Exemple #1
void MainWindow::showTable()
    QTextCursor cursor = editor->textCursor();
    QTextTable *table = cursor.currentTable();

    if (!table)

    QTableWidget *tableWidget = new QTableWidget(table->rows(), table->columns());

//! [9]
    for (int row = 0; row < table->rows(); ++row) {
        for (int column = 0; column < table->columns(); ++column) {
            QTextTableCell tableCell = table->cellAt(row, column);
//! [9]
            QTextFrame::iterator it;
            QString text;
            for (it = tableCell.begin(); !(it.atEnd()); ++it) {
                QTextBlock childBlock = it.currentBlock();
                if (childBlock.isValid())
                    text += childBlock.text();
            QTableWidgetItem *newItem = new QTableWidgetItem(text);
            tableWidget->setItem(row, column, newItem);
//! [10]
//! [10]
//! [11]
//! [11] //! [12]
//! [12]

    tableWidget->setWindowTitle(tr("Table Contents"));
void QQuickTextNodeEngine::addFrameDecorations(QTextDocument *document, QTextFrame *frame)
    QTextDocumentLayout *documentLayout = qobject_cast<QTextDocumentLayout *>(document->documentLayout());
    QTextFrameFormat frameFormat = frame->format().toFrameFormat();

    QTextTable *table = qobject_cast<QTextTable *>(frame);
    QRectF boundingRect = table == 0
            ? documentLayout->frameBoundingRect(frame)
            : documentLayout->tableBoundingRect(table);

    QBrush bg = frame->frameFormat().background();
    if (bg.style() != Qt::NoBrush)
        m_backgrounds.append(qMakePair(boundingRect, bg.color()));

    if (!frameFormat.hasProperty(QTextFormat::FrameBorder))

    qreal borderWidth = frameFormat.border();
    if (qFuzzyIsNull(borderWidth))

    QBrush borderBrush = frameFormat.borderBrush();
    QTextFrameFormat::BorderStyle borderStyle = frameFormat.borderStyle();
    if (borderStyle == QTextFrameFormat::BorderStyle_None)

    addBorder(boundingRect.adjusted(frameFormat.leftMargin(), frameFormat.topMargin(),
                                    -frameFormat.rightMargin(), -frameFormat.bottomMargin()),
              borderWidth, borderStyle, borderBrush);
    if (table != 0) {
        int rows = table->rows();
        int columns = table->columns();

        for (int row=0; row<rows; ++row) {
            for (int column=0; column<columns; ++column) {
                QTextTableCell cell = table->cellAt(row, column);

                QRectF cellRect = documentLayout->tableCellBoundingRect(table, cell);
                addBorder(cellRect.adjusted(-borderWidth, -borderWidth, 0, 0), borderWidth,
                          borderStyle, borderBrush);
Exemple #3
//! [5]
void MainWindow::insertCalendar()
    QTextCursor cursor = editor->textCursor();

    QDate date(selectedDate.year(), selectedDate.month(), 1);
//! [5]

//! [6]
    QTextTableFormat tableFormat;
//! [6] //! [7]
    QVector<QTextLength> constraints;
    constraints << QTextLength(QTextLength::PercentageLength, 14)
                << QTextLength(QTextLength::PercentageLength, 14)
                << QTextLength(QTextLength::PercentageLength, 14)
                << QTextLength(QTextLength::PercentageLength, 14)
                << QTextLength(QTextLength::PercentageLength, 14)
                << QTextLength(QTextLength::PercentageLength, 14)
                << QTextLength(QTextLength::PercentageLength, 14);
//! [7]

//! [8]
    QTextTable *table = cursor.insertTable(1, 7, tableFormat);
//! [8]

//! [9]
    QTextFrame *frame = cursor.currentFrame();
    QTextFrameFormat frameFormat = frame->frameFormat();
//! [9]

//! [10]
    QTextCharFormat format = cursor.charFormat();

    QTextCharFormat boldFormat = format;

