Exemple #1
	Quaternion Quaternion::Exp () const
		// If q = A*(x*i+y*j+z*k) where (x,y,z) is unit length, then
		// exp(q) = cos(A)+sin(A)*(x*i+y*j+z*k).  If sin(A) is near zero,
		// use exp(q) = cos(A)+A*(x*i+y*j+z*k) since A/sin(A) has limit 1.

		Radian fAngle ( Math::Sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z) );
		scalar fSin = Math::Sin(fAngle);

		Quaternion kResult;
		kResult.w = Math::Cos(fAngle);

		if ( fabs(fSin) >= ms_fEpsilon )
			scalar fCoeff = fSin/(fAngle.valueRadians());
			kResult.x = fCoeff*x;
			kResult.y = fCoeff*y;
			kResult.z = fCoeff*z;
			kResult.x = x;
			kResult.y = y;
			kResult.z = z;

		return kResult;
Exemple #2
void Camera::renderObject()
    if(polygonMode == PM_SOLID)
        glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
    else if(polygonMode == PM_WIREFRAME)
        glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE);
    else if(polygonMode == PM_POINTS)
        glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_POINT);

    glLoadIdentity(); // Reset The View

    // update parameters if it's tracking
    if(autoTrackingEnabled && trackingTarget != NULL)
        setPosition(trackingTarget->getPosition() + trackingOffset);

    Radian radRotation;
    WasVec3d axis;
    rotation.inverse().toAngleAxis(radRotation, axis);
    glRotatef(radRotation.valueDegrees(), axis.x, axis.y, axis.z);
    glTranslatef(-translation[0], -translation[1], -translation[2]);
void KisColorSelector::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event)
    m_clickPos       = mapCoord(event->posF(), m_renderArea);
    m_mouseMoved     = false;
    m_pressedButtons = event->buttons();
    m_clickedRing    = getSaturationIndex(m_clickPos);
    qint8 clickedLightPiece = getLightIndex(event->posF());
    if (clickedLightPiece >= 0) {
        setLight(getLight(event->posF()), m_relativeLight);
        m_selectedLightPiece = clickedLightPiece;
        setSelectedColor(m_selectedColor, !(m_pressedButtons & Qt::RightButton), true);
        m_mouseMoved   = true;
    else if (m_clickedRing >= 0) {
        if (getNumPieces() > 1) {
            for(int i=0; i<getNumRings(); ++i)
        else {
            Radian angle = std::atan2(m_clickPos.x(), m_clickPos.y()) - RAD_90;
            m_selectedColor.setH(angle.scaled(0.0f, 1.0f));
            m_selectedColor.setX(getLight(m_light, m_selectedColor.getH(), m_relativeLight));
            setSelectedColor(m_selectedColor, !(m_pressedButtons & Qt::RightButton), true);
            m_selectedRing = m_clickedRing;
            m_mouseMoved   = true;
Exemple #4
	bool Quaternion::equals(const Quaternion& rhs, const Radian& tolerance) const
        Real d = Dot(rhs);
        Radian angle = Math::ACos(2.0f * d*d - 1.0f);

		return Math::Abs(angle.valueRadians()) <= tolerance.valueRadians();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CPepeEngineVector3::directionEquals(const CPepeEngineVector3& rhs, const Radian& tolerance) const
    float dot       = dotProduct(rhs);
    Radian angle    = CPepeEngineMath::ACos(dot);

    return CPepeEngineMath::Abs(angle.valueRadians()) <= tolerance.valueRadians();
    Quaternion Quaternion::Log () const
        // If q = cos(A)+sin(A)*(x*i+y*j+z*k) where (x,y,z) is unit length, then
        // log(q) = A*(x*i+y*j+z*k).  If sin(A) is near zero, use log(q) =
        // sin(A)*(x*i+y*j+z*k) since sin(A)/A has limit 1.

