int QBookDevel::getPid(const char *exe) { static struct dirent *ent; DIR *dir = opendir("/proc"); if (!dir) return 0; while( (ent = readdir(dir)) ) { if(!ent || !ent->d_name) { closedir(dir); return 0; } if(*ent->d_name < '0' || *ent->d_name > '9') continue; QString *path = new QString(); path->append("/proc/"); path->append(ent->d_name); path->append("/exe"); qDebug () << *path; QFileInfo f = QFileInfo(*path); if (f.isSymLink()) { QFileInfo l = QFileInfo (f.symLinkTarget()); if (l.completeBaseName() == exe) { closedir(dir); return atoi(ent->d_name); } } // We need to check also cmdline as a lot of binaries are links to busybox path = new QString(); path->append("/proc/"); path->append(ent->d_name); path->append("/cmdline"); QFile *file = new QFile(*path); delete path; if (!file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) continue; QTextStream stream(file); QString line = stream.readLine(); file->close(); delete file; QStringList args = line.split((QChar)0); // cmdline is separated with NULLs! if (args.size() > 0) { f = QFileInfo (; if (f.completeBaseName() == exe) { closedir(dir); return atoi(ent->d_name); } } } closedir(dir); return 0; }
void ExifWrapper::parseFile( ExifData& data ) { // prepare data QFileInfo info (data.FilePath); // skip known extensions if (isUnsupportedFileType(info.suffix())) { data.Extention = info.suffix(); data.FileName = info.completeBaseName(); return; } // decide what tool to use, we want exiv2 only for jpg if (isEqual(info.suffix(), "jpg") ) { data = doParse(EXIV2, data.FilePath); if (data.CreateDate.isInvalid()) { qWarning() << "Parsing failed once, retrying."; data = doParse(EXIFTOOL, data.FilePath); if (data.CreateDate.isInvalid()) { qWarning() << "Parsing failed again, giving up on file" << data.FilePath; } } } else { data = doParse(EXIFTOOL, data.FilePath); } }
void TabDivePhotos::saveSubtitles() { QVector<QString> selectedPhotos; if (!ui->photosView->selectionModel()->hasSelection()) return; QModelIndexList indexes = ui->photosView->selectionModel()->selectedRows(); if (indexes.count() == 0) indexes = ui->photosView->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); selectedPhotos.reserve(indexes.count()); for (const auto &photo: indexes) { if (photo.isValid()) { QString fileUrl =; if (!fileUrl.isEmpty()) { QFileInfo fi = QFileInfo(fileUrl); QFile subtitlefile; subtitlefile.setFileName(QString(fi.path()) + "/" + fi.completeBaseName() + ".ass"); int offset = + 1).toInt(); int duration = + 2).toInt(); // Only videos have non-zero duration if (!duration) continue; struct membuffer b = { 0 }; save_subtitles_buffer(&b, &displayed_dive, offset, duration); char *data = detach_buffer(&b);; subtitlefile.write(data, strlen(data)); subtitlefile.close(); free(data); } } } }
QString AddToArchive::detectBaseName(const QStringList &paths) const { QFileInfo fileInfo = QFileInfo(paths.first()); QDir parentDir = fileInfo.dir(); QString base = parentDir.absolutePath() + QLatin1Char('/'); if (paths.size() > 1) { if (!parentDir.isRoot()) { // Use directory name for the new archive. base += parentDir.dirName(); } } else { // Strip filename of its extension, but only if present (see #362690). if (!QMimeDatabase().mimeTypeForFile(fileInfo.fileName(), QMimeDatabase::MatchExtension).isDefault()) { base += fileInfo.completeBaseName(); } else { base += fileInfo.fileName(); } } // Special case for compressed tar archives. if (base.right(4).toUpper() == QLatin1String(".TAR")) { base.chop(4); } if (base.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) { base.chop(1); } return base; }
