void effectType(const PassRefPtr<CanvasPixelArray>& srcPixelArray, PassRefPtr<ImageData>& imageData, const Vector<float>& values)
    for (unsigned pixelOffset = 0; pixelOffset < srcPixelArray->length(); pixelOffset++) {
        unsigned pixelByteOffset = pixelOffset * 4;

        unsigned char r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0;
        srcPixelArray->get(pixelByteOffset, r);
        srcPixelArray->get(pixelByteOffset + 1, g);
        srcPixelArray->get(pixelByteOffset + 2, b);
        srcPixelArray->get(pixelByteOffset + 3, a);

        double red = r, green = g, blue = b, alpha = a;
        switch (filterType) {
                matrix(red, green, blue, alpha, values);
                saturate(red, green, blue, values[0]);
                huerotate(red, green, blue, values[0]);
                luminance(red, green, blue, alpha);

        imageData->data()->set(pixelByteOffset, red);
        imageData->data()->set(pixelByteOffset + 1, green);
        imageData->data()->set(pixelByteOffset + 2, blue);
        imageData->data()->set(pixelByteOffset + 3, alpha);
Exemple #2
PassRefPtr<ImageData> ImageBufferData::getImageData(const IntRect& rect, const IntSize& size, VGImageFormat format) const

    PassRefPtr<ImageData> result = ImageData::create(rect.width(), rect.height());
    unsigned char* data = result->data()->data()->data();

    // If this copy operation won't fill all of the pixels in the target image,
    // paint it black in order to avoid random uninitialized pixel garbage.
    if (rect.x() < 0 || rect.y() < 0 || (rect.right()) > size.width() || (rect.bottom()) > size.height())
        memset(data, 0, result->data()->length());

    if (!m_tiledImage)

    // OpenVG ignores pixels that are out of bounds, so we can just
    // call vgReadPixels() without any further safety assurances.
    if (m_surface->isCurrent()) {
        vgReadPixels(data, rect.width() * 4, format,
            rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height());
    } else {
        vgGetImageSubData(m_tiledImage->tile(0, 0), data, rect.width() * 4, format,
            rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height());

    return result;
Exemple #3
PassRefPtr<ImageData> getImageData(const IntRect& rect, const ImageBufferData& data, const IntSize& size)
    ASSERT(cairo_surface_get_type(data.m_surface) == CAIRO_SURFACE_TYPE_IMAGE);

    PassRefPtr<ImageData> result = ImageData::create(rect.width(), rect.height());
    unsigned char* dataSrc = cairo_image_surface_get_data(data.m_surface);
    unsigned char* dataDst = result->data()->data()->data();

    if (rect.x() < 0 || rect.y() < 0 || (rect.x() + rect.width()) > size.width() || (rect.y() + rect.height()) > size.height())
        memset(dataDst, 0, result->data()->length());

    int originx = rect.x();
    int destx = 0;
    if (originx < 0) {
        destx = -originx;
        originx = 0;
    int endx = rect.x() + rect.width();
    if (endx > size.width())
        endx = size.width();
    int numColumns = endx - originx;

    int originy = rect.y();
    int desty = 0;
    if (originy < 0) {
        desty = -originy;
        originy = 0;
    int endy = rect.y() + rect.height();
    if (endy > size.height())
        endy = size.height();
    int numRows = endy - originy;

    int stride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride(data.m_surface);
    unsigned destBytesPerRow = 4 * rect.width();

    unsigned char* destRows = dataDst + desty * destBytesPerRow + destx * 4;
    for (int y = 0; y < numRows; ++y) {
        unsigned* row = reinterpret_cast<unsigned*>(dataSrc + stride * (y + originy));
        for (int x = 0; x < numColumns; x++) {
            int basex = x * 4;
            unsigned* pixel = row + x + originx;
            Color pixelColor;
            if (multiplied == Unmultiplied)
                pixelColor = colorFromPremultipliedARGB(*pixel);
                pixelColor = Color(*pixel);
            destRows[basex]     = pixelColor.red();
            destRows[basex + 1] = pixelColor.green();
            destRows[basex + 2] = pixelColor.blue();
            destRows[basex + 3] = pixelColor.alpha();
        destRows += destBytesPerRow;

    return result;
Exemple #4
PassRefPtr<ImageData> ImageBuffer::getImageData(const IntRect& rect) const
    if (!m_data)
        return 0;

    PassRefPtr<ImageData> result = ImageData::create(rect.width(), rect.height());
    unsigned char* data = result->data()->data().data();

    if (rect.x() < 0 || rect.y() < 0 || (rect.x() + rect.width()) > m_size.width() || (rect.y() + rect.height()) > m_size.height())
        memset(data, 0, result->data()->length());

    int originx = rect.x();
    int destx = 0;
    if (originx < 0) {
        destx = -originx;
        originx = 0;
    int endx = rect.x() + rect.width();
    if (endx > m_size.width())
        endx = m_size.width();
    int numColumns = endx - originx;

    int originy = rect.y();
    int desty = 0;
    if (originy < 0) {
        desty = -originy;
        originy = 0;
    int endy = rect.y() + rect.height();
    if (endy > m_size.height())
        endy = m_size.height();
    int numRows = endy - originy;

    unsigned srcBytesPerRow = 4 * m_size.width();
    unsigned destBytesPerRow = 4 * rect.width();

    unsigned char* srcRows = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(m_data) + originy * srcBytesPerRow + originx * 4;
    unsigned char* destRows = data + desty * destBytesPerRow + destx * 4;
    for (int y = 0; y < numRows; ++y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < numColumns; x++) {
            int basex = x * 4;
            if (unsigned char alpha = srcRows[basex + 3]) {
                destRows[basex] = (srcRows[basex] * 255) / alpha;
                destRows[basex + 1] = (srcRows[basex + 1] * 255) / alpha;
                destRows[basex + 2] = (srcRows[basex + 2] * 255) / alpha;
                destRows[basex + 3] = alpha;
            } else {
                reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(destRows + basex)[0] = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(srcRows + basex)[0];
        srcRows += srcBytesPerRow;
        destRows += destBytesPerRow;
    return result;
PassRefPtr<ImageData> ImageBuffer::getImageData(const IntRect& rect) const
    PassRefPtr<ImageData> result = ImageData::create(rect.width(), rect.height());
    unsigned char* data = result->data()->data()->data();

    if (rect.x() < 0 || rect.y() < 0 || (rect.x() + rect.width()) > m_size.width() || (rect.y() + rect.height()) > m_size.height())
        memset(data, 0, result->data()->length());

    int originx = rect.x();
    int destx = 0;
    if (originx < 0) {
        destx = -originx;
        originx = 0;
    int endx = rect.x() + rect.width();
    if (endx > m_size.width())
        endx = m_size.width();
    int numColumns = endx - originx;

    int originy = rect.y();
    int desty = 0;
    if (originy < 0) {
        desty = -originy;
        originy = 0;
    int endy = rect.y() + rect.height();
    if (endy > m_size.height())
        endy = m_size.height();
    int numRows = endy - originy;

    QImage image = m_data.m_pixmap.toImage().convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32);

    unsigned destBytesPerRow = 4 * rect.width();
    unsigned char* destRows = data + desty * destBytesPerRow + destx * 4;
    for (int y = 0; y < numRows; ++y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < numColumns; x++) {
            QRgb value = image.pixel(x + originx, y + originy);
            int basex = x * 4;

            destRows[basex] = qRed(value);
            destRows[basex + 1] = qGreen(value);
            destRows[basex + 2] = qBlue(value);
            destRows[basex + 3] = qAlpha(value);
        destRows += destBytesPerRow;

    return result;
template <bool premultiplied> PassRefPtr<ImageData>
static getImageData(const IntRect& rect, const SharedBitmap* bitmap)
    PassRefPtr<ImageData> imageData = ImageData::create(rect.width(), rect.height());

    const unsigned char* src = static_cast<const unsigned char*>(bitmap->bytes());
    if (!src)
        return imageData;

    IntRect sourceRect(0, 0, bitmap->width(), bitmap->height());
    if (sourceRect.isEmpty())
        return imageData;

    unsigned char* dst = imageData->data()->data()->data();
    memset(dst, 0, imageData->data()->data()->length());
    src += (sourceRect.y() * bitmap->width() + sourceRect.x()) * 4;
    dst += ((sourceRect.y() - rect.y()) * imageData->width() + sourceRect.x() - rect.x()) * 4;
    int bytesToCopy = sourceRect.width() * 4;
    int srcSkip = (bitmap->width() - sourceRect.width()) * 4;
    int dstSkip = (imageData->width() - sourceRect.width()) * 4;
    const unsigned char* dstEnd = dst + sourceRect.height() * imageData->width() * 4;
    while (dst < dstEnd) {
        const unsigned char* dstRowEnd = dst + bytesToCopy;
        while (dst < dstRowEnd) {
            // Convert ARGB little endian to RGBA big endian
            int blue = *src++;
            int green = *src++;
            int red = *src++;
            int alpha = *src++;
            if (premultiplied) {
                *dst++ = static_cast<unsigned char>((red * alpha + 254) / 255);
                *dst++ = static_cast<unsigned char>((green * alpha + 254) / 255);
                *dst++ = static_cast<unsigned char>((blue * alpha + 254) / 255);
                *dst++ = static_cast<unsigned char>(alpha);
            } else {
                *dst++ = static_cast<unsigned char>(red);
                *dst++ = static_cast<unsigned char>(green);
                *dst++ = static_cast<unsigned char>(blue);
                *dst++ = static_cast<unsigned char>(alpha);
        src += srcSkip;
        dst += dstSkip;

    return imageData;
void HTMLMediaElementEncryptedMedia::generateKeyRequest(WebMediaPlayer* webMediaPlayer, const String& keySystem, PassRefPtr<DOMUint8Array> initData, ExceptionState& exceptionState)
    WTF_LOG(Media, "HTMLMediaElementEncryptedMedia::webkitGenerateKeyRequest");

    if (!setEmeMode(EmeModePrefixed)) {
        exceptionState.throwDOMException(InvalidStateError, "Mixed use of EME prefixed and unprefixed API not allowed.");

    if (keySystem.isEmpty()) {
        exceptionState.throwDOMException(SyntaxError, "The key system provided is empty.");

    if (!webMediaPlayer) {
        exceptionState.throwDOMException(InvalidStateError, "No media has been loaded.");

    const unsigned char* initDataPointer = 0;
    unsigned initDataLength = 0;
    if (initData) {
        initDataPointer = initData->data();
        initDataLength = initData->length();

    WebMediaPlayer::MediaKeyException result = webMediaPlayer->generateKeyRequest(keySystem, initDataPointer, initDataLength);
    throwExceptionIfMediaKeyExceptionOccurred(keySystem, String(), result, exceptionState);
Exemple #8
void WebKitSourceBuffer::append(PassRefPtr<Uint8Array> data, ExceptionCode& ec)
    // SourceBuffer.append() steps from October 1st version of the Media Source Extensions spec.
    // https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-media/raw-file/7bab66368f2c/media-source/media-source.html#dom-append

    // 2. If data is null then throw an INVALID_ACCESS_ERR exception and abort these steps.
    if (!data) {
        ec = INVALID_ACCESS_ERR;

    // 3. If this object has been removed from the sourceBuffers attribute of media source then throw
    //    an INVALID_STATE_ERR exception and abort these steps.
    if (isRemoved()) {
        ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR;

    // 5. If the readyState attribute of media source is in the "ended" state then run the following steps:
    // 5.1. Set the readyState attribute of media source to "open"
    // 5.2. Queue a task to fire a simple event named sourceopen at media source.

    // Steps 6 & beyond are handled by the private implementation.
    m_private->append(data->data(), data->length());
Exemple #9
void CachedRawResource::data(PassRefPtr<ResourceBuffer> data, bool allDataReceived)
    CachedResourceHandle<CachedRawResource> protect(this);
    const char* incrementalData = 0;
    size_t incrementalDataLength = 0;
    if (data) {
        // If we are buffering data, then we are saving the buffer in m_data and need to manually
        // calculate the incremental data. If we are not buffering, then m_data will be null and
        // the buffer contains only the incremental data.
        size_t previousDataLength = (m_options.dataBufferingPolicy == BufferData) ? encodedSize() : 0;
        ASSERT(data->size() >= previousDataLength);
        incrementalData = data->data() + previousDataLength;
        incrementalDataLength = data->size() - previousDataLength;

    if (m_options.dataBufferingPolicy == BufferData) {
        if (data)
        m_data = data;

    DataBufferingPolicy dataBufferingPolicy = m_options.dataBufferingPolicy;
    if (incrementalDataLength) {
        CachedResourceClientWalker<CachedRawResourceClient> w(m_clients);
        while (CachedRawResourceClient* c = w.next())
            c->dataReceived(this, incrementalData, incrementalDataLength);
    CachedResource::data(m_data, allDataReceived);

    if (dataBufferingPolicy == BufferData && m_options.dataBufferingPolicy == DoNotBufferData) {
        if (m_loader)
Exemple #10
PassRefPtr<FontFace> FontFace::create(ExecutionContext* context, const AtomicString& family, PassRefPtr<ArrayBuffer> source, const Dictionary& descriptors, ExceptionState& exceptionState)
    RefPtr<FontFace> fontFace = adoptRefWillBeRefCountedGarbageCollected<FontFace>(new FontFace());
    if (initFontFace(fontFace.get(), context, family, descriptors, exceptionState))
        fontFace->initCSSFontFace(static_cast<const unsigned char*>(source->data()), source->byteLength());
    return fontFace.release();
void SourceBuffer::appendBuffer(PassRefPtr<DOMArrayBuffer> data, ExceptionState& exceptionState)
    WTF_LOG(Media, "SourceBuffer(%p)::appendBuffer size=%u", this, data->byteLength());
    // Section 3.2 appendBuffer()
    // https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-media/raw-file/default/media-source/media-source.html#widl-SourceBuffer-appendBuffer-void-ArrayBufferView-data
    appendBufferInternal(static_cast<const unsigned char*>(data->data()), data->byteLength(), exceptionState);
void WebKitSourceBuffer::append(PassRefPtr<Uint8Array> data, ExceptionState& es)
    TRACE_EVENT0("media", "SourceBuffer::append");

    // SourceBuffer.append() steps from October 1st version of the Media Source Extensions spec.
    // https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-media/raw-file/7bab66368f2c/media-source/media-source.html#dom-append

    // 2. If data is null then throw an InvalidAccessError exception and abort these steps.
    if (!data) {

    // 3. If this object has been removed from the sourceBuffers attribute of media source then throw
    //    an InvalidStateError exception and abort these steps.
    if (isRemoved()) {

    // 5. If the readyState attribute of media source is in the "ended" state then run the following steps:
    // 5.1. Set the readyState attribute of media source to "open"
    // 5.2. Queue a task to fire a simple event named sourceopen at media source.

    // Steps 6 & beyond are handled by the private implementation.
    m_private->append(data->data(), data->length());
void NetscapePlugInStreamLoader::didReceiveDataOrBuffer(const char* data, int length, PassRefPtr<SharedBuffer> buffer, long long encodedDataLength, DataPayloadType dataPayloadType)
    Ref<NetscapePlugInStreamLoader> protect(*this);
    m_client->didReceiveData(this, buffer ? buffer->data() : data, buffer ? buffer->size() : length);

    ResourceLoader::didReceiveDataOrBuffer(data, length, buffer, encodedDataLength, dataPayloadType);
Exemple #14
// static
bool InspectorPageAgent::sharedBufferContent(PassRefPtr<SharedBuffer> buffer, const String& textEncodingName, bool withBase64Encode, String* result)
    if (withBase64Encode) {
        *result = base64Encode(buffer->data(), buffer->size());
        return true;

    return decodeSharedBuffer(buffer, textEncodingName, result);
    Structure* structure, PassRefPtr<ArrayBuffer> arrayBuffer,
    unsigned byteOffset, unsigned length, DataViewTag)
    : m_structure(structure)
    , m_vector(static_cast<uint8_t*>(arrayBuffer->data()) + byteOffset)
    , m_length(length)
    , m_mode(DataViewMode)
    , m_butterfly(0)
Deprecated::ScriptValue deserializeIDBValueBuffer(DOMRequestState* requestState, PassRefPtr<SharedBuffer> prpBuffer, bool keyIsDefined)
    if (prpBuffer) {
        Vector<uint8_t> value;
        value.append(prpBuffer->data(), prpBuffer->size());
        return deserializeIDBValueBuffer(requestState->exec(), value, keyIsDefined);

    return Deprecated::ScriptValue(requestState->exec()->vm(), jsNull());
void WebPlatformStrategies::setBufferForType(PassRefPtr<SharedBuffer> buffer, const String& pasteboardType, const String& pasteboardName)
    SharedMemory::Handle handle;
    if (buffer) {
        RefPtr<SharedMemory> sharedMemoryBuffer = SharedMemory::create(buffer->size());
        memcpy(sharedMemoryBuffer->data(), buffer->data(), buffer->size());
        sharedMemoryBuffer->createHandle(handle, SharedMemory::ReadOnly);
    WebProcess::shared().connection()->send(Messages::WebContext::SetPasteboardBufferForType(pasteboardName, pasteboardType, handle, buffer ? buffer->size() : 0), 0);
Exemple #18
v8::Handle<v8::Object> V8ArrayBuffer::createWrapper(PassRefPtr<ArrayBuffer> impl, v8::Handle<v8::Object> creationContext, v8::Isolate* isolate)
    ASSERT(!DOMDataStore::containsWrapper<V8ArrayBuffer>(impl.get(), isolate));

    v8::Handle<v8::Object> wrapper = v8::ArrayBuffer::New(isolate, impl->data(), impl->byteLength());

    V8DOMWrapper::associateObjectWithWrapper<V8ArrayBuffer>(impl, &wrapperTypeInfo, wrapper, isolate);
    return wrapper;
Exemple #19
static bool decodeSharedBuffer(PassRefPtr<SharedBuffer> buffer, const String& textEncodingName, String* result)
    if (buffer) {
        TextEncoding encoding(textEncodingName);
        if (!encoding.isValid())
            encoding = WindowsLatin1Encoding();
        *result = encoding.decode(buffer->data(), buffer->size());
        return true;
    return false;
    VM& vm, Structure* structure, PassRefPtr<ArrayBuffer> arrayBuffer,
    unsigned byteOffset, unsigned length)
    : m_structure(structure)
    , m_vector(static_cast<uint8_t*>(arrayBuffer->data()) + byteOffset)
    , m_length(length)
    , m_mode(WastefulTypedArray)
    IndexingHeader indexingHeader;
    m_butterfly = Butterfly::create(vm, 0, 0, 0, true, indexingHeader, 0);
void SourceBuffer::appendBuffer(PassRefPtr<ArrayBuffer> data, ExceptionState& es)
    // Section 3.2 appendBuffer()
    // https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-media/raw-file/default/media-source/media-source.html#widl-SourceBuffer-appendBuffer-void-ArrayBufferView-data
    // 1. If data is null then throw an InvalidAccessError exception and abort these steps.
    if (!data) {

    appendBufferInternal(static_cast<const unsigned char*>(data->data()), data->byteLength(), es);
Exemple #22
long WebPlatformStrategies::setBufferForType(PassRefPtr<SharedBuffer> buffer, const String& pasteboardType, const String& pasteboardName)
    SharedMemory::Handle handle;
    if (buffer) {
        RefPtr<SharedMemory> sharedMemoryBuffer = SharedMemory::create(buffer->size());
        memcpy(sharedMemoryBuffer->data(), buffer->data(), buffer->size());
        sharedMemoryBuffer->createHandle(handle, SharedMemory::ReadOnly);
    uint64_t newChangeCount;
    WebProcess::shared().parentProcessConnection()->sendSync(Messages::WebContext::SetPasteboardBufferForType(pasteboardName, pasteboardType, handle, buffer ? buffer->size() : 0),
        Messages::WebContext::SetPasteboardBufferForType::Reply(newChangeCount), 0);
    return newChangeCount;
Exemple #23
void CachedResource::tryReplaceEncodedData(PassRefPtr<SharedBuffer> newBuffer)
    if (!m_data)
    if (!mayTryReplaceEncodedData())

    ASSERT(m_data->size() == newBuffer->size());
    ASSERT(!memcmp(m_data->data(), newBuffer->data(), m_data->size()));

Exemple #24
long WebPlatformStrategies::setBufferForType(PassRefPtr<SharedBuffer> buffer, const String& pasteboardType, const String& pasteboardName)
    SharedMemory::Handle handle;
    if (buffer) {
        RefPtr<SharedMemory> sharedMemoryBuffer = SharedMemory::create(buffer->size());
        // FIXME: Null check prevents crashing, but it is not great that we will have empty pasteboard content for this type,
        // because we've already set the types.
        if (sharedMemoryBuffer) {
            memcpy(sharedMemoryBuffer->data(), buffer->data(), buffer->size());
            sharedMemoryBuffer->createHandle(handle, SharedMemory::ReadOnly);
    uint64_t newChangeCount;
    WebProcess::singleton().parentProcessConnection()->sendSync(Messages::WebPasteboardProxy::SetPasteboardBufferForType(pasteboardName, pasteboardType, handle, buffer ? buffer->size() : 0), Messages::WebPasteboardProxy::SetPasteboardBufferForType::Reply(newChangeCount), 0);
    return newChangeCount;
void SpellChecker::requestCheckingFor(PassRefPtr<SpellCheckRequest> request)
    if (!request || !canCheckAsynchronously(request->paragraphRange().get()))

    ASSERT(request->data().sequence() == unrequestedTextCheckingSequence);
    int sequence = ++m_lastRequestSequence;
    if (sequence == unrequestedTextCheckingSequence)
        sequence = ++m_lastRequestSequence;

    request->setCheckerAndSequence(this, sequence);

    if (m_timerToProcessQueuedRequest.isActive() || m_processingRequest) {

Exemple #26
void MediaSource::append(const String& id, PassRefPtr<Uint8Array> data, ExceptionCode& ec)
    if (!data.get()) {
        ec = INVALID_ACCESS_ERR;

    if (!m_player || m_readyState == closedKeyword()) {
        ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR;

    if (m_readyState == endedKeyword())

    if (!m_player->sourceAppend(id, data->data(), data->length())) {
        ec = SYNTAX_ERR;
Exemple #27
void NetworkResourceLoader::didReceiveBuffer(ResourceHandle* handle, PassRefPtr<SharedBuffer> buffer, int encodedDataLength)
    ASSERT_UNUSED(handle, handle == m_handle);

    // FIXME (NetworkProcess): For the memory cache we'll also need to cache the response data here.
    // Such buffering will need to be thread safe, as this callback is happening on a background thread.
    m_bytesReceived += buffer->size();
    ShareableResource::Handle shareableResourceHandle;
    tryGetShareableHandleFromSharedBuffer(shareableResourceHandle, buffer.get());
    if (!shareableResourceHandle.isNull()) {
        // Since we're delivering this resource by ourselves all at once, we'll abort the resource handle since we don't need anymore callbacks from ResourceHandle.
        send(Messages::WebResourceLoader::DidReceiveResource(shareableResourceHandle, currentTime()));
#endif // __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= 1090

    CoreIPC::DataReference dataReference(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(buffer->data()), buffer->size());
    sendAbortingOnFailure(Messages::WebResourceLoader::DidReceiveData(dataReference, encodedDataLength));
static bool saveArchiveResource(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, PassRefPtr<ArchiveResource> resource)
    int result = xmlTextWriterStartElement(writer, archiveResourceTag);
    if (result < 0) {
        LOGD("saveArchiveResource: Failed to start element.");
        return false;

    if (!saveArchiveResourceField(writer, urlFieldTag, resource->url().string())
        || !saveArchiveResourceField(writer, mimeFieldTag, resource->mimeType())
        || !saveArchiveResourceField(writer, encodingFieldTag, resource->textEncoding())
        || !saveArchiveResourceField(writer, frameFieldTag, resource->frameName())
        || !saveArchiveResourceField(writer, dataFieldTag, resource->data()))
        return false;

    result = xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer);
    if (result < 0) {
        LOGD("saveArchiveResource: Failed to end element.");
        return false;

    return true;
Exemple #29
void HTMLFormElement::scheduleFormSubmission(PassRefPtr<FormSubmission> submission)
    ASSERT(submission->method() == FormSubmission::PostMethod || submission->method() == FormSubmission::GetMethod);
    if (submission->action().isEmpty())
    if (document().isSandboxed(SandboxForms)) {
        // FIXME: This message should be moved off the console once a solution to https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=103274 exists.
        document().addConsoleMessage(SecurityMessageSource, ErrorMessageLevel, "Blocked form submission to '" + submission->action().elidedString() + "' because the form's frame is sandboxed and the 'allow-forms' permission is not set.");

    if (protocolIsJavaScript(submission->action())) {
        if (!document().contentSecurityPolicy()->allowFormAction(KURL(submission->action())))

    Frame* targetFrame = document().frame()->loader().findFrameForNavigation(submission->target(), submission->state()->sourceDocument());
    if (!targetFrame) {
        if (!DOMWindow::allowPopUp(document().frame()) && !UserGestureIndicator::processingUserGesture())
        targetFrame = document().frame();
    } else {
    if (!targetFrame->page())


Exemple #30
// static
bool InspectorPageAgent::sharedBufferContent(PassRefPtr<SharedBuffer> buffer, const String& textEncodingName, bool withBase64Encode, String* result)
    return dataContent(buffer ? buffer->data() : 0, buffer ? buffer->size() : 0, textEncodingName, withBase64Encode, result);