SpreadSheetTableConnector::SpreadSheetTableConnector(const Ilwis::Resource &resource, bool load, const Ilwis::IOOptions &options) : IlwisObjectConnector(resource, load, options) { QFileInfo odsinfo = resource.toLocalFile(); QString sheetName; QString suffix = odsinfo.suffix(); if ( suffix == "" && options.contains("format")){ suffix = options["format"].toString(); } if ( !knownSuffix(suffix)){ int index = odsinfo.absoluteFilePath().lastIndexOf("/"); int index2 = odsinfo.absoluteFilePath().lastIndexOf("."); if ( index2 == -1 || index2 < index){ sheetName = odsinfo.absoluteFilePath().mid(index + 1); odsinfo = QFileInfo(odsinfo.absolutePath()); }else if ( index2 != -1){ suffix = options["format"].toString(); QString correctName = odsinfo.absolutePath() + "/" + odsinfo.baseName() + "." + suffix; QString correctUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(correctName).toString(); sourceRef().setUrl(correctUrl); sourceRef().setUrl(correctUrl,true); } } if ( suffix.toLower() == "ods"){ _spreadsheet.reset( new ODSFormat()); } else if ( suffix.toLower() == "xls"){ _spreadsheet.reset( new XLSFormat()); } else if ( suffix.toLower() == "xlsx"){ _spreadsheet.reset( new XLSXFormat()); } }
void AddTask::accept () { QFileInfo dir (Ui_.LocalPath_->text ()); QString message; if (!dir.exists ()) message = tr ("Directory %1 doesn't exist, would you like to " "select another?").arg (dir.absolutePath ()); else if (!dir.isReadable ()) message = tr ("Directory %1 isn't readable, would you like to " "select another?").arg (dir.absolutePath ()); else if (!dir.isWritable ()) message = tr ("Directory %1 isn't writable, would you like to " "select another?").arg (dir.absolutePath ()); else if (!dir.isDir ()) message = tr ("%1 isn't a directory at all, would you like to " "select another?").arg (dir.absolutePath ()); else { QDialog::accept (); return; } if (QMessageBox::question (this, "LeechCraft", message, QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel) == QMessageBox::Ok) on_BrowseButton__released (); else QDialog::reject (); }
bool Sandbox::copyDir(const QString &directory, const QString &newName){ const QDir sourceRoot(directory); const QDir destinationRoot(newName); QDirIterator it(directory, QDir::AllEntries|QDir::NoDotAndDotDot, QDirIterator::Subdirectories); while (it.hasNext()){ it.next(); const QFileInfo destination = QFileInfo(destinationRoot.filePath( sourceRoot.relativeFilePath(it.filePath()))); if (it.fileInfo().isDir()){ if (!QDir().mkpath(destination.absoluteFilePath())){ qWarning("%s: Failed to mkpath '%s'", Q_FUNC_INFO, qPrintable(destination.absolutePath())); return false; } } else if (it.fileInfo().isFile()){ if (!QDir().mkpath(destination.absolutePath())){ qWarning("%s: Failed to mkpath '%s'", Q_FUNC_INFO, qPrintable(destination.absolutePath())); return false; } if (!QFile::copy(it.fileInfo().absoluteFilePath(), destination.absoluteFilePath())){ qWarning("%s: Failed to copy file '%s'", Q_FUNC_INFO, qPrintable(it.filePath())); return false; } } else{ qWarning("%s: Cannot copy other than regular files: '%s'", Q_FUNC_INFO, qPrintable(it.filePath())); return false; } } return true; }
