Exemple #1
Query::combineWith( const Query& rhs ) const
    Query merged;

    // merge the expressions:

    bool lhsEmptyExpr = !_expression.isSet() || _expression->empty();
    bool rhsEmptyExpr = !rhs.expression().isSet() || rhs.expression()->empty();

    if ( !lhsEmptyExpr && !rhsEmptyExpr )
        std::stringstream buf;
        buf << "( " << *_expression << " ) AND ( " << *rhs.expression() << " )";
        std::string str;
        str = buf.str();
        merged.expression() = str;
    else if ( lhsEmptyExpr && !rhsEmptyExpr )
        merged.expression() = *rhs.expression();
    else if ( !lhsEmptyExpr && rhsEmptyExpr )
        merged.expression() = *_expression;

    // tilekey overrides bounds:
    if ( _tileKey.isSet() )
        merged.tileKey() = *_tileKey;
    else if ( rhs._tileKey.isSet() )
        merged.tileKey() = *rhs._tileKey;

    // merge the bounds:
    if ( bounds().isSet() && rhs.bounds().isSet() )
        merged.bounds() = bounds()->intersectionWith( *rhs.bounds() );
    else if ( bounds().isSet() )
        merged.bounds() = *bounds();
    else if ( rhs.bounds().isSet() )
        merged.bounds() = *rhs.bounds();

    return merged;
Exemple #2
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    osg::ArgumentParser arguments(&argc,argv);

    if (argc < 2)
        return usage("");
    //The first level
    unsigned int firstLevel = 0;
    while (arguments.read("--first-level", firstLevel));

    //The max level
    unsigned int maxLevel = 6;
    while (arguments.read("--max-level", maxLevel));

    unsigned int maxFeatures = 300;
    while (arguments.read("--max-features", maxFeatures));    

    //The destination directory
    std::string destination = "out";
    while (arguments.read("--out", destination));

    //The name of the layer
    std::string layer = "layer";
    while (arguments.read("--layer", layer));

    //The description of the layer
    std::string description = "";
    while (arguments.read("--description", description));

    std::string queryExpression = "";
    while (arguments.read("--expression", queryExpression));

    std::string queryOrderBy = "";
    while (arguments.read("--order-by", queryOrderBy));

    CropFilter::Method cropMethod = CropFilter::METHOD_CENTROID;
    if (arguments.read("--crop"))
        cropMethod = CropFilter::METHOD_CROPPING;

    std::string destSRS;
    while(arguments.read("--dest-srs", destSRS));

    // Custom bounding box
    Bounds bounds;
    double xmin=DBL_MAX, ymin=DBL_MAX, xmax=DBL_MIN, ymax=DBL_MIN;
    while (arguments.read("--bounds", xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax ))
        bounds.xMin() = xmin;
        bounds.yMin() = ymin;
        bounds.xMax() = xmax;
        bounds.yMax() = ymax;
    std::string filename;

    //Get the first argument that is not an option
    for(int pos=1;pos<arguments.argc();++pos)
        if (!arguments.isOption(pos))
            filename  = arguments[ pos ];

    if (filename.empty())
        return usage( "Please provide a filename" );

    //Open the feature source
    OGRFeatureOptions featureOpt;
    featureOpt.url() = filename;

    osg::ref_ptr< FeatureSource > features = FeatureSourceFactory::create( featureOpt );
    if (!features.valid())
        OE_NOTICE << "Failed to open " << filename << std::endl;
        return 1;

    const FeatureProfile* profile = features->getFeatureProfile();
    if (!profile)
        OE_NOTICE << "Failed to create a valid profile for " << filename << std::endl;
        return 1;

    std::string method = cropMethod == CropFilter::METHOD_CENTROID ? "Centroid" : "Cropping";

    OE_NOTICE << "Processing " << filename << std::endl
              << "  FirstLevel=" << firstLevel << std::endl
              << "  MaxLevel=" << maxLevel << std::endl
              << "  MaxFeatures=" << maxFeatures << std::endl
              << "  Destination=" << destination << std::endl
              << "  Layer=" << layer << std::endl
              << "  Description=" << description << std::endl
              << "  Expression=" << queryExpression << std::endl
              << "  OrderBy=" << queryOrderBy << std::endl
              << "  Method= " << method << std::endl
              << "  DestSRS= " << destSRS << std::endl
              << std::endl;

    Query query;
    if (!queryExpression.empty())
        query.expression() = queryExpression;

    if (!queryOrderBy.empty())
        query.orderby() = queryOrderBy;

    osg::Timer_t startTime = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
    //buildTFS( features.get(), firstLevel, maxLevel, maxFeatures, destination, layer, description, query, cropMethod);
    TFSPackager packager;
    packager.setFirstLevel( firstLevel );
    packager.setMaxLevel( maxLevel );
    packager.setMaxFeatures( maxFeatures );
    packager.setQuery( query );
    packager.setMethod( cropMethod );    
    packager.setDestSRS( destSRS );
    if (bounds.isValid())
        packager.setLod0Extent(GeoExtent(osgEarth::SpatialReference::create( destSRS ), bounds));
    packager.package( features, destination, layer, description );
    osg::Timer_t endTime = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
    OE_NOTICE << "Completed in " << osg::Timer::instance()->delta_s( startTime, endTime ) << " s " << std::endl;

    return 0;