void clear(){ resourceUrl->clear(); resourceEncodeQueryItems->clear(); acceptType->clear(); refererUrl->clear(); refererEncodeQueryItems->clear(); vaild = true; }
// Get a resource's map data void ResourceTable::getResourceMap(QHash<QString, qint32> &hashMap, QHash<qint32, Resource> &resourceMap, qint32 noteLid) { NoteTable ntable(db); QString noteGuid = ntable.getGuid(noteLid); NSqlQuery query(db); qint32 prevLid = -1; db->lockForRead(); query.prepare("Select key, data, lid from datastore where lid in (select lid from datastore where key=:key2 and data=:noteLid) order by lid"); query.bindValue(":key2", RESOURCE_NOTE_LID); query.bindValue(":noteLid", noteLid); query.exec(); hashMap.clear(); resourceMap.clear(); Resource *r = NULL; QString hash; while (query.next()) { qint32 lid = query.value(2).toInt(); // Peek at the next record to see if we are at the end // If this is the last result set, we force a save of the // record if (!query.next()) { prevLid = lid; lid = -1; } query.previous(); // If these don't match, we need to save the current // record we are building. if (prevLid != lid) { if (prevLid > 0) { if (hash != "") { hashMap.insert(hash, prevLid); if (r == NULL) r = new Resource(); if (!r->noteGuid.isSet()) { r->noteGuid = noteGuid; } resourceMap.insert(prevLid, *r); delete r; } } r = new Resource(); prevLid = lid; hash = ""; } qint32 key = query.value(0).toInt(); if (key == RESOURCE_DATA_HASH) { hash = query.value(1).toString(); } mapResource(query, *r); } db->unlock(); query.finish(); if (r != NULL) delete r; }
void Ut_NotificationPreviewPresenter::cleanup() { homeWindows.clear(); homeWindowVisible.clear(); qDeleteAll(notificationManagerNotification); notificationManagerNotification.clear(); notificationManagerCloseNotificationIds.clear(); gQmLocksStub->stubReset(); gQmDisplayStateStub->stubReset(); }
~medCompositeParameterPrivate() { variants.clear(); QHashIterator<QString, QWidget*> i(widgets); while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); delete i.value(); } widgets.clear(); }
bool shutdownScripts() { timers.clear(); bindings.clear(); internalNamespace.clear(); while (!scripts.isEmpty()) { delete scripts.takeFirst(); } return true; }
void ScriptsModel::rebuildTree() { for (int i = _treeNodes.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (_treeNodes.at(i)->getType() == TREE_NODE_TYPE_FOLDER) { delete _treeNodes.at(i); _treeNodes.removeAt(i); } } QHash<QString, TreeNodeFolder*> folders; for (int i = 0; i < _treeNodes.size(); i++) { TreeNodeBase* node = _treeNodes.at(i); if (node->getType() == TREE_NODE_TYPE_SCRIPT) { TreeNodeScript* script = static_cast<TreeNodeScript*>(node); TreeNodeFolder* parent = NULL; QString hash; QStringList pathList = script->getLocalPath().split(tr("/")); pathList.removeLast(); QStringList::const_iterator pathIterator; for (pathIterator = pathList.constBegin(); pathIterator != pathList.constEnd(); ++pathIterator) { hash.append(*pathIterator + "/"); if (!folders.contains(hash)) { folders[hash] = new TreeNodeFolder(*pathIterator, parent); } parent = folders[hash]; } script->setParent(parent); } } QHash<QString, TreeNodeFolder*>::const_iterator folderIterator; for (folderIterator = folders.constBegin(); folderIterator != folders.constEnd(); ++folderIterator) { _treeNodes.append(*folderIterator); } folders.clear(); }
void commit() { // update all documents // remove previous instances if ( indexPresent() ) { for ( QHash<Node, lucene::document::Document*>::iterator it = documentCache.begin(); it != documentCache.end(); ++it ) { lucene::document::Document* doc = it.value(); if ( const TCHAR* id = doc->get( idFieldName().data() ) ) { // this check is only for testing, it should NEVER fail lucene::index::Term* idTerm = _CLNEW lucene::index::Term( idFieldName().data(), id ); getIndexReader()->deleteDocuments( idTerm ); _CLDECDELETE( idTerm ); } } } // add the updated ones for ( QHash<Node, lucene::document::Document*>::iterator it = documentCache.begin(); it != documentCache.end(); ++it ) { lucene::document::Document* doc = it.value(); // never add empty docs if ( !docEmpty( doc ) ) { getIndexWriter()->addDocument( doc ); } _CLDELETE( doc ); } documentCache.clear(); }
