// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is the async thread. It will continue to check for pending resources to load until s_exitRequested
// is set to true, at which point it will exit.
DWORD WINAPI ResourceManager::ThreadProc (void* arg)
    ResourceManager* mgr = (ResourceManager*)arg;

        WaitForSingleObject(mgr->m_EventHandle, INFINITE);
        std::wstring filename;
        Resource * res = NULL;
        bool pending = true;

            { // CRITICAL SECTION - BEGIN
                AutoSync sync(&mgr->m_criticalSection);
                // just grab the 1st one from the map, not worrying about queue order or anything like that.
                ResourceInfoMap::iterator it = mgr->m_pending.begin();
                if(it == mgr->m_pending.end() )
                    pending = false;

                assert(it != mgr->m_pending.end() );

                // make a copy on purpose since we are going to leave the critical section very soon.
                filename = it->first;

                // we can use the info pointer here because the info must not be deleted
                // clients have access to the pointer. So, all we are going to do is move the
                // pointer from the pending map to the loaded map once we load the underlying resource.
                res = it->second;
            } // CRITICAL SECTION - END

            // do the actual 'load' here.....this could take some time....better not be in a critical section
            mgr->LoadResource(res, filename.c_str());

            { // CRITICAL SECTION - BEGIN
                AutoSync sync(&mgr->m_criticalSection);
                mgr->m_loaded[filename] = res;
                mgr->m_pending.erase(filename);   //imporntant to clear pending only after added to loading.
            } // CRITICAL SECTION - END

            for(auto it = mgr->m_listeners.begin(); it != mgr->m_listeners.end(); ++it)
                ResourceListener * listener = (*it);

    return 0;
Exemple #2
int main()
	ResourceManager *resman = ResourceManager::GetInstance();

	int res = resman->LoadResource("Resources/Test.txt")->ID;
	//Resource* res2 = resman->LoadResource("Resources/bossMusic.wav");
	Resource* res3 = resman->LoadResource("Resources/test.png");
	Resource* res4 = resman->LoadResource("Resources/test.obj");
	std::cout << res << std::endl;
	std::cout << res << std::endl;
	std::cout << resman->GetResourceUsers(res) << std::endl;
	std::cout << resman->GetResourceUsers(res) << std::endl;
	std::vector<unsigned char> resvec = res3->getImageData();
	std::cout << resman->GetResourceUsers(res) << std::endl;
	return 0;
