bool BookInfo::locationsHasChanged(const QHash<QString, BookLocation*>& locations) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << " " << m_locations.size() << " other: " << locations.size(); if(m_locations.size() != locations.size()) return true; QHash<QString, BookLocation*>::const_iterator it = m_locations.constBegin(); QHash<QString, BookLocation*>::const_iterator itEnd = m_locations.constEnd(); while(it != itEnd) { if(locations.find(it.key()) == locations.end()) return true; else{ if(it.value()->note != locations.find(it.key()).value()->note) return true; if(it.value()->operation != locations.find(it.key()).value()->operation) return true; if(it.value()->pos != locations.find(it.key()).value()->pos) return true; if(it.value()->page!= locations.find(it.key()).value()->page) return true; } ++it; } return false; }
int main () { QHash<int, int> myQHash; QHash<int, int> :: iterator it; myQHash[1] = 500; myQHash[2] = 300; myQHash[3] = 100; it = myQHash.begin(); it = myQHash.find(1); if (it.value() == 500) { it = myQHash.erase(it); } it = myQHash.find(2); if (it.value() == 300) { it = myQHash.erase(it); } assert(!(myQHash.empty())); return 0; }
void StbImageFactory::parseFile(const QString &path, QList<ResourceData *> &content, const QHash<QString,QString>& rules) { QDir dir(path); QString name = dir.dirName(); dir.cdUp(); if(dir.exists()) { debug( "RESOURCE PARSING" , "StbImage found " << name); int comp = 4; // alpha by default //int comp = 3; bool mipmap = true; bool filtering = true; bool wrap_s = true; bool wrap_t = true; if(rules.contains("alpha") && rules.find("alpha").value() == "true") comp = 4; if(rules.contains("mipmap") && rules.find("mipmap").value() == "false") mipmap = false; if(rules.contains("filtering") && rules.find("filtering").value() == "false") filtering = false; if(rules.contains("wrap_s") && rules.find("wrap_s").value() == "false") wrap_s = false; if(rules.contains("wrap_t") && rules.find("wrap_t").value() == "false") wrap_t = false; StbImage* image = new StbImage(name,path,this,0,mipmap,filtering,wrap_s,wrap_t,comp); content.push_back(image); } else { debug( "RESOURCE PARSING" , path << " : " << dir << " does not exist"); } }
DENG_ENTRYPOINT void *GetGameAPI(char const *name) { if (auto *ptr = Common_GetGameAPI(name)) { return ptr; } #define HASH_ENTRY(Name, Func) std::make_pair(QByteArray(Name), de::function_cast<void *>(Func)) static QHash<QByteArray, void *> const funcs( { HASH_ENTRY("DrawWindow", D_DrawWindow), HASH_ENTRY("EndFrame", D_EndFrame), HASH_ENTRY("GetInteger", D_GetInteger), HASH_ENTRY("GetPointer", D_GetVariable), HASH_ENTRY("PostInit", D_PostInit), HASH_ENTRY("PreInit", G_PreInit), HASH_ENTRY("Shutdown", D_Shutdown), HASH_ENTRY("TryShutdown", G_TryShutdown), }); #undef HASH_ENTRY auto found = funcs.find(name); if (found != funcs.end()) return found.value(); return nullptr; }
void QgsHttpRequestHandler::imageColors( QHash<QRgb, int>& colors, const QImage& image ) { colors.clear(); int width = image.width(); int height = image.height(); const QRgb* currentScanLine = nullptr; QHash<QRgb, int>::iterator colorIt; for ( int i = 0; i < height; ++i ) { currentScanLine = ( const QRgb* )( image.scanLine( i ) ); for ( int j = 0; j < width; ++j ) { colorIt = colors.find( currentScanLine[j] ); if ( colorIt == colors.end() ) { colors.insert( currentScanLine[j], 1 ); } else { colorIt.value()++; } } } }
void AdaptiveLayout::tKey::ArrangeProperties(const QHash<QString, int> &propsOrder, int max) { QVector<int> permutation; permutation.resize(m_Properties.size()); for( QHash<QString, int>::iterator i = m_Properties.begin(); i != m_Properties.end(); ++i ) { int indexFrom = i.value(); int indexTo = indexFrom; QHash<QString, int>::const_iterator p = propsOrder.find(i.key()); if( p != propsOrder.end() ) // If we fail to find, the result may be incorrect { indexTo = p.value(); } i.value() = indexTo; permutation[indexFrom] = indexTo; } QVector<float> newProps; newProps.resize(max + 1); for( int iactor = 0; iactor < m_Actors.size(); iactor++ ) { tActor& actor = m_Actors[iactor]; newProps.fill(0.f); for( int i = 0; i < actor.props.size(); i++ ) { newProps[permutation[i]] = actor.props[i]; } actor.props = newProps; } }