        Quaternion kResult;
        kResult.w = 0.0;

        if ( Math::Abs(w) < 1.0 )
            Radian fAngle ( Math::ACos(w) );
            Real fSin = Math::Sin(fAngle);
            if ( Math::Abs(fSin) >= ms_fEpsilon )
                Real fCoeff = fAngle.valueRadians()/fSin;
                kResult.x = fCoeff*x;
                kResult.y = fCoeff*y;
                kResult.z = fCoeff*z;
                return kResult;

        kResult.x = x;
        kResult.y = y;
        kResult.z = z;

        return kResult;
void ImpostorPage::update()
   if (m_mapImpostorBatches.empty())  // SVA speed up

	//Calculate the direction the impostor batches should be facing
	Vector3 camPos = m_pPagedGeom->_convertToLocal(m_pPagedGeom->getCamera()->getDerivedPosition());
	// Update all batches
   Ogre::Real distX = camPos.x - m_vecCenter.x;
	Ogre::Real distZ = camPos.z - m_vecCenter.z;
	Ogre::Real distY = camPos.y - m_vecCenter.y;
	Ogre::Real distRelZ = Math::Sqrt(distX * distX + distZ * distZ);
	Radian pitch = Math::ATan2(distY, distRelZ);

	Radian yaw;
	if (distRelZ > m_pPagedGeom->getPageSize() * 3)
		yaw = Math::ATan2(distX, distZ);
		Vector3 dir = m_pPagedGeom->_convertToLocal(m_pPagedGeom->getCamera()->getDerivedDirection());
		yaw = Math::ATan2(-dir.x, -dir.z);

   TImpostorBatchs::iterator iter = m_mapImpostorBatches.begin(), iend = m_mapImpostorBatches.end();
   while (iter != iend)
      iter->second->setAngle(pitch.valueDegrees(), yaw.valueDegrees());
Exemple #8
void ImpostorPage::update()
	//Calculate the direction the impostor batches should be facing
	Vector3 camPos = geom->_convertToLocal(geom->getCamera()->getDerivedPosition());
	//Update all batches
	float distX = camPos.x - center.x;
	float distZ = camPos.z - center.z;
	float distY = camPos.y - center.y;
	float distRelZ = Math::Sqrt(distX * distX + distZ * distZ);
	Radian pitch = Math::ATan2(distY, distRelZ);

	Radian yaw;
	if (distRelZ > geom->getPageSize() * 3) {
		yaw = Math::ATan2(distX, distZ);
	} else {
		Vector3 dir = geom->_convertToLocal(geom->getCamera()->getDerivedDirection());
		yaw = Math::ATan2(-dir.x, -dir.z);

	std::map<String, ImpostorBatch *>::iterator iter;
	for (iter = impostorBatches.begin(); iter != impostorBatches.end(); ++iter){
		ImpostorBatch *ibatch = iter->second;
		ibatch->setAngle(pitch.valueDegrees(), yaw.valueDegrees());
Exemple #9
    Quaternion Quaternion::Exp () const
        // If q = A*(x*i+y*j+z*k) where (x,y,z) is unit length, then
        // exp(q) = e^w(cos(A)+sin(A)*(x*i+y*j+z*k)).  If sin(A) is near zero,
        // use exp(q) = e^w(cos(A)+(x*i+y*j+z*k)) since sin(A)/A has limit 1.

        Radian fAngle ( Math::Sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z) );
        Real fSin = Math::Sin(fAngle);
		Real fExpW = Math::Exp(w);

        Quaternion kResult;
        kResult.w = fExpW*Math::Cos(fAngle);

        if ( Math::Abs(fAngle.valueRadians()) >= msEpsilon )
            Real fCoeff = fExpW*(fSin/(fAngle.valueRadians()));
            kResult.x = fCoeff*x;
            kResult.y = fCoeff*y;
            kResult.z = fCoeff*z;
            kResult.x = fExpW*x;
            kResult.y = fExpW*y;
            kResult.z = fExpW*z;

        return kResult;
Exemple #10
    Quaternion Quaternion::Log () const
        // If q = cos(A)+sin(A)*(x*i+y*j+z*k) where (x,y,z) is unit length, then
        // log(q) = (A/sin(A))*(x*i+y*j+z*k).  If sin(A) is near zero, use
        // log(q) = (x*i+y*j+z*k) since A/sin(A) has limit 1.