    QTextCharFormat highlightedFormat = boldFormat;
//! [10]

//! [11]
    for (int weekDay = 1; weekDay <= 7; ++weekDay) {
        QTextTableCell cell = table->cellAt(0, weekDay-1);
//! [11] //! [12]
        QTextCursor cellCursor = cell.firstCursorPosition();
//! [12]

//! [13]
    table->insertRows(table->rows(), 1);
//! [13]

    while (date.month() == selectedDate.month()) {
        int weekDay = date.dayOfWeek();
        QTextTableCell cell = table->cellAt(table->rows()-1, weekDay-1);
        QTextCursor cellCursor = cell.firstCursorPosition();

        if (date == QDate::currentDate())
            cellCursor.insertText(QString("%1").arg(date.day()), highlightedFormat);
            cellCursor.insertText(QString("%1").arg(date.day()), format);

        date = date.addDays(1);
        if (weekDay == 7 && date.month() == selectedDate.month())
            table->insertRows(table->rows(), 1);

//! [14]
    setWindowTitle(tr("Calendar for %1 %2"
Exemple #4
void KoTextLoader::loadBody(const KoXmlElement &bodyElem, QTextCursor &cursor)
    const QTextBlockFormat defaultBlockFormat = cursor.blockFormat();
    const QTextCharFormat defaultCharFormat = cursor.charFormat();

    const QTextDocument *document = cursor.block().document();
    d->styleManager = KoTextDocument(document).styleManager();

    d->changeTracker = KoTextDocument(document).changeTracker();
//    if (!d->changeTracker)
//        d->changeTracker = dynamic_cast<KoChangeTracker *>(d->context.dataCenterMap().value("ChangeTracker"));
//    Q_ASSERT(d->changeTracker);

    kDebug(32500) << "text-style:" << KoTextDebug::textAttributes( cursor.blockCharFormat() );
#if 0
    if ((document->isEmpty()) && (d->styleManager)) {
        QTextBlock block = cursor.block();

    KoXmlElement tag;
    bool usedParagraph = false; // set to true if we found a tag that used the paragraph, indicating that the next round needs to start a new one.
    forEachElement(tag, bodyElem) {
        if (! tag.isNull()) {
            const QString localName = tag.localName();
            if (tag.namespaceURI() == KoXmlNS::text) {
                if (usedParagraph)
                    cursor.insertBlock(defaultBlockFormat, defaultCharFormat);
                usedParagraph = true;
                if (d->changeTracker && localName == "tracked-changes") {
                    usedParagraph = false;
                } else if (d->changeTracker && localName == "change-start") {
                    loadChangedRegion(tag, cursor);
                    usedParagraph = false;
                } else if (d->changeTracker && localName == "change-end") {
                    d->currentChangeId = 0;
                    usedParagraph = false;
                } else if (localName == "p") {    // text paragraph
                    loadParagraph(tag, cursor);
                } else if (localName == "h") {  // heading
                    loadHeading(tag, cursor);
                } else if (localName == "unordered-list" || localName == "ordered-list" // OOo-1.1
                           || localName == "list" || localName == "numbered-paragraph") {  // OASIS
                    loadList(tag, cursor);
                } else if (localName == "section") {  // Temporary support (###TODO)
                    loadSection(tag, cursor);
                } else {
                    KoVariable *var = KoVariableRegistry::instance()->createFromOdf(tag, d->context);

