// Process a colorization and update resultant HSL & RGB values
void QgsHueSaturationFilter::processColorization( int &r, int &g, int &b, int &h, int &s, int &l )
  QColor myColor;

  // Overwrite hue and saturation with values from colorize color
  h = mColorizeH;
  s = mColorizeS;

  QColor colorizedColor = QColor::fromHsl( h, s, l );

  if ( mColorizeStrength == 100 )
    // Full strength
    myColor = colorizedColor;

    // RGB may have changed, update them
    myColor.getRgb( &r, &g, &b );
    // Get rgb for colorized color
    int colorizedR, colorizedG, colorizedB;
    colorizedColor.getRgb( &colorizedR, &colorizedG, &colorizedB );

    // Now, linearly scale by colorize strength
    double p = ( double ) mColorizeStrength / 100.;
    r = p * colorizedR + ( 1 - p ) * r;
    g = p * colorizedG + ( 1 - p ) * g;
    b = p * colorizedB + ( 1 - p ) * b;

    // RGB changed, so update HSL values
    myColor = QColor::fromRgb( r, g, b );
    myColor.getHsl( &h, &s, &l );
Exemple #2
void tst_QColor::setHsl()
    QColor color;

    for (int A = 0; A <= USHRT_MAX; ++A) {
            // 0-255
            int a = A >> 8;
            color.setHsl(0, 0, 0, a);
            QCOMPARE(color.alpha(), a);

            int h, s, l, a2;
            color.getHsv(&h, &s, &l, &a2);
            QCOMPARE(a2, a);

            // 0.0-1.0
            qreal a = A / qreal(USHRT_MAX);
            color.setHslF(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, a);
            QCOMPARE(color.alphaF(), a);

            qreal h, s, l, a2;
            color.getHslF(&h, &s, &l, &a2);
            QCOMPARE(a2, a);

    for (int H = 0; H < 36000; ++H) {
            // 0-255
            int h = H / 100;

            color.setHsl(h, 0, 0, 0);
            QCOMPARE(color.hslHue(), h);

            int h2, s, l, a;
            color.getHsl(&h2, &s, &l, &a);
            QCOMPARE(h2, h);

            // 0.0-1.0
            qreal h = H / 36000.0;
            color.setHslF(h, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            QCOMPARE(color.hslHueF(), h);

            qreal h2, s, l, a;
            color.getHslF(&h2, &s, &l, &a);
            QCOMPARE(h2, h);

    for (int S = 0; S <= USHRT_MAX; ++S) {
            // 0-255
            int s = S >> 8;
            color.setHsl(0, s, 0, 0);
            QCOMPARE(color.hslSaturation(), s);

            int h, s2, l, a;
            color.getHsl(&h, &s2, &l, &a);
            QCOMPARE(s2, s);

            // 0.0-1.0
            qreal s = S / qreal(USHRT_MAX);
            color.setHslF(0.0, s, 0.0, 0.0);
            QCOMPARE(color.hslSaturationF(), s);

            qreal h, s2, l, a;
            color.getHslF(&h, &s2, &l, &a);
            QCOMPARE(s2, s);

    for (int L = 0; L <= USHRT_MAX; ++L) {
            // 0-255
            int l = L >> 8;
            color.setHsl(0, 0, l, 0);
            QCOMPARE(color.lightness(),  l);

            int h, s, l2, a;
            color.getHsl(&h, &s, &l2, &a);
            QCOMPARE(l2, l);