static void fill(Counter &counter, const typename Counter::Container &container, bool fragmented) { qint64 allocated = 0; QHash<void *, int> allocations; for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 100; ++j) { int amount = fragmented ? j : i; allocated += amount; counter.request(amount); void *alloc = malloc(amount); allocations.insertMulti(alloc, amount); counter.obtain(reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(alloc)); QCOMPARE(counter.currentTotal(), allocated); } } QCOMPARE(allocated, 99 * 50 * 100); QCOMPARE(counter.currentTotal(), allocated); QCOMPARE(sum(container), allocated); for (auto it = allocations.begin(), end = allocations.end(); it != end; ++it) { free(it.key()); counter.release(reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(it.key())); allocated -= it.value(); QCOMPARE(counter.currentTotal(), allocated); } allocations.clear(); QCOMPARE(allocated, 0); QCOMPARE(counter.currentTotal(), 0); QCOMPARE(sum(container), 0); }
bool Cz1::init(void) // initialize { // if (!fp_log) fp_log=fopen("z1.log","wt"); // Open log file // pCPU->logsw = true; #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG // pCPU->logsw = true; #endif initExtension(); CpcXXXX::init(); // for(int i = 0; i < 0x10000; i++) mem[i] = i & 0xff; pHD66108->init(); i80l188ebcpu->eoi = 0x8000; io_b8 = timer0Control = timer2Control = 0; intPulseId = pTIMER->initTP(240); lastIntPulse = false; pCENTCONNECTOR = new Cconnector(this,36,1,Cconnector::Centronics_36,"Parrallel Connector",false,QPoint(715,50)); publish(pCENTCONNECTOR); pSIOCONNECTOR = new Cconnector(this,9,2,Cconnector::DB_25,"Serial Connector",false,QPoint(0,50)); publish(pSIOCONNECTOR); pSERIALCONNECTOR = new Cconnector(this,3,3,Cconnector::Jack,"Serial Jack Connector",false,QPoint(0,20)); publish(pSERIALCONNECTOR); // pUART->init(); // pUART->pTIMER = pTIMER; pCENT->init(); pCENT->setBufferSize(10); QHash<int,QString> lbl; lbl.clear(); lbl[1] = "STROBE"; lbl[2] = "D1"; lbl[3] = "D2"; lbl[4] = "D3"; lbl[5] = "D4"; lbl[6] = "D5"; lbl[7] = "D6"; lbl[8] = "D7"; lbl[9] = "D8"; lbl[10]= "ACK"; lbl[11]= "BUSY"; lbl[31]= "INIT"; lbl[32]= "ERROR"; QHash<int,QString> lbl_serial; lbl_serial.clear(); lbl_serial[1] = "RXD"; lbl_serial[2] = "TXD"; WatchPoint.remove(this); WatchPoint.add(&pCENTCONNECTOR_value,64,36,this,"Centronic 36pins connector",lbl); WatchPoint.add(&pSERIALCONNECTOR_value,64,3,this,"Synchronous serial connector",lbl_serial); return true; }
void Ut_USBModeSelector::cleanup() { delete usbModeSelector; qQuickViews.clear(); qWindowVisible.clear(); gNotificationManagerStub->stubReset(); }
void iV_FreeImageFile(IMAGEFILE *imageFile) { // so when we get here, it is time to redo everything. will clean this up later. TODO. files.clear(); images.clear(); delete imageFile; }
void QgsHttpRequestHandler::imageColors( QHash<QRgb, int>& colors, const QImage& image ) { colors.clear(); int width = image.width(); int height = image.height(); const QRgb* currentScanLine = nullptr; QHash<QRgb, int>::iterator colorIt; for ( int i = 0; i < height; ++i ) { currentScanLine = ( const QRgb* )( image.scanLine( i ) ); for ( int j = 0; j < width; ++j ) { colorIt = colors.find( currentScanLine[j] ); if ( colorIt == colors.end() ) { colors.insert( currentScanLine[j], 1 ); } else { colorIt.value()++; } } } }