                    if (var) {
                        KoTextDocumentLayout *layout = dynamic_cast<KoTextDocumentLayout*>(cursor.block().document()->documentLayout());
                        if (layout) {
                            KoInlineTextObjectManager *textObjectManager = layout->inlineTextObjectManager();
                            if (textObjectManager) {
                                KoVariableManager *varManager = textObjectManager->variableManager();
                                if (varManager) {
                                    textObjectManager->insertInlineObject(cursor, var);
                    } else {
                        usedParagraph = false;
                        kWarning(32500) << "unhandled text:" << localName;
            } else if (tag.namespaceURI() == KoXmlNS::draw) {
                loadShape(tag, cursor);
            } else if (tag.namespaceURI() == KoXmlNS::table) {
                if (localName == "table") {
                    loadTable(tag, cursor);
                } else {
                    kWarning(32500) << "unhandled table:" << localName;
#if 0 // TODO commented out for now
                if (localName == "table") {
                    cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Left, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor, 1);
                    QTextTable *tbl = cursor.insertTable(1, 1);
                    int rows = 0;
                    int columns = 0;
                    kDebug(32500) << "Table inserted";
                    KoXmlElement tblTag;
                    forEachElement(tblTag, tag) {
                        if (! tblTag.isNull()) {
                            const QString tblLocalName = tblTag.localName();
                            if (tblTag.namespaceURI() == KoXmlNS::table) {
                                if (tblLocalName == "table-column") {
                                    // Do some parsing with the column, see §8.2.1, ODF 1.1 spec
                                    int repeatColumn = tblTag.attributeNS(KoXmlNS::table, "number-columns-repeated", "1").toInt();
                                    columns = columns + repeatColumn;
                                    if (rows > 0)
                                        tbl->resize(rows, columns);
                                        tbl->resize(1, columns);
                                } else if (tblLocalName == "table-row") {
                                    // Lot of work to do here...
                                    if (columns > 0)
                                        tbl->resize(rows, columns);
                                        tbl->resize(rows, 1);
                                    // Added a row
                                    int currentCell = 0;
                                    KoXmlElement rowTag;
                                    forEachElement(rowTag, tblTag) {
                                        if (!rowTag.isNull()) {
                                            const QString rowLocalName = rowTag.localName();
                                            if (rowTag.namespaceURI() == KoXmlNS::table) {
                                                if (rowLocalName == "table-cell") {
                                                    // Ok, it's a cell...
                                                    const int currentRow = tbl->rows() - 1;
                                                    QTextTableCell cell = tbl->cellAt(currentRow, currentCell);
                                                    if (cell.isValid()) {
                                                        cursor = cell.firstCursorPosition();
                                                        loadBody(context, rowTag, cursor);
                                                    } else
                                                        kDebug(32500) << "Invalid table-cell row=" << currentRow << " column=" << currentCell;
                    cursor = tbl->lastCursorPosition();
                    cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Right, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor, 1);
                } else {
                    kWarning(32500) << "KoTextLoader::loadBody unhandled table::" << localName;
void TestChangeTrackedDelete::testTableDelete()
    TextTool *textTool = new TextTool(new MockCanvas);
    KoTextEditor *textEditor = textTool->textEditor();
    QTextDocument *document = textEditor->document();
    KTextDocumentLayout *layout = qobject_cast<KTextDocumentLayout*>(document->documentLayout());
    QTextCursor *cursor = textEditor->cursor();

    cursor->setPosition(102, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor);
    ChangeTrackedDeleteCommand *delCommand = new ChangeTrackedDeleteCommand(ChangeTrackedDeleteCommand::NextChar, textTool);
    QCOMPARE(document->characterAt(13).unicode(), (ushort)(QChar::ObjectReplacementCharacter));

    // This is wierd. Without this loop present the succeeding call to inlineTextObject returs NULL. Why ??????
    for (int i=0; i<document->characterCount(); i++) {

    KDeleteChangeMarker *testMarker = dynamic_cast<KDeleteChangeMarker*>(layout->inlineTextObjectManager()->inlineTextObject(*cursor));
    QTextDocumentFragment deleteData =  KTextDocument(document).changeTracker()->elementById(testMarker->changeId())->deleteData();