        Quaternion kResult;
        kResult.w = 0.0;

        if ( Math::Abs(w) < 1.0 )
            // According to Neil Dantam, atan2 has the best stability.
            // http://www.neil.dantam.name/note/dantam-quaternion.pdf
            Real fNormV = Math::Sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
            Radian fAngle ( Math::ATan2(fNormV, w) );

            Real fSin = Math::Sin(fAngle);
            if ( Math::Abs(fSin) >= msEpsilon )
                Real fCoeff = fAngle.valueRadians()/fSin;
                kResult.x = fCoeff*x;
                kResult.y = fCoeff*y;
                kResult.z = fCoeff*z;
                return kResult;

        kResult.x = x;
        kResult.y = y;
        kResult.z = z;

        return kResult;
Exemple #11
    bool NodeAnimationTrack::hasNonZeroKeyFrames(void) const
        KeyFrameList::const_iterator i = mKeyFrames.begin();
        for (; i != mKeyFrames.end(); ++i)
            // look for keyframes which have any component which is non-zero
            // Since exporters can be a little inaccurate sometimes we use a
            // tolerance value rather than looking for nothing
            TransformKeyFrame* kf = static_cast<TransformKeyFrame*>(*i);
            Vector3 trans = kf->getTranslate();
            Vector3 scale = kf->getScale();
            Vector3 axis;
            Radian angle;
            kf->getRotation().ToAngleAxis(angle, axis);
            Real tolerance = 1e-3f;
            if (!trans.positionEquals(Vector3::ZERO, tolerance) ||
                !scale.positionEquals(Vector3::UNIT_SCALE, tolerance) ||
                !Math::RealEqual(angle.valueRadians(), 0.0f, tolerance))
                return true;


        return false;
    Quaternion Quaternion::Slerp (Real fT, const Quaternion& rkP,
        const Quaternion& rkQ, bool shortestPath)
        Real fCos = rkP.Dot(rkQ);
        Radian fAngle ( Math::ACos(fCos) );

        if ( Math::Abs(fAngle.valueRadians()) < ms_fEpsilon )
            return rkP;

        Real fSin = Math::Sin(fAngle);
        Real fInvSin = 1.0/fSin;
        Real fCoeff0 = Math::Sin((1.0-fT)*fAngle)*fInvSin;
        Real fCoeff1 = Math::Sin(fT*fAngle)*fInvSin;
        // Do we need to invert rotation?
        if (fCos < 0.0f && shortestPath)
            fCoeff0 = -fCoeff0;
            // taking the complement requires renormalisation
            Quaternion t(fCoeff0*rkP + fCoeff1*rkQ);
            return t;
            return fCoeff0*rkP + fCoeff1*rkQ;
Exemple #13
void assign(Quaternion<T>& quat, const Radian& roll, const Radian& pitch, const Radian& yaw) {
    double angle = roll.v() * 0.5;
    double sr = std::sin(angle);
    double cr = std::cos(angle);

    angle = pitch.v() * 0.5;
    double sp = std::sin(angle);
    double cp = std::cos(angle);

    angle = yaw.v() * 0.5;
    double sy = std::sin(angle);
    double cy = std::cos(angle);

    double cpcy = cp * cy;
    double spcy = sp * cy;
    double cpsy = cp * sy;
    double spsy = sp * sy;

    quat.setW(cr * cpcy + sr * spsy);
    quat.setX(sr * cpcy - cr * spsy);
    quat.setY(cr * spcy + sr * cpsy);
    quat.setZ(cr * cpsy - sr * spcy);

bool Quaternion::equals(const Quaternion& rhs, const Radian& tolerance) const
    Real fCos = Dot(rhs);
    Radian angle = Math::ACos(fCos);

    return (Math::Abs(angle.valueRadians()) <= tolerance.valueRadians())
            || Math::RealEqual(angle.valueRadians(), Math::PI, tolerance.valueRadians());
	void MeshParticleVisualData::setOrientation( const Radian &yaw, const Radian &pitch, const Radian &roll )
		Quaternion yawQua(Degree(yaw.valueDegrees()), Vector3::UNIT_Y);
		Quaternion pitchQua(Degree(pitch.valueDegrees()), Vector3::UNIT_X);
		Quaternion rollQua(Degree(roll.valueDegrees()), Vector3::UNIT_Z);

		mSceneNode->setOrientation(yawQua * pitchQua * rollQua);
void CameraBehaviorVehicleSpline::update(const CameraManager::CameraContext &ctx)
	if ( ctx.mCurrTruck->free_camerarail <= 0 )

