static PyObject *meth_QTextTable_resize(PyObject *sipSelf, PyObject *sipArgs)
    PyObject *sipParseErr = NULL;

        int a0;
        int a1;
        QTextTable *sipCpp;

        if (sipParseArgs(&sipParseErr, sipArgs, "Bii", &sipSelf, sipType_QTextTable, &sipCpp, &a0, &a1))

            return Py_None;

    /* Raise an exception if the arguments couldn't be parsed. */
    sipNoMethod(sipParseErr, sipName_QTextTable, sipName_resize, doc_QTextTable_resize);

    return NULL;
Exemple #2
void KoTextLoader::loadBody(const KoXmlElement &bodyElem, QTextCursor &cursor)
    const QTextBlockFormat defaultBlockFormat = cursor.blockFormat();
    const QTextCharFormat defaultCharFormat = cursor.charFormat();

    const QTextDocument *document = cursor.block().document();
    d->styleManager = KoTextDocument(document).styleManager();

    d->changeTracker = KoTextDocument(document).changeTracker();
//    if (!d->changeTracker)
//        d->changeTracker = dynamic_cast<KoChangeTracker *>(d->context.dataCenterMap().value("ChangeTracker"));
//    Q_ASSERT(d->changeTracker);

    kDebug(32500) << "text-style:" << KoTextDebug::textAttributes( cursor.blockCharFormat() );
#if 0
    if ((document->isEmpty()) && (d->styleManager)) {
        QTextBlock block = cursor.block();

    KoXmlElement tag;
    bool usedParagraph = false; // set to true if we found a tag that used the paragraph, indicating that the next round needs to start a new one.
    forEachElement(tag, bodyElem) {
        if (! tag.isNull()) {
            const QString localName = tag.localName();
            if (tag.namespaceURI() == KoXmlNS::text) {
                if (usedParagraph)
                    cursor.insertBlock(defaultBlockFormat, defaultCharFormat);
                usedParagraph = true;
                if (d->changeTracker && localName == "tracked-changes") {
                    usedParagraph = false;
                } else if (d->changeTracker && localName == "change-start") {
                    loadChangedRegion(tag, cursor);
                    usedParagraph = false;
                } else if (d->changeTracker && localName == "change-end") {
                    d->currentChangeId = 0;
                    usedParagraph = false;
                } else if (localName == "p") {    // text paragraph
                    loadParagraph(tag, cursor);
                } else if (localName == "h") {  // heading
                    loadHeading(tag, cursor);
                } else if (localName == "unordered-list" || localName == "ordered-list" // OOo-1.1
                           || localName == "list" || localName == "numbered-paragraph") {  // OASIS
                    loadList(tag, cursor);
                } else if (localName == "section") {  // Temporary support (###TODO)
                    loadSection(tag, cursor);
                } else {
                    KoVariable *var = KoVariableRegistry::instance()->createFromOdf(tag, d->context);

                    if (var) {
                        KoTextDocumentLayout *layout = dynamic_cast<KoTextDocumentLayout*>(cursor.block().document()->documentLayout());
                        if (layout) {
                            KoInlineTextObjectManager *textObjectManager = layout->inlineTextObjectManager();
                            if (textObjectManager) {
                                KoVariableManager *varManager = textObjectManager->variableManager();
                                if (varManager) {
                                    textObjectManager->insertInlineObject(cursor, var);
                    } else {
                        usedParagraph = false;
                        kWarning(32500) << "unhandled text:" << localName;
            } else if (tag.namespaceURI() == KoXmlNS::draw) {
                loadShape(tag, cursor);
            } else if (tag.namespaceURI() == KoXmlNS::table) {
                if (localName == "table") {
                    loadTable(tag, cursor);
                } else {
                    kWarning(32500) << "unhandled table:" << localName;
#if 0 // TODO commented out for now
                if (localName == "table") {
                    cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Left, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor, 1);
                    QTextTable *tbl = cursor.insertTable(1, 1);
                    int rows = 0;
                    int columns = 0;
                    kDebug(32500) << "Table inserted";
                    KoXmlElement tblTag;
                    forEachElement(tblTag, tag) {
                        if (! tblTag.isNull()) {
                            const QString tblLocalName = tblTag.localName();
                            if (tblTag.namespaceURI() == KoXmlNS::table) {
                                if (tblLocalName == "table-column") {
                                    // Do some parsing with the column, see §8.2.1, ODF 1.1 spec
                                    int repeatColumn = tblTag.attributeNS(KoXmlNS::table, "number-columns-repeated", "1").toInt();
                                    columns = columns + repeatColumn;
                                    if (rows > 0)
                                        tbl->resize(rows, columns);
                                        tbl->resize(1, columns);
                                } else if (tblLocalName == "table-row") {
                                    // Lot of work to do here...
                                    if (columns > 0)
                                        tbl->resize(rows, columns);
                                        tbl->resize(rows, 1);
                                    // Added a row
                                    int currentCell = 0;
                                    KoXmlElement rowTag;
                                    forEachElement(rowTag, tblTag) {
                                        if (!rowTag.isNull()) {
                                            const QString rowLocalName = rowTag.localName();
                                            if (rowTag.namespaceURI() == KoXmlNS::table) {
                                                if (rowLocalName == "table-cell") {
                                                    // Ok, it's a cell...
                                                    const int currentRow = tbl->rows() - 1;
                                                    QTextTableCell cell = tbl->cellAt(currentRow, currentCell);
                                                    if (cell.isValid()) {
                                                        cursor = cell.firstCursorPosition();
                                                        loadBody(context, rowTag, cursor);
                                                    } else
                                                        kDebug(32500) << "Invalid table-cell row=" << currentRow << " column=" << currentCell;
                    cursor = tbl->lastCursorPosition();
                    cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Right, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor, 1);
                } else {
                    kWarning(32500) << "KoTextLoader::loadBody unhandled table::" << localName;