            // 0.0-1.0
            qreal l = L / qreal(USHRT_MAX);
            color.setHslF(0.0, 0.0, l, 0.0);
            QCOMPARE(color.lightnessF(), l);

            qreal h, s, l2, a;
            color.getHslF(&h, &s, &l2, &a);
            QCOMPARE(l2, l);
Exemple #3
QColor color_selector::change_param_by_type (QColor color, int value, color_single_selector_type type)
  int h = 0, s, v, l, r, g, b, a, c, m, y, k;
  switch (type)
    case color_single_selector_type::HSV_SATURATION:
    case color_single_selector_type::HSV_HUE:
    case color_single_selector_type::HSV_VALUE:
    case color_single_selector_type::HSV_ALPHA:
      color.getHsv (&h, &s, &v, &a);
    case color_single_selector_type::HSL_HUE:
    case color_single_selector_type::HSL_SATURATION:
    case color_single_selector_type::HSL_LIGHTNESS:
    case color_single_selector_type::HSL_ALPHA:
      color.getHsl (&h, &s, &l, &a);

    case color_single_selector_type::RGB_RED:
    case color_single_selector_type::RGB_GREEN:
    case color_single_selector_type::RGB_BLUE:
    case color_single_selector_type::RGB_ALPHA:
      color.getRgb (&r, &g, &b, &a);

    case color_single_selector_type::CMYK_CYAN:
    case color_single_selector_type::CMYK_MAGENTA:
    case color_single_selector_type::CMYK_YELLOW:
    case color_single_selector_type::CMYK_BLACK:
    case color_single_selector_type::CMYK_ALPHA:
      color.getCmyk (&c, &m, &y, &k, &a);

  if (value < 0)
    value = 0;

  if (value > get_param_maximum_by_type (type))
    value = get_param_maximum_by_type (type);

  if (h < 0)
    h = 0;

  switch (type)
    case color_single_selector_type::HSL_HUE:
      color.setHsl (value, s, l, a);
    case color_single_selector_type::HSV_HUE:
      color.setHsv (value, s, v, a);
    case color_single_selector_type::HSL_LIGHTNESS:
      color.setHsl (h, s, value, a);
    case color_single_selector_type::HSL_SATURATION:
      color.setHsl (h, value, l, a);
    case color_single_selector_type::HSV_SATURATION:
      color.setHsv (h, value, v, a);
    case color_single_selector_type::HSV_VALUE:
      color.setHsv (h, s, value, a);
    case color_single_selector_type::RGB_RED:
      color.setRgb (value, g, b, a);
    case color_single_selector_type::RGB_GREEN:
      color.setRgb (r, value, b, a);
    case color_single_selector_type::RGB_BLUE:
      color.setRgb (r, g, value, a);
    case color_single_selector_type::RGB_ALPHA:
      color.setRgb (r, g, b, value);
    case color_single_selector_type::CMYK_CYAN:
      color.setCmyk (value, m, y, k, a);
    case color_single_selector_type::CMYK_MAGENTA:
      color.setCmyk (c, value, y, k, a);
    case color_single_selector_type::CMYK_YELLOW:
      color.setCmyk (c, m, value, k, a);
    case color_single_selector_type::CMYK_BLACK:
      color.setCmyk (c, m, y, value, a);
    case color_single_selector_type::HSL_ALPHA:
      color.setHsl (h, s, l, value);
    case color_single_selector_type::HSV_ALPHA:
      color.setHsv (h, s, v, value);
    case color_single_selector_type::CMYK_ALPHA:
      color.setCmyk (c, m, y, k, value);

  return color;
// Process a change in saturation and update resultant HSL & RGB values
void QgsHueSaturationFilter::processSaturation( int &r, int &g, int &b, int &h, int &s, int &l )

  QColor myColor;

  // Are we converting layer to grayscale?
  switch ( mGrayscaleMode )
    case GrayscaleLightness:
      // Lightness mode, set saturation to zero
      s = 0;

      // Saturation changed, so update rgb values
      myColor = QColor::fromHsl( h, s, l );
      myColor.getRgb( &r, &g, &b );
    case GrayscaleLuminosity:
      // Grayscale by weighted rgb components
      int luminosity = 0.21 * r + 0.72 * g + 0.07 * b;
      r = g = b = luminosity;

      // RGB changed, so update HSL values
      myColor = QColor::fromRgb( r, g, b );
      myColor.getHsl( &h, &s, &l );
    case GrayscaleAverage:
      // Grayscale by average of rgb components
      int average = ( r + g + b ) / 3;
      r = g = b = average;

