bool TestBaseLine::isDeepEqual(const QDomNode &n1, const QDomNode &n2) { if(n1.nodeType() != n2.nodeType()) return false; switch(n1.nodeType()) { case QDomNode::CommentNode: /* Fallthrough. */ case QDomNode::TextNode: { return static_cast<const QDomCharacterData &>(n1).data() == static_cast<const QDomCharacterData &>(n2).data(); } case QDomNode::ProcessingInstructionNode: { return n1.nodeName() == n2.nodeName() && n1.nodeValue() == n2.nodeValue(); } case QDomNode::DocumentNode: return isChildrenDeepEqual(n1.childNodes(), n2.childNodes()); case QDomNode::ElementNode: { return n1.localName() == n2.localName() && n1.namespaceURI() == n2.namespaceURI() && n1.nodeName() == n2.nodeName() && /* Yes, this one is needed in addition to localName(). */ isAttributesEqual(n1.attributes(), n2.attributes()) && isChildrenDeepEqual(n1.childNodes(), n2.childNodes()); } /* Fallthrough all these. */ case QDomNode::EntityReferenceNode: case QDomNode::CDATASectionNode: case QDomNode::EntityNode: case QDomNode::DocumentTypeNode: case QDomNode::DocumentFragmentNode: case QDomNode::NotationNode: case QDomNode::BaseNode: case QDomNode::CharacterDataNode: { Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "An unsupported node type was encountered."); return false; } case QDomNode::AttributeNode: { Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "This should never happen. QDom doesn't allow us to compare DOM attributes " "properly."); return false; } default: { Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "Unhandled QDom::NodeType value."); return false; } } }
QString QDomNodeProto:: localName() const { QDomNode *item = qscriptvalue_cast<QDomNode*>(thisObject()); if (item) return item->localName(); return QString(); }
void CWMPEventParser::addEvent(const QDomNode &event) { QDomNode node = event.firstChild(); QString eventCode, cmdKey; while(!node.isNull()) { if(QString("EventCode") == node.localName()) { eventCode = node.firstChild().toText().data(); } else if(QString("CommandKey") == node.localName()) { cmdKey = node.firstChild().toText().data(); } node = node.nextSibling(); } CWMPEvent::Event(eventCode, cmdKey)); }
bool TestBaseLine::isAttributesEqual(const QDomNamedNodeMap &cl1, const QDomNamedNodeMap &cl2) { const unsigned int len = cl1.length(); pDebug() << "LEN:" << len; if(len == cl2.length()) { for(unsigned int i1 = 0; i1 < len; ++i1) { const QDomNode attr1(cl1.item(i1)); Q_ASSERT(!attr1.isNull()); /* This is set if attr1 cannot be found at all in cl2. */ bool earlyExit = false; for(unsigned int i2 = 0; i2 < len; ++i2) { const QDomNode attr2(cl2.item(i2)); Q_ASSERT(!attr2.isNull()); pDebug() << "ATTR1:" << attr1.localName() << attr1.namespaceURI() << attr1.prefix() << attr1.nodeName(); pDebug() << "ATTR2:" << attr2.localName() << attr2.namespaceURI() << attr2.prefix() << attr2.nodeName(); if(attr1.localName() == attr2.localName() && attr1.namespaceURI() == attr2.namespaceURI() && attr1.prefix() == attr2.prefix() && attr1.nodeName() == attr2.nodeName() && /* Yes, needed in addition to all the other. */ attr1.nodeValue() == attr2.nodeValue()) { earlyExit = true; break; } } if(!earlyExit) { /* An attribute was found that doesn't exist in the other list so exit. */ return false; } } return true; } else return false; }
CWMPEventParser::CWMPEventParser(const QDomNode &eventNode) { QDomNode node = eventNode.firstChild(); while(!node.isNull()) { QByteArray dbgA = node.localName().toLatin1(); qDebug("%s, %d: Node's name is %s", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, dbgA.constData()); addEvent(node); node = node.nextSibling(); } }
CWMPDeviceIDParser::CWMPDeviceIDParser(const QDomNode &deviceIDNode) { QDomNode node = deviceIDNode.firstChild(); QByteArray dbgA; while(!node.isNull()) { QByteArray dbgA = node.localName().toLatin1(); dbgA = node.firstChild().toText().data().toLatin1(); if(QString("Manufacturer") == node.localName()) { _deviceID.setManufacturer(node.firstChild().toText().data()); } else if(QString("OUI") == node.localName()) { _deviceID.setOui(node.firstChild().toText().data()); } else if(QString("ProductClass") == node.localName()) { _deviceID.setProductClass(node.firstChild().toText().data()); } else if(QString("SerialNumber") == node.localName()) { _deviceID.setSerialNumber(node.firstChild().toText().data()); } node = node.nextSibling(); } }