	Vector3 dir = (ctx.mCurrTruck->nodes[ctx.mCurrTruck->cameranodepos[0]].smoothpos
		- ctx.mCurrTruck->nodes[ctx.mCurrTruck->cameranodedir[0]].smoothpos).normalisedCopy();

	targetPitch = 0.0f;

	if ( camPitching )
		targetPitch = -asin(dir.dotProduct(Vector3::UNIT_Y));

	if ( ctx.mCurrTruck->getAllLinkedBeams().size() != numLinkedBeams )

	camLookAt = spline->interpolate(splinePos);

	if ( RoR::Application::GetInputEngine()->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_LSHIFT) && RoR::Application::GetInputEngine()->isKeyDownValueBounce(OIS::KC_SPACE) )
		autoTracking = !autoTracking;
#ifdef USE_MYGUI
		if ( autoTracking )
			RoR::Application::GetConsole()->putMessage(Console::CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, Console::CONSOLE_SYSTEM_NOTICE, _L("auto tracking enabled"), "camera_go.png", 3000);
		} else
			RoR::Application::GetConsole()->putMessage(Console::CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, Console::CONSOLE_SYSTEM_NOTICE, _L("auto tracking disabled"), "camera_go.png", 3000);
#endif // USE_MYGUI

	if ( autoTracking )
		Vector3 centerDir = ctx.mCurrTruck->getPosition() - camLookAt;
		if ( centerDir.length() > 1.0f )
			Radian oldTargetDirection = targetDirection;
			targetDirection = -atan2(centerDir.dotProduct(Vector3::UNIT_X), centerDir.dotProduct(-Vector3::UNIT_Z));
			if ( targetDirection.valueRadians() * oldTargetDirection.valueRadians() < 0.0f && centerDir.length() < camDistMin)
				camRotX = -camRotX;

	void LightRenderingParams::setParameters(const LightCore* light)
		// Note: I could just copy the data directly to the parameter buffer if I ensured the parameter
		// layout matches

		Vector4 positionAndType = (Vector4)light->getPosition();

		switch (light->getType())
		case LightType::Directional:
			positionAndType.w = 0;
		case LightType::Point:
			positionAndType.w = 0.3f;
		case LightType::Spot:
			positionAndType.w = 0.8f;

		Vector4 colorAndIntensity;
		colorAndIntensity.x = light->getColor().r;
		colorAndIntensity.y = light->getColor().g;
		colorAndIntensity.z = light->getColor().b;
		colorAndIntensity.w = light->getIntensity();


		Radian spotAngle = Math::clamp(light->getSpotAngle() * 0.5f, Degree(1), Degree(90));
		Radian spotFalloffAngle = Math::clamp(light->getSpotFalloffAngle() * 0.5f, Degree(1), (Degree)spotAngle);

		Vector4 spotAnglesAndInvSqrdRadius;
		spotAnglesAndInvSqrdRadius.x = spotAngle.valueRadians();
		spotAnglesAndInvSqrdRadius.y = Math::cos(spotAnglesAndInvSqrdRadius.x);
		spotAnglesAndInvSqrdRadius.z = 1.0f / (Math::cos(spotFalloffAngle) - spotAnglesAndInvSqrdRadius.y);
		spotAnglesAndInvSqrdRadius.w = 1.0f / (light->getBounds().getRadius() * light->getBounds().getRadius());



		Vector4 lightGeometry;
		lightGeometry.x = light->getType() == LightType::Spot ? (float)LightCore::LIGHT_CONE_NUM_SIDES : 0;
		lightGeometry.y = (float)LightCore::LIGHT_CONE_NUM_SLICES;
		lightGeometry.z = light->getBounds().getRadius();

		float coneRadius = Math::sin(spotAngle) * light->getRange();
		lightGeometry.w = coneRadius;