QString EvaluateSubExpression(const QString& subexpr, const QVariant& v) { if (subexpr.size() == 0) { // limit the displayed decimal places if ((QMetaType::Type)v.type() == QMetaType::Double) { return QString::number(v.toDouble(), 'f', 2); } return v.toString(); } else if ( == '[') { int rightbracket = subexpr.indexOf(']'); if (rightbracket > 0) { bool ok = false; int index = subexpr.mid(1, rightbracket-1).toInt(&ok); if (ok && (QMetaType::Type)v.type() == QMetaType::QVariantList) { return EvaluateSubExpression(subexpr.mid(rightbracket + 1), v.toList().at(index)); } } } else { int dot = subexpr.indexOf('.'); QString key = subexpr.mid(0, dot); if ((QMetaType::Type)v.type() == QMetaType::QVariantHash) { QHash<QString, QVariant> h = v.toHash(); QHash<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator it = h.find(key); if (it != h.end()) return EvaluateSubExpression(subexpr.mid(key.length() + 1), *it); } else if ((QMetaType::Type)v.type() == QMetaType::QVariantMap) { QMap<QString, QVariant> h = v.toMap(); QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator it = h.find(key); if (it != h.end()) return EvaluateSubExpression(subexpr.mid(key.length() + 1), *it); } } return ""; }
KPrPageLayout * KPrPageLayouts::pageLayout( const QString & name, KoPALoadingContext & loadingContext, const QRectF & pageRect ) { KPrPageLayout * pageLayout = 0; QHash<QString, KoXmlElement*> layouts = loadingContext.odfLoadingContext().stylesReader().presentationPageLayouts(); QHash<QString, KoXmlElement*>::iterator it( layouts.find( name ) ); if ( it != layouts.end() ) { pageLayout = new KPrPageLayout(); if ( pageLayout->loadOdf( *( it.value() ), pageRect ) ) { QMap<KPrPageLayoutWrapper, KPrPageLayout *>::const_iterator it( m_pageLayouts.constFind( KPrPageLayoutWrapper( pageLayout ) ) ); if ( it != m_pageLayouts.constEnd() ) { delete pageLayout; pageLayout = *it; } else { m_pageLayouts.insert( KPrPageLayoutWrapper( pageLayout ), pageLayout ); } } else { delete pageLayout; pageLayout = 0; } } return pageLayout; }
/* * Input: A English word * Return: The translation of the word or NULL if the word not found. */ QString QMyHashMap::findWord(QString word) { QHash<QString, QString>::iterator it=dic.find(word); if(it==dic.end()) return ""; return it.value(); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Name: process_potential_pointer // Desc: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void DialogHeap::process_potential_pointer(const QHash<edb::address_t, edb::address_t> &targets, Result &result) { if(IProcess *process = edb::v1::debugger_core->process()) { if( { edb::address_t pointer(0); edb::address_t block_ptr = block_start(result); edb::address_t block_end = block_ptr + result.size; while(block_ptr < block_end) { if(process->read_bytes(block_ptr, &pointer, edb::v1::pointer_size())) { auto it = targets.find(pointer); if(it != targets.end()) { #if QT_POINTER_SIZE == 4 += QString("dword ptr [%1] |").arg(edb::v1::format_pointer(it.key())); #elif QT_POINTER_SIZE == 8 += QString("qword ptr [%1] |").arg(edb::v1::format_pointer(it.key())); #endif result.points_to.push_back(it.value()); } } block_ptr += edb::v1::pointer_size(); } - 2); } } }
Core::Command *NavigationSubWidget::command(const QString &title) const { const QHash<Id, Command *> commandMap = m_parentWidget->commandMap(); QHash<Id, Command *>::const_iterator r = commandMap.find(Id::fromString(title)); if (r != commandMap.end()) return r.value(); return 0; }