void XmppReg::processStanza(const Stanza& s) { QDomNode node; switch (state) { case Start: if (s.type() != "result") { //emit error(); return; } node = s.node().firstChild().firstChild(); while (!node.isNull()) { printf("[XMPPREG] node = %s\n", node.localName().toLatin1().constData()); if (node.localName() == "username") needUsername = true; if (node.localName() == "password") needPassword = true; if (node.localName() == "email") needEmail = true; node = node.nextSibling(); } sendRegistration(); state = WaitResult; break; case WaitResult: if (s.type() == "result") { //registerOk = true; emit finished(); } if (s.type() == "error") { ; //registerOk = false; //emit error(); } break; } }
void Xmpp::processEvent(Event *event) { /* * WARNING: An event is NOT still the same as before. * Now, an event contains all data from depth = 1 * to depth back to 1. */ //printf("Elem = %s\n", event->node().localName().toLatin1().constData()); switch (state) { case isHandShaking: break; case PrepareRegistering: case waitStream: if (event->type() == Event::Stream) { printf("[XMPP] Ok, received the stream tag.\n"); if (state != PrepareRegistering) state = waitFeatures; else { state = active; emit registerReady(); } } //else // printf(" ! Didn't receive the stream ! \n"); break; case waitFeatures: if (event->node().localName() == "features") { printf("[XMPP] Ok, received the features tag.\n"); if (!tlsDone && useTls) { QDomNode node = event->node().firstChild(); printf("[XMPP] Next Status : "); //state = waitStartTls; printf("[XMPP] %s\n", node.localName().toLatin1().constData()); if (node.localName() == QString("mechanisms")) { printf("[XMPP] Must directly switch to SASL authentication\n"); useTls = false; node = node.firstChild(); // Must directly switch to SASL authentication printf("[XMPP] %s\n", node.localName().toLatin1().constData()); while(node.localName() == QString("mechanism")) { printf("[XMPP] Ok, received a mechanism tag.\n"); if (node.firstChild().toText().data() == QString("PLAIN")) { plainMech = true; printf("[XMPP] Ok, PLAIN mechanism supported\n"); // Sstartauth method. QDomDocument doc(""); QDomElement e = doc.createElement("auth"); doc.appendChild(e); e.setAttribute(QString("xmlns"), QString("urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl")); e.setAttribute(QString("mechanism"), QString("PLAIN")); QString text = QString("%1%2%3%4").arg('\0').arg(username).arg('\0').arg(password); QDomText t = doc.createTextNode(text.toLatin1().toBase64()); e.appendChild(t); QByteArray sData = doc.toString().toLatin1(); sendData(sData); state = waitSuccess; } node = node.nextSibling(); } } if (node.localName() == QString("starttls")) { printf("[XMPP] Ok, received the starttls tag.\n"); // Send starttls tag QDomDocument doc(""); QDomElement e = doc.createElement("starttls"); doc.appendChild(e); e.setAttribute(QString("xmlns"), QString("urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls")); QByteArray sData = doc.toString().toLatin1(); sendData(sData); // Next state state = waitProceed; // Even if TLS isn't required, I use TLS. } } else { if (!saslDone) { //TODO:Must first check that event->node().firstChild() == mechanisms QDomNode node = event->node().firstChild().firstChild(); printf("[XMPP] Tls done or not used. --> sasl\n"); while(node.localName() == QString("mechanism")) { printf("[XMPP] Ok, received a mechanism tag.\n"); if (node.firstChild().toText().data() == QString("PLAIN")) { plainMech = true; printf("[XMPP] Ok, PLAIN mechanism supported\n"); // Sstartauth method. QDomDocument doc(""); QDomElement e = doc.createElement("auth"); doc.appendChild(e); e.setAttribute(QString("xmlns"), QString("urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl")); e.setAttribute(QString("mechanism"), QString("PLAIN")); QString text = QString("%1%2%3%4").arg('\0').arg(username).arg('\0').arg(password); QDomText t = doc.createTextNode(text.toLatin1().toBase64()); e.appendChild(t); QByteArray sData = doc.toString().toLatin1(); sendData(sData); state = waitSuccess; } node = node.nextSibling(); } //FIXME: this is impemented two times in this function. Another way to do the same ? } else { // printf("Wait Ncessary\n"); // state = waitNecessary; QDomNode node = event->node().firstChild(); while(!node.isNull()) { if (node.localName() == QString("bind")) { printf("[XMPP] Ok, bind needed.