QLibrary* RazorPluginInfo::loadLibrary(const QString& libDir) const { QString baseName, path; QFileInfo fi = QFileInfo(fileName()); path = fi.canonicalPath(); baseName = value("X-Razor-Library", fi.completeBaseName()).toString(); QString soPath = QString("%1/").arg(libDir, baseName); QLibrary* library = new QLibrary(soPath); if (!library->load()) { qWarning() << QString("Can't load plugin lib \"%1\"").arg(soPath) << library->errorString(); delete library; return 0; } QString locale = QLocale::system().name(); QTranslator* translator = new QTranslator(library); translator->load(QString("%1/%2/%2_%3.qm").arg(path, baseName, locale)); qApp->installTranslator(translator); return library; }
void RecurseDirectory(const QString dir, bool recursion) { QDir dirEnt(dir); QFileInfoList list = dirEnt.entryInfoList(); for(int i = 0; i < list.count(); i++) { QFileInfo info = list[i]; QString filePath = info.filePath(); QString fileExt = info.suffix().toLower(); QString name = dir + QDir::separator(); if(recursion && info.isDir()) { // recursive if(info.fileName() != ".." && info.fileName() != ".") { RecurseDirectory(filePath, recursion); } } else if(imageExtensions.contains(fileExt)) { if(!QFile::exists(name + info.completeBaseName() + QString(".atlas"))) { packerData *data = new packerData; data->path = info.absoluteFilePath(); data->file = filePath.replace(topImageDir, ""); // qDebug() << "Packing " << data->path << "..."; mainPacker->addItem(data->path, data); } } } }
foreach (QFileInfo sourceInfo, sourceInfoList) { QImage sourceImage(sourceInfo.absoluteFilePath()); QImage scaledSourceImage = sourceImage.scaled(225,225,Qt::KeepAspectRatio); int sourceWidth = sourceImage.width(); int destWidth = scaledSourceImage.width(); double scaleBackFactor = (double)sourceWidth/destWidth; // as we keep aspect ratio, this is sufficient to scale rectangle back qDebug() << sourceInfo.fileName(); QList<QRect> destRects; QFileInfo destFileInfo = makeDestFileInfo(sourceDir, sourceInfo, destDir); if (faceCropper->crop(scaledSourceImage,destRects)) { // facelookupTable.addFile(sourceInfo, destRects, destFileInfo, scaleBackFactor); if (destRects.count()>1) { for (int i=0; i< destRects.count(); ++i) { QRect destRect =; QRect destRectScaled(destRect.topLeft()*scaleBackFactor, destRect.bottomRight()*scaleBackFactor); QImage destImage = sourceImage.copy(destRectScaled); QString destString = destFileInfo.absolutePath(); destString.append(QDir::separator()); destDir.mkpath(destString); destString.append(destFileInfo.completeBaseName()); destString.append("_"); destString.append(QString::number(i)); destString.append("."); destString.append(destFileInfo.suffix());; } } else if (destRects.count()==1){ QRect destRect = destRects.first(); QRect destRectScaled(destRect.topLeft()*scaleBackFactor, destRect.bottomRight()*scaleBackFactor); QImage destImage = sourceImage.copy(destRectScaled); destDir.mkpath(destFileInfo.absolutePath());; } } }
void MainWindow::refreshListFiles(){ ui->menuFichiers_r_cents->clear(); disconnect(ui->menuFichiers_r_cents, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(test(QAction*))); QList<QFileInfo*>* files = core->getList(); if(files->isEmpty()){ ui->menuFichiers_r_cents->setEnabled(false); }else{ ui->menuFichiers_r_cents->setEnabled(true); for(QList<QFileInfo*>::const_iterator it = files->begin(); it != files->end(); it++){ QFileInfo* file = static_cast<QFileInfo *>(*it); QAction * action = new QAction(this); if(file && action){ action->setData(file->absoluteFilePath()); action->setText(file->completeBaseName()); ui->menuFichiers_r_cents->addAction(action); } } QAction * action = new QAction(this); if(action){ action->setText("Effacer"); ui->menuFichiers_r_cents->addSeparator(); ui->menuFichiers_r_cents->addAction(action); } connect(ui->menuFichiers_r_cents, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(test(QAction*))); } }