void tst_QScriptValueIterator::iterateString() { QScriptEngine engine; QScriptValue str = QScriptValue(&engine, QString::fromLatin1("ciao")); QVERIFY(str.isString()); QScriptValue obj = str.toObject(); QVERIFY(obj.property("length").isNumber()); int length = obj.property("length").toInt32(); QCOMPARE(length, 4); QScriptValueIterator it(obj); QHash<QString, QScriptValue> stringProperties; bool iteratedThruLength = false; while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); const QString name = it.name(); if (name == QString::fromLatin1("length")) { QVERIFY(it.value().isNumber()); QCOMPARE(it.value().toInt32(), length); QCOMPARE(it.flags(), QScriptValue::ReadOnly | QScriptValue::SkipInEnumeration | QScriptValue::Undeletable); QVERIFY2(!iteratedThruLength, "'length' appeared more than once during iteration."); iteratedThruLength = true; continue; } QVERIFY2(!stringProperties.contains(name), "property appeared more than once during iteration."); stringProperties.insert(name, it.value()); QCOMPARE(it.flags(), obj.propertyFlags(name)); QVERIFY(it.value().strictlyEquals(obj.property(name))); } QVERIFY(iteratedThruLength); QCOMPARE(stringProperties.size(), length); // And going backwards iteratedThruLength = false; stringProperties.clear(); it.toBack(); while (it.hasPrevious()) { it.previous(); const QString name = it.name(); if (name == QString::fromLatin1("length")) { QVERIFY(it.value().isNumber()); QCOMPARE(it.value().toInt32(), length); QCOMPARE(it.flags(), QScriptValue::ReadOnly | QScriptValue::SkipInEnumeration | QScriptValue::Undeletable); QVERIFY2(!iteratedThruLength, "'length' appeared more than once during iteration."); iteratedThruLength = true; continue; } QVERIFY2(!stringProperties.contains(name), "property appeared more than once during iteration."); stringProperties.insert(name, it.value()); QCOMPARE(it.flags(), obj.propertyFlags(name)); QVERIFY(it.value().strictlyEquals(obj.property(name))); } }
//****************************************************************************************** //function: doQuery //params: const QString &lpzQuery //return: QJsonArray //Description: //****************************************************************************************** QJsonArray WSClient::doQuery( const QString &lpzQuery ) { if (!this->getCheckLogin()) { throw WSClientException( this->jsLoginError ); } QHash<QString, QString> params; params.insert("query", lpzQuery); QJsonObject response = Get("query", params); params.clear(); if ( !response.isEmpty() ) { QVariantMap map_json = response.toVariantMap(); QVariant success = map_json.value("success"); if ( success.toBool() ) { return response.value("result").toArray(); } else { QJsonObject error = response.value("error").toObject(); throw WSClientException( error ); } } throw WSClientException( jsNoData ); }
//****************************************************************************************** //function: doSetRelated //params: const QString &relate_this_id, const QString &with_this_ids //return: QJsonObject //Description: //Set relation between records. //param relate_this_id string ID of record we want to related other records with //param with_this_ids string/array either a string with one unique ID or an array of IDs to relate to the first parameter //****************************************************************************************** QJsonObject WSClient::doSetRelated(const QString &relate_this_id, const QString &with_these_ids) { if (!this->getCheckLogin()) { throw WSClientException( this->jsLoginError ); } QHash<QString, QString> params; params.insert("relate_this_id", relate_this_id); params.insert("with_these_ids", with_these_ids); qDebug() << params; QJsonObject response = Post("SetRelation", params); params.clear(); if ( !response.isEmpty() ) { QVariantMap map_json = response.toVariantMap(); QVariant success = map_json.value("success"); if ( success.toBool() ) { return response.value("result").toObject(); } else { QJsonObject error = response.value("error").toObject(); throw WSClientException( error ); } } throw WSClientException( jsNoData ); }