QHash<int, Collection::Album_ptr> LocalCollectionStorage::GetAllAlbums () { QHash<int, Collection::Album_ptr> newAlbums; QSqlQuery getter (DB_); QHash<int, QStringList> trackGenres; if (!getter.exec ("SELECT TrackId, Name FROM genres;")) { Util::DBLock::DumpError (getter); throw std::runtime_error ("cannot fetch genres"); } while ( ()) trackGenres [getter.value (0).toInt ()] << getter.value (1).toString (); if (!getter.exec ("SELECT albums.Id, albums.Name, albums.Year, albums.CoverPath, tracks.Id, tracks.TrackNumber, tracks.Name, tracks.Length, tracks.Path FROM tracks INNER JOIN albums ON tracks.AlbumID = albums.Id;")) { Util::DBLock::DumpError (getter); throw std::runtime_error ("cannot fetch albums"); } while ( ()) { const int albumID = getter.value (0).toInt (); auto albumPos = newAlbums.find (albumID); if (albumPos == newAlbums.end ()) { const Collection::Album a = { albumID, getter.value (1).toString (), getter.value (2).toInt (), getter.value (3).toString (), QList<Collection::Track> () }; albumPos = newAlbums.insert (albumID, Collection::Album_ptr (new Collection::Album (a))); } auto albumPtr = *albumPos; auto& tracks = albumPtr->Tracks_; const int trackId = getter.value (4).toInt (); Collection::Track t = { trackId, getter.value (5).toInt (), getter.value (6).toString (), getter.value (7).toInt (), trackGenres.value (trackId), getter.value (8).toString () }; tracks << t; } getter.finish (); return newAlbums; }
bool ODFItem::setFileId(const QHash<QString, quint64> &names, const QString& value, quint64 &fileid) const { if ( value == sUNDEF) { fileid = i64UNDEF; return true; // legal; some properties might not have a value(name) } if ( Ilwis3Connector::ilwisType(value) & itCOORDSYSTEM) { if ( value == "latlonwgs84.csy" ) { Resource resource = mastercatalog()->name2Resource("code=epsg:4326", itCOORDSYSTEM); if ( !resource.isValid()) { return ERROR1(ERR_FIND_SYSTEM_OBJECT_1, "Wgs 84"); } fileid =; return true; } if ( value == "unknown.csy" ) { Resource resource = mastercatalog()->name2Resource("code=csy:unknown", itCOORDSYSTEM); if ( !resource.isValid()) { return ERROR1(ERR_FIND_SYSTEM_OBJECT_1, "'Unknown' coordinate system"); } fileid =; return true; } } if ( Ilwis3Connector::ilwisType(value) & itGEOREF) { if ( value == "none.grf" ) { Resource resource = mastercatalog()->name2Resource("code=georef:undetermined", itGEOREF); if ( !resource.isValid()) { return ERROR1(ERR_FIND_SYSTEM_OBJECT_1, "'undetermined' georeference"); } fileid =; return true; } } QString completeName = (value.contains(QRegExp("\\\\|/"))) ? value : _ini.fileInfo().canonicalPath() + "/" + value; QHash<QString, quint64>::const_iterator iter = names.find(completeName.toLower()); if (iter != names.end()){ fileid = iter.value(); } else { // at this time we can't rely on the working catalog to be set(if we are initializing it), so no normal resolve // the mastercatalog will contain system items at this moment so we can check these first QString baseName = value.left(value.indexOf(".")); IlwisTypes tp = Ilwis3Connector::ilwisType(value); Resource resource = mastercatalog()->name2Resource(baseName, tp); if ( resource.isValid()) { fileid =; } else { QUrl url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(completeName); fileid = mastercatalog()->url2id(url, tp); if ( fileid == i64UNDEF) { kernel()->issues()->log(TR(ERR_MISSING_1).arg(completeName)); fileid = i64UNDEF; return false; } } } return true; }
bool ContentDialog::hasWidget(int id, GenericChatroomWidget* chatroomWidget, const QHash<int, std::tuple<ContentDialog*, GenericChatroomWidget*>>& list) { auto iter = list.find(id); if (iter == list.end() || std::get<0>(iter.value()) != this) return false; return chatroomWidget == std::get<1>(iter.value()); }
bool ContentDialog::isWidgetActive(int id, const QHash<int, std::tuple<ContentDialog *, GenericChatroomWidget *> > &list) { auto iter = list.find(id); if (iter == list.end()) return false; return std::get<0>(iter.value())->activeChatroomWidget == std::get<1>(iter.value()); }
bool needTangents(const hfm::Mesh& mesh, const QHash<QString, hfm::Material>& materials) { // Check if we actually need to calculate the tangents for (const auto& meshPart : { auto materialIt = materials.find(meshPart.materialID); if (materialIt != materials.end() && (*materialIt).needTangentSpace()) { return true; } } return false; }
