/* Plot outlines of copper, for copper layer
void PlotLayerOutlines( BOARD* aBoard, PLOTTER* aPlotter,
                        LSET aLayerMask, const PCB_PLOT_PARAMS& aPlotOpt )

    BRDITEMS_PLOTTER itemplotter( aPlotter, aBoard, aPlotOpt );
    itemplotter.SetLayerSet( aLayerMask );

    SHAPE_POLY_SET outlines;

    for( LSEQ seq = aLayerMask.Seq( plot_seq, DIM( plot_seq ) );  seq;  ++seq )
        LAYER_ID layer = *seq;

        aBoard->ConvertBrdLayerToPolygonalContours( layer, outlines );


        // Plot outlines
        std::vector< wxPoint > cornerList;

        // Now we have one or more basic polygons: plot each polygon
        for( int ii = 0; ii < outlines.OutlineCount(); ii++ )
            for(int kk = 0; kk <= outlines.HoleCount (ii); kk++ )
                const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& path = (kk == 0) ? outlines.COutline( ii ) : outlines.CHole( ii, kk - 1 );

                for( int jj = 0; jj < path.PointCount(); jj++ )
                    cornerList.push_back( wxPoint( path.CPoint( jj ).x , path.CPoint( jj ).y ) );

                // Ensure the polygon is closed
                if( cornerList[0] != cornerList[cornerList.size() - 1] )
                    cornerList.push_back( cornerList[0] );

                aPlotter->PlotPoly( cornerList, NO_FILL );

        // Plot pad holes
        if( aPlotOpt.GetDrillMarksType() != PCB_PLOT_PARAMS::NO_DRILL_SHAPE )
            for( MODULE* module = aBoard->m_Modules; module; module = module->Next() )
                for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads(); pad; pad = pad->Next() )
                    wxSize hole = pad->GetDrillSize();

                    if( hole.x == 0 || hole.y == 0 )

                    if( hole.x == hole.y )
                        aPlotter->Circle( pad->GetPosition(), hole.x, NO_FILL );
                        wxPoint drl_start, drl_end;
                        int width;
                        pad->GetOblongDrillGeometry( drl_start, drl_end, width );
                        aPlotter->ThickSegment( pad->GetPosition() + drl_start,
                                                pad->GetPosition() + drl_end, width, SKETCH );

        // Plot vias holes
        for( TRACK* track = aBoard->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() )
            const VIA* via = dyn_cast<const VIA*>( track );

            if( via && via->IsOnLayer( layer ) )    // via holes can be not through holes
                aPlotter->Circle( via->GetPosition(), via->GetDrillValue(), NO_FILL );
/* Plot a copper layer or mask.
 * Silk screen layers are not plotted here.
void PlotStandardLayer( BOARD *aBoard, PLOTTER* aPlotter,
                        LAYER_MSK aLayerMask, const PCB_PLOT_PARAMS& aPlotOpt )

    BRDITEMS_PLOTTER itemplotter( aPlotter, aBoard, aPlotOpt );
    itemplotter.SetLayerMask( aLayerMask );

    EDA_DRAW_MODE_T plotMode = aPlotOpt.GetMode();

     // Plot edge layer and graphic items

    // Draw footprint shapes without pads (pads will plotted later)
    // We plot here module texts, but they are usually on silkscreen layer,
    // so they are not plot here but plot by PlotSilkScreen()
    // Plot footprints fields (ref, value ...)
    for( MODULE* module = aBoard->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        if( ! itemplotter.PlotAllTextsModule( module ) )
            wxLogMessage( _( "Your BOARD has a bad layer number for module %s" ),
                           GetChars( module->GetReference() ) );

    for( MODULE* module = aBoard->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        for( BOARD_ITEM* item = module->GraphicalItems(); item; item = item->Next() )
            if( ! (aLayerMask & GetLayerMask( item->GetLayer() ) ) )

            switch( item->Type() )
            case PCB_MODULE_EDGE_T:
                itemplotter.Plot_1_EdgeModule( (EDGE_MODULE*) item );