inline void serialize_vc6(Archive &ar, QHash<K,T> &t, const unsigned int) { typedef typename QHash<K,T>::iterator Iterator; typedef typename QHash<K,T>::key_type Key; typedef typename QHash<K,T>::mapped_type Value; if (ar.isRead()) { t.clear(); boost::uint32_t count = 0; ar & count; for (boost::uint32_t i=0; i<count; i++) { Key key; ar & key; Value value; ar & value; t.insert(key, value); } } else if (ar.isWrite()) { boost::uint32_t count = static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(t.size()); ar & count; Iterator it = t.begin(); for (boost::uint32_t i=0; i<count; i++) { ar & it.key(); ar & it.value(); it++; } } }
//****************************************************************************************** //function: doRetrieve //params: const QString id //return: QJsonObject //Description: //****************************************************************************************** QJsonObject WSClient::doRetrieve(const QString id) { if (!this->getCheckLogin()) { throw WSClientException( this->jsLoginError ); } QHash<QString, QString> params; params.insert("id", id); QJsonObject response = Get("retrieve", params); params.clear(); if ( !response.isEmpty() ) { QVariantMap map_json = response.toVariantMap(); QVariant success = map_json.value("success"); if ( success.toBool() ) { return response.value("result").toObject(); } else { QJsonObject error = response.value("error").toObject(); throw WSClientException( error ); } } return response; }
void ExtendedDialog::saveConfig() { assert( currentTab() == AUDIO_TAB || currentTab() == VIDEO_TAB ); QHash<QString, QVariant> *hashConfig = &m_hashConfigs[currentTab()]; for( QHash<QString, QVariant>::iterator i = hashConfig->begin(); i != hashConfig->end(); ++i ) { QVariant &value = i.value(); switch( static_cast<QMetaType::Type>(value.type()) ) { case QMetaType::QString: config_PutPsz( p_intf, qtu(i.key()), qtu(value.toString()) ); break; case QMetaType::Int: config_PutInt( p_intf, qtu(i.key()), value.toInt() ) ; break; case QMetaType::Double: case QMetaType::Float: config_PutFloat( p_intf, qtu(i.key()), value.toFloat() ) ; break; default: vlc_assert_unreachable(); } } config_SaveConfigFile( p_intf ); hashConfig->clear(); m_applyButton->setEnabled( false ); }
void refreshLayerMovementAbilities() { layerMeta.clear(); if (layers.count() == 0) return; for(int i = 0; i < layers.count(); ++i) { const KisNodeSP layer = layers.at(i); LayerModelMetaInfo ability; if (i > 0) ability.canMoveUp = true; if (i < layers.count() - 1) ability.canMoveDown = true; KisNodeSP parent = layer; while(parent) { ++ability.depth; parent = parent->parent(); } if (ability.depth > 1) ability.canMoveLeft = true; if (i < layers.count() - 1 && qobject_cast<const KisGroupLayer*>(layers.at(i + 1).constData())) ability.canMoveRight = true; layerMeta[layer] = ability; } }
bool shutdownScripts() { for (int i = 0; i < scripts.size(); ++i) { QScriptEngine *engine = scripts.at(i); unregisterFunctions(engine); } timers.clear(); bindings.clear(); internalNamespace.clear(); while (!scripts.isEmpty()) { delete scripts.takeFirst(); } return true; }
void Parser::ReleaseOfferMap(QHash<QString, ItemOffer *> &pOfferMap) { QHashIterator<QString, ItemOffer *> itOffer(pOfferMap); while (itOffer.hasNext()) { ItemOffer *pOffer = itOffer.next().value(); delete pOffer; } pOfferMap.clear(); }
void Parser::ReleaseGoodsMap(QHash<QString, Goods *> &pGoodsMap) { QHashIterator<QString, Goods *> itGoods(pGoodsMap); while (itGoods.hasNext()) { Goods *pGoods = itGoods.next().value(); delete pGoods; } pGoodsMap.clear(); }
