int SCH_SCREENS::GetMarkerCount( int aMarkerType )
    SCH_ITEM* item;
    SCH_ITEM* nextItem;
    SCH_MARKER* marker;
    SCH_SCREEN* screen;
    int count = 0;

    for( screen = GetFirst(); screen; screen = GetNext() )
        for( item = screen->GetDrawItems(); item; item = nextItem )
            nextItem = item->Next();

            if( item->Type() != SCH_MARKER_T )

            marker = (SCH_MARKER*) item;

            if( (aMarkerType != -1) && (marker->GetMarkerType() != aMarkerType) )


    return count;
void SCH_SCREENS::BuildScreenList( EDA_ITEM* aItem )
    if( aItem && aItem->Type() == SCH_SHEET_T )
        SCH_SHEET* ds = (SCH_SHEET*) aItem;
        aItem = ds->GetScreen();

    if( aItem && aItem->Type() == SCH_SCREEN_T )
        SCH_SCREEN*     screen = (SCH_SCREEN*) aItem;

        // Ensure each component has its pointer to its part lib LIB_PART
        // up to date (the cost is low if this is the case)
        // We do this update here, because most of time this function is called
        // to create a netlist, or an ERC, which need this update

        AddScreenToList( screen );
        EDA_ITEM* strct = screen->GetDrawItems();

        while( strct )
            if( strct->Type() == SCH_SHEET_T )
                BuildScreenList( strct );

            strct = strct->Next();
void SCH_SCREENS::DeleteAllMarkers( int aMarkerType )
    SCH_ITEM* item;
    SCH_ITEM* nextItem;
    SCH_MARKER* marker;
    SCH_SCREEN* screen;

    for( screen = GetFirst(); screen; screen = GetNext() )
        for( item = screen->GetDrawItems(); item; item = nextItem )
            nextItem = item->Next();

            if( item->Type() != SCH_MARKER_T )

            marker = (SCH_MARKER*) item;

            if( marker->GetMarkerType() != aMarkerType )

            screen->DeleteItem( marker );
Exemple #4
size_t SCH_SCREENS::GetLibNicknames( wxArrayString& aLibNicknames )
    SCH_COMPONENT* symbol;
    SCH_ITEM* item;
    SCH_ITEM* nextItem;
    SCH_SCREEN* screen;
    wxString nickname;

    for( screen = GetFirst(); screen; screen = GetNext() )
        for( item = screen->GetDrawItems(); item; item = nextItem )
            nextItem = item->Next();

            if( item->Type() != SCH_COMPONENT_T )

            symbol = dynamic_cast< SCH_COMPONENT* >( item );
            wxASSERT( symbol );

            nickname = symbol->GetLibId().GetLibNickname();

            if( !nickname.empty() && ( aLibNicknames.Index( nickname ) == wxNOT_FOUND ) )
                aLibNicknames.Add( nickname );;

    return aLibNicknames.GetCount();
void SCH_SCREENS::BuildScreenList( EDA_ITEM* aItem )
    if( aItem && aItem->Type() == SCH_SHEET_T )
        SCH_SHEET* ds = (SCH_SHEET*) aItem;
        aItem = ds->GetScreen();

    if( aItem && aItem->Type() == SCH_SCREEN_T )
        SCH_SCREEN*     screen = (SCH_SCREEN*) aItem;
        AddScreenToList( screen );
        EDA_ITEM* strct = screen->GetDrawItems();

        while( strct )
            if( strct->Type() == SCH_SHEET_T )
                BuildScreenList( strct );

            strct = strct->Next();
Exemple #6
int SCH_SCREENS::ChangeSymbolLibNickname( const wxString& aFrom, const wxString& aTo )
    SCH_COMPONENT* symbol;
    SCH_ITEM* item;
    SCH_ITEM* nextItem;
    SCH_SCREEN* screen;
    int cnt = 0;

    for( screen = GetFirst(); screen; screen = GetNext() )
        for( item = screen->GetDrawItems(); item; item = nextItem )
            nextItem = item->Next();

            if( item->Type() != SCH_COMPONENT_T )

            symbol = dynamic_cast< SCH_COMPONENT* >( item );
            wxASSERT( symbol );

            if( symbol->GetLibId().GetLibNickname() != aFrom )

