Exemple #1
void Restaurant::updateSeatingForDpp(void) {

	for (int idx=0; idx<numPatrons; idx++)
		// get a pointer to the element and its current table
		Patron *p = patrons[idx];
		Table *tablePtr = p->getTable();

		// remove the element from the table
		if (tablePtr->getNumPatrons() == 0)
		// calculate the likelihood when the element is seated at all possible tables
		vector<double> probs;
		for (int i=0; i<getNumTables(); i++)
			Table *tp = getTable(i);
			probs.push_back( tp->lnLikelihood(p) + log(tp->getNumPatrons()) );
		probs.push_back( p->getLnLikelihoodalone() + log(concentrationParm) );
		normalizeVector( probs );

		// pick a table for reassignment
		int whichTable = multinomialRv(probs);
		// add the element to that table
		if (whichTable < getNumTables())
			tablePtr = getTable(whichTable);
			tablePtr = new Table(this, ranPtr, observationsPtr, observationsPtr->getNumUniqueAlleles(), lnFactorial);
			addTableToRestaurant( tablePtr );
Exemple #2
void Restaurant::updateSeatingForFixedTables(void) {

	// allocate memory for reassignment probabilities
	vector<double> probs;
	// loop over all patrons, attempting to reseat each
	for (int idx=0; idx<numPatrons; idx++)
		// get a pointer to the element and its current table
		Patron *p = patrons[idx];
		Table *tablePtr = p->getTable();

		// remove the element from the table
		if (assumingAdmixture == true)
			popCounts[ p->getIndividual() ][ getIndexForTable(tablePtr) ]--;
		// calculate the likelihood when the element is seated at all possible tables
		for (int i=0; i<getNumTables(); i++)
			Table *tp = getTable(i);
			double lnC = 0.0;
			if (assumingAdmixture == true)
				lnC = log( popProbs[ p->getIndividual() ][ i ] );
			probs.push_back( tp->lnLikelihood(p) + lnC );
		normalizeVector( probs );

		// pick a table for reassignment
		tablePtr = getTable( multinomialRv(probs) );
		// add the element to that table
		if (assumingAdmixture == true)
			popCounts[ p->getIndividual() ][ getIndexForTable(tablePtr) ]++;
		// clear the probs vector
Exemple #3
double Restaurant::lnPriorProbability(void) {

	if (assumingAdmixture == false && assumingDpp == false)
		// fixed number of populations with no admixture
		return -numPatrons * log(getNumTables());
	else if (assumingAdmixture == true && assumingDpp == false)
		// fixed number of poulations with admixture
		double lnP = 0.0;
		for (int idx=0; idx<numPatrons; idx++)
			Patron *p = patrons[idx];
			Table *tablePtr = p->getTable();
			lnP += log(popProbs[ p->getIndividual() ][ getIndexForTable(tablePtr) ]);
		return lnP;
	else if (assumingAdmixture == false && assumingDpp == true)
		// number of populations is a random variable, but no admixture
		/* f({\mathbf z}, k | \alpha, c) = \alpha^k {\prod_{i=1}^k(\eta_i - 1)! \over \prod_{i=1}^c(\alpha + i - 1)} */
		double lnSum1 = 0.0;
		for (vector<Table *>::iterator p=tables.begin(); p != tables.end(); p++)
			lnSum1 += lnFactorial[ (*p)->getNumPatrons() - 1 ];
		double lnSum2 = 0.0;
		for (int i=1; i<=numPatrons; i++)
			lnSum2 += log(concentrationParm + i - 1.0);
		double lnP = getNumTables() * log(concentrationParm) + lnSum1 - lnSum2;
		return lnP;
	return 0.0;
Exemple #4
void Franchise::updateSeating(void) {

	// loop over the restaurants
	for (vector<Restaurant *>::iterator r=restaurants.begin(); r != restaurants.end(); r++)
		// loop over the patrons in a restaurant
		for (int idx=0; idx<(*r)->getNumPatronsInRestaurant(); idx++)
			// get a pointer to the patron and its current table
			Patron *p = (*r)->getRestaurantPatron(idx);
			Table *tablePtr = p->getTable();
			Menu *menuItemPtr = tablePtr->getMenuItem();

			// remove the element from the table
			if (tablePtr->getNumPatrons() == 0)
				if (menuItemPtr->getNumTables() == 0)
			// calculate the probability of reseating patron at each of the tables
			int n = (*r)->getNumTables() + 1;
			vector<double> probs;
			for (int i=0; i<(*r)->getNumTables(); i++)
				Table *t = (*r)->getTable(i);
				Menu *m = t->getMenuItem();
				int n_jt = t->getNumPatrons();
				probs.push_back( m->lnLikelihood(p) + log(n_jt) );
			vector<double> lnProbsNew;
			probs.push_back( log(restaurantAlpha) + lnLikelihoodNewTable(p, lnProbsNew) );
			// pick a table
			int whichTable = (*r)->multinomialRv( probs );
			Table *newTablePtr = NULL;
			if  (whichTable < n-1)
				newTablePtr = (*r)->getTable(whichTable);
			// seat the patron
			if (newTablePtr == NULL)
				// we are seating the patron at a new table, which may have an already used menu item, or a brand new menu item
				Table *newRestaurantTablePtr = new Table( (*r), ranPtr, observationsPtr, observationsPtr->getNumUniqueAlleles(), (*r)->getFactorialPtr() );
				newRestaurantTablePtr->addPatronToTable( p );
				(*r)->addTableToRestaurant( newRestaurantTablePtr );
				whichTable = (*r)->multinomialRv( lnProbsNew );
				Menu *newMenuItemPtr = NULL;
				if (whichTable < lnProbsNew.size()-1)
					newMenuItemPtr = menus[whichTable];
					newMenuItemPtr = new Menu( this, ranPtr, observationsPtr, observationsPtr->getNumUniqueAlleles(), (*r)->getFactorialPtr() );
					menus.push_back( newMenuItemPtr );
				newMenuItemPtr->addTableToMenu( newRestaurantTablePtr );
				// otherwise, we are seating the element at one of the pre-existing tables
				newTablePtr->addPatronToTable( p );