Exemple #1
 ** Description:
 ** returns a pointer to a memeber pased off their ID
Patron* Library:: getPatron(std::string pID)
    Patron* patron;
        for(int i = 0; i <  members.size(); i++)
            if(members[i]->getIdNum() == pID)
                cout << "Name : " << members[i]->getName() << endl;
                cout << "ID : " << members[i]->getIdNum() << endl;
                //Set the dollar format
                cout << "Fines $" << members[i]->getFineAmount() << endl;
                //checkouted books
                cout << "Books Checked Out" << endl;
                for( int j = 0; j < holdings.size(); j++)
                    patron = holdings[j]->getCheckedOutBy();
                    if(pID == patron->getIdNum())
                        cout << "Book Name " << holdings[j]->getTitle() << endl;
        cout << "Patron not in system" << endl;
    return 0;
Exemple #2
//Same as above. Uses viewBookInfo to print books checked out to a patron.
void Library::viewPatronInfo(std::string patronID)
    Patron* patron = GetPatron(patronID);

    if(patron == NULL)
        std::cout << std::endl << "That patron does not exist!" << std::endl;
        std::cout << std::endl << "Patron ID: " << patron->getIdNum() << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Name: " << patron->getName() << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Fines: $" << std::setprecision(2) << std::fixed << patron->getFineAmount() << std::endl;

        if(patron->getCheckedOutBooks().size() == 0)
            std::cout << "No checked out books." << std::endl << std::endl;
            std::cout << "Checked out books:" << std::endl << std::endl;
            for(int i = 0; i < patron->getCheckedOutBooks().size(); i++)
            std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
Exemple #3
 ** Description:
 ** applies 10 cent fine to each overdue book by patron per pay
void Library::incrementCurrentDate()
    int update;
    Patron* checkOut;
    string patID;
    double fineAMT;
    fineAMT = .10;
    for( int i = 0; i < holdings.size(); i++)
        if(holdings[i]->getLocation() != 0)
            update = holdings[i]->getDateCheckedOut() + 1;
            if((holdings[i]->getDateCheckedOut() - currentDate) > 21)
                // fine applied.
                checkOut = holdings[i]->getCheckedOutBy();
                patID = checkOut->getIdNum();
    cout << "The new date is " << currentDate;
Exemple #4
 ** Description:
 ** Allows a patron to request a book not on shelf based off enums
string Library::requestBook(string patronID, string bookID)
    Patron* patID;
    if(checkBook(bookID) != true)
        for( int i = 0; i < holdings.size(); i++)
            //Puts book on hold
            if(holdings[i]->getIdCode() == bookID)
                // if currently on shelf
                if(holdings[i]->getLocation() == 0)
                    //Connects Hold to a Patron
                    for(int j = 0; j < members.size(); j++)
                        if(members[j]->getIdNum() == patronID)
                            cout << holdings[i]->getTitle() << " is now on hold for "
                            << members[j]->getName() << endl;
                // if currently on hold
                else if(holdings[i]->getLocation() == 1)
                    cout << "Already on hold by " << holdings[i]->getRequestedBy() << endl;
                    for(int j = 0; j < members.size(); j++)
                        //if person already has book checked out
                        patID = holdings[i]->getCheckedOutBy();
                        if(patID->getIdNum() == patronID)
                            cout << "Already checked out by " << (holdings[i])->getRequestedBy() << endl;
                            cout << holdings[i]->getTitle() << " is now on hold for "
                            << members[j]->getName() << endl;
        cout << "book not found" << endl;
    return 0;
Exemple #5
//Takes a patron and book ID
//Checks to make sure that the patron and book exist, returns if they dont
//If book is on hold, only check out to that patron
//If the book is on the shelf, it's fair game, set proper values.
void Library::checkOutBook(std::string patronID, std::string bookID)
    Book* book = GetBook(bookID);
    Patron* patron = GetPatron(patronID);

    if(book == NULL || patron == NULL)
        if(book == NULL)
            std::cout << std::endl << "No such book in holdings." << std::endl;
        if(patron == NULL)
            std::cout << std::endl << "No such patron in records." << std::endl;


    if(book->getLocation() == CHECKED_OUT)
        std::cout << "This book is already checked out." << std::endl << std::endl;
    else if(book->getLocation() == ON_HOLD)
        if(book->getRequestedBy()->getIdNum() == patron->getIdNum())
            std::cout << "This book is on hold and can only be checked out to requestee." << std::endl <<std::endl;
void Library::requestBook(string patronID, string bookID) //6

		int match=checkIdMatch(patronID, bookID);		//match = location of book in holdings or -2 (no match)
		if (match >=0)  // match  and  nested ifs        //else return to menu;
				string idn; //to hold dereferenced pointer string= idNum of requestedBy
				Patron* p;//

				if (holdings[match].getRequestedBy()!=NULL) //if book is on hold, get pointer to that idNum to compare to patron ID, otherwise if value is null
						p=holdings[match].getRequestedBy();  //moved this to inside 'if ' so that pointer only assigned to non-NULL location
						idn = p->getIdNum(); //dereferenced pointer to requested by idNUm

							if (holdings[match].getRequestedBy()==NULL) //if requestedBy is NULL (nobody requested)
									//cout<<"//TESTING: getRequestedBy() is NULL."<<endl;

				if (  (holdings[match].getLocation() == ON_HOLD ) && (idn != patronID)  ) //if book is on hold and idn (requested by patron'sID isn't = to patron requesting, then say book is already on hold
						cout<<"Book is already ON_HOLD by another patron"<<endl;