foreach (QFileInfo sourceInfo, sourceInfoList) { QImage sourceImage(sourceInfo.absoluteFilePath()); QImage scaledSourceImage = sourceImage.scaled(225,225,Qt::KeepAspectRatio); int sourceWidth = sourceImage.width(); int destWidth = scaledSourceImage.width(); double scaleBackFactor = (double)sourceWidth/destWidth; // as we keep aspect ratio, this is sufficient to scale rectangle back qDebug() << sourceInfo.fileName(); QList<QRect> destRects; QFileInfo destFileInfo = makeDestFileInfo(sourceDir, sourceInfo, destDir); if (faceCropper->crop(scaledSourceImage,destRects)) { // facelookupTable.addFile(sourceInfo, destRects, destFileInfo, scaleBackFactor); if (destRects.count()>1) { for (int i=0; i< destRects.count(); ++i) { QRect destRect = destRects.at(i); QRect destRectScaled(destRect.topLeft()*scaleBackFactor, destRect.bottomRight()*scaleBackFactor); QImage destImage = sourceImage.copy(destRectScaled); QString destString = destFileInfo.absolutePath(); destString.append(QDir::separator()); destDir.mkpath(destString); destString.append(destFileInfo.completeBaseName()); destString.append("_"); destString.append(QString::number(i)); destString.append("."); destString.append(destFileInfo.suffix()); destImage.save(destString); } } else if (destRects.count()==1){ QRect destRect = destRects.first(); QRect destRectScaled(destRect.topLeft()*scaleBackFactor, destRect.bottomRight()*scaleBackFactor); QImage destImage = sourceImage.copy(destRectScaled); destDir.mkpath(destFileInfo.absolutePath()); destImage.save(destFileInfo.absoluteFilePath()); } } }
void Project::slotNewProject() { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("New Project"), "", tr("Qucs Projects (*.xpro)")); if(!fileName.isEmpty()) { if(QString(QFileInfo(fileName).suffix()).isEmpty()) { fileName = fileName + ".xpro"; } //First we create the folder structure where files are to be placed QFileInfo fileInfo = QFileInfo(fileName); QDir filePath = QDir(fileInfo.absolutePath() + "/" + fileInfo.baseName()); if(!filePath.exists()) { filePath.setPath(fileInfo.absolutePath()); filePath.mkdir(fileInfo.baseName()); } fileName = fileInfo.absolutePath() + "/" + fileInfo.baseName() + "/" + fileInfo.fileName(); //Then we create the library/project LibraryLoader *library = LibraryLoader::instance(); if(library->newLibrary(fileName)) { slotCloseProject(); setCurrentLibrary(fileName); projectLibrary = library->library(m_libraryName); projectLibrary->saveLibrary(); qDebug() << "Succesfully created library!"; m_projectsSidebar->plugLibrary(m_libraryName, "root"); } } }
bool SmartFilenameOrdering::operator()(QFileInfo const& lhs, QFileInfo const& rhs) const { // First compare directories. if (int comp = lhs.absolutePath().compare(rhs.absolutePath())) { return comp < 0; } QString const lhs_fname(lhs.fileName()); QString const rhs_fname(rhs.fileName()); QChar const* lhs_ptr = lhs_fname.constData(); QChar const* rhs_ptr = rhs_fname.constData(); while (!lhs_ptr->isNull() && !rhs_ptr->isNull()) { bool const lhs_is_digit = lhs_ptr->isDigit(); bool const rhs_is_digit = rhs_ptr->isDigit(); if (lhs_is_digit != rhs_is_digit) { // Digits have priority over non-digits. return lhs_is_digit; } if (lhs_is_digit && rhs_is_digit) { unsigned long lhs_number = 0; do { lhs_number = lhs_number * 10 + lhs_ptr->digitValue(); ++lhs_ptr; // Note: isDigit() implies !isNull() } while (lhs_ptr->isDigit()); unsigned long rhs_number = 0; do { rhs_number = rhs_number * 10 + rhs_ptr->digitValue(); ++rhs_ptr; // Note: isDigit() implies !isNull() } while (rhs_ptr->isDigit()); if (lhs_number != rhs_number) { return lhs_number < rhs_number; } else { continue; } } if (lhs_ptr->isNull() != rhs_ptr->isNull()) { return *lhs_ptr < *rhs_ptr; } ++lhs_ptr; ++rhs_ptr; } if (!lhs_ptr->isNull() || !rhs_ptr->isNull()) { return lhs_ptr->isNull(); } // OK, the smart comparison indicates the file names are equal. // However, if they aren't symbol-to-symbol equal, we can't treat // them as equal, so let's do a usual comparision now. return lhs_fname < rhs_fname; }
