Exemple #1
bool WriteDiagnosticERC( const wxString& aFullFileName )
    wxString    msg;

    wxFFile file( aFullFileName, wxT( "wt" ) );

    if( !file.IsOpened() )
        return false;

    msg = _( "ERC report" );
    msg << wxT(" (") << DateAndTime() << wxT( ", " )
        << _( "Encoding UTF8" ) << wxT( " )\n" );

    int err_count = 0;
    int warn_count = 0;
    int total_count = 0;
    SCH_SHEET_LIST sheetList;
    SCH_SHEET_PATH* sheet;

    for( sheet = sheetList.GetFirst(); sheet != NULL; sheet = sheetList.GetNext() )
        msg << wxString::Format( _( "\n***** Sheet %s\n" ),
                                 GetChars( sheet->PathHumanReadable() ) );

        for( SCH_ITEM* item = sheet->LastDrawList(); item != NULL; item = item->Next() )
            if( item->Type() != SCH_MARKER_T )

            SCH_MARKER* marker = (SCH_MARKER*) item;

            if( marker->GetMarkerType() != MARKER_BASE::MARKER_ERC )


            if( marker->GetErrorLevel() == MARKER_BASE::MARKER_SEVERITY_ERROR )

            if( marker->GetErrorLevel() == MARKER_BASE::MARKER_SEVERITY_WARNING )

            msg << marker->GetReporter().ShowReport();

    msg << wxString::Format( _( "\n ** ERC messages: %d  Errors %d  Warnings %d\n" ),
                             total_count, err_count, warn_count );

    // Currently: write report unsing UTF8 (as usual in Kicad).
    // TODO: see if we can use the current encoding page (mainly for Windows users),
    // Or other format (HTML?)
    file.Write( msg );

    // wxFFile dtor will close the file.

    return true;
Exemple #2
bool WriteDiagnosticERC( const wxString& aFullFileName )
    SCH_ITEM*       item;
    SCH_MARKER*     marker;
    static FILE*    file;
    SCH_SHEET_PATH* sheet;
    wxString        msg;
    int             count = 0;

    if( ( file = wxFopen( aFullFileName, wxT( "wt" ) ) ) == NULL )
        return false;

    msg = _( "ERC report" );

    fprintf( file, "%s (%s)\n", TO_UTF8( msg ), TO_UTF8( DateAndTime() ) );

    SCH_SHEET_LIST sheetList;

    for( sheet = sheetList.GetFirst(); sheet != NULL; sheet = sheetList.GetNext() )
        msg.Printf( _( "\n***** Sheet %s\n" ), GetChars( sheet->PathHumanReadable() ) );

        fprintf( file, "%s", TO_UTF8( msg ) );

        for( item = sheet->LastDrawList(); item != NULL; item = item->Next() )
            if( item->Type() != SCH_MARKER_T )

            marker = (SCH_MARKER*) item;

            if( marker->GetMarkerType() != MARK_ERC )

            if( marker->GetMarkerType() == ERR )

            msg = marker->GetReporter().ShowReport();
            fprintf( file, "%s", TO_UTF8( msg ) );

    msg.Printf( _( "\n >> Errors ERC: %d\n" ), count );
    fprintf( file, "%s", TO_UTF8( msg ) );
    fclose( file );

    return true;
SCH_SHEET_PATH* SCH_SHEET_LIST::GetSheetByPath( const wxString aPath, bool aHumanReadable )
    SCH_