wxArrayString DirectCommands::GetTargetCompileCommands(ProjectBuildTarget* target, bool force) const
    wxArrayString ret;

    // set list of #include directories

    // iterate all files of the project/target and add them to the build process
    size_t counter = ret.GetCount();
    MyFilesArray files = GetProjectFilesSortedByWeight(target, true, false);
    size_t fcount = files.GetCount();
    bool hasWeight = false;
    unsigned short int lastWeight = 0;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fcount; ++i)
        ProjectFile* pf = files[i];
        // auto-generated files are handled automatically in GetCompileFileCommand()
        if (pf->AutoGeneratedBy())

        const pfDetails& pfd = pf->GetFileDetails(target);
        wxString err;
        if (force || IsObjectOutdated(target, pfd, &err))
            // Add a wait command if the weight of the current file is different from the previous one
            // Because GetCompileFileCommand() already adds a wait command if it compiled a PCH we
            // check the last command to prevent two consecutive wait commands
            if (hasWeight && lastWeight != pf->weight && (ret.IsEmpty() || ret.Last() != COMPILER_WAIT))

            // compile file
            wxArrayString filecmd = GetCompileFileCommand(target, pf);
            AppendArray(filecmd, ret);

            // Update the weight
            if (!hasWeight)
                hasWeight = true;
            lastWeight = pf->weight;
            if (!err.IsEmpty())
                ret.Add(COMPILER_WARNING_LOG + err);
        if (m_doYield)

    // add link command
    wxArrayString link = GetLinkCommands(target, ret.GetCount() != counter);
    AppendArray(link, ret);

    return ret;
wxArrayString DirectCommands::GetTargetCleanCommands(ProjectBuildTarget* target, bool distclean)
    wxArrayString ret;

    // add object files
    MyFilesArray files = GetProjectFilesSortedByWeight(target, true, false);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < files.GetCount(); ++i)
        ProjectFile* pf = files[i];
        const pfDetails& pfd = pf->GetFileDetails(target);
        Compiler* compiler = target ? CompilerFactory::GetCompiler(target->GetCompilerID()) : m_pCompiler;
        wxString ObjectAbs = (target->GetUseFlatObjects())?pfd.object_file_flat_absolute_native:pfd.object_file_absolute_native;
        // if this is an auto-generated file, delete it
        if (pf->AutoGeneratedBy())
        if (distclean)
//        if(m_doYield)
//            Manager::Yield();

    // add target output
    wxString outputfilename = target->GetOutputFilename();

    if (target->GetTargetType() != ttCommandsOnly)
        Manager::Get()->GetMacrosManager()->ReplaceMacros(outputfilename, target);

    if (target->GetTargetType() == ttDynamicLib)
        // for dynamic libs, delete static lib
        outputfilename = target->GetStaticLibFilename();
        Manager::Get()->GetMacrosManager()->ReplaceMacros(outputfilename, target);
        // .def exports file is not deleted, because it may be user-supplied
//        ret.Add(target->GetDynamicLibDefFilename());

    return ret;
wxArrayString DirectCommands::GetTargetCompileCommands(ProjectBuildTarget* target, bool force)
//    Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->DebugLog(wxString("-----GetTargetCompileCommands-----"));
    wxArrayString ret;
//    ret.Add(wxString(COMPILER_SIMPLE_LOG) + _("Switching to target: ") + target->GetTitle());
    // NOTE: added this to notify compiler about the active target.
    // this is needed when targets use different compiler each
    // and C::B tries to parse the compiler's output.
    // previous behaviour, used the project's compiler for parsing
    // all targets output, which failed when a target's compiler
    // was different than the project's...
//    ret.Add(wxString(COMPILER_TARGET_CHANGE) + target->GetTitle());

    m_pCurrTarget = target;

    // set list of #include directories

    // iterate all files of the project/target and add them to the build process
    size_t counter = ret.GetCount();
    MyFilesArray files = GetProjectFilesSortedByWeight(target, true, false);
    size_t fcount = files.GetCount();
    bool ldcheck = false;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fcount; ++i)
        ProjectFile* pf = files[i];
        // auto-generated files are handled automatically in GetCompileFileCommand()
        if (pf->AutoGeneratedBy())
        const pfDetails& pfd = pf->GetFileDetails(target);

        wxString err;
        if (force || IsObjectOutdated(target, pfd, &err))
            // compile file
                   ldcheck= true;
            wxArrayString filecmd = GetCompileFileCommand(target, pf);
            AppendArray(filecmd, ret);
            if (!err.IsEmpty())
                ret.Add(wxString(COMPILER_SIMPLE_LOG) + err);

    // add link command
    wxArrayString link = GetLinkCommands(target, ldcheck ? ldcheck : ret.GetCount() != counter);
    AppendArray(link, ret);

    // remove "switching to target" message if no compile needed
//    bool needPost = ret.GetCount() != counter;
//    if (!needPost)
//        ret.Clear();

    return ret;