bool MainWindow::CreateConnection(QString dbDir){ //The sql database is created, and defined as SQLite qDebug()<<"Connection initiated"; db=QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE"); //db.setDatabaseName(QString("%1/%1").arg(dbDir)); QFileInfo *dbFile = new QFileInfo(dbDir); QDir::setCurrent(dbFile->absolutePath()); qDebug()<<"Set current directory to: "<<dbFile->absolutePath(); db.setDatabaseName(dbFile->fileName()); qDebug()<<db.databaseName(); if (!db.open()){ qDebug()<<"No Connection made to file"; return false; } qDebug()<<"DB Created"; dbmodel= new MySqlTableModel(this,db); //dbmodel->setEditStrategy(QSqlTableModel::OnManualSubmit); dbmodel->select(); //The main table is loaded. It contains all the main data. //The table view is prepared by setting the model and other options dbTableView->setModel(dbmodel); dbTableView->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows); //dbTableView->resizeColumnsToContents(); //The fields array is iterated and each data column in the model is named, while the ones which should not //be previewd in the table are hidden. mapper->setModel(dbmodel); for(int n=0;n<dbmodel->getFields().size();n++){ //dbmodel->setHeaderData(n,Qt::Horizontal,Fields[n][0]); if(!dbmodel->getField(n).getVisTable()){ dbTableView->hideColumn(n); } //Each field is checked to see whether it should appear in the preview frame. if (dbmodel->getField(n).getVisPreview()){ prwItems.push_back(new DisplayWidget(dbmodel->getField(n),false, frmPreview)); mapper->addMapping(prwItems.last(),n,"Value"); } } connect(dbTableView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(currentRowChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)), mapper, SLOT(setCurrentModelIndex(QModelIndex))); dbTableView->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView::Stretch); //Sets alternating Colors dbTableView->setAlternatingRowColors(true); dbTableView->setStyleSheet("alternate-background-color:#99DDFF;background-color:white;"); //sets no triggers to edit the information dbTableView->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers); //qDebug()<<"EDIT StRATEGY "<<dbmodel->editStrategy(); return true; }
Experiment::Experiment(const QFileInfo fi, QObject * parent) : QObject(parent),fi(fi), name(fi.absoluteDir().dirName()), dir(fi.absoluteDir()), sps1(fi.absolutePath() + "/myBlockList.txt", this), sps2(fi.absolutePath() + "/myTrialListParameters.txt", this), sps3(fi.absolutePath() + "/otherParameters.txt", this) { qDebug() << "Experiment construction"; qDebug() << this->name; }
bool KateBuildView::buildCurrentTarget() { if (m_proc->state() != QProcess::NotRunning) { displayBuildResult(i18n("Already building..."), KTextEditor::Message::Warning); return false; } QFileInfo docFInfo = docUrl().toLocalFile(); // docUrl() saves the current document QModelIndex ind = m_targetsUi->targetsView->currentIndex(); m_previousIndex = ind; if (!ind.isValid()) { KMessageBox::sorry(0, i18n("No target available for building.")); return false; } QString buildCmd = m_targetsUi->targetsModel.command(ind); QString cmdName = m_targetsUi->targetsModel.cmdName(ind); QString workDir = m_targetsUi->targetsModel.workDir(ind); QString targetSet = m_targetsUi->targetsModel.targetName(ind); QString dir = workDir; if (workDir.isEmpty()) { dir = docFInfo.absolutePath(); if (dir.isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::sorry(0, i18n("There is no local file or directory specified for building.")); return false; } } // Check if the command contains the file name or directory if (buildCmd.contains(QStringLiteral("%f")) || buildCmd.contains(QStringLiteral("%d")) || buildCmd.contains(QStringLiteral("%n"))) { if (docFInfo.absoluteFilePath().isEmpty()) { return false; } buildCmd.replace(QStringLiteral("%n"), docFInfo.baseName()); buildCmd.replace(QStringLiteral("%f"), docFInfo.absoluteFilePath()); buildCmd.replace(QStringLiteral("%d"), docFInfo.absolutePath()); } m_filenameDetectorGccWorked = false; m_currentlyBuildingTarget = QStringLiteral("%1: %2").arg(targetSet).arg(cmdName); m_buildCancelled = false; QString msg = i18n("Building target <b>%1</b> ...", m_currentlyBuildingTarget); m_buildUi.buildStatusLabel->setText(msg); m_buildUi.buildStatusLabel2->setText(msg); return startProcess(dir, buildCmd); }