		Matrix4 transform = Matrix4::TRS(light->getPosition(), light->getRotation(), Vector3::ONE);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CPepeEngineQuaternion::equals(const CPepeEngineQuaternion& rhs, const Radian& tolerance) const
    float fCos      = dot(rhs);
    Radian angle    = CPepeEngineMath::ACos(fCos);

    return (CPepeEngineMath::Abs(angle.valueRadians()) <= tolerance.valueRadians()) || CPepeEngineMath::floatEqual(angle.valueRadians(), CPepeEngineMath::PI, tolerance.valueRadians());

Exemple #19
void KisColorSelector::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event)
    QPointF dragPos           = mapCoord(event->posF(), m_renderArea);
    qint8   clickedLightPiece = getLightIndex(event->posF());
    if (clickedLightPiece >= 0) {
        setLight(getLight(event->posF()), m_relativeLight);
        m_selectedLightPiece = clickedLightPiece;
        setSelectedColor(m_selectedColor, m_selectedColorIsFgColor, true);
    if (m_clickedRing < 0)
    if (getNumPieces() > 1) {
        float angle     = std::atan2(dragPos.x(), dragPos.y()) - std::atan2(m_clickPos.x(), m_clickPos.y());
        float dist      = std::sqrt(dragPos.x()*dragPos.x() + dragPos.y()*dragPos.y()) * 0.80f;
        float threshold = 5.0f * (1.0f-(dist*dist));
        if (qAbs(angle * TO_DEG) >= threshold || m_mouseMoved) {
            bool selectedRingMoved = true;
            if (m_pressedButtons & Qt::RightButton) {
                selectedRingMoved                 = m_clickedRing == m_selectedRing;
                m_colorRings[m_clickedRing].angle = m_colorRings[m_clickedRing].tmpAngle + angle;
            else for(int i=0; i<getNumRings(); ++i)
                m_colorRings[i].angle = m_colorRings[i].tmpAngle + angle;
            if (selectedRingMoved) {
                KisColor color = m_colorRings[m_clickedRing].tmpColor;
                Radian   angle = m_colorRings[m_clickedRing].getMovedAngel() + (color.getH()*PI2);
                color.setH(angle.scaled(0.0f, 1.0f));
                color.setX(getLight(m_light, color.getH(), m_relativeLight));
                m_selectedPiece = getHueIndex(angle, m_colorRings[m_clickedRing].getShift());
                setSelectedColor(color, m_selectedColorIsFgColor, true);
            m_mouseMoved = true;
    else {
        Radian angle = std::atan2(dragPos.x(), dragPos.y()) - RAD_90;
        m_selectedColor.setH(angle.scaled(0.0f, 1.0f));
        m_selectedColor.setX(getLight(m_light, m_selectedColor.getH(), m_relativeLight));
        setSelectedColor(m_selectedColor, m_selectedColorIsFgColor, true);
Exemple #20
void DemoApplication::SmoothCamera::Move (Real deltaTranslation, Real deltaStrafe, Radian pitchAngleStep, Radian yawAngleStep)
	// here we update the camera movement at simulation rate
	m_cameraYawAngle = fmodf (m_cameraYawAngle.valueRadians() + yawAngleStep.valueRadians(), 3.141592f * 2.0f);
	m_cameraPitchAngle = Math::Clamp (m_cameraPitchAngle.valueRadians() + pitchAngleStep.valueRadians(), - 80.0f * 3.141592f / 180.0f, 80.0f * 3.141592f / 180.0f);

	Matrix3 rot; 
	rot.FromEulerAnglesZYX (Radian (0.0f), m_cameraYawAngle, m_cameraPitchAngle);
	Matrix4 matrix (rot);
	m_cameraTranslation += Vector3 (matrix[0][2], matrix[1][2], matrix[2][2]) * deltaTranslation;   
	m_cameraTranslation += Vector3 (matrix[0][0], matrix[1][0], matrix[2][0]) * deltaStrafe;   

	matrix = matrix.transpose();
	Update (matrix[0]);
Exemple #21
    Quaternion Quaternion::SlerpExtraSpins (Real fT,
        const Quaternion& rkP, const Quaternion& rkQ, int iExtraSpins)
        Real fCos = rkP.Dot(rkQ);
        Radian fAngle ( Math::ACos(fCos) );

        if ( Math::Abs(fAngle.valueRadians()) < msEpsilon )
            return rkP;