    QTextDocument deleteDocument;
    QTextCursor deleteCursor(&deleteDocument);

    bool tableFound = false;

    for (int i=0; i < deleteDocument.characterCount(); i++) {
        if (deleteCursor.currentTable()) {
            tableFound = true;
    QVERIFY(tableFound == true);
    QTextTable *table = deleteCursor.currentTable();
    QVERIFY(table->rows() == 3);
    QVERIFY(table->columns() == 3);

    tableFound = false;
    for (int i=0; i < document->characterCount(); i++) {
        if (deleteCursor.currentTable()) {
            tableFound = true;
    QVERIFY(tableFound == false);

    tableFound = false;
    for (int i=0; i < document->characterCount(); i++) {
        if (deleteCursor.currentTable()) {
            tableFound = true;
    QVERIFY(tableFound == true);
    delete textTool;
Exemple #6
//fin modele-----------------------------------------------------------------------
void ProduceDoc::fillTable(QList<QVector<QString> > & tableau,
                           QTextTableFormat & tableFormatOrganized,
                           QTextCursor * cursorForFillFunction,
                           QString & thisMonth,
                           QStringList & listSums,
                           int choice,
                           const QString & totalMovementString){
    QList<QVector<QString> > tableauInFonction;
                         tableauInFonction         = tableau;
        int              nbreLignesTableau         = tableauInFonction.size();
        int              nbreColonnesTableau       = TABLE_NAME_OF_ACTS;
        int              sizeOfTable               = nbreLignesTableau*nbreColonnesTableau;
        QTextTableFormat tableFormat               = tableFormatOrganized;
        QTextCursor     *cursortrieinfunction      = cursorForFillFunction;
        QString          thisMonthfonction         = thisMonth;
        QString          type                      = "";
        QStringList      totalSumsList             = listSums;
        QString total;
        /*for (int i = 0; i < totalSumsList.size(); i += 1)
            if (WarnDebugMessage)

              qDebug() << __FILE__ << QString::number(__LINE__) << " totalSumsList =" << totalSumsList[i] ;
        if(choice == RECEIPTS_TYPE){
            type = tr("Receipts");
            total = totalSumsList[SUMS_SUM];
        if(choice == MOVEMENTS_TYPE){
            type = tr("Movements");
            total = totalMovementString;
        QTextBlockFormat centerHead ;
       //centrer                       .setBackground(Qt::yellow) ;
       if (WarnDebugMessage)
              qDebug() << __FILE__ << QString::number(__LINE__) << " thisMonthfonction =" << thisMonthfonction ;
           QString heads = tr("Month of ")+thisMonthfonction+" = "+type;
       if (thisMonthfonction == tr("complete year"))
           heads = tr("Total of ")+thisMonthfonction+" = "+type;
           centerHead                    .setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter) ;
           cursortrieinfunction         -> insertBlock(centerHead);
           cursortrieinfunction         -> insertHtml("<font size = 6 color = #3300FF><bold><br/>"
        QTextTableFormat tableFormatDone;
        if (WarnDebugMessage)

              qDebug() << __FILE__ << QString::number(__LINE__) << " thread 10 "   ;
        if(sizeOfTable!= 0){
            if((thisMonthfonction != tr("complete year")) ){
                QTextTable * table = cursortrieinfunction->insertTable(nbreLignesTableau,
            for(int i=0 ; i< nbreLignesTableau ; i++){
                QVector<QString> vectorString;
                    vectorString = tableauInFonction[i];
                /*if (WarnDebugMessage)

              qDebug() << __FILE__ << QString::number(__LINE__) << "vectorString size  ="
                                     <<  QString::number(vectorString.size());*/
                QStringList list; // liste des données de la ligne
                /*if (WarnDebugMessage)