/* static */ QString QIFileDialog::getFirstExistingDir (const QString &aStartDir) { QString result = QString::null; QDir dir (aStartDir); while (!dir.exists() && !dir.isRoot()) { QFileInfo dirInfo (dir.absolutePath()); if (dir == QDir(dirInfo.absolutePath())) break; dir = dirInfo.absolutePath(); } if (dir.exists() && !dir.isRoot()) result = dir.absolutePath(); return result; }
QVariant QSimulatorGalleryResultSet::metaData(int key) const { QFileInfo info = currentFileInfo(); if (key == Utility::FileName) return info.absoluteFilePath(); else if (key == Utility::FilePath) return info.absolutePath(); else if (key == Utility::FileExtension) return info.suffix(); else if (key == Utility::FileSize) return info.size(); else if (key == Utility::LastAccessed) return info.lastRead(); else if (key == Utility::LastModified) return info.lastModified(); else if (key == Utility::Title) return QLatin1String("Image Title of Simulator"); else if (key == Utility::Width) return image.width(); else if (key == Utility::Height) return image.height(); else if (key == Utility::Keywords) return QLatin1String("Simulator, Some Tags, Not read from file yet"); return QVariant(); }
void GLWidget::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) { const QMimeData *mimeData = event->mimeData(); if (mimeData->hasUrls()) { QList<QUrl> urlList = mimeData->urls(); QString filename; QFileInfo info; for (int i = 0; i < urlList.size(); ++i) { filename = urlList.at(i).toLocalFile(); info.setFile(filename); if (info.isFile()) { QString ext = info.suffix(); if (ext == "scn") { QDir::setCurrent(info.absolutePath()); if (load_scene_file(filename.toLatin1().data())) event->acceptProposedAction(); else qDebug() << "No scene"; lastfile = filename.toLatin1().data(); } } else qDebug() << "Unable to load file"; update(); } } }
QString FirefoxProfileSelectPage::GetProfileDirectory (const QString& profileName) const { QString profilesFile = field ("ProfileFile").toString (); QSettings settings (profilesFile, QSettings::IniFormat); QString profilePath; Q_FOREACH (const QString& groupName, settings.childGroups ()) { // Call settings.endGroup() on scope exit no matter what. boost::shared_ptr<void> guard (static_cast<void*> (0), boost::bind (&QSettings::endGroup, &settings)); settings.beginGroup (groupName); if (settings.value ("Name").toString () == profileName) { profilePath = settings.value ("Path").toString (); break; } } if (profilePath.isEmpty ()) return QString (); QFileInfo file (profilesFile); profilePath = file.absolutePath ().append ("/").append (profilePath); return profilePath; }
void CaViewerScanner::scanFolders(const QStringList& slFolder) { for(int countFolder = 0; countFolder < slFolder.size(); ++countFolder) { const QString sCurFolder = slFolder.at(countFolder); QDir dirFolder(sCurFolder); dirFolder.setFilter(QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::Dirs); if(dirFolder.exists()) { scanFolders(dirFolder.entryList()); QDir dirFile(sCurFolder); dirFile.setFilter(QDir::Files); const QFileInfoList fileList = dirFile.entryInfoList(); for(int countFile = 0; countFile < fileList.size(); ++countFile) { const QFileInfo info = fileList.at(countFile); const QString sFileName = info.fileName(); const QString sPath = info.absolutePath() + QChar('/'); QString sBaseName; const QStringList slSeries = getImageSeries(sPath, sFileName, sBaseName); const QString sMaster = slSeries.first(); const QString sMasterHash = getHash(sPath + sMaster); if(registerMasterImage(sPath, sMaster)) { for(int countSeries = 1; countSeries < slSeries.size(); ++countSeries) registerChainImage(sMasterHash, sPath, slSeries.at(countSeries)); } } } } }