void loadStylesheet(const QString &name, QHash<QString, StyleData> &dict) { QFile file(name); if (! { err("Unable to open RTF style sheet file %s, using default file\n", qPrintable(name)); return; } msg("Loading RTF style sheet %s\n", qPrintable(name)); static const QRegExp seperator("[ \t]*=[ \t]*"); uint lineNr = 1; QTextStream t(&file); t.setCodec("UTF-8"); while (! t.atEnd()) { QString s = t.readLine().trimmed(); if (s.isEmpty() || == '#') { continue; // skip blanks & comments } int sepStart; int sepLength; sepStart = seperator.indexIn(s); sepLength = seperator.matchedLength(); if (sepStart <= 0) { // no valid assignment statement warn(qPrintable(name), lineNr, "Assignment of style sheet name expected\n"); continue; } QString key = s.left(sepStart); if (! dict.contains(key)) { // not a valid style sheet name warn(qPrintable(name), lineNr, "Invalid style sheet name %s ignored.\n", qPrintable(key)); continue; } // add command separator StyleData &styleData = dict.find(key).value(); s += " "; styleData.setStyle(s.mid(sepStart + sepLength), key); lineNr++; } }
/* Check if in the value string there are variable or property tags If it is a variable tag try to get the value from the variables lists. Variables tags are betweeen square brackets []. Property tags are between curl brackets {}. If the variable/property tag is not found, it is replaced by an empty string. */ void RuleNode::tagsToValue( QString& value, const QHash<QString, QString>& variables ) { static QString empty; // VARIABLES QRegExp regex_variables_tags( "(\\[[a-zA-Z0-9_\\- \\.]+\\])", Qt::CaseInsensitive ); // Search for variable value is between square brackets int pos = 0; while( (pos = regex_variables_tags.indexIn( value, pos ) ) != -1 ) { QString var = regex_variables_tags.cap( 1 ); //pos += regex.matchedLength(); // Search for the variable in the variables list QHash<QString,QString>::const_iterator it = variables.find( var ); if( it != variables.end() ) { // found it, replace by the variable tag, by the variable value value.replace( var, it.value(), Qt::CaseInsensitive ); pos += it.value().length(); } else { // not found replace by an empty string value.replace( var, empty, Qt::CaseInsensitive ); } } // PROPERTIES QRegExp regex_properties_tags( "\\{([a-zA-Z0-9_\\- \\.]+)\\}", Qt::CaseInsensitive ); // Search for variable value is between curl brackets pos = 0; while( (pos = regex_properties_tags.indexIn( value, pos ) ) != -1 ) { QString var = regex_properties_tags.cap( 1 ); // Search for the variable in the variables list QHash<QString,QString>::const_iterator it = _brain->_properties.find( var ); if( it != _brain->_properties.end() ) { // found it, replace by the property tag, by the property value value.replace( "{" + var + "}", it.value(), Qt::CaseInsensitive ); pos += it.value().length(); } else { // not found replace by an empty string value.replace( var, empty, Qt::CaseInsensitive ); } } }
void qHashBench() { QElapsedTimer timer; timer.start(); QHash<int,triple> data; triple point; int i; for (i = 0; i < RAND_COUNT; ++i) { point.x = i; point.y = rand(); point.z = rand(); //printf("%d %d %d %d\n", i, point.x, point.y, point.z); data[i] = point; } qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "creation: elapsed" << timer.elapsed(); timer.restart(); foreach (const triple &t, data) { if (t.x % 1000 == 0) doSomething(t.x); } qDebug() << " foreach: elapsed" << timer.elapsed(); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050700 timer.restart(); foreach (const triple &t, qAsConst(data)) { if (t.x % 1000 == 0) doSomething(t.x); } qDebug() << " qAsConst foreach: elapsed" << timer.elapsed(); #endif timer.restart(); for( auto it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); ++it ) { if (it->x % 1000 == 0) doSomething(it->x); } qDebug() << " range-based for: elapsed" << timer.elapsed(); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050700 timer.restart(); for( auto it = qAsConst(data).begin(); it != qAsConst(data).end(); ++it ) { if (it->x % 1000 == 0) doSomething(it->x); } qDebug() << " qAsConst range-based for: elapsed" << timer.elapsed(); #endif timer.restart(); for (i = 0; i < RAND_COUNT; ++i) { auto it = data.find(i); Q_ASSERT(it.value().x == i); if (it->x % 1000 == 0) doSomething(it.value().x); } qDebug() << " find: elapsed" << timer.elapsed(); }