\n"); needBind = true; } if (node.localName() == QString("session")) { printf("[XMPP] Ok, session needed.\n"); needSession = true; } node = node.nextSibling(); } if (needBind) { QDomDocument doc(""); QDomElement e = doc.createElement("iq"); e.setAttribute("type", "set"); // Trying without id. QDomElement e2 = doc.createElement("bind"); e2.setAttribute("xmlns", "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind"); QDomElement e3 = doc.createElement("resource"); QDomText t = doc.createTextNode(resource); e3.appendChild(t); e2.appendChild(e3); e.appendChild(e2); doc.appendChild(e); QByteArray sData = doc.toString().toLatin1(); sendData(sData); state = waitBind; } } } } break; case waitProceed: if (event->node().localName() == QString("proceed")) { //printf(" * Ok, received the proceed tag.\n"); printf("[XMPP] Proceeding...\n[XMPP] Enabling TLS connection.\n"); state = isHandShaking; tls = new TlsHandler(); connect(tls, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(clearDataReceived())); connect(tls, SIGNAL(readyReadOutgoing()), this, SLOT(sendDataFromTls())); connect(tls, SIGNAL(connected()), this, SLOT(tlsIsConnected())); tls->connect(); state = isHandShaking; isTlsing = true; } break; case waitSuccess: if (event->node().localName() == QString("success")) { printf("[XMPP] Ok, SASL established.\n"); saslDone = true; start(); } if (event->node().localName() == QString("failure")) { printf("[XMPP] ! Check Username and password.\n"); QByteArray sData = "</stream:stream>"; sendData(sData); } break; case waitBind: if (event->node().localName() == QString("iq")) { if (event->node().toElement().attribute("type") != QString("result")) { printf("[XMPP] Authentification Error.\n"); QByteArray sData = "</stream:stream>"; sendData(sData); return; } if (event->node().firstChild().localName() == QString("bind")) { QDomNode node = event->node().firstChild(); if (node.firstChild().localName() == QString("jid")) { node = node.firstChild().firstChild(); QString u, r, s; if (!node.toText().data().isEmpty()) { u = node.toText().data().split('@')[0]; // Username s = node.toText().data().split('@')[1].split('/')[0]; // Server r = node.toText().data().split('/')[1]; // Resource printf("[XMPP] '%s'@'%s'/'%s'\n", u.toLatin1().constData(), s.toLatin1().constData(), r.toLatin1().constData()); } if (u == username && s == server) { printf("[XMPP] Jid OK !\n"); resource = r; jidDone = true; j.setResource(r); } } if (needSession && jidDone) { printf("[XMPP] Launching Session...\n"); QDomDocument doc(""); QDomElement e = doc.createElement("iq"); e.setAttribute("to", server); e.setAttribute("type", "set"); e.setAttribute("id", "sess_1"); QDomElement e2 = doc.createElement("session"); e2.setAttribute("xmlns", "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session"); e.appendChild(e2); doc.appendChild(e); QByteArray sData = doc.toString().toLatin1(); sendData(sData); state = waitSession; } } } break; case waitSession: if (event->node().localName() == QString("iq")) { if (event->node().toElement().attribute("type") == "result") { printf("[XMPP] Connection is now active !\n"); /* * Presence must be sent after getting the roster * so we already have the contacts to assign their presence * when receiving presence stanza's wich come after * setting the first presence. */ state = active; emit connected(); } else { if (event->node().toElement().attribute("type") == "error") { printf("[XMPP] An error occured ! \n"); } } } break; case active: { Stanza *s = new Stanza(event->node()); QDomDocument doc = event->node().toDocument(); printf("[XMPP] Xmpp::processEvent : node = %s\n", doc.toString().toLatin1().constData()); stanzaList << s; emit readyRead(); break; } default : break; } }