QDomNamedNodeMap QDomNodeProto:: attributes() const { QDomNode *item = qscriptvalue_cast<QDomNode*>(thisObject()); if (item) return item->attributes(); return QDomNamedNodeMap(); }
void InternetServerPlatform::readVariables( QDomNode node ) { Logging::logInfo( this, "readVariables()" ); if( node.isNull() ) return; QDomNode variable = node.firstChild(); while( false == variable.isNull() ) { if( QDomNode::CommentNode != variable.nodeType() ) { QString variableName = variable.nodeName(); if( _variableList.contains(variableName) ) continue; QString variableValue = variable.attributes().namedItem("value").nodeValue(); replaceVariables( variableValue ); _variableList.insert( variableName, variableValue ); Logging::logInfo( this, QString("%1 = %2").arg(variableName).arg(variableValue) ); variable = variable.nextSibling(); } } }
QVariant MetricDomModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid()) return QVariant(); if (role != Qt::DisplayRole) return QVariant(); DomItem *item = static_cast<DomItem*>(index.internalPointer()); QDomNode node = item->node(); QStringList attributes; QDomNamedNodeMap attributeMap = node.attributes(); switch (index.column()) { case 0: return node.nodeName(); case 1: if( !attributeMap.contains("Type") ) { return QVariant(); } return attributeMap.namedItem("Type").nodeValue(); case 2: if( !attributeMap.contains("Format") ) { return QVariant(); } return attributeMap.namedItem("Format").nodeValue(); default: return QVariant(); } }
//copyright : (C) 2002-2004 InfoSiAL S.L. //email : [email protected] void MReportEngine::drawDetailHeader( MPageCollection * pages, int level ) { MReportSection * header = findDetailHeader( level ); if ( header ) { QDomNode record = records.item( currRecord_ ); if ( !header->mustBeDrawed( &record ) ) return ; header->setPageNumber( currPage ); header->setReportDate( currDate ); if (( currY + header->getHeight() ) > currHeight ) newPage( pages ); QString value; QDomNamedNodeMap fields = record.attributes(); for ( int i = 0; i < header->getFieldCount(); i++ ) { value = fields.namedItem( header->getFieldName( i ) ).nodeValue(); header->setFieldData( i, value ); } header->setCalcFieldData( 0, 0, &record ); int sectionHeight = header->getHeight(); header->draw( p, leftMargin, currY, sectionHeight ); header->setLastPageIndex( pages->getCurrentIndex() ); header->setOnPage(( QPicture * ) p->painter()->device() ); currY += sectionHeight; } }
//! [3] QVariant DomModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid()) return QVariant(); if (role != Qt::DisplayRole) return QVariant(); DomItem *item = static_cast<DomItem*>(index.internalPointer()); QDomNode node = item->node(); //! [3] //! [4] QStringList attributes; QDomNamedNodeMap attributeMap = node.attributes(); switch (index.column()) { case 0: return node.nodeName(); case 1: for (int i = 0; i < attributeMap.count(); ++i) { QDomNode attribute = attributeMap.item(i); attributes << attribute.nodeName() + "=\"" +attribute.nodeValue() + "\""; } return attributes.join(" "); case 2: return node.nodeValue().split("\n").join(" "); default: return QVariant(); } }
// the constructor ComponentGenerator::ComponentGenerator(QDomNode &generatorNode): Generator(generatorNode), scope_(ComponentGenerator::INSTANCE), groups_() { QDomNamedNodeMap attributeMap = generatorNode.attributes(); // get the spirit scope attribute QString scope = attributeMap.namedItem(QString("spirit:scope")).nodeValue(); if (scope == QString("entity")) { scope_ = ComponentGenerator::ENTITY; } else { scope_ = ComponentGenerator::INSTANCE; } // go through all the child nodes of the component generator for (int i = 0; i < generatorNode.childNodes().count(); ++i) { QDomNode tempNode = generatorNode.childNodes().at(i); if (tempNode.nodeName() == QString("spirit:group")) { QString groupName = tempNode.childNodes().at(0).nodeValue(); groupName = XmlUtils::removeWhiteSpace(groupName); groups_.append(groupName); } } }