bool Patient:: search(const QString &type, const QString &content,int serchType,const QString &table) { static QHash<QString,QString> ser; emit startSearch(); d->cDataInit(); qDebug()<<"hans " << ser; qDebug()<<type; qDebug()<<content; qDebug()<<serchType; if(!serchType) { ser.clear(); if(content.size() != 0) { //QString cmd = QString("select * from %1 where %2 LIKE '%3%' or %2 = '%3' ORDER BY id DESC").arg(table,type,content); if(type == "检查日期时间之后") { QString ttype = "检查日期时间"; qDebug()<<QString("select * from %1 where %2 > '%3' ORDER BY id DESC").arg(table,ttype,content); this->setQuery(QString("select * from %1 where %2 > '%3' ORDER BY id DESC").arg(table,ttype,content)); } else { this->setQuery(QString("select * from %1 where %2 LIKE '%3%'or %2 = '%3' ORDER BY id DESC").arg(table,type,content)); } } else { this->setQuery(QString("select * from %1 ORDER BY id DESC ").arg(table)); } ser[type] = content; } else { ser[type] = content; QHashIterator< QString ,QString> it(ser); QString cmd = ""; while(it.hasNext()) { it.next(); // qDebug()<< it.key() << it.value(); cmd = QString("%1 and (%2 LIKE '%3%' or %2 = '%3') ").arg(cmd,it.key(),it.value()); } cmd = cmd.mid(4,-1); //cmd = " select * from Patient where (病人ID LIKE '2016%' or 病人ID = '2016') and (姓名 LIKE '1%' or 姓名 = '1') ORDER BY id DESC"; qDebug()<<cmd; //this->setQuery(cmd); this->setQuery(QString("select * from %1 where %2 ORDER BY id DESC").arg(table,cmd)); } // emit layoutChanged(); this->setCurrentPatientNum(rowCount()); setSelectedPatientNum(0); updateCurrentPID(); return true; }
static void osc_stop (void) { #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG qDebug("osc_stop()"); #endif qDeleteAll(g_dssiEditors); g_dssiEditors.clear(); }
// Load labels bool loadLabels(const char *filename) { if (!PHYSFS_exists(filename)) { debug(LOG_SAVE, "No %s found -- use fallback method", filename); return false; } WzConfig ini(filename); if (ini.status() != QSettings::NoError) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "No label file %s", filename); return false; } labels.clear(); QStringList list = ini.childGroups(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { ini.beginGroup(list[i]); labeltype p; QString label(ini.value("label").toString()); if (labels.contains(label)) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "Duplicate label found"); } else if (list[i].startsWith("position")) { p.p1 = ini.vector2i("pos"); p.p2 = p.p1; p.type = POSITION; p.player = -1; p.id = -1; labels.insert(label, p); } else if (list[i].startsWith("area")) { p.p1 = ini.vector2i("pos1"); p.p2 = ini.vector2i("pos2"); p.type = AREA; p.player = -1; p.id = -1; labels.insert(label, p); } else if (list[i].startsWith("object")) { p.id = ini.value("id").toInt(); p.type = ini.value("type").toInt(); p.player = ini.value("player").toInt(); labels.insert(label, p); } else { debug(LOG_ERROR, "Misnamed group in %s", filename); } ini.endGroup(); } return true; }
void FieldWidget::clearTeamData(RobotMap &team, QHash<uint, robot::Specs> &specsMap) { specsMap.clear(); // force redrawing robots foreach (Robot r, team) { delete r.id; delete r.robot; }
void IapAddTimer::removeAll() { QHashIterator<QString, _IapAddTimer* > i(timers); while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); _IapAddTimer *t = i.value(); delete t; } timers.clear(); }
// Call this function when you want to clean up all animation data allocated to // the memory. void ResourceManager::clearAnimationCache() { QHash<QString, AnimationModel*>::Iterator iter = sAnimationHash.begin(); while(iter != sAnimationHash.end()) { delete iter.value(); iter++; } sAnimationHash.clear(); }
// Load a theme into a resourceList. void Global::loadTheme(QHash<QString, QString> &resourceList, QString theme) { resourceList.clear(); if (theme.trimmed() == "") return; QFile systemTheme(fileManager.getProgramDirPath("theme.ini")); this->loadThemeFile(resourceList,systemTheme, theme); QFile userTheme(fileManager.getHomeDirPath("theme.ini")); this->loadThemeFile(resourceList, userTheme, theme); }
void ResourceManager::clearImageCache() { QHash<QString, QImage*>::Iterator iter = sSourceImageHash.begin(); while(iter != sSourceImageHash.end()) { delete iter.value(); iter++; } sSourceImageHash.clear(); }