            LIB_ID id = symbol->GetLibId();
            id.SetLibNickname( aTo );
            symbol->SetLibId( id );

    return cnt;
Exemple #7
bool SCH_SCREENS::HasNoFullyDefinedLibIds()
    SCH_COMPONENT* symbol;
    SCH_ITEM* item;
    SCH_ITEM* nextItem;
    SCH_SCREEN* screen;
    unsigned cnt = 0;

    for( screen = GetFirst(); screen; screen = GetNext() )
        for( item = screen->GetDrawItems(); item; item = nextItem )
            nextItem = item->Next();

            if( item->Type() != SCH_COMPONENT_T )

            cnt += 1;
            symbol = dynamic_cast< SCH_COMPONENT* >( item );
            wxASSERT( symbol );

            if( !symbol->GetLibId().GetLibNickname().empty() )
                return false;

    if( cnt == 0 )
        return false;

    return true;
Exemple #8
int SCH_SCREENS::GetMarkerCount( enum MARKER_BASE::TYPEMARKER aMarkerType,
                                 enum MARKER_BASE::MARKER_SEVERITY aSeverity )
    int count = 0;

    for( SCH_SCREEN* screen = GetFirst(); screen; screen = GetNext() )
        for( SCH_ITEM* item = screen->GetDrawItems(); item; item = item->Next() )
            if( item->Type() != SCH_MARKER_T )

            SCH_MARKER* marker = (SCH_MARKER*) item;

            if( ( aMarkerType != MARKER_BASE::MARKER_UNSPEC ) &&
                ( marker->GetMarkerType() != aMarkerType ) )

            if( aSeverity == MARKER_BASE::MARKER_SEVERITY_UNSPEC ||
                aSeverity == marker->GetErrorLevel() )

    return count;
 * Function get_components
 * Fills a vector with all of the project's components, to ease iterating over them.
 * @param aComponents - a vector that will take the components
static void get_components( std::vector<SCH_COMPONENT*>& aComponents )
    SCH_SCREENS screens;
    for( SCH_SCREEN* screen = screens.GetFirst(); screen; screen = screens.GetNext() )
        for( SCH_ITEM* item = screen->GetDrawItems(); item; item = item->Next() )
            if( item->Type() != SCH_COMPONENT_T ) continue;
            SCH_COMPONENT* component = dynamic_cast<SCH_COMPONENT*>( item );
            aComponents.push_back( component );
Exemple #10
int TestDuplicateSheetNames( bool aCreateMarker )
    SCH_SCREEN* screen;
    SCH_ITEM*   item;
    SCH_ITEM*   test_item;
    int         err_count = 0;
    SCH_SCREENS screenList;      // Created the list of screen

    for( screen = screenList.GetFirst(); screen != NULL; screen = screenList.GetNext() )
        for( item = screen->GetDrawItems(); item != NULL; item = item->Next() )
            // search for a sheet;
            if( item->Type() != SCH_SHEET_T )

            for(  test_item = item->Next(); test_item != NULL; test_item = test_item->Next() )
                if( test_item->Type() != SCH_SHEET_T )

                // We have found a second sheet: compare names
                // we are using case insensitive comparison to avoid mistakes between
                // similar names like Mysheet and mysheet
                if( ( (SCH_SHEET*) item )->GetName().CmpNoCase(
                        ( ( SCH_SHEET* ) test_item )->GetName() ) == 0 )
                    if( aCreateMarker )
                        /* Create a new marker type ERC error*/
                        SCH_MARKER* marker = new SCH_MARKER();
                        marker->SetTimeStamp( GetNewTimeStamp() );
                        marker->SetData( ERCE_DUPLICATE_SHEET_NAME,
                                         ( (SCH_SHEET*) test_item )->GetPosition(),
                                         _( "Duplicate sheet name" ),
                                         ( (SCH_SHEET*) test_item )->GetPosition() );
                        marker->SetMarkerType( MARKER_BASE::MARKER_ERC );
                        marker->SetErrorLevel( MARKER_BASE::MARKER_SEVERITY_ERROR );
                        screen->Append( marker );


    return err_count;
Exemple #11
void SCH_SCREENS::buildScreenList( SCH_SHEET* aSheet )
    if( aSheet && aSheet->Type() == SCH_SHEET_T )
        SCH_SCREEN* screen = aSheet->GetScreen();

        addScreenToList( screen );