IntParameter::IntParameter(QDomNode node, QObject *parent) : AbstractParameter(parent), _node(node), _label(0), _slider(0), _spinBox(0) { _name = node.attributes().namedItem( "name" ).nodeValue(); QString min = node.attributes().namedItem( "min" ).nodeValue(); QString max = node.attributes().namedItem( "max" ).nodeValue(); QString def = node.attributes().namedItem( "default" ).nodeValue(); QString value = node.toElement().attribute("savedValue",def); _min = min.toInt(); _max = max.toInt(); _default = def.toInt(); _value = value.toInt(); }
void Parser3::ParseVideoFeed( QDomNode Node, VideoFeedPtr Info ) { QDomNode Child = Node.firstChild(); while( !Child.isNull() ) { QString NodeName = Child.nodeName(); if( NodeName == "title" ) { Info->Title = Child.namedItem("#text").nodeValue(); } else if( NodeName == "link" && ( Child.attributes().namedItem("rel").nodeValue() == "next" ) ) { Info->NextPageInFeed = QUrl( Child.attributes().namedItem("href").nodeValue() ); } else if( NodeName == "author" ) { Info->Author = Child.namedItem("name").namedItem("#text").nodeValue(); Info->UrlAuthor = QUrl( Child.namedItem("uri").namedItem("#text").nodeValue() ); } else if( NodeName == "openSearch:totalResults" ) { Info->Size = Child.namedItem("#text").nodeValue().toInt(); } else if( NodeName == "media:group" ) { Info->Description = Child.namedItem("media:description").namedItem("#text").nodeValue(); if( !Child.namedItem("media:thumbnail").isNull() ) {/*If we allready has a thumbnail we don't want to erase it*/ Info->UrlThumbnail = QUrl( Child.namedItem("media:thumbnail").namedItem("#text").nodeValue() ); } } else if( NodeName == "entry" ) { VideoInfo *Video = new VideoInfo; ParseVideoEntry(Child,Video); Info->Content.push_back( Video ); } Child = Child.nextSibling(); } Info->ParsedPages++; Info->FixInfo(); return; }
QDomNode vleSmDT::nodeOutPort(const QString& portName) { QDomNode outNode = mDocSm->elementsByTagName("out").item(0); QDomNodeList outList = outNode.toElement().elementsByTagName("port"); for (int i = 0; i< outList.length(); i++) { QDomNode out = outList.at(i); for (int j=0; j< out.attributes().size(); j++) { if ((out.attributes().item(j).nodeName() == "name") and (out.attributes().item(j).nodeValue() == portName)) { return out; } } } return QDomNode() ; }
QDomNode vleSmDT::nodeInPort(const QString& portName) { QDomNode inNode = mDocSm->elementsByTagName("in").item(0); QDomNodeList inList = inNode.toElement().elementsByTagName("port"); for (int i = 0; i< inList.length(); i++) { QDomNode in = inList.at(i); for (int j=0; j< in.attributes().size(); j++) { if ((in.attributes().item(j).nodeName() == "name") and (in.attributes().item(j).nodeValue() == portName)) { return in; } } } return QDomNode() ; }
QDomNode vleSmDT::nodeCondPort(const QString& portName) { QDomNode conditionNode = mDocSm->elementsByTagName("condition").item(0); QDomNodeList portList = conditionNode.toElement().elementsByTagName("port"); for (int i = 0; i< portList.length(); i++) { QDomNode port = portList.at(i); for (int j=0; j< port.attributes().size(); j++) { if ((port.attributes().item(j).nodeName() == "name") and (port.attributes().item(j).nodeValue() == portName)) { return port; } } } return QDomNode() ; }
QDomNode vleSmDT::nodeObsPort(const QString& portName) { QDomNode observableNode = mDocSm->elementsByTagName("condition").item(0); QDomNodeList obsList = observableNode.toElement().elementsByTagName("port"); for (int i = 0; i< obsList.length(); i++) { QDomNode obs = obsList.at(i); for (int j=0; j< obs.attributes().size(); j++) { if ((obs.attributes().item(j).nodeName() == "name") and (obs.attributes().item(j).nodeValue() == portName)) { return obs; } } } return QDomNode() ; }
QString vleSmDT::getNamespace() { QDomElement docElem = mDocSm->documentElement(); QDomNode srcPluginNode = mDocSm->elementsByTagName("srcPlugin").item(0); return srcPluginNode.attributes().namedItem("namespace").nodeValue(); }