void SourceTreeView::copyPlaylistLink() { QModelIndex idx = m_contextMenuIndex; if ( !idx.isValid() ) return; SourcesModel::RowType type = ( SourcesModel::RowType )model()->data( m_contextMenuIndex, SourcesModel::SourceTreeItemTypeRole ).toInt(); if( type == SourcesModel::AutomaticPlaylist || type == SourcesModel::Station ) { DynamicPlaylistItem* item = itemFromIndex< DynamicPlaylistItem >( m_contextMenuIndex ); dynplaylist_ptr playlist = item->dynPlaylist(); GlobalActionManager::instance()->copyPlaylistToClipboard( playlist ); } else if ( type == SourcesModel::StaticPlaylist ) { PlaylistItem* item = itemFromIndex< PlaylistItem >( m_contextMenuIndex ); playlist_ptr playlist = item->playlist(); QString suggestedFilename = TomahawkSettings::instance()->playlistDefaultPath() + "/" + playlist->title(); QString filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( TomahawkUtils::tomahawkWindow(), tr( "Save XSPF" ), suggestedFilename, tr( "Playlists (*.xspf)" ) ); if ( !filename.isEmpty() ) { QFileInfo playlistAbsoluteFilePath = filename; TomahawkSettings::instance()->setPlaylistDefaultPath( playlistAbsoluteFilePath.absolutePath() ); GlobalActionManager::instance()->savePlaylistToFile( playlist, filename ); } } }
/*! Creates and returns a screensaver on the given token. \param token Identifies the screensaver to be created. \return The created state. */ Screensaver* ScreensaverFactoryPrivate::createScreensaver(const ScreensaverToken &token) { QStringList pluginPaths; // check plugin dirs from root of different drives QFileInfoList drives = QDir::drives(); for(int i=0; i < drives.count(); i++) { QFileInfo drive = drives.at(i); QString driveLetter = drive.absolutePath(); QString path = driveLetter + mPluginDirectory; if (QDir(path).exists()) { pluginPaths << path; } } // check plugin dir relative to current dir if (QDir(mPluginDirectory).exists() && !pluginPaths.contains(QDir(mPluginDirectory).absolutePath())) { pluginPaths << mPluginDirectory; } IScreensaverProvider *provider(0); QPluginLoader *loader = new QPluginLoader(); QObject *plugin(0); for(int i=0; i < pluginPaths.count(); i++) { QString path = pluginPaths.at(i); QString fileName = QDir(path).absoluteFilePath(token.mLibrary); loader->setFileName(fileName); plugin = loader->instance(); provider = qobject_cast<IScreensaverProvider*>(plugin); if (provider) { break; } } Screensaver *screensaver(0); if (provider) { screensaver = provider->createScreensaver(token); if (!screensaver) { qWarning() << "Screensaver creation failed."; qWarning() << token.mLibrary << "cannot provide" << token.mUri; loader->unload(); delete loader; } else { // unload plugin once screensaver gets deleted ScreensaverPluginUnloader *unloader = new ScreensaverPluginUnloader(loader); unloader->connect(screensaver, SIGNAL(destroyed()), SLOT(deleteLater())); } } else { qDebug() << "Screensaver creation failed."; qWarning() << token.mLibrary << "- provider not found"; loader->unload(); delete loader; } return screensaver; }