			//////////////////////////  UPDATE REQUESTED BY /////////////////////  //may need to re-address this function in previous application (chechOutBook)

				//cout<< "TEST THIS: (before update) RequestedBy (pointer location): "<<holdings[match].getRequestedBy() <<endl; //TESTING

				int k=-1; //accepts i value in for loop to be used in assigning vector location address to ptrToPatronRequesting        //-1 indicates no match, but we already know there is a match if we got this far.
						//get patronID location in members
				for (int i=0; i< members.size(); i++) //check for match in members to establish pointer location to update checkedOut By
						if (members[i].getIdNum()== patronID)
								//cout<< "//TESTING: members vector [location] that RequestedBy will point to: "<<i<<endl; //TESTING


				Patron *ptrToPatronRequesting;

				holdings[match].setRequestedBy(ptrToPatronRequesting);	//update pointer  in requestedBy to current patron's location in members
				//cout<< "TEST THIS: RequestedBy UPDATED to (pointer location): "<<holdings[match].getRequestedBy() <<endl; //TESTING

				//////////////////////////// UPDATE LOCATION IF ON_SHELF to ON_HOLD /////////////////////////////
				if (holdings[match].getLocation()==ON_SHELF)

						//cout<< "//TESTING: Location before request update to (0= on shelf): "<< holdings[match].getLocation()<<endl; //TESTING
						//cout<< "//TESTING: Location UPDATED to (1= on hold): "<< holdings[match].getLocation()<<endl; //TESTING


				///////////////////////////// PRINT MESSAGE /////////////////////////////
				cout<<" Book: "<< holdings[match].getTitle()<<", is on request for: "<<members[k].getName()<<endl;

void Library::returnBook(string bookID) //5
		int j=-3; //if -2 , no match   /////if >=0 in library location is value of i    //-3 is arbitrary
		int loc; // loc values: 0= ON_SHELF, 1= ON_HOLD, 2= CHECKED_OUT

		for (int i=0; i< holdings.size(); i++) //check for match in holdings
			if (holdings[i].getIdCode() == bookID)
					//cout<< "//TESTING: Match found, book in the system (holdings vector) @: "<<i<<endl; //TESTING
			else if (i==holdings.size()-1)
					cout<< "There is no match for this bookID in the system (holdings vector)."<<endl;
					j=-2; //no match (-2 is arbitrary) //return to main

		if (j>=0) //if  book in holdings and if location shows it's NOT checked out, print message and return to main.
				loc=holdings[j].getLocation(); // loc values: 0= ON_SHELF, 1= ON_HOLD, 2= CHECKED_OUT
				if (loc != 2)
						cout<<"Book ID: "<< bookID<< " is not CHECKED_OUT. Did you steal it?" <<endl;


		if (  (j>=0) && (loc==2) ) //if book in holdings and is Checked out... update patron's list, update book's location (ON_SHELF),

				//look for book ID in holdings (use j)

				//get idNum for patron who has it checked out
				string idn; //will be the member's idNum
				Patron* p;

				p=holdings[j].getCheckedOutBy();  //pointer to book in holdings that contains a location to a patron in members (that's who checked it out)
				idn = p->getIdNum(); //dereferenced pointer to idNUm of patron in members

				///////////////////////////// UPDATE PATRON'S LIST /////////////////////////////

				//look for idn (idNum) of Patron in members vector to get location.
				int k=-1; //accepts i value in for loop to be used in establishing  patron's vector location in members       //-1 indicates no match
				//get patronID location in members
				for (int i=0; i< members.size(); i++) //check for match in members to establish pointer location to update checkedOut By
						if (members[i].getIdNum()== idn)
								//cout<< "//TESTING: members vector [location] that checkedOutBy will point to: "<<i<<endl; //TESTING


				Book * bookPtr;
				bookPtr=&holdings[j]; //address of book in holdings
				members[k].removeBook(bookPtr); //removes book pointer from patron's checkedOutBooks vector.  	//members[k].removeBook(Book* b)

				int sizeOfCOB= members[k].getCheckedOutBooks().size();
				//cout<<"//TESTING: print list of checked out books."<<endl;
				for (int i=0; i<sizeOfCOB; i++)
						//cout<< "//TESTING: Title: ";
						//cout<< "//TESTING: Location: ";
				//cout<< "//TESTING: Patron's list (members.checkedOutBooks) UPDATED!"<<endl; //TESTING