QDomNode vleSmDT::nodeVariable(const QString& varName) { QDomNode variablesNode = mDocSm->elementsByTagName("variables").item(0); QDomNodeList variableList = variablesNode.toElement().elementsByTagName("variable"); for (int i = 0; i< variableList.length(); i++) { QDomNode variable = variableList.at(i); for (int j=0; j< variable.attributes().size(); j++) { if ((variable.attributes().item(j).nodeName() == "name") and (variable.attributes().item(j).nodeValue() == varName)) { return variable; } } } return QDomNode() ; }
QVariant XUPProjectModel::data( const QModelIndex& index, int role ) const { if ( !index.isValid() ) { return QVariant(); } XUPItem* item = static_cast<XUPItem*>( index.internalPointer() ); switch ( role ) { case Qt::DecorationRole: return item->displayIcon(); case Qt::DisplayRole: return item->displayText(); case XUPProjectModel::TypeRole: return item->type(); case Qt::ToolTipRole: { const QDomNode node = item->node(); const QDomNamedNodeMap attributeMap = node.attributes(); QStringList attributes; if ( item->type() == XUPItem::Project ) { attributes << QString( "Project: %1" ).arg( item->project()->fileName() ); } for ( int i = 0; i < attributeMap.count(); i++ ) { const QDomNode attribute = attributeMap.item( i ); const QString name = attribute.nodeName(); const QString value = attribute.nodeValue(); attributes << QString( "%1=\"%2\"" ).arg( name ).arg( value ); } switch ( item->type() ) { case XUPItem::Value: attributes << QString( "Value=\"%1\"" ).arg( item->content() ); break; case XUPItem::File: attributes << QString( "File=\"%1\"" ).arg( item->content() ); break; case XUPItem::Path: attributes << QString( "Path=\"%1\"" ).arg( item->content() ); break; default: break; } return attributes.join( "\n" ); } case Qt::SizeHintRole: return QSize( -1, 18 ); default: break; } return QVariant(); }
bool EpochModel::Init(QDomNode &node) { if(!node.hasAttributes()) return false; QDomNamedNodeMap attr= node.attributes(); QString indexString = (attr.namedItem("index")).nodeValue() ; qDebug("reading Model with index %i ",indexString.toInt()); for(QDomNode n = node.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { if(n.nodeName() == QString("camera")) cameraName = n.attributes().namedItem("filename").nodeValue(); if(n.nodeName() == QString("texture")) textureName= n.attributes().namedItem("filename").nodeValue(); if(n.nodeName() == QString("depth")) depthName = n.attributes().namedItem("filename").nodeValue(); if(n.nodeName() == QString("count")) countName = n.attributes().namedItem("filename").nodeValue(); } QString tmpName=textureName.left(textureName.length()-4); maskName = tmpName.append(".mask.png"); return true; }
bool InternetServerPlatform::readSockets( QDomNode node ) { Logging::logInfo( this, "readSockets()" ); if( node.isNull() ) return false; QString applicationPath = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(); QDomNode socket = IspComponents::Dom::getChildNodeByName( node, "socket" ); while( false == socket.isNull() ) { if( QDomNode::CommentNode != socket.nodeType() ) { SocketSettings* socketSettings = new SocketSettings(); // read the logfile read on socketSettings->_on = socket.attributes().namedItem( "on" ).nodeValue(); // read the daemon socketSettings->_daemon = socket.attributes().namedItem( "daemon" ).nodeValue(); socketSettings->_daemon = socketSettings->_daemon.startsWith("/") ? socketSettings->_daemon : QString( "%1/%2" ).arg( applicationPath ).arg( socketSettings->_daemon ); // read the logfile QDomNode logFile = IspComponents::Dom::getChildNodeByName( socket, "logFile" ); socketSettings->_logFile = logFile.attributes().namedItem("value").nodeValue(); socketSettings->_logFile = socketSettings->_logFile.startsWith("/") ? socketSettings->_logFile : QString( "%1/%2" ).arg( applicationPath ).arg( socketSettings->_logFile ); // read the block-from QDomNode blockFrom = IspComponents::Dom::getChildNodeByName( socket, "blockFrom" ); readBlockFrom( blockFrom, socketSettings->_blockFrom ); _socketSettingsList.append( socketSettings ); } socket = socket.nextSibling(); } return true; }
