
            if (!hadBest || angle > bestAngle) {
                bestAngle = angle;
                bestFirst = *i;
                bestSecond = *j;
                hadBest = true;
    bestFirst->setJunctionPriority(&n, 1);
    sort(bestOutgoing.begin(), bestOutgoing.end(), NBContHelper::edge_similar_direction_sorter(bestFirst));
    if (bestOutgoing.size() != 0) {
        extractAndMarkFirst(n, bestOutgoing);
    bestSecond->setJunctionPriority(&n, 1);
    sort(bestOutgoing.begin(), bestOutgoing.end(), NBContHelper::edge_similar_direction_sorter(bestSecond));
    if (bestOutgoing.size() != 0) {
        extractAndMarkFirst(n, bestOutgoing);