              qDebug() << __FILE__ << QString::number(__LINE__) << "nbreColonnesTableau  = "
                         << QString::number(nbreColonnesTableau)  ;*/
                for (int a = 0 ;a < nbreColonnesTableau ; a++){
                    QString str = vectorString[a];
                         list << str;
                         if (WarnDebugMessage)
                         qDebug() << __FILE__ << QString::number(__LINE__) << " str =" << str ;
                   double s = list[2].toDouble();
                   if(s > 0){
                      for(int j= 0 ; j < nbreColonnesTableau ; j++){
                          QTextTableCell cell    = table->cellAt(i,j);
                          QTextCursor cellCursor = cell.firstCursorPosition();
                          cellCursor             . insertText(list[j]);
    QTextBlockFormat centrer ;
       //centrer                       .setBackground(Qt::yellow) ;
       centrer                        .setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter) ;
       cursortrieinfunction         -> insertBlock(centrer);
       cursortrieinfunction         -> insertText("\n\n");
//----------------insertion fin de table-------------------------------------------
    if (WarnDebugMessage)
              qDebug() << __FILE__ << QString::number(__LINE__) << "total  =" << total ;
    table                           -> insertRows(table->rows(),1);
    table                           -> mergeCells(table->rows()-1,0,1,2);//-1 car part de zero
    QTextTableCell cell              = table->cellAt(table->rows()-1,0);
     QTextCursor cellCursor          = cell.firstCursorPosition();
     QString totalMonth = QString("<html><font size = 4 color = #FF0000><bold>%1 %2 <bold></font></html>")
                          .arg(tr("Total of "),thisMonthfonction);
     cellCursor                       .insertHtml(totalMonth);
    QTextTableCell cell2             = table->cellAt(table->rows()-1,2);
     QTextCursor cellCursor2         = cell2.firstCursorPosition();
     table                          -> mergeCells(table->rows()-1,2,1,3);
     cellCursor2                      .insertText(total);
    cursortrieinfunction            -> movePosition(QTextCursor::End,QTextCursor::MoveAnchor,1);

    QTextBlockFormat centrer1 ;
       //centrer1                       .setBackground(Qt::yellow) ;
       centrer1                        .setForeground(Qt::red) ;
       centrer1                        .setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
       QString headAccumulation = tr("Accumulation of ")+type+" "+tr("of")+" "+thisMonthfonction;
       cursortrieinfunction          -> insertBlock(centrer1);
       cursortrieinfunction          -> insertHtml ("<font size = 6 color = #3300FF><bold><br/>"
    if (WarnDebugMessage)