void LanguageManager::setCurrentName( const QString & name ) { if ( name == currentName_ ) return; if ( !currentName_.isNull() ) { LanguageInfo & languageInfo = languageInfoForName_[ currentName_ ]; for ( QListIterator<QTranslator*> it( languageInfo.translators ); it.hasNext(); ) QCoreApplication::instance()->removeTranslator( ); qDeleteAll( languageInfo.translators ); languageInfo.translators.clear(); } currentName_ = name; if ( !currentName_.isNull() ) { LanguageInfo & languageInfo = languageInfoForName_[ currentName_ ]; if ( !languageInfo.isTranslatorFileNamesUpdated ) { languageInfo.isTranslatorFileNamesUpdated = true; QDir langDir( QmDirPath ); for ( QListIterator<QFileInfo> it( langDir.entryInfoList( QStringList() << QmLanguageTemplate.arg( currentName_ ), QDir::Files | QDir::CaseSensitive ) ); it.hasNext(); ) { const QFileInfo qmFileInfo =; QString moduleName; QString suffix; if ( !_splitFileName( qmFileInfo.completeBaseName(), &moduleName, &suffix ) ) continue; Q_ASSERT( suffix == currentName_ ); languageInfo.translatorFileNames << qmFileInfo.filePath(); } } for ( QStringListIterator fileNameIt( languageInfo.translatorFileNames ); fileNameIt.hasNext(); ) { const QString & fileName =; QTranslator * moduleTranslator = new QTranslator( this ); if ( !moduleTranslator->load( fileName ) ) { delete moduleTranslator; continue; } languageInfo.translators << moduleTranslator; QCoreApplication::instance()->installTranslator( moduleTranslator ); } } }
void MainWindow::batchTransform() { QFileDialog dialog(this); dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog::ExistingFiles); QStringList fileNames; if (dialog.exec()) fileNames = dialog.selectedFiles(); else return; QString prefix = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Replacement Workspace"), tr("Enter a prefix for the new files:")); QString suffix = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Replacement Workspace"), tr("Enter a suffix for the new files:")); GetListFromTable(); for (int i = 0; i < fileNames.length(); i++) { QString extension; QFile file(; QFileInfo *info = new QFileInfo(file); if (info->suffix().length() == 0) extension = ""; else extension = "." + info->suffix(); QString newFilename = info->absolutePath() + "/" + prefix + info->completeBaseName() + suffix + extension; mRe->processFile( , newFilename ); } }
void ViewTableListWidget::getViews() { QDir rootdir("view//"); rootdir.setFilter(rootdir.filter()|QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); QStringList strings; strings<<"*"; list = rootdir.entryInfoList(strings); qDebug()<<list.length(); //QFileInfoList list = rootdir.entryInfoList(strings); // qDebug()<<*list.begin(); QFileInfoList::iterator i = list.begin(); QFileInfo tempinfo; while(i != list.end()) { tempinfo = *i; if(tempinfo.completeBaseName()==QString(tr("纯C程序题"))) { //qDebug()<<tr("相等"); // rename("view//asdsagashg","view//newfilename"); // tempinfo.setFile("haha"); } // qDebug()<<tempinfo.completeBaseName(); i++; } /* list.clear(); qDebug()<<list.length();*/ }
SearchFile::SearchFile( SearchTreeItem* parent, const QueryHit* const pHit, const QFileInfo& fileInfo ) : SearchTreeItem( parent ), m_vHashes( HashSet( pHit->m_vHashes ) ) { m_eType = SearchFileType; m_pItemData[FILE] = fileInfo.completeBaseName(); m_pItemData[EXTENSION] = fileInfo.suffix(); m_pItemData[SIZE] = formatBytes( pHit->m_nObjectSize ); m_pItemData[RATING] = ""; m_pItemData[STATUS] = ""; m_pItemData[HOSTCOUNT] = 1; m_pItemData[SPEED] = ""; m_pItemData[CLIENT] = ""; m_pItemData[COUNTRY] = ""; const Hash* const * const pHashes = &m_vHashes[0]; for ( quint8 i = 0, nSize = m_vHashes.size(); i < nSize; ++i ) { if ( pHashes[i] ) { ( ( TreeRoot* )m_pParentItem )->registerHash( *pHashes[i], this ); } } }
SearchHit::SearchHit( SearchTreeItem* parent, QueryHit* pHit, const QFileInfo& fileInfo ) : SearchTreeItem( parent ) { m_eType = SearchHitType; m_pItemData[FILE] = fileInfo.completeBaseName(); m_pItemData[EXTENSION] = fileInfo.suffix(); m_pItemData[SIZE] = formatBytes( pHit->m_nObjectSize ); m_pItemData[RATING] = ""; m_pItemData[STATUS] = ""; m_pItemData[HOSTCOUNT] = pHit->>m_oNodeAddress.toString(); m_pItemData[SPEED] = ""; m_pItemData[CLIENT] = vendorCodeToName( pHit->>m_sVendor ); m_pItemData[COUNTRY] = pHit->>m_oNodeAddress.countryName(); QString sCountry = pHit->>; m_oHitData.iNetwork = NetworkIconProvider::icon( DiscoveryProtocol::G2 ); m_oHitData.iCountry = NetworkIconProvider::icon( sCountry ); m_oHitData.pQueryHit = QueryHitSharedPtr( pHit ); // properly initialize filter data delete m_pFilter; m_pFilter = new SearchFilter::HitFilter( pHit ); }