    // Plot footprint pads
    for( MODULE* module = aBoard->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads();  pad;  pad = pad->Next() )
            if( (pad->GetLayerMask() & aLayerMask) == 0 )

            wxSize margin;
            double width_adj = 0;

            if( aLayerMask & ALL_CU_LAYERS )
                width_adj =  itemplotter.getFineWidthAdj();

            switch( aLayerMask &
            case SOLDERMASK_LAYER_FRONT:
            case SOLDERMASK_LAYER_BACK:
                margin.x = margin.y = pad->GetSolderMaskMargin();

            case SOLDERPASTE_LAYER_BACK:
                margin = pad->GetSolderPasteMargin();


            wxSize padPlotsSize;
            padPlotsSize.x = pad->GetSize().x + ( 2 * margin.x ) + width_adj;
            padPlotsSize.y = pad->GetSize().y + ( 2 * margin.y ) + width_adj;

            // Don't draw a null size item :
            if( padPlotsSize.x <= 0 || padPlotsSize.y <= 0 )

            EDA_COLOR_T color = BLACK;

            if( (pad->GetLayerMask() & LAYER_BACK) )
               color = aBoard->GetVisibleElementColor( PAD_BK_VISIBLE );

            if((pad->GetLayerMask() & LAYER_FRONT ) )
                color = ColorFromInt( color | aBoard->GetVisibleElementColor( PAD_FR_VISIBLE ) );

            // Temporary set the pad size to the required plot size:
            wxSize tmppadsize = pad->GetSize();
            pad->SetSize( padPlotsSize );
            switch( pad->GetShape() )
            case PAD_CIRCLE:
            case PAD_OVAL:
                if( aPlotOpt.GetSkipPlotNPTH_Pads() &&
                    (pad->GetSize() == pad->GetDrillSize()) &&
                    (pad->GetAttribute() == PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED) )

                // Fall through:
            case PAD_TRAPEZOID:
            case PAD_RECT:
                itemplotter.PlotPad( pad, color, plotMode );

            pad->SetSize( tmppadsize );     // Restore the pad size

    // Plot vias on copper layers, and if aPlotOpt.GetPlotViaOnMaskLayer() is true,
    // plot them on solder mask
    for( TRACK* track = aBoard->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() )
        const VIA* Via = dynamic_cast<const VIA*>( track );

        if( !Via )

        // vias are not plotted if not on selected layer, but if layer
        // only if they are on the corresponding external copper layer
        int via_mask_layer = Via->GetLayerMask();

        if( aPlotOpt.GetPlotViaOnMaskLayer() )
            if( via_mask_layer & LAYER_BACK )
                via_mask_layer |= SOLDERMASK_LAYER_BACK;

            if( via_mask_layer & LAYER_FRONT )
                via_mask_layer |= SOLDERMASK_LAYER_FRONT;

        if( ( via_mask_layer & aLayerMask ) == 0 )

        int via_margin = 0;
        double width_adj = 0;

        // If the current layer is a solder mask, use the global mask
        // clearance for vias
            via_margin = aBoard->GetDesignSettings().m_SolderMaskMargin;

        if( aLayerMask & ALL_CU_LAYERS )
            width_adj = itemplotter.getFineWidthAdj();

        int diameter = Via->GetWidth() + 2 * via_margin + width_adj;

        // Don't draw a null size item :
        if( diameter <= 0 )

        EDA_COLOR_T color = aBoard->GetVisibleElementColor(VIAS_VISIBLE + Via->GetViaType());
        // Set plot color (change WHITE to LIGHTGRAY because
        // the white items are not seen on a white paper or screen
        aPlotter->SetColor( color != WHITE ? color : LIGHTGRAY);
        aPlotter->FlashPadCircle( Via->GetStart(), diameter, plotMode );

    // Plot tracks (not vias) :
    for( TRACK* track = aBoard->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() )
        if( track->Type() == PCB_VIA_T )

        if( (GetLayerMask( track->GetLayer() ) & aLayerMask) == 0 )

        int width = track->GetWidth() + itemplotter.getFineWidthAdj();
        aPlotter->SetColor( itemplotter.getColor( track->GetLayer() ) );
        aPlotter->ThickSegment( track->GetStart(), track->GetEnd(), width, plotMode );