              qDebug() << __FILE__ << QString::number(__LINE__) << " thread 12 "   ;
//---------------insertion table recapitulative----------------------------------
//---------------complete year---------------------------------------------------
    QTextTable *tableRecap;
    if(choice == RECEIPTS_TYPE){
        QString esp               = totalSumsList[SUMS_CASH];
        QString chq               = totalSumsList[SUMS_CHECKS];
        QString cb                = totalSumsList[SUMS_CREDITCARDS];
        QString banking           = totalSumsList[SUMS_BANKING];
        QString totalReceipts     = totalSumsList[SUMS_SUM];
        nbreLignesTableau         = int(SUMS_MaxParam) ;
        tableRecap                = cursortrieinfunction->insertTable(nbreLignesTableau,2,tableFormatDone);
        QTextTableCell cell00     = tableRecap->cellAt(0,0);//verify all table
         QTextCursor cellCursor00 = cell00.firstCursorPosition();
         cellCursor00             . insertText(tr("Total Cash"));
        QTextTableCell cell01     = tableRecap->cellAt(0,1);
         QTextCursor cellCursor01 = cell01.firstCursorPosition();
         cellCursor01             . insertText(esp);
        QTextTableCell cell10     = tableRecap->cellAt(1,0);
         QTextCursor cellCursor10 = cell10.firstCursorPosition();
         cellCursor10             . insertText(tr("Total checks"));
        QTextTableCell cell11     = tableRecap->cellAt(1,1);
         QTextCursor cellCursor11 = cell11.firstCursorPosition();
         cellCursor11             . insertText(chq);
        QTextTableCell cell20     = tableRecap->cellAt(2,0);
         QTextCursor cellCursor20 = cell20.firstCursorPosition();
         cellCursor20             . insertText(tr("Total credit cards"));
        QTextTableCell cell21     = tableRecap->cellAt(2,1);
         QTextCursor cellCursor21 = cell21.firstCursorPosition();
         cellCursor21             . insertText(cb);
        QTextTableCell cell30     = tableRecap->cellAt(3,0);
         QTextCursor cellCursor30 = cell30.firstCursorPosition();
         cellCursor30             . insertText(tr("Total bankings"));
        QTextTableCell cell31     = tableRecap->cellAt(3,1);
         QTextCursor cellCursor31 = cell31.firstCursorPosition();
         cellCursor31             . insertText(banking);
            QTextTableCell cell40     = tableRecap->cellAt(4,0);
            QTextCursor cellCursor40  = cell40.firstCursorPosition();
            QString totalReceiptsHtml = QString("<html><font size = 4 color = #FF0000><bold>%1 %2 <bold></font></html>")
                                        .arg(tr("Total of "), tr("receipts"));
            cellCursor40              . insertHtml(totalReceiptsHtml);
            QTextTableCell cell41     = tableRecap->cellAt(4,1);
            QTextCursor cellCursor41  = cell41.firstCursorPosition();
            cellCursor41              . insertText(totalReceipts);
    if(choice == MOVEMENTS_TYPE){
        //nbreLignesTableau = m_typesMovements.size();
        if (WarnDebugMessage)
              qDebug() << __FILE__ << QString::number(__LINE__) << " m_typesMovements.size() =" << QString::number(m_typesMovements.size())  ;
        //int nberLines = nbreLignesTableau +1 ;
        int nberLines = totalSumsList.size();
        if (WarnDebugMessage)
              qDebug() << __FILE__ << QString::number(__LINE__) << "nberLines  =" <<  QString::number(nberLines);
        tableRecap                = cursortrieinfunction->insertTable(nberLines,2,tableFormatDone);
        if (WarnDebugMessage)
              qDebug() << __FILE__ << QString::number(__LINE__) << "totalSumsList.size = " << QString::number(totalSumsList.size());
        for(int i = 0 ; i < nberLines ; i++){
            if (WarnDebugMessage)
              qDebug() << __FILE__ << QString::number(__LINE__) << "i = " << QString::number(i);
            //if(!i < totalSumsList.size()){break;}
            if (WarnDebugMessage)
              qDebug() << __FILE__ << QString::number(__LINE__) << "totalSumsList[i] = " << totalSumsList[i];
            QStringList paireDepenseMontant = totalSumsList[i].split("=");
            if (WarnDebugMessage)
              qDebug() << __FILE__ << QString::number(__LINE__) << "paireDepenseMontant[1]  =" << paireDepenseMontant[1] ;
            if (WarnDebugMessage)
              qDebug() << __FILE__ << QString::number(__LINE__) << "paireDepenseMontant[0]  =" << paireDepenseMontant[0] ;
            QTextTableCell cellDep          = tableRecap->cellAt(i,0);
             QTextCursor cellCursorDep      = cellDep.firstCursorPosition();
             QString paireDepenseMontantLeft = paireDepenseMontant[0];
             if (WarnDebugMessage)
              qDebug() << __FILE__ << QString::number(__LINE__) << "paireDepenseMontantLeft  =" << paireDepenseMontantLeft ;
             if (paireDepenseMontantLeft == tr("Total"))