void QtZLFSManager::normalizeRealPath(std::string &path) const { QString oldPath = QString::fromStdString(path); if (isDataPath(path)) { const size_t offset = path.find_first_not_of('/', DATA_PATH_SIZE - 1); const QString fileName = oldPath.mid(offset); oldPath = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::DataLocation, fileName, QStandardPaths::LocateDirectory); if (oldPath.isEmpty()) oldPath = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::DataLocation, fileName, QStandardPaths::LocateFile); if (oldPath.isEmpty()) { qWarning("data path not found: \"%s\"", qPrintable(fileName)); oldPath = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DataLocation) + QLatin1Char('/') + fileName; } } else if (oldPath.startsWith(QStringLiteral("~/")) || oldPath == QStringLiteral("~")) { oldPath.replace(0, 1, QDir::homePath()); } const QFileInfo info = oldPath; const QDir dir = info.absolutePath(); const QString newPath = dir.canonicalPath() + QLatin1Char('/') + info.fileName(); path = newPath.toStdString(); }
SaveItemsDialog::SaveItemsDialog(QWidget *parent, QList<IDocument *> items) : QDialog(parent) { m_ui.setupUi(this); setWindowFlags(windowFlags() & ~Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint); // QDialogButtonBox's behavior for "destructive" is wrong, the "do not save" should be left-aligned const QDialogButtonBox::ButtonRole discardButtonRole = Utils::HostOsInfo::isMacHost() ? QDialogButtonBox::ResetRole : QDialogButtonBox::DestructiveRole; QPushButton *discardButton = m_ui.buttonBox->addButton(tr("Do not Save"), discardButtonRole); m_ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Save)->setDefault(true); m_ui.treeWidget->setFocus(); m_ui.saveBeforeBuildCheckBox->setVisible(false); foreach (IDocument *document, items) { QString visibleName; QString directory; QString fileName = document->fileName(); if (fileName.isEmpty()) { visibleName = document->suggestedFileName(); } else { QFileInfo info = QFileInfo(fileName); directory = info.absolutePath(); visibleName = info.fileName(); } QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem(m_ui.treeWidget, QStringList() << visibleName << QDir::toNativeSeparators(directory)); if (!fileName.isEmpty()) item->setIcon(0, FileIconProvider::instance()->icon(QFileInfo(fileName))); item->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, qVariantFromValue(document)); }
void CExplorerView::dropEvent(QDropEvent* a_pEvent) { m_oTimer->stop(); m_oHovered = QModelIndex(); if (a_pEvent->mimeData()->hasUrls()) { QString sCurrentPath; QFileInfo sCurrentFile = m_pFileModel->fileInfo(currentIndex()); if (sCurrentFile.isDir()) { sCurrentPath = sCurrentFile.absoluteFilePath(); } else { sCurrentPath = sCurrentFile.absolutePath(); } qDebug() << sCurrentPath; QListIterator<QUrl> itUrl(a_pEvent->mimeData()->urls()); for (itUrl.toFront(); itUrl.hasNext(); itUrl.next()) { QFile* pNewFile = new QFile(sCurrentPath+"/"+itUrl.peekNext().fileName()); if(pNewFile->exists()) { qDebug()<<"File already exist, no copy done"; } else { qDebug()<< " Copy from " << itUrl.peekNext().toLocalFile() << " to " << (sCurrentPath+"/"+itUrl.peekNext().fileName()); QFile::copy(itUrl.peekNext().toLocalFile(), sCurrentPath+"/"+itUrl.peekNext().fileName()); } } } }
QList<Editor::Theme> Editor::themes() { QFileInfo editorPath = QFileInfo(Notepadqq::editorPath()); QDir bundledThemesDir = QDir(editorPath.absolutePath() + "/libs/codemirror/theme/"); QStringList filters; filters << "*.css"; bundledThemesDir.setNameFilters(filters); QStringList themeFiles = bundledThemesDir.entryList(); QList<Theme> out; for (QString themeStr : themeFiles) { QFileInfo theme = QFileInfo(themeStr); QString nameWithoutExt = theme.fileName() .replace(QRegExp("\\.css$"), ""); Theme t; t.name = nameWithoutExt; t.path = bundledThemesDir.filePath(themeStr); out.append(t); } return out; }