LanguageManager::LanguageManager() { // lookup qm files under the :/lang dir QDir langDir( QmDirPath ); for ( QListIterator<QFileInfo> it( langDir.entryInfoList( QStringList() << QmTemplate.arg( QmInfoPrefix ), QDir::Files | QDir::CaseSensitive ) ); it.hasNext(); ) { const QFileInfo qmFileInfo =; QString moduleName; QString suffix; if ( !_splitFileName( qmFileInfo.completeBaseName(), &moduleName, &suffix ) ) continue; Q_ASSERT( moduleName == QmInfoPrefix ); Q_ASSERT( !languageInfoForName_.contains( suffix ) ); QTranslator * infoTranslator = new QTranslator( this ); if ( !infoTranslator->load( qmFileInfo.filePath() ) ) { delete infoTranslator; continue; } LanguageInfo languageInfo; languageInfo.isNull = false; = suffix; languageInfo.englishName = infoTranslator->translate( "LanguageManager", LanguageNameInEnglish ); languageInfo.nativeName = infoTranslator->translate( "LanguageManager", LanguageNameInNative ); languageInfoForName_[ ] = languageInfo; names_ <<; } QString defaultName; const QLocale currentLocale; if ( languageInfoForName_.contains( ) ) { defaultName =; } else { const QString localeLangName = QLatin1Char( '_' ) ) ); if ( languageInfoForName_.contains( localeLangName ) ) { defaultName = localeLangName; } else { if ( languageInfoForName_.contains( DefaultLanguageName ) ) defaultName = DefaultLanguageName; } } if ( !defaultName.isNull() ) setCurrentName( defaultName ); }
QString RotoCanvas::getSeqPaddedFrameNumber(QFileInfo frameFI) { QString baseName=frameFI.completeBaseName(); int digitCount=RotoCanvas::getSeqDigitCount(frameFI); //qInfo()<<"getSeqPaddedFrameNumber digitCount:"<<digitCount; QString result=baseName.right(digitCount); return result; }
void ImageCache::load(const QString &themename) { QString prefix = QDir::toNativeSeparators(Config::getInstance()->plexydeskBasePath() + QLatin1String("/share/plexy/themepack/") + themename + QLatin1String("/resources/")); QDir dir(prefix); dir.setFilter(QDir::Files); QFileInfoList list = dir.entryInfoList(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { QFileInfo file =; d->map[file.completeBaseName()] = QPixmap(QDir::toNativeSeparators(file.absoluteFilePath())); d->fileHash[file.completeBaseName()] = file.absoluteFilePath(); } }
void win_char_editor::bg_list_fill() { bg_list->clear(); QDir dir = QDir(directory_ivf); QFileInfoList list = dir.entryInfoList(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { QFileInfo fi =; if (fi.isFile()) if (fi.completeBaseName().length() == 4) { bool ok; bg_list->addItem(QString(QChar(fi.completeBaseName().toInt(&ok, 16))) + " " + fi.baseName()); } } }
QString SceneImporter::ImportGroupNode(const QString &filename) { QString projectFolder = Session::Get()->GetProjectFolder(); if (filename.startsWith(projectFolder, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { // the file is aready within the project. // just chop of the project folder and we are done QString fn = filename; fn.replace(projectFolder, "", Qt::CaseInsensitive); return fn; } // group nodes get imported into the meshes folder QString meshesDestFolder = projectFolder + "/meshes/"; // the same folder corresponds to the folder containing the xgroup file QFileInfo info (filename); QString meshesSrcFolder = info.absolutePath(); // all the mesh files are located wihtin a subfolder with the same name // as the filename of the xgroup file QString subDir = info.completeBaseName(); QString groupFileName = info.fileName(); // now test if the dest file or the dest folder already exists QDir testFile (meshesDestFolder + "/" + groupFileName); QDir testFolder (meshesDestFolder + "/" + subDir); if (testFile.exists() || testFolder.exists()) { // they already exist... so we cannot add it return QString::Null(); } // create the subfolder where the mesh files will get stored QDir destDir (meshesDestFolder); if (!destDir.mkdir(subDir)) { return QString::Null(); } // scan all the source files QDir srcFolder (meshesSrcFolder + "/" + subDir); QFileInfoList files = srcFolder.entryInfoList(); foreach (QFileInfo fi, files) { if (fi.isFile()) { QFile::copy(fi.absoluteFilePath(), meshesDestFolder + "/" + subDir + "/" + fi.fileName()); } } QFile::copy (filename, meshesDestFolder + "/" + groupFileName); QString fn = meshesDestFolder + "/" + groupFileName; fn.replace(projectFolder, "", Qt::CaseInsensitive); return fn; }
// Loads file from "Segmentino" output. void SegmentController::loadFile() { // Guess filename from audio file: QString audioFilename = Dispatch::getAudioFilename(); QFileInfo finfo = QFileInfo(audioFilename); QString path = finfo.path(); QString basename = finfo.completeBaseName(); QString filename = path + "/" + basename + "_vamp_segmentino_segmentino_segmentation.csv"; loadFile(filename); }
void Adiciona_musica_album::on_ok_cancel_browse_accepted() { QModelIndexList lista_temp; QVariant verifica; bool verifica_exist; verifica_exist = false; QFileInfo file; int it = 0; lista_temp = ui_ama->listView->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); foreach(const QModelIndex &index, lista_temp) // ciclo que percorre as musicas seleccionadas { verifica =; if(!vec_ama.empty()) //verifica se vector que tem as musicas seleccionadas previamente está vazio { for(int l = 0; l < (int) vec_ama.size(); l++) { QString s = QString::fromStdString(vec_ama[l].nome); s = s + ".mp3"; qDebug() << "s = " << s; qDebug() << "verifica = " <<; if(strcmp(s.toLocal8Bit().constData(), == 0) //condição que impede a adição da mesma música 2 vezes { verifica_exist = true; } }; } if(verifica_exist == false) { lista_ama.append(; file = QFileInfo(; iterador++; } if(strcmp(file.suffix().toLocal8Bit().constData(),"mp3") == 0 && verifica_exist == false) // verifica se o ficheiro é mp3 { /*Caso a música seleccionada cumpra todos os requisitos anteriores, então será incluída em vec*/ vec_ama.push_back(musicas()); int i; i = vec_ama.size(); i--; vec_ama[i].path = filemodel->filePath(; vec_ama[i].extension = file.suffix(); vec_ama[i].nome = file.completeBaseName().toStdString(); vec_ama[i].empty = false; it++; } verifica_exist = false; }
ExifData ExifWrapper::doParse( eLookup type, const QString& path ) { QFileInfo info (path); ExifData data; data.FilePath = path; data.Extention = info.suffix(); data.FileName = info.completeBaseName(); data.AbsolutePath = info.absolutePath(); BaseLookup* lookup = NULL; if (type == EXIFTOOL) { lookup = new ExifToolLookup; } else { lookup = new Exiv2Lookup; } QString processPath = this->osSpecificPath() + lookup->processName() + this->osSpecificExtension(); #if defined (Q_WS_WIN) || defined( Q_WS_MAC) if (!QFile::exists(processPath) ) { qCritical() << "process not found" << processPath; } #endif // start process QStringList args; args << lookup->processParams() << path; QProcess* process = new QProcess; process->start(processPath, args); // and wait for it to finish process->waitForReadyRead(); process->waitForFinished(); // make sure we have all events processed //qApp->processEvents(); // now read and parse the result QByteArray bytes = process->readAllStandardOutput(); QString message(bytes.constData()); QStringList result = message.split("\n"); data.CreateDate = ExifDate(findValue(result, lookup->createDate())); data.CameraModel = findValue(result, lookup->cameraModel()); data.CameraMake = findValue(result, lookup->cameraMake()); data.MimeType = findValue(result, lookup->mimeType()); delete process; delete lookup; // finally data should be up-to-date return data; }