void RunnerModel::matchesChanged(const QList<Plasma::QueryMatch> &matches) { // Group matches by runner // We do not use a QMultiHash here because it keeps values in LIFO order, while we want FIFO. QHash<QString, QList<Plasma::QueryMatch> > matchesForRunner; Q_FOREACH(const Plasma::QueryMatch &match, matches) { QString runnerId = match.runner()->id(); auto it = matchesForRunner.find(runnerId); if (it == matchesForRunner.end()) { it = matchesForRunner.insert(runnerId, QList<Plasma::QueryMatch>()); } it.value().append(match); }
void ContentDialog::updateStatus(int id, const QHash<int, std::tuple<ContentDialog *, GenericChatroomWidget *> > &list) { auto iter = list.find(id); if (iter == list.end()) return; GenericChatroomWidget* chatroomWidget = std::get<1>(iter.value()); chatroomWidget->updateStatusLight(); if (chatroomWidget->isActive()) std::get<0>(iter.value())->updateTitle(chatroomWidget); }
void Erosion::Arguments(const QHash<QString, QString> &args, int& shape, int& ksize) { bool ok = false; QHash<QString, QString>::const_iterator it; if ((it = args.find("Value")) != args.end()) { ksize = it.value().toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { throw FormatException("couldn't convert \"Value\" argument for erosion"); } else if (ksize < 0) { throw ArgumentException("\"Value\" argument for erosion must be positive"); } ksize = 2 * (ksize-1) + 1; } if ((it = args.find("Shape")) != args.end()) { if (it.value() == "Rect") { shape = cv::MORPH_RECT; } else if (it.value() == "Cross") { shape = cv::MORPH_CROSS; } else if (it.value() == "Ellipse") { shape = cv::MORPH_ELLIPSE; } else { throw ArgumentException("\"Shape\" doesn't name an existing type"); } } if ((it = args.find("KernelSize")) != args.end()) { ksize = it.value().toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { throw FormatException("couldn't convert \"KernelSize\" argument for dilation effect"); } else if (ksize < 0) { throw ArgumentException("\"KernelSize\" argument for dilation effect must be positive"); } ksize = 2 * (ksize-1) + 1; } }
bool QWSPropertyManager::getProperty(int winId, int property, const char *&data, int &len) { QHash<int, QByteArray> props = d->properties.value(winId); QHash<int, QByteArray>::iterator it = props.find(property); if (it == props.end()) { data = 0; len = -1; return false; } data = it.value().constData(); len = it.value().length(); return true; }
void CDBirthdayController::syncBirthdays(const QList<QContact> &birthdayContacts) { QHash<ContactIdType, CalendarBirthday> oldBirthdays = mCalendar->birthdays(); // Check all birthdays from the contacts if the stored calendar item is up-to-date foreach (const QContact &contact, birthdayContacts) { #ifdef USING_QTPIM const QString contactDisplayLabel = contact.detail<QContactDisplayLabel>().label(); #else const QString contactDisplayLabel = contact.displayLabel(); #endif if (contactDisplayLabel.isNull()) { debug() << "Contact: " << contact << " has no displayLabel, so not syncing to calendar"; continue; } QHash<ContactIdType, CalendarBirthday>::Iterator it = oldBirthdays.find(apiId(contact)); if (oldBirthdays.end() != it) { const QContactBirthday contactBirthday = contact.detail<QContactBirthday>(); const CalendarBirthday &calendarBirthday = *it; // Display label or birthdate was changed on the contact, so update the calendar. if ((contactDisplayLabel != calendarBirthday.summary()) || ( != { debug() << "Contact with calendar birthday: " << << " and calendar displayLabel: " << calendarBirthday.summary() << " changed details to: " << contact << ", so update the calendar event"; mCalendar->updateBirthday(contact); } // Birthday exists, so not a garbage one oldBirthdays.erase(it); } else { // Create new birthday mCalendar->updateBirthday(contact); } } // Remaining old birthdays in the calendar db do not did not match any contact, so remove them. foreach (const ContactIdType &id, oldBirthdays.keys()) { debug() << "Birthday with contact id" << id << "no longer has a matching contact, trashing it"; mCalendar->deleteBirthday(id); } }