      // RGB changed, so update HSL values
      myColor = QColor::fromRgb( r, g, b );
      myColor.getHsl( &h, &s, &l );
    case GrayscaleOff:
      // Not being made grayscale, do saturation change
      if ( mSaturationScale < 1 )
        // Lowering the saturation. Use a simple linear relationship
        s = qMin(( int )( s * mSaturationScale ), 255 );
        // Raising the saturation. Use a saturation curve to prevent
        // clipping at maximum saturation with ugly results.
        s = qMin(( int )( 255. * ( 1 - pow( 1 - ( s / 255. ), pow( mSaturationScale, 2 ) ) ) ), 255 );

      // Saturation changed, so update rgb values
      myColor = QColor::fromHsl( h, s, l );
      myColor.getRgb( &r, &g, &b );
QgsRasterBlock * QgsHueSaturationFilter::block( int bandNo, QgsRectangle  const & extent, int width, int height, QgsRasterBlockFeedback* feedback )
  Q_UNUSED( bandNo );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "width = %1 height = %2 extent = %3" ).arg( width ).arg( height ).arg( extent.toString() ), 4 );

  QgsRasterBlock *outputBlock = new QgsRasterBlock();
  if ( !mInput )
    return outputBlock;

  // At this moment we know that we read rendered image
  int bandNumber = 1;
  QgsRasterBlock *inputBlock = mInput->block( bandNumber, extent, width, height, feedback );
  if ( !inputBlock || inputBlock->isEmpty() )
    QgsDebugMsg( "No raster data!" );
    delete inputBlock;
    return outputBlock;

  if ( mSaturation == 0 && mGrayscaleMode == GrayscaleOff && !mColorizeOn )
    QgsDebugMsgLevel( "No hue/saturation change.", 4 );
    delete outputBlock;
    return inputBlock;

  if ( !outputBlock->reset( Qgis::ARGB32_Premultiplied, width, height ) )
    delete inputBlock;
    return outputBlock;

  // adjust image
  QRgb myNoDataColor = qRgba( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
  QRgb myRgb;
  QColor myColor;
  int h, s, l;
  int r, g, b, alpha;
  double alphaFactor = 1.0;

  for ( qgssize i = 0; i < ( qgssize )width*height; i++ )
    if ( inputBlock->color( i ) == myNoDataColor )
      outputBlock->setColor( i, myNoDataColor );

    myRgb = inputBlock->color( i );
    myColor = QColor( myRgb );

    // Alpha must be taken from QRgb, since conversion from QRgb->QColor loses alpha
    alpha = qAlpha( myRgb );

    if ( alpha == 0 )
      // totally transparent, no changes required
      outputBlock->setColor( i, myRgb );

    // Get rgb for color
    myColor.getRgb( &r, &g, &b );
    if ( alpha != 255 )
      // Semi-transparent pixel. We need to adjust the colors since we are using Qgis::ARGB32_Premultiplied
      // and color values have been premultiplied by alpha
      alphaFactor = alpha / 255.;
      r /= alphaFactor;
      g /= alphaFactor;
      b /= alphaFactor;
      myColor = QColor::fromRgb( r, g, b );

    myColor.getHsl( &h, &s, &l );

    // Changing saturation?
    if (( mGrayscaleMode != GrayscaleOff ) || ( mSaturationScale != 1 ) )
      processSaturation( r, g, b, h, s, l );

    // Colorizing?
    if ( mColorizeOn )
      processColorization( r, g, b, h, s, l );

    // Convert back to rgb
    if ( alpha != 255 )
      // Transparent pixel, need to premultiply color components
      r *= alphaFactor;
      g *= alphaFactor;
      b *= alphaFactor;

    outputBlock->setColor( i, qRgba( r, g, b, alpha ) );

  delete inputBlock;
  return outputBlock;