        Real fSin = Math::Sin(fAngle);
        Radian fPhase ( Math::PI*iExtraSpins*fT );
        Real fInvSin = 1.0f/fSin;
        Real fCoeff0 = Math::Sin((1.0f-fT)*fAngle - fPhase)*fInvSin;
        Real fCoeff1 = Math::Sin(fT*fAngle + fPhase)*fInvSin;
        return fCoeff0*rkP + fCoeff1*rkQ;
Exemple #22
TEST(RadianTest, ConstructTest)
	Radian r;
	EXPECT_EQ(0.0f, r.GetRadian());

	Radian r2(3.14f);
	EXPECT_EQ(3.14f, r2.GetRadian());

	// Copy construct
	Radian r3(r);
	EXPECT_EQ(r.GetRadian(), r3.GetRadian());

	// Assignment
	Radian r4 = r;
	EXPECT_EQ(r.GetRadian(), r4.GetRadian());
    void XMLSkeletonSerializer::writeBone(TiXmlElement* bonesElement, const Bone* pBone)
        TiXmlElement* boneElem = 

        // Bone name & handle
        boneElem->SetAttribute("name", pBone->getName());

        // Position
        TiXmlElement* subNode = 
        Vector3 pos = pBone->getPosition();
        subNode->SetAttribute("x", StringConverter::toString(pos.x));
        subNode->SetAttribute("y", StringConverter::toString(pos.y));
        subNode->SetAttribute("z", StringConverter::toString(pos.z));
        // Orientation 
        subNode = 
        // Show Quaternion as angle / axis
        Radian angle;
        Vector3 axis;
        pBone->getOrientation().ToAngleAxis(angle, axis);
        TiXmlElement* axisNode = 
        subNode->SetAttribute("angle", StringConverter::toString(angle.valueRadians()));
        axisNode->SetAttribute("x", StringConverter::toString(axis.x));
        axisNode->SetAttribute("y", StringConverter::toString(axis.y));
        axisNode->SetAttribute("z", StringConverter::toString(axis.z));

        // Scale optional
        Vector3 scale = pBone->getScale();
        if (scale != Vector3::UNIT_SCALE)
            TiXmlElement* scaleNode =
            scaleNode->SetAttribute("x", StringConverter::toString(scale.x));
            scaleNode->SetAttribute("y", StringConverter::toString(scale.y));
            scaleNode->SetAttribute("z", StringConverter::toString(scale.z));

Exemple #24
void assign(Quaternion<T>& quat, const Vector3f& axis, const Radian& angle) {
    double sinA = std::sin(angle.v());
    double cosA = std::cos(angle.v());

    quat.setX(axis.x() * sinA);
    quat.setY(axis.y() * sinA);
    quat.setZ(axis.z() * sinA);
Exemple #25
    mat3::makeTransform(const vec2& pos, const vec2& scale, const Radian& rot)
        if (pos == vec2::zero && scale == vec2(1,1) && rot == Radian::zero) {
            *this = identity;
        m[0][0] =  std::cos(rot.radians()) * scale.x;
        m[0][1] = -std::sin(rot.radians()) * scale.y;
        m[0][2] =  pos.x;
        m[1][0] =  std::sin(rot.radians()) * scale.x;
        m[1][1] =  std::cos(rot.radians()) * scale.y;
        m[1][2] =  pos.y;

        m[2][0] = 0;
        m[2][1] = 0;
        m[2][2] = 1;
    void XMLSkeletonSerializer::writeKeyFrame(TiXmlElement* keysNode, 
		const TransformKeyFrame* key)
        TiXmlElement* keyNode = 

        keyNode->SetAttribute("time", StringConverter::toString(key->getTime()));

        TiXmlElement* transNode = 
        Vector3 trans = key->getTranslate();
        transNode->SetAttribute("x", StringConverter::toString(trans.x));
        transNode->SetAttribute("y", StringConverter::toString(trans.y));
        transNode->SetAttribute("z", StringConverter::toString(trans.z));

        TiXmlElement* rotNode = 
        // Show Quaternion as angle / axis
        Radian angle;
        Vector3 axis;
        key->getRotation().ToAngleAxis(angle, axis);
        TiXmlElement* axisNode = 
        rotNode->SetAttribute("angle", StringConverter::toString(angle.valueRadians()));
        axisNode->SetAttribute("x", StringConverter::toString(axis.x));
        axisNode->SetAttribute("y", StringConverter::toString(axis.y));
        axisNode->SetAttribute("z", StringConverter::toString(axis.z));