const QStringList Configuration::getAllAvailableSpellCheckDictNames() { QStringList dicts; QString dirPath = QString( "%1/%2" ).arg( defaultSpellCheckRootDir ).arg( SPELL_CHECK_DIC_DIRECTORY_NAME ); QDir dictDir( dirPath ); if ( !dictDir.exists() ) { return dicts; } QStringList filter; filter << "*.aff"; QFileInfoList fileInfoList = dictDir.entryInfoList( filter, QDir::Files, QDir::Name ); for ( int i = 0; i < fileInfoList.size(); i++ ) { QFileInfo fileInfo = fileInfoList.at( i ); QString dictFilePath = QString( "%1/%2.dic" ).arg( fileInfo.absolutePath() ).arg( fileInfo.baseName() ); if ( QFile::exists( dictFilePath ) ) { dicts << fileInfo.baseName(); } } return dicts; }
void FPMEditorMainWindows::on_actionSaveAs_triggered() { if (modelsTabs->currentIndex() != -1) { FPModelUI * modelUI = (FPModelUI *)modelsTabs->currentWidget(); QFileDialog::Options options; QString selectedFilter; QString modelFilepath = QString(modelUI->getModel()->path.c_str()); if (modelFilepath.size() == 0) { modelFilepath = FPM_EDITOR_SETTINGS.value("directories/fpm_save", "").toString(); } QString filepath = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save FP Model"), modelFilepath, tr("FP Model Files (*.fpm);;All Files (*)"), &selectedFilter, options); if (!filepath.isEmpty()) { // Save last directory QFileInfo fileInfo = QFileInfo(filepath); FPM_EDITOR_SETTINGS.setValue("directories/fpm_save", fileInfo.absolutePath()); // Change path and save modelUI->getModel()->path = filepath.toStdString(); ops::fp::FPMWriter * fpmHandler = new ops::fp::FPMWriter(); fpmHandler->save(modelUI->getModel()->path, modelUI->getModel()); delete fpmHandler; modelUI->setSaved(true); } } }
void IMT_MRGui::on_actionOpen_meas_dat_triggered() { _readmatlab = false; QString path( QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( this, tr("Open File"), _pathsetting->get_measdatpath(), tr("*.dat") ) ); QFileInfo pathinfo; QString filename; if ( ! path.isNull() ) { pathinfo.setFile(path); filename = pathinfo.fileName(); _pathsetting->set_measdatpath(pathinfo.absolutePath()); _outfilename = pathinfo.baseName(); //set filename for outputfile setTitleText(_outfilename); gui_readSiemens(path, false); } _dicom=false; }
bool CBDishesScanner::onFileDetected(QFileInfo file, int depth) { if (depth <= 0) return false; if (!file.exists()) return false; if (!isValidDishFile(file.absoluteFilePath())) return false; CBDishParser parser(file.absoluteFilePath()); if (!parser.parse()) return false; CBDish dish = parser.getDish(); CBMenuItem *item = new CBMenuItem(dish); item->setRecordDir(file.absolutePath()); item->setRecordFile(file.fileName()); if (_menuItemSet) { if (!this->_menuItemSet->add(item)) return false; } return true; }
void MainWindow::batchTransform() { QFileDialog dialog(this); dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog::ExistingFiles); QStringList fileNames; if (dialog.exec()) fileNames = dialog.selectedFiles(); else return; QString prefix = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Replacement Workspace"), tr("Enter a prefix for the new files:")); QString suffix = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Replacement Workspace"), tr("Enter a suffix for the new files:")); GetListFromTable(); for (int i = 0; i < fileNames.length(); i++) { QString extension; QFile file(fileNames.at(i)); QFileInfo *info = new QFileInfo(file); if (info->suffix().length() == 0) extension = ""; else extension = "." + info->suffix(); QString newFilename = info->absolutePath() + "/" + prefix + info->completeBaseName() + suffix + extension; mRe->processFile( fileNames.at(i) , newFilename ); } }
