int ConfigDiffTracker<ValType, ShardType>::calculateConfigDiff(CatalogManager* catalogManager) { _assertAttached(); // Get the diff query required Query diffQuery = configDiffQuery(); try { std::vector<ChunkType> chunks; uassertStatusOK(catalogManager->getChunks( diffQuery.getFilter(), diffQuery.getSort(), boost::none, &chunks)); return calculateConfigDiff(chunks); } catch (DBException& e) { // Should only happen on connection errors e.addContext(str::stream() << "could not calculate config difference for ns " << _ns); throw; } }
bool SCCFastQueryHandler::canHandleQuery(const string& ns, Query query) { if (!internalSCCAllowFastestAuthConfigReads && !internalSCCAllowFastestMetadataConfigReads) { return false; } // // More operations can be added here // // NOTE: Not all operations actually pass through the SCC _queryOnActive path - notable // exceptions include anything related to direct query ops and direct operations for // connection maintenance. // NamespaceString nss(ns); if (nss.isCommand()) { BSONObj cmdObj = query.getFilter(); string cmdName = cmdObj.firstElement().fieldName(); if (cmdName == "usersInfo") return true; } else if (nss.coll() == "system.users") { return true; } // // Allow fastest config reads for all collections except for those involved in locks and // cluster versioning. // if (!internalSCCAllowFastestMetadataConfigReads) return false; if (nss.db() != "config") return false; if (nss.coll() != "version" && nss.coll() != "locks" && nss.coll() != "lockpings") { return true; } return false; }
virtual bool run(const string& dbname, BSONObj& cmdObj, int x, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool y) { static DBDirectClient db; if ( cmdObj["sort"].eoo() ) return runNoDirectClient( dbname , cmdObj , x, errmsg , result, y ); string ns = dbname + '.' + cmdObj.firstElement().valuestr(); BSONObj origQuery = cmdObj.getObjectField("query"); // defaults to {} Query q (origQuery); BSONElement sort = cmdObj["sort"]; if (!sort.eoo()) q.sort(sort.embeddedObjectUserCheck()); bool upsert = cmdObj["upsert"].trueValue(); BSONObj fieldsHolder (cmdObj.getObjectField("fields")); const BSONObj* fields = (fieldsHolder.isEmpty() ? NULL : &fieldsHolder); Projection projection; if (fields) { projection.init(fieldsHolder); if (!projection.includeID()) fields = NULL; // do projection in post-processing } BSONObj out = db.findOne(ns, q, fields); if (out.isEmpty()) { if (!upsert) { result.appendNull("value"); return true; } BSONElement update = cmdObj["update"]; uassert(13329, "upsert mode requires update field", !update.eoo()); uassert(13330, "upsert mode requires query field", !origQuery.isEmpty()); db.update(ns, origQuery, update.embeddedObjectUserCheck(), true); BSONObj gle = db.getLastErrorDetailed(dbname); result.append("lastErrorObject", gle); if (gle["err"].type() == String) { errmsg = gle["err"].String(); return false; } if (cmdObj["new"].trueValue()) { BSONElement _id = gle["upserted"]; if (_id.eoo()) _id = origQuery["_id"]; out = db.findOne(ns, QUERY("_id" << _id), fields); } } else { if (cmdObj["remove"].trueValue()) { uassert(12515, "can't remove and update", cmdObj["update"].eoo()); db.remove(ns, QUERY("_id" << out["_id"]), 1); BSONObj gle = db.getLastErrorDetailed(dbname); result.append("lastErrorObject", gle); if (gle["err"].type() == String) { errmsg = gle["err"].String(); return false; } } else { // update BSONElement queryId = origQuery["_id"]; if (queryId.eoo() || getGtLtOp(queryId) != BSONObj::Equality) { // need to include original query for $ positional operator BSONObjBuilder b; b.append(out["_id"]); BSONObjIterator it(origQuery); while (it.more()) { BSONElement e =; if (strcmp(e.fieldName(), "_id")) b.append(e); } q = Query(b.obj()); } if (q.isComplex()) // update doesn't work with complex queries q = Query(q.getFilter().getOwned()); BSONElement update = cmdObj["update"]; uassert(12516, "must specify remove or update", !update.eoo()); db.update(ns, q, update.embeddedObjectUserCheck()); BSONObj gle = db.getLastErrorDetailed(dbname); result.append("lastErrorObject", gle); if (gle["err"].type() == String) { errmsg = gle["err"].String(); return false; } if (cmdObj["new"].trueValue()) out = db.findOne(ns, QUERY("_id" << out["_id"]), fields); } } if (!fieldsHolder.isEmpty() && !fields){ // we need to run projection but haven't yet out = projection.transform(out); } result.append("value", out); return true; }