        // Scale optional
        if (key->getScale() != Vector3::UNIT_SCALE)
            TiXmlElement* scaleNode = 

            scaleNode->SetAttribute("x", StringConverter::toString(key->getScale().x));
            scaleNode->SetAttribute("y", StringConverter::toString(key->getScale().y));
            scaleNode->SetAttribute("z", StringConverter::toString(key->getScale().z));

	Quaternion Quaternion::Slerp(Real fT, const Quaternion& rkP,
		const Quaternion& rkQ, bool shortestPath)
		Real fCos = rkP.Dot(rkQ);
		Quaternion rkT;

		// 需要翻转旋转?
		if (fCos < 0.0f && shortestPath)
			fCos = -fCos;
			rkT = -rkQ;
			rkT = rkQ;

		if (Math::Abs(fCos) < 1 - msEpsilon)
			// 正常情况 (slerp)
			Real fSin = Math::Sqrt(1 - Math::Sqr(fCos));
			Radian fAngle = Math::ATan2(fSin, fCos);
			Real fInvSin = 1.0f / fSin;
			Real fCoeff0 = Math::Sin((1.0f - fT) * fAngle.valueRadians()) * fInvSin;
			Real fCoeff1 = Math::Sin(fT * fAngle.valueRadians()) * fInvSin;
			return fCoeff0 * rkP + fCoeff1 * rkT;
			// 这有两种情况
			// 1. "rkP" 和 "rkQ" 是非常接近(fCos ~= +1), 所以我们能做安全的做线性插值
			// 2. "rkP" 和 "rkQ" 几乎是每一个 (fCos ~= -1)的反转,这就有无数种插值的可能性。但是我们不可能有修正这个问题的方法,
			// 所有就在这里用线性插值
			Quaternion t = (1.0f - fT) * rkP + fT * rkT;
			// 使这个分量重新标准化
			return t;
Exemple #28
void KisColorSelector::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* /*event*/)
    if (!m_mouseMoved && m_clickedRing >= 0) {
        Radian angle = std::atan2(m_clickPos.x(), m_clickPos.y()) - RAD_90;
        m_selectedRing  = m_clickedRing;
        m_selectedPiece = getHueIndex(angle, m_colorRings[m_clickedRing].getShift());
        if (getNumPieces() > 1)
            m_selectedColor.setH(getHue(m_selectedPiece, m_colorRings[m_clickedRing].getShift()));
            m_selectedColor.setH(angle.scaled(0.0f, 1.0f));
        m_selectedColor.setX(getLight(m_light, m_selectedColor.getH(), m_relativeLight));
        setSelectedColor(m_selectedColor, !(m_pressedButtons & Qt::RightButton));
    else if (m_mouseMoved)
        setSelectedColor(m_selectedColor, m_selectedColorIsFgColor);
    m_clickedRing = -1;
	void Quaternion::FromAngleAxis(const Radian& rfAngle,
		const Vector3& rkAxis)
		// 断言:  axis[] 是单位长度
		// 这个四元数表示的旋转是
		//   q = cos(A/2)+sin(A/2)*(x*i+y*j+z*k)

		Radian fHalfAngle(0.5*rfAngle.valueRadians());
		Real fSin = Math::Sin(fHalfAngle);
		w = Math::Cos(fHalfAngle);
		x = fSin*rkAxis.x;
		y = fSin*rkAxis.y;
		z = fSin*rkAxis.z;
Exemple #30
	inline void wrapAngle(Radian& angle) {
		Real rangle = angle.valueRadians();
		if (rangle < -Math::PI) {
			rangle = fmod(rangle, -Math::TWO_PI);
			if (rangle < -Math::PI) {
				rangle += Math::TWO_PI;
			angle = rangle;
			mChanged = true;
		} else if (rangle > Math::PI) {
			rangle = fmod(rangle, Math::TWO_PI);
			if (rangle > Math::PI) {
				rangle -= Math::TWO_PI;
			angle = rangle;
			mChanged = true;
