void FaceInstance::addLight(const Matrix4& localToWorld, const RendererLight& light)
	const Plane3& facePlane = getFace().plane3();

	Plane3 tmp = Plane3(facePlane.normal(), -facePlane.dist())

	if (!tmp.testPoint(light.worldOrigin()) || !tmp.testPoint(light.getLightOrigin()))
	void StandardDeferred::renderLight(LightType lightType, const RendererLight& light, const RendererView& view, 
		const GBufferTextures& gBufferInput, const SPtr<Texture>& lightOcclusion)
		const auto& viewProps = view.getProperties();

		bool isMSAA = view.getProperties().numSamples > 1;
		SPtr<GpuParamBlockBuffer> perViewBuffer = view.getPerViewBuffer();


		if (lightType == LightType::Directional)
			DeferredDirectionalLightMat* material = DeferredDirectionalLightMat::getVariation(isMSAA, true);
			material->bind(gBufferInput, lightOcclusion, perViewBuffer, mPerLightBuffer);


			// Draw pixels requiring per-sample evaluation
				DeferredDirectionalLightMat* msaaMaterial = DeferredDirectionalLightMat::getVariation(true, false);
				msaaMaterial->bind(gBufferInput, lightOcclusion, perViewBuffer, mPerLightBuffer);

		else // Radial or spot
			// Check if viewer is inside the light volume
			float distSqrd = (light.internal->getBounds().getCenter() - viewProps.viewOrigin).squaredLength();

			// Extend the bounds slighty to cover the case when the viewer is outside, but the near plane is intersecting
			// the light bounds. We need to be conservative since the material for rendering outside will not properly
			// render the inside of the light volume.
			float boundRadius = light.internal->getBounds().getRadius() + viewProps.nearPlane * 3.0f;

			bool isInside = distSqrd < (boundRadius * boundRadius);

			SPtr<Mesh> stencilMesh;
			if(lightType == LightType::Radial)
				stencilMesh = RendererUtility::instance().getSphereStencil();
			else // Spot
				stencilMesh = RendererUtility::instance().getSpotLightStencil();

			DeferredPointLightMat* material = DeferredPointLightMat::getVariation(isInside, isMSAA, true);
			material->bind(gBufferInput, lightOcclusion, perViewBuffer, mPerLightBuffer);

			// Note: If MSAA is enabled this will be rendered multisampled (on polygon edges), see if this can be avoided

			// Draw pixels requiring per-sample evaluation
				DeferredPointLightMat* msaaMaterial = DeferredPointLightMat::getVariation(isInside, true, false);
				msaaMaterial->bind(gBufferInput, lightOcclusion, perViewBuffer, mPerLightBuffer);

Exemple #3
// Local helper
inline void Surface_addLight(const MD5Surface& surface, 
								 VectorLightList& lights,
								 const Matrix4& localToWorld,
								 const RendererLight& light)
	if (light.testAABB(aabb_for_oriented_aabb(surface.localAABB(), localToWorld))) {
// Add a light to this model instance
void PicoModelNode::insertLight(const RendererLight& light)
    // Calculate transform from the superclass
    const Matrix4& l2w = localToWorld();

    // If the light's AABB intersects the oriented AABB of this model instance,
    // add the light to our light list
    if (light.intersectsAABB(AABB::createFromOrientedAABB(_picoModel->localAABB(), l2w)))
// Local helper
inline void Surface_addLight(const MD5Surface& surface,
                             render::lib::VectorLightList& lights,
                             const Matrix4& localToWorld,
                             const RendererLight& light)
	if (light.intersectsAABB(
            AABB::createFromOrientedAABB(surface.localAABB(), localToWorld)
bool MD5ModelNode::intersectsLight(const RendererLight& light) const
	return light.intersectsAABB(worldAABB());
Exemple #7
bool MD5ModelNode::testLight(const RendererLight& light) const {
	return light.testAABB(worldAABB());