        EDA_ITEM* strct = screen->GetDrawItems();

        while( strct )
            if( strct->Type() == SCH_SHEET_T )
                buildScreenList( ( SCH_SHEET* )strct );

            strct = strct->Next();
void DIALOG_SYMBOL_REMAP::remapSymbolsToLibTable( REPORTER& aReporter )
    wxString msg;
    SCH_SCREENS schematic;
    SCH_COMPONENT* symbol;
    SCH_ITEM* item;
    SCH_ITEM* nextItem;
    SCH_SCREEN* screen;

    for( screen = schematic.GetFirst(); screen; screen = schematic.GetNext() )
        for( item = screen->GetDrawItems(); item; item = nextItem )
            nextItem = item->Next();

            if( item->Type() != SCH_COMPONENT_T )

            symbol = dynamic_cast< SCH_COMPONENT* >( item );

            if( !remapSymbolToLibTable( symbol ) )
                msg.Printf( _( "No symbol \"%s\" found in symbol library table." ),
                            symbol->GetLibId().GetLibItemName().wx_str() );
                aReporter.Report( msg, REPORTER::RPT_WARNING );
                msg.Printf( _( "Symbol \"%s\" mapped to symbol library \"%s\"." ),
                            symbol->GetLibId().GetLibNickname().wx_str() );
                aReporter.Report( msg, REPORTER::RPT_ACTION );

    aReporter.Report( _( "Symbol library table mapping complete!" ), REPORTER::RPT_INFO );
    schematic.UpdateSymbolLinks( true );
bool SCH_EDIT_FRAME::AppendOneEEProject()
    SCH_SCREEN* screen;
    wxString    FullFileName;
    wxString msg;

    screen = GetScreen();

    if( !screen )
        wxLogError( wxT("Document not ready, cannot import") );
        return false;

    // open file chooser dialog
    wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Import Schematic" ), wxGetCwd(),
                      wxEmptyString, SchematicFileWildcard,
                      wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST );

    if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )
        return false;

    FullFileName = dlg.GetPath();

    wxFileName fn = FullFileName;

    if( fn.IsRelative() )
        FullFileName = fn.GetFullPath();

    LoadCacheLibrary( FullFileName );

    wxLogDebug( wxT( "Importing schematic " ) + FullFileName );

    // load the project
    bool success = LoadOneEEFile( screen, FullFileName, true );
    if( success )
        // load sub-sheets
        EDA_ITEM* bs = screen->GetDrawItems();
        while( bs )
            // do not append hierarchical sheets
            if( bs->Type() ==  SCH_SHEET_T )
                screen->Remove( (SCH_SHEET*) bs );
            // clear annotation and init new time stamp for the new components
            else if( bs->Type() == SCH_COMPONENT_T )
                ( (SCH_COMPONENT*) bs )->SetTimeStamp( GetNewTimeStamp() );
                ( (SCH_COMPONENT*) bs )->ClearAnnotation( NULL );
                // Clear flags, which are set by these previous modifications:

            bs = bs->Next();

    // redraw base screen (ROOT) if necessary
    GetScreen()->SetGrid( ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_1000 + m_LastGridSizeId );
    Zoom_Automatique( false );
    m_canvas->Refresh( true );
    return success;
bool SCH_EDIT_FRAME::CreateArchiveLibrary( const wxString& aFileName )
    SCH_SCREENS     screens;
    PART_LIBS*      libs = Prj().SchLibs();

    std::unique_ptr<PART_LIB> libCache( new PART_LIB( LIBRARY_TYPE_EESCHEMA, aFileName ) );


    /* examine all screens (not sheets) used and build the list of components
     * found in lib.
     * Complex hierarchies are not a problem because we just want
     * to know used components in libraries
    for( SCH_SCREEN* screen = screens.GetFirst(); screen; screen = screens.GetNext() )
        for( SCH_ITEM* item = screen->GetDrawItems(); item; item = item->Next() )
            if( item->Type() != SCH_COMPONENT_T )

            SCH_COMPONENT* component = (SCH_COMPONENT*) item;

            // If not already saved in the new cache, put it:
            if( !libCache->FindEntry( component->GetPartName() ) )
                if( LIB_PART* part = libs->FindLibPart( component->GetPartName() ) )
                    // AddPart() does first clone the part before adding.
                    libCache->AddPart( part );