QString XmlRelationCheckerCoreImpl::CheckIsSubNodeFrom(const QDomNode& nodeToCheck, XmlRelation* xmlRelation) const { //Precondition: the passed node is an element //For debug //const QString& nodeName = nodeToCheck.nodeName(); //List of the key of the referenced value QString key = ""; //If the relation is a SUB_TAG relation, otherwise is not supported and always return false if(xmlRelation->GetRelationType() == SUB_TAG) { //For debug //QString subTagName = xmlRelation->GetSubTagNameOfTagFrom(); //Check the tag name corresponds with the subtag from name if(nodeToCheck.nodeName() == xmlRelation->GetSubTagNameOfTagFrom()) { //Now it has to search all the child node with the given tag name with the right attribute //Obtain the parent node const QDomNode& parentNode = nodeToCheck.parentNode(); //If the node is the correct child of the right node from if(parentNode.isElement() && parentNode.nodeName() == xmlRelation->GetTagFromName()) { //Check the presence of the right attribute const QDomNamedNodeMap& attributeNodesList = nodeToCheck.attributes(); //For exit when the fist match is found bool attributeFound = false; //Flow the list searching the for(int i=0; i<attributeNodesList.size() && !attributeFound; ++i) { const QDomAttr& attritubeNode = attributeNodesList.item(i).toAttr(); const QString& attributeName = attritubeNode.name(); //If the attribute match set to display the value if( attributeName == xmlRelation->GetAttributeNameofTagFrom() ) { //Attribute found exit the cycle attributeFound = true; //Add the key in the list key = attritubeNode.value(); } } } } } return key; }
void DefinitionParser::parseAssetNodes (QDomNode& node, const Content::Class clazz) { bool sprite = false; QString nodeName; switch (clazz) { case Content::MOVIECLIP: nodeName = NODE_MOVIECLIP; sprite = true; break; case Content::SPRITE: sprite = true; nodeName = NODE_SPRITE; break; case Content::BITMAPDATA: nodeName = NODE_BITMAP; break; case Content::SOUND: nodeName = NODE_SOUND; break; case Content::BYTEARRAY: nodeName = NODE_BINARY; break; default: error("invalid class type " + QString::number(clazz)); return; } while (!node.isNull()) { QDomElement elem = node.toElement(); QDomNode parseNode = node; QDomNamedNodeMap attributes = node.attributes(); QDomNode frame = node.firstChild(); checkAttributes(node); node = node.nextSibling(); if (elem.isNull()) { continue; } const QString tag = elem.tagName(); if (nodeName != tag) { warnInvalidTag(tag, parseNode.parentNode().nodeName()); continue; } if (attributes.isEmpty() || attributes.namedItem(ATTR_CLASS).nodeValue().isEmpty()) { warnMissingAttr(ATTR_CLASS, tag); continue; } if (frame.isNull() || !sprite) { createSingleFrameAsset(parseNode, clazz, nodeName); } else { createMultiFrameSprite(frame, clazz); } } }
void PathMapper::readConfig() { QDomNode node = pathMapperNode(); // Server QDomNode valuenode = node.namedItem("mappings"); QDomNode child = valuenode.firstChild(); QString serverpath, localpath; while(!child.isNull()) { serverpath = child.attributes().namedItem("serverpath").nodeValue(); localpath = child.attributes().namedItem("localpath").nodeValue(); kdDebug(24002) << "PathMapper::readConfig " << serverpath << ", " << localpath << endl; m_serverlist.append(serverpath); m_locallist.append(localpath); child = child.nextSibling(); } }
SBGNPort::SBGNPort(QDomNode node) { QDomNamedNodeMap attrs = node.attributes(); float x = attrs.namedItem("x").toAttr().value().toFloat(); float y = attrs.namedItem("y").toAttr().value().toFloat(); m_pos = QPointF(x,y); m_id = attrs.namedItem("id").toAttr().value(); }