                  if (WarnDebugMessage)
                  qDebug() << __FILE__ << QString::number(__LINE__) << "in total";
                  QString totalInHtml = QString("<html><font size = 4 color = #FF0000><bold>%1<bold></font></html>")
                  if (WarnDebugMessage)
                  qDebug() << __FILE__ << QString::number(__LINE__) << "in else";
            QTextTableCell cellDep1         = tableRecap->cellAt(i,1);
             QTextCursor cellCursorDep1     = cellDep1.firstCursorPosition();
             cellCursorDep1                 . insertText(paireDepenseMontant[1]);
             if (WarnDebugMessage)
              qDebug() << __FILE__ << QString::number(__LINE__) << "end of for";
    //calculparmois(listforquery,table, un,trenteetquelque);//calcul par type recette et mois
    cursortrieinfunction  ->movePosition(QTextCursor::End,QTextCursor::MoveAnchor,1);
}//end of fillTable
void InformeCierreCaja::hacerResumen( int id_caja, bool ultimo, int id_cierre )
    if( id_caja == -1 ) {
        qWarning( "Numero de caja incorrecto" );
    } else if( ultimo == false && id_cierre == -1 ) {
        qWarning( "El cierre pedido es incorrecto" );
    // Busco los datos
    MMovimientosCaja *m = new MMovimientosCaja( this );
    if( ultimo ) {
      id_cierre = m->buscarUltimoCierre( id_caja );
      if( id_cierre == -1 ) {
    QSqlQuery resultados = m->buscarMovimientos( id_caja, id_cierre );
    // Inicio el renderizado
    QTextCursor cursor( documento );
    int cantidadCol = 6;
    if( preferencias::getInstancia()->value( "Preferencias/Caja/responsable", true ).toBool() ) { cantidadCol++; }
    /// Hago la cabecera de la tabla
    QTextTable *tabla = cursor.insertTable( 1, cantidadCol );
    QTextTableFormat formatoTabla = tabla->format();
    formatoTabla.setHeaderRowCount( 1 );
    formatoTabla.setWidth( QTextLength( QTextLength::PercentageLength, 100 ) );
    tabla->setFormat( formatoTabla );
    tabla->cellAt( 0,0 ).firstCursorPosition().insertHtml( " # Op " );
    tabla->cellAt( 0,1 ).firstCursorPosition().insertHtml( " Fecha/Hora " );
    tabla->cellAt( 0,2 ).firstCursorPosition().insertHtml( " Razon " );
    tabla->cellAt( 0,3 ).firstCursorPosition().insertHtml( " Ingreso " );
    tabla->cellAt( 0,4 ).firstCursorPosition().insertHtml( " Egreso " );
    tabla->cellAt( 0,5 ).firstCursorPosition().insertHtml( " Saldo " );
    if( preferencias::getInstancia()->value( "Preferencias/Caja/responsable", true ).toBool() ) {
        tabla->cellAt( 0, 6 ).firstCursorPosition().insertHtml( " Responsable " );
    // Averiguo el saldo hasta el momento del cierre anterior
    double saldo_anterior = m->saldoEnMovimientoAnteriorA( id_caja, id_cierre );
    while( resultados.next() ) {
        int pos = tabla->rows();
        tabla->insertRows( pos, 1 );
        tabla->cellAt( pos, 0 ).firstCursorPosition().insertHtml( QString( " # %1 " ).arg( resultados.record().value("id_movimiento" ).toInt() ) );
        tabla->cellAt( pos, 1 ).firstCursorPosition().insertHtml( resultados.record().value("fecha_hora" ).toDateTime().toString( Qt::SystemLocaleDate ) );
        tabla->cellAt( pos, 2 ).firstCursorPosition().insertHtml( resultados.record().value("razon" ).toString() );
        if( resultados.record().value( "cierre" ).toBool() == false ) {
            // Ingreso
            double haber = resultados.record().value( "ingreso" ).toDouble();
            saldo_anterior += haber;
            tabla->cellAt( pos, 3 ).firstCursorPosition().insertHtml( QString( " $ %L1" ).arg( haber ) );
            // Egreso
            double debe = resultados.record().value( "egreso" ).toDouble();
            saldo_anterior -= debe;
            tabla->cellAt( pos, 4 ).firstCursorPosition().insertHtml( QString( " $ %L1" ).arg( debe ) );
            // Subtotal hasta el momento
            tabla->cellAt( pos, 5 ).firstCursorPosition().insertHtml( QString( " $ %L1" ).arg( saldo_anterior ) );
        } else {
            saldo_anterior += resultados.record().value( "ingreso" ).toDouble();
            tabla->cellAt( pos, 5 ).firstCursorPosition().insertHtml( QString( " $ %L1" ).arg( saldo_anterior ) );
        if( preferencias::getInstancia()->value( "Preferencias/Caja/responsable", true ).toBool() ) {
            tabla->cellAt( pos, 6 ).firstCursorPosition().insertHtml( resultados.record().value( "responsable" ).toString() );
    // Saldos finales
    cursor.movePosition( QTextCursor::End );
    cursor.insertHtml( QString( "<b>Saldo Final:</b>   $  %L1" ).arg( saldo_anterior ) );
    if( preferencias::getInstancia()->value( "Preferencias/Caja/firma", true ).toBool() ) {
        cursor.insertText( "Controlado por: ________________________" );
        cursor.insertText( "Firma: ____________" );
    // Termino el resumen
    cursor.movePosition( QTextCursor::Start );
    if( preferencias::getInstancia()->value( "Preferencias/Caja/logo" ).toBool() ) {
        //cursor.insertImage( ERegistroPlugins::pluginInfo()->imagenPrograma() );
        cursor.insertImage( ":/imagenes/gestotux32.png" );
    cursor.insertHtml( "<h1>Cierre de Caja</h1>" );
    cursor.insertHtml( QString( "<b>Fecha de Cierre:</b> %1 <br />" ).arg( QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString( Qt::SystemLocaleLongDate ) ) );
    cursor.insertHtml( QString( "<b>Caja:</b> %1<br />").arg( MCajas::nombreCaja( id_caja ) ) );
void KoTextWriter::write(const QTextDocument *document, int from, int to)
    d->document = const_cast<QTextDocument*>(document);
    d->styleManager = KoTextDocument(document).styleManager();