void FileListDialog::on_browseButton_pressed() { QSettings const settings("UFZ", "OpenGeoSys-5"); QFileInfo const fi(settings.value("lastOpenedOgsFileDirectory").toString()); QString const dirName = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, "Save to", fi.absolutePath().append("/")); this->outputDirEdit->setText(dirName); }
QString MercurialClient::findTopLevelForFile(const QFileInfo &file) const { const QString repositoryCheckFile = QLatin1String(Constants::MERCURIALREPO) + QLatin1String("/requires"); return file.isDir() ? VcsBase::VcsBasePlugin::findRepositoryForDirectory(file.absoluteFilePath(), repositoryCheckFile) : VcsBase::VcsBasePlugin::findRepositoryForDirectory(file.absolutePath(), repositoryCheckFile); }
SaveItemsDialog::SaveItemsDialog(QWidget *parent, QList<IFile *> items) : QDialog(parent) { m_ui.setupUi(this); QPushButton *discardButton = m_ui.buttonBox->addButton(tr("Don't Save"), QDialogButtonBox::DestructiveRole); m_ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Save)->setDefault(true); m_ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Save)->setFocus(Qt::TabFocusReason); m_ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Save)->setMinimumWidth(130); // bad magic number to avoid resizing of button foreach (IFile *file, items) { QString visibleName; QString directory; QString fileName = file->fileName(); if (fileName.isEmpty()) { visibleName = file->suggestedFileName(); } else { QFileInfo info = QFileInfo(fileName); directory = info.absolutePath(); visibleName = info.fileName(); } QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem(m_ui.treeWidget, QStringList() << visibleName << directory); item->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, qVariantFromValue(file)); }
/*! \brief \param e \return QString */ QString PlayList::playListEntry(const M3uEntry& e) const { //obtain the filename to be used in the m3u playlist //not nescessary the same name as the original file //could be pointing to the location the original file is copied, if copied //could be relative or absolute //will also be different from originalFile if keepFolderStructure const QDir outPutPath(guiSettings->value("outPutPath") .toString()); const QFileInfo file = e.originalFile(); QString playListEntryName = file.absoluteFilePath(); bool useCopyFilesToPath = guiSettings->value("useCopyFilesToPath").toBool(); if (copyFiles_ && useCopyFilesToPath) { playListEntryName = copyFilesToDir_.absolutePath() + "/" + file.fileName(); bool keepFolderStructure = guiSettings->value("keepFolderStructure").toBool(); if (keepFolderStructure) { QStringList dirs = file.absolutePath().replace("\\", "/").split("/"); QString root = dirs[0]; playListEntryName = file.absoluteFilePath().replace(root, copyFilesToDir_.absolutePath()); } } if (relativePath_) { playListEntryName = outPutPath.relativeFilePath(playListEntryName); } return playListEntryName; }
/* * A more efficient way to do this would be to parse the relevant project files * before hand, or cache them as we go - but this works well enough so far. */ static QString findResourceInProject(const QString &resName) { QString s = resName; s.remove('"'); if (s.startsWith(":/")) s.remove(0, 1); else if (s.startsWith("qrc://")) s.remove(0, 5); else return QString(); if (auto *project = ProjectExplorer::ProjectTree::currentProject()) { const Utils::FileNameList files = project->files(ProjectExplorer::Project::AllFiles); for (const Utils::FileName &file : files) { if (!file.endsWith(".qrc")) continue; const QFileInfo fi = file.toFileInfo(); if (!fi.isReadable()) continue; const QString fileName = findResourceInFile(s, file.toString()); if (fileName.isEmpty()) continue; QString ret = fi.absolutePath(); if (!ret.endsWith('/')) ret.append('/'); ret.append(fileName); return ret; } } return QString(); }