QString TocDomModel::getLinkStringFromIndex(const QModelIndex &index) { /* TODO: where does the info that the named item is called 'Destination' come from?! */ if (!index.isValid()) return QString(); TocDomItem *item = static_cast<TocDomItem*>(index.internalPointer()); QDomNode node = item->node(); QDomNamedNodeMap attributeMap = node.attributes(); return attributeMap.namedItem("Destination").nodeValue(); }
/****************************************************************************** PopulateComponent ******************************************************************************/ void CUpdateInfoGetter::PopulateComponent( const QDomNode &appNode, CComponentInfo& info) { //TODO: sanity check xml //if (vecStrings.size() != 5) //{ // Q_ASSERT(false); // throw ConnectionException(QT_TR_NOOP("Downloaded update info for " // "component didn't contain the correct number of entries.")); //} info.Clear(); QDomNamedNodeMap appAttributes = appNode.attributes(); info.SetName(appAttributes.namedItem( "name" ).nodeValue()); #ifdef WIN32 string sPF = UnicornUtils::programFilesPath(); if (sPF == "") { // Do our best at faking it. Will at least work some of the time. LOG(1, "Couldn't get PF path so trying to fake it."); sPF = "C:\\Program Files\\"; } info.SetPath(QString::fromStdString(sPF) + appNode.firstChildElement("Path").text()); #else // not WIN32 info.SetPath(appNode.firstChildElement("Path").text()); #endif // WIN32 if ( !appNode.firstChildElement("Size").isNull() ) info.SetSize( appNode.firstChildElement("Size").text().toInt() ); else info.SetSize( 0 ); info.SetDownloadURL ( appNode.firstChildElement("Url").text() ); info.SetVersion ( appAttributes.namedItem( "version" ).nodeValue() ); info.SetInstallArgs ( appNode.firstChildElement("Args").text() ); if( appAttributes.contains( "majorUpgrade" )) { info.SetMajorUpgrade( appAttributes.namedItem( "majorUpgrade" ).nodeValue() == "true" ); } if( !appNode.firstChildElement("Description").isNull()) info.SetDescription( appNode.firstChildElement("Description").text()); if( !appNode.firstChildElement("Image").isNull()) info.SetImage( QUrl( appNode.firstChildElement("Image").text())); }
QString vleVpm::getCondGUIplugin(const QString& condName) const { QStringList res; if (mDocVpm) { QDomElement docElem = mDocVpm->documentElement(); QDomNode condsPlugins = mDocVpm->elementsByTagName("condPlugins").item(0); QDomNodeList plugins = condsPlugins.toElement().elementsByTagName("condPlugin"); for (int i =0; i< plugins.length(); i++) { QDomNode plug = plugins.item(i); if (plug.attributes().contains("cond") and (plug.attributes().namedItem("cond").nodeValue() == condName)) { return plug.attributes().namedItem("plugin").nodeValue(); } } } return ""; }
void MainWindow::nbAttributesMax(QDomNode doc, int *nbAttributes) { if(!doc.isNull()) { if(doc.attributes().length() > *nbAttributes) { *nbAttributes = doc.attributes().length(); } if(!doc.childNodes().isEmpty() && (doc.firstChild().toElement().tagName() != "" || doc.firstChild().isComment())) { QDomNodeList nodeList = doc.childNodes(); for(int i = 0; i < nodeList.length(); i++) { nbAttributesMax(nodeList.at(i), nbAttributes); } } } }
void operator <<= (Miro::SensorGroupIDL& group, const QDomNode& node) { if (!node.isNull()) { // set sensor defaults Miro::SensorPositionIDL sensor; sensor.masked = false; QDomNamedNodeMap map = node.attributes(); QDomNode n; n = map.namedItem("height"); if (!n.isNull()) { QDomAttr attr = n.toAttr(); if (!attr.isNull()) sensor.height = attr.value().toInt(); } n = map.namedItem("distance"); if (!n.isNull()) { QDomAttr attr = n.toAttr(); if (!attr.isNull()) sensor.distance =attr.value().toInt(); } n = map.namedItem("alpha"); if (!n.isNull()) { QDomAttr attr = n.toAttr(); if (!attr.isNull()) sensor.alpha = deg2Rad(attr.value().toDouble()); } n = map.namedItem("beta"); if (!n.isNull()) { QDomAttr attr = n.toAttr(); if (!attr.isNull()) sensor.beta = deg2Rad(attr.value().toDouble()); } n = map.namedItem("gamma"); if (!n.isNull()) { QDomAttr attr = n.toAttr(); if (!attr.isNull()) sensor.gamma = deg2Rad(attr.value().toDouble()); } QDomNode n1 = node.firstChild(); while(!n1.isNull() ) { if (n1.nodeName() == "description") { group.description <<= n1; } else if (n1.nodeName() == "sensor") { group.sensor.length(group.sensor.length() + 1); group.sensor[group.sensor.length() - 1] = sensor; group.sensor[group.sensor.length() - 1] <<= n1; } n1 = n1.nextSibling(); } } }