    QTextBlock fromblock = document->findBlock(from);
    QTextBlock toblock = document->findBlock(to);

    QTextCursor fromcursor(fromblock);

    QTextTable *currentTable = fromcursor.currentTable();
    QTextList *currentList = fromcursor.currentList();

    // NOTE even better would be if we create a new table/list out of multiple selected
    // tablecells/listitems that contain only the selected cells/items. But following
    // at least enables copying a whole list/table while still being able to copy/paste
    // only parts of the text within a list/table (see also bug 275990).
    if (currentTable || currentList) {
        if (from == 0 && to < 0) {
            // save everything means also save current table and list
            currentTable = 0;
            currentList = 0;
        } else {
            QTextCursor tocursor(toblock);
            //fromcursor.setPosition(from, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor);
            tocursor.setPosition(to, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor);

            if (!fromcursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::PreviousCharacter, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor)) {
                fromcursor = QTextCursor();
            if (!tocursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextCharacter, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor)) {
                tocursor = QTextCursor();

            // save the whole table if all cells are selected
            if (currentTable) {
                QTextTableCell fromcell = currentTable->cellAt(from);
                QTextTableCell tocell = currentTable->cellAt(to);
                if ((fromcursor.isNull() || fromcursor.currentTable() != currentTable) &&
                    (tocursor.isNull() || tocursor.currentTable() != currentTable) &&
                    fromcell.column() == 0 && fromcell.row() == 0 &&
                    tocell.column() == currentTable->columns()-1 && tocell.row() == currentTable->rows()-1
                ) {
                    currentTable = 0;

            // save the whole list if all list-items are selected
            if (currentList) {
                int fromindex = currentList->itemNumber(fromblock);
                int toindex = currentList->itemNumber(toblock);
                if ((fromcursor.isNull() || fromcursor.currentList() != currentList) &&
                    (tocursor.isNull() || tocursor.currentList() != currentList) &&
                    fromindex <= 0 && (toindex < 0 || toindex == currentList->count()-1)
                ) {
                    currentList = 0;

    QHash<QTextList *, QString> listStyles = d->saveListStyles(fromblock, to);
    d->globalFrom = from;
    d->globalTo = to;
    d->writeBlocks(const_cast<QTextDocument *>(document), from, to, listStyles, currentTable, currentList);