        FILE_OUTPUTFORMATTER    formatter( aFileName );

        if( !libCache->Save( formatter ) )
            wxString msg = wxString::Format( _(
                "An error occurred attempting to save component library '%s'." ),
                GetChars( aFileName )
            DisplayError( this, msg );
            return false;
    catch( ... /* IO_ERROR ioe */ )
        wxString msg = wxString::Format( _(
            "Failed to create component library file '%s'" ),
            GetChars( aFileName )
        DisplayError( this, msg );
        return false;

    return true;
 * OnConvertTextType is a command event handler to change a text type to an other one.
 * The new text, label, hierarchical label, or global label is created from the old text
 * The old text is deleted.
 * A tricky case is when the 'old" text is being edited (i.e. moving)
 * because we must create a new text, and prepare the undo/redo command data for this
 * change and the current move/edit command
void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnConvertTextType( wxCommandEvent& aEvent )
    SCH_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();
    SCH_TEXT* text = (SCH_TEXT*) screen->GetCurItem();

    wxCHECK_RET( (text != NULL) && text->CanIncrementLabel(),
                 wxT( "Cannot convert text type." ) );

    KICAD_T type;

    switch( aEvent.GetId() )
        type = SCH_LABEL_T;

        type = SCH_GLOBAL_LABEL_T;


        type = SCH_TEXT_T;

        wxFAIL_MSG( wxString::Format( wxT( "Invalid text type command ID %d." ),
                                      aEvent.GetId() ) );

    if( text->Type() == type )

    SCH_TEXT* newtext;
    const wxPoint &position = text->GetPosition();
    const wxString &txt = text->GetText();

    switch( type )
    case SCH_LABEL_T:
        newtext = new SCH_LABEL( position, txt );

        newtext = new SCH_GLOBALLABEL( position, txt );

        newtext = new SCH_HIERLABEL( position, txt );

    case SCH_TEXT_T:
        newtext = new SCH_TEXT( position, txt );

        newtext = NULL;
        wxFAIL_MSG( wxString::Format( wxT( "Cannot convert text type to %d" ), type ) );

    /* Copy the old text item settings to the new one.  Justifications are not copied because
     * they are not used in labels.  Justifications will be set to default value in the new
     * text item type.
    newtext->SetFlags( text->GetFlags() );
    newtext->SetShape( text->GetShape() );
    newtext->SetOrientation( text->GetOrientation() );
    newtext->SetSize( text->GetSize() );
    newtext->SetThickness( text->GetThickness() );
    newtext->SetItalic( text->IsItalic() );
    newtext->SetBold( text->IsBold() );

    /* Save the new text in undo list if the old text was not itself a "new created text"
     * In this case, the old text is already in undo list as a deleted item.
     * Of course if the old text was a "new created text" the new text will be
     * put in undo list later, at the end of the current command (if not aborted)

    INSTALL_UNBUFFERED_DC( dc, m_canvas );
    m_canvas->CrossHairOff( &dc );   // Erase schematic cursor
    text->Draw( m_canvas, &dc, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), g_XorMode );

    // For an exiting item (i.e. already in list):
    // replace the existing item by the new text in list
    for( SCH_ITEM* item = screen->GetDrawItems(); item != NULL; item = item->Next() )
        if( item == text )
            screen->Remove( text );
            screen->Append( newtext );

    SetRepeatItem( NULL );
    newtext->Draw( m_canvas, &dc, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_DEFAULT_DRAWMODE );
    m_canvas->CrossHairOn( &dc );    // redraw schematic cursor

    // if the old item is the current schematic item, replace it by the new text:
    if( screen->GetCurItem() == text )
        screen->SetCurItem( newtext );

    if( text->IsNew() )
        // if the previous text is new, no undo command to prepare here
        // just delete this previous text.
        delete text;

    // previous text is not new and we replace text by new text.
    // So this is equivalent to delete text and add newtext
    // If text if being currently edited (i.e. moved)
    // we also save the initial copy of text, and prepare undo command for new text modifications.
    // we must save it as modified text,if it is currently edited, then save as deleted text,
    // and replace text with newtext
    ITEM_PICKER picker( text, UR_CHANGED );

    if( text->GetFlags() )
        // text is being edited, save initial text for undo command
        picker.SetLink( GetUndoItem() );
        pickList.PushItem( picker );

        // the owner of undoItem is no more "this", it is now "picker":
        SetUndoItem( NULL );

        // save current newtext copy for undo/abort current command
        SetUndoItem( newtext );

    // Prepare undo command for delete old text
    picker.SetStatus( UR_DELETED );
    picker.SetLink( NULL );
    pickList.PushItem( picker );

    // Prepare undo command for new text
    picker.SetStatus( UR_NEW );
    pickList.PushItem( picker );

    SaveCopyInUndoList( pickList, UR_UNSPECIFIED );