inline void DefinitionParser::checkAttributes (QDomNode& node) const { const QString tag = node.toElement().tagName(); QDomNamedNodeMap attr = node.attributes(); for (int i = 0; i < attr.size(); ++i) { QDomNode a = attr.item(i); if (!_attributesMap[a.nodeName()]) { warning("invalid attribute \'" + a.nodeName() + "\' in \'" + tag + "\'"); } } }
void Exif2GPX::loadPoint(const QDomNode& node) { QDomNode node2 = node.namedItem("time"); if (!node2.isNull()) { std::tm timestruct; double lat, lon; QDateTime t = QDateTime::fromString(node2.firstChild().nodeValue(), Qt::ISODate); if (t.isValid()) { node2 = node.attributes().namedItem("lat"); if (node2.isNull()) return; lat = node2.nodeValue().toDouble(); node2 = node.attributes().namedItem("lon"); if (node2.isNull()) return; lon = node2.nodeValue().toDouble(); points[t] = std::pair<double, double>(lat, lon); std::cerr<<node.nodeName()<<std::endl; } } }
bool SshServer::readUser( QDomNode userNode, UserSettings& userSettings ) { userSettings._name = userNode.attributes().namedItem("name").nodeValue(); logInfo( this, QString("name=%1").arg(userSettings._name), true ); if( userSettings._name.isEmpty() ) return false; userSettings._home=userNode.attributes().namedItem("home").nodeValue(); logInfo( this, QString("home=%1").arg(userSettings._home), true ); if( userSettings._home.isEmpty() ) return false; userSettings._lockInHome=(userNode.attributes().namedItem("lockInHome").nodeValue()=="yes"); logInfo( this, QString("lockInHome=%1").arg(userSettings._lockInHome?"yes":"no"), true ); userSettings._publicKey=userNode.attributes().namedItem("publicKey").nodeValue(); logInfo( this, QString("publicKey=%1").arg(userSettings._publicKey), true ); if( userSettings._publicKey.isEmpty() ) return false; userSettings._publicKeyFormat=userNode.attributes().namedItem("publicKeyFormat").nodeValue(); logInfo( this, QString("publicKeyFormat=%1").arg(userSettings._publicKeyFormat), true ); if( userSettings._publicKeyFormat.isEmpty() ) return false; userSettings._acceptedShellCommands=userNode.attributes().namedItem("value").nodeValue().split(","); foreach( QString shellCommand, userSettings._acceptedShellCommands ) logInfo( this, QString("shellCommand=%1").arg(shellCommand), true ); return true; }
/** * \brief load the keyword definition list from * \param nodes the node list from which the definition of the block comments should be loaded * \return true on sucess, false on any error * * This function loads the definition of the keywords list on this syntax from the node list passed as a parameter. */ bool QsvLangDef::loadKeywordList( QDomNodeList nodes ) { QDomNodeList strs; QDomNode str; QString s; int i, size = nodes.size(); int j; for( i=0; i<size; i++ ) { QsvEntityKeywordList e; QDomNode node = nodes.at( i ); if (!loadEntity( node, e )) return false; e.list.clear(); e.caseSensitive = isTrue( node.attributes().namedItem("case-sensitive").nodeValue() ); e.matchEmptyStringAtBeginning = isTrue( node.attributes().namedItem("match-empty-string-at-beginning").nodeValue() ); e.matchEmptyStringAtEnd = isTrue( node.attributes().namedItem("match-empty-string-at-end").nodeValue() ); e.startRegex = node.attributes().namedItem("beginning-regex").nodeValue(); e.endRegex = node.attributes().namedItem("end-regex").nodeValue(); // WTF??? e.startRegex.replace( "\\\\", "\\" ); e.endRegex.replace( "\\\\", "\\" ); // read strings strs = node.toElement().elementsByTagName("keyword"); for( j=0; j<strs.size(); j++ ) { str = strs.item( j ); e.list << str.toElement().text(); } keywordListDefs << e; } return true; }