QString RotoCanvas::getSeqName(QFileInfo frameFI) { QString result; QString baseName=frameFI.completeBaseName(); //baseName would get file from file.tar.gz or from file.myvideo0000.png, where completeBaseName gets file.tar or file.myvideo0000 result=baseName; // now remove any trailing digits to get the "sequence name": int newLength=result.length(); while ( newLength>0 && ) { newLength--; } if (newLength!=result.length()) result = result.left(newLength); return result; }
void MainWindow::RecurseDirectory(const QString &dir) { QDir dirEnt(dir); QFileInfoList list = dirEnt.entryInfoList(); for (int i = 0; i < list.count() && !recursiveLoaderDone;i++) { recursiveLoaderCounter++; QFileInfo info = list[i]; QString filePath = info.filePath(); QString fileExt = info.suffix().toLower(); QString name = dir + QDir::separator(); if (info.isDir()) { // recursive if (info.fileName()!=".." && info.fileName()!=".") RecurseDirectory(filePath); } else if(imageExtensions.contains(fileExt)) { if(!QFile::exists(name+info.completeBaseName()+QString(".atlas"))) { ui->tilesList->addItem(filePath.replace(topImageDir, "")); packerData * data = new packerData; data->listItem = ui->tilesList->item(ui->tilesList->count() - 1); data->path = info.absoluteFilePath(); packer.addItem(data->path, data); } } if(recursiveLoaderCounter == 500) { if(QMessageBox::No == QMessageBox::question( this, tr("Directory is too big"), tr("It seems that directory <b>") + topImageDir + tr("</b> is too big. " "Loading may take HUGE amount of time and memory. " "Please, check directory again. <br>" "Do you want to continue?"), QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No)) { recursiveLoaderDone = true; recursiveLoaderCounter++; continue; } ui->previewWithImages->setChecked(false); } } }
QUrl SDeclarativeStyleInternal::toolBarIconPath(const QUrl &path, bool inverted) const { if (!path.isEmpty()) { const QString scheme = path.scheme(); const QFileInfo fileInfo = path.path(); const QString completeBaseName = fileInfo.completeBaseName(); if ((scheme.isEmpty() || scheme == QLatin1String("file") || scheme == QLatin1String("qrc")) && completeBaseName.startsWith(QLatin1String("toolbar-")) && completeBaseName.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('.')) == -1) return imagePath(completeBaseName, inverted); } return path; }
//the format defaults to "PNG" if not specified void QgsMapCanvas::saveAsImage( const QString& theFileName, QPixmap * theQPixmap, const QString& theFormat ) { // //check if the optional QPaintDevice was supplied // if ( theQPixmap != NULL ) { // render QPainter painter; painter.begin( theQPixmap ); QgsMapRendererCustomPainterJob job( mSettings, &painter ); job.start(); job.waitForFinished(); emit renderComplete( &painter ); painter.end(); theQPixmap->save( theFileName, theFormat.toLocal8Bit().data() ); } else //use the map view { mMap->contentImage().save( theFileName, theFormat.toLocal8Bit().data() ); } //create a world file to go with the image... QgsRectangle myRect = mapSettings().visibleExtent(); QString myHeader; // note: use 17 places of precision for all numbers output //Pixel XDim myHeader += qgsDoubleToString( mapUnitsPerPixel() ) + "\r\n"; //Rotation on y axis - hard coded myHeader += "0 \r\n"; //Rotation on x axis - hard coded myHeader += "0 \r\n"; //Pixel YDim - almost always negative - see // myHeader += '-' + qgsDoubleToString( mapUnitsPerPixel() ) + "\r\n"; //Origin X (center of top left cell) myHeader += qgsDoubleToString( myRect.xMinimum() + ( mapUnitsPerPixel() / 2 ) ) + "\r\n"; //Origin Y (center of top left cell) myHeader += qgsDoubleToString( myRect.yMaximum() - ( mapUnitsPerPixel() / 2 ) ) + "\r\n"; QFileInfo myInfo = QFileInfo( theFileName ); // allow dotted names QString myWorldFileName = myInfo.absolutePath() + '/' + myInfo.completeBaseName() + '.' + theFormat + 'w'; QFile myWorldFile( myWorldFileName ); if ( ! QIODevice::WriteOnly ) ) //don't use QIODevice::Text { return; } QTextStream myStream( &myWorldFile ); myStream << myHeader; } // saveAsImage