    // Plot zones (outdated, for old boards compatibility):
    for( TRACK* track = aBoard->m_Zone; track; track = track->Next() )
        if( (GetLayerMask( track->GetLayer() ) & aLayerMask) == 0 )

        int width = track->GetWidth() + itemplotter.getFineWidthAdj();
        aPlotter->SetColor( itemplotter.getColor( track->GetLayer() ) );
        aPlotter->ThickSegment( track->GetStart(), track->GetEnd(), width, plotMode );

    // Plot filled ares
    for( int ii = 0; ii < aBoard->GetAreaCount(); ii++ )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = aBoard->GetArea( ii );

        if( ( GetLayerMask(zone->GetLayer() )  & aLayerMask ) == 0 )

        itemplotter.PlotFilledAreas( zone );

    // Adding drill marks, if required and if the plotter is able to plot them:
    if( aPlotOpt.GetDrillMarksType() != PCB_PLOT_PARAMS::NO_DRILL_SHAPE )
void PlotLayerOutlines( BOARD *aBoard, PLOTTER* aPlotter,
                        LAYER_MSK aLayerMask, const PCB_PLOT_PARAMS& aPlotOpt )

    BRDITEMS_PLOTTER itemplotter( aPlotter, aBoard, aPlotOpt );
    itemplotter.SetLayerMask( aLayerMask );

    CPOLYGONS_LIST outlines;

    for( LAYER_NUM layer = FIRST_LAYER; layer < NB_PCB_LAYERS; layer++ )
        LAYER_MSK layer_mask = GetLayerMask( layer );

        if( (aLayerMask & layer_mask ) == 0 )

        aBoard->ConvertBrdLayerToPolygonalContours( layer, outlines );

        // Merge all overlapping polygons.
        KI_POLYGON_SET kpolygons;
        KI_POLYGON_SET ktmp;
        outlines.ExportTo( ktmp );

        kpolygons += ktmp;

        // Plot outlines
        std::vector< wxPoint > cornerList;

        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < kpolygons.size(); ii++ )
            KI_POLYGON polygon = kpolygons[ii];

            // polygon contains only one polygon, but it can have holes linked by
            // overlapping segments.
            // To plot clean outlines, we have to break this polygon into more polygons with
            // no overlapping segments, using Clipper, because boost::polygon
            // does not allow that
            ClipperLib::Path raw_polygon;
            ClipperLib::Paths normalized_polygons;

            for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < polygon.size(); ic++ )
                KI_POLY_POINT corner = *(polygon.begin() + ic);
                raw_polygon.push_back( ClipperLib::IntPoint( corner.x(), corner.y() ) );

            ClipperLib::SimplifyPolygon( raw_polygon, normalized_polygons );

            // Now we have one or more basic polygons: plot each polygon
            for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < normalized_polygons.size(); ii++ )
                ClipperLib::Path& polygon = normalized_polygons[ii];

                for( unsigned jj = 0; jj < polygon.size(); jj++ )
                    cornerList.push_back( wxPoint( polygon[jj].X , polygon[jj].Y ) );

                // Ensure the polygon is closed
                if( cornerList[0] != cornerList[cornerList.size()-1] )
                    cornerList.push_back( cornerList[0] );

                aPlotter->PlotPoly( cornerList, NO_FILL );

        // Plot pad holes
        if( aPlotOpt.GetDrillMarksType() != PCB_PLOT_PARAMS::NO_DRILL_SHAPE )
            for( MODULE* module = aBoard->m_Modules; module; module = module->Next() )
                for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads(); pad; pad = pad->Next() )
                    wxSize hole = pad->GetDrillSize();

                    if( hole.x == 0 || hole.y == 0 )

                    if( hole.x == hole.y )
                        aPlotter->Circle( pad->GetPosition(), hole.x, NO_FILL );
                        wxPoint drl_start, drl_end;
                        int width;
                        pad->GetOblongDrillGeometry( drl_start, drl_end, width );
                        aPlotter->ThickSegment( pad->GetPosition() + drl_start,
                                pad->GetPosition() + drl_end, width, SKETCH );

        // Plot vias holes
        for( TRACK* track = aBoard->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() )
            const VIA* via = dyn_cast<const VIA*>( track );

            if( via && via->IsOnLayer( layer ) )    // via holes can be not through holes
                aPlotter->Circle( via->GetPosition(), via->GetDrillValue(), NO_FILL );