void scriptRemoveObject(const BASE_OBJECT *psObj) { for (QHash<int, bindNode>::iterator i = bindings.find(psObj->id); i != bindings.end(); i++) { int id = i.key(); bindNode node = i.value(); BASE_OBJECT *psObj = IdToPointer(id, node.player); if (psObj && !psObj->died) { QScriptValueList args; args += convMax(psObj, node.engine); callFunction(node.engine, node.funcName, args); } bindings.erase(i); } }
/** * Find a class in the cache. * * \param recurse if true the method will try loading dependancies (i.e. * other ontologies to fulfill the requirement */ Class* findClass( const QUrl& uri, bool recurse = false ) { QHash<QUrl, Class>::iterator it = classCache.find( uri ); if ( it != classCache.end() ) { return &it.value(); } else { if ( recurse ) { // try loading the ontology containing the class QUrl parentNs = extractNamespace( uri ); if ( m_manager->getOntology( parentNs ) ) { return findClass( uri ); } } return 0; } }
/** * Find a property in the cache. * * \param recurse if true the method will try loading dependancies (i.e. * other ontologies to fulfill the requirement */ Property* findProperty( const QUrl& uri, bool recurse = false ) { QHash<QUrl, Property>::iterator it = propertyCache.find( uri ); if ( it != propertyCache.end() ) { return &it.value(); } else { if ( recurse ) { // try loading the ontology containing the property QUrl parentNs = extractNamespace( uri ); if ( m_manager->getOntology( parentNs ) ) { return findProperty( uri ); } } return 0; } }
void Sobel::Arguments(const QHash<QString, QString> &args, int& ksize) { bool ok = false; QHash<QString,QString>::const_iterator it; if ((it = args.find("Value")) != args.end()) { ksize = it.value().toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { throw FormatException("couldn't convert \"Value\" argument for sobel"); } else if (ksize < 0) { throw ArgumentException("\"Value\" argument for sobel must be positive"); } ksize = (2 * (ksize-1) + 1); ksize = ksize > 31 ? 31 : ksize; } }
bool ContentDialog::existsWidget(int id, bool focus, const QHash<int, std::tuple<ContentDialog*, GenericChatroomWidget*>>& list) { auto iter = list.find(id); if (iter == list.end()) return false; if (focus) { if (std::get<0>(iter.value())->windowState() & Qt::WindowMinimized) std::get<0>(iter.value())->showNormal(); std::get<0>(iter.value())->raise(); std::get<0>(iter.value())->activateWindow(); std::get<0>(iter.value())->onChatroomWidgetClicked(std::get<1>(iter.value()), false); } return true; }
int VPreviewManager::calculateBlockMargin(const QTextBlock &p_block, int p_tabStopWidth) { static QHash<QString, int> spaceWidthOfFonts; if (!p_block.isValid()) { return 0; } QString text = p_block.text(); int nrSpaces = 0; for (int i = 0; i < text.size(); ++i) { if (!text[i].isSpace()) { break; } else if (text[i] == ' ') { ++nrSpaces; } else if (text[i] == '\t') { nrSpaces += p_tabStopWidth; } } if (nrSpaces == 0) { return 0; } int spaceWidth = 0; QFont font; QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> fmts = p_block.layout()->formats(); if (fmts.isEmpty()) { font = p_block.charFormat().font(); } else { font = fmts.first().format.font(); } QString fontName = font.toString(); auto it = spaceWidthOfFonts.find(fontName); if (it != spaceWidthOfFonts.end()) { spaceWidth = it.value(); } else { spaceWidth = QFontMetrics(font).width(' '); spaceWidthOfFonts.insert(fontName, spaceWidth); } return spaceWidth * nrSpaces; }