void QGTManagerItem::loadModel(const QFileInfo &fileInfo) { if (this->m_isValid = fileInfo.exists()) { this->m_fileInfo = fileInfo; this->m_model = new Model( fileInfo.canonicalFilePath().toStdString(), fileInfo.completeBaseName().toStdString()); if (Settings::instance().applicationSettings().usingPrebuiltKdTree()) { this->m_model->updateKdTree(); } } else { this->m_fileInfo = QFileInfo(); this->m_model = new Model(); } this->m_defaultProvider = new Provider(this->m_model); this->m_defaultRenderer = new Renderer(this->m_defaultProvider); }
void PluginTransfer::onStreamsRequestFinished() { if (m_streamsRequest->status() == ResourcesRequest::Ready) { const QVariantMap result = m_streamsRequest->result().toMap(); if (result.contains("items")) { const QVariantList list = result.value("items").toList(); foreach (const QVariant &v, list) { const QVariantMap stream = v.toMap(); if (stream.value("id") == streamId()) { const QFileInfo info(downloadPath() + fileName()); QString suffix = info.suffix(); if (suffix.isEmpty()) { suffix = stream.value("ext").toString(); if (!suffix.isEmpty()) { if (!suffix.startsWith(".")) { suffix.prepend("."); } setFileName(info.completeBaseName() + suffix); } } startDownload(stream.value("url").toString()); return; } } } else if (result.contains("service")) { const QString service = result.value("service").toString(); if (service == Resources::SOUNDCLOUD) { soundcloudStreamsRequest()->get(result.value("id").toString()); } else { setErrorString(tr("Attempted redirect to unsupported service '%1'").arg(service)); Logger::log("PluginTransfer::onStreamsRequestFinished(). Error: " + errorString()); setStatus(Failed); } return; } }
QString ModelBaker::createBaseTextureFileName(const QFileInfo& textureFileInfo) { // first make sure we have a unique base name for this texture // in case another texture referenced by this model has the same base name auto& nameMatches = _textureNameMatchCount[textureFileInfo.baseName()]; QString baseTextureFileName{ textureFileInfo.completeBaseName() }; if (nameMatches > 0) { // there are already nameMatches texture with this name // append - and that number to our baked texture file name so that it is unique baseTextureFileName += "-" + QString::number(nameMatches); } // increment the number of name matches ++nameMatches; return baseTextureFileName; }
int RotoCanvas::getSeqDigitCount(QFileInfo frameFI) { int result=-1; QString baseName=frameFI.completeBaseName(); int digitCount=0; int index=baseName.length()-1; while (index>=0) { if ( { index--; digitCount++; } else { break; } } if (digitCount>0) result=digitCount; // result=baseName.left(baseName.length()-digitCount).toInt(); return result; }
void AddFilmWindow::OpenFilm() { QString openPath = eFilmFileName->text(); if( openPath.isEmpty() ) { openPath = settings->GetLastFilmPath(); } QFileInfo fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( this, tr("Select film"), openPath, tr("Video files (%1)").arg( FilesExtensions::GetFilmExtensionsForFilter() ) ); if( fileName.isFile() ) { eFilmFileName->setText( fileName.absoluteFilePath() ); // Set the file name, title and year (if presents in file name) QString title = fileName.completeBaseName(); int year = 0; if( eTitle->text().isEmpty() ) { eTitle->setText( FilmItem::GetClearedTitle( title, &year ) ); } if( sbYear->value() == sbYear->minimum() ) { sbYear->setValue( year ); } // Setting the path to the image file, if found in the same directory QString posterFileName = FilesExtensions::SearchForEponymousImage( fileName.absoluteFilePath() ); if( !posterFileName.isEmpty() ) { ePosterFileName->setText( posterFileName ); bOpenPoster->setText( tr("Clear") ); } settings->SetLastFilmPath( fileName.absolutePath() ); bOpenPoster->setFocus(); } }