				///////////////////////////// UPDATE BOOK's LOCATION /////////////////////////////
				//cout<< "//TESTING: Location UPDATED to: "<< holdings[j].getLocation()<<endl; //TESTING

				///////////////////////////// Print CONFIRMATION /////////////////////////////
				cout<< "Book title: "<<holdings[j].getTitle()<< ", has been returned. Thank you." <<endl;
				//cout<<"//TESTING: Book ID: "<< bookID<< " has been returned. " <<endl;
				//cout<<"//TESTING: Thank you Patron (ID: "<< idn<< ")." <<endl;


 void Library::checkOutBook(string patronID, string bookID) //4   //MOST COMPLICATED FUNCTION

		int match=checkIdMatch(patronID, bookID);		//match = location of book in holdings or -2 (no match)
		if (match >=0)  // match  and  nested ifs        //else return to menu;

						//cout<<"//TESTING: match >=0, match exists, holding vector location returned"<<endl;//TESTING

				if (holdings[match].getLocation()== CHECKED_OUT)
						cout<<"Book is already CHECKED_OUT"<<endl;//TESTING

				//string idn= holdings[match].getRequestedBy()->getIdNum(); 	//chaining not working
				string idn;
				Patron* p;//=holdings[match].getRequestedBy();
				if (holdings[match].getRequestedBy()!=NULL) //if book is on hold, get pointer to that idNum to compare to patron ID
						p=holdings[match].getRequestedBy();  //moved this to inside if so that pointer only assigned to non-NULL location
						idn = p->getIdNum(); //dereferenced pointer to idNUm

				if ((holdings[match].getLocation()== ON_HOLD) && (idn != patronID))
						cout<<"Book is ON_HOLD by another patron"<<endl;

				else if(       (holdings[match].getLocation()== ON_SHELF) ||  ((holdings[match].getLocation()== ON_HOLD) &&  (idn == patronID))           ) //adding catch in case patron checking out had on hold
						//cout<<"//TESTING: ON_SHELF!"<<endl; //TESTING

						//////////////////  UPDATE CHECKED OUT BY ////////////////////////
						int k=-1; //accepts i value in for loop to be used in assigning vector location address to ptrToPatronCheckingOut         //-1 indicates no match, but we already know there is a match if we got this far.
						//get patronID location in members
						for (int i=0; i< members.size(); i++) //check for match in members to establish pointer location to update checkedOut By
								if (members[i].getIdNum()== patronID)
										//cout<< "//TESTING: members vector [location] that checkedOutBy will point to: "<<i<<endl; //TESTING


						Patron *ptrToPatronCheckingOut;

						///////////////////////////// UPDATE DATE OUT  ///////////////////////////////

						//cout<< "//TESTING:DateCheckedOut UPDATED to: "<<holdings[match].getDateCheckedOut() <<endl; //TESTING
						///////////////////////////// UPDATE LOCATION //////////////////////////////
						holdings[match].setLocation(CHECKED_OUT); ///may cause problems to change location inside else if statement
						//cout<< "//TESTING: Location UPDATED to: "<< holdings[match].getLocation()<<endl; //TESTING

						//////////////////////////  UPDATE REQUESTED BY /////////////////////  //may need to re-address this function. might need to move update location to after and include (idn==patronID && getLocation==ON_HOLD)
						if (idn == patronID)  //if idn (string that came from dereferenced pointer to requestedBy.getIdNum or could be NULL) is == to patronID (was on hold for the patron)
								holdings[match].setRequestedBy(ptrToPatronCheckingOut);	//update pointer  in requestedBy to current patron's location in members
								//cout<< "TEST THIS: RequestedBy UPDATED to (pointer location): "<<holdings[match].getRequestedBy() <<endl; //TESTING
								//cout<< "TEST THIS: RequestedBy not needing to be UPDATED bc idn (possibly NULL):" <<idn<< " != "<< patronID<<" (patronID). "<<endl; //TESTING
						///////////////////////////// UPDATE PATRON'S LIST /////////////////////////////
						//members[k].addBook(Book* b)
						Book * bookPtr;
						bookPtr=&holdings[match]; //address of book in holdings
						members[k].addBook(bookPtr); //adds book pointer to patron's vector of checkedOutBooks
						//cout<< "//TESTING: Patron's list (members.checkedOutBooks) UPDATED!"<<endl; //TESTING

						//////////////////////////////////////  PRINT BOOK CHECKED OUT & PATRON'S NAME ///////////////////////////////////
						cout<<"Title: " <<holdings[match].getTitle();
						cout<< " has been check out to: ";
						cout<< members[k].getName()<<endl;


		else //TESTING
				//cout<<"//TESTING: no match found, returned -2 from checkIdMatch. return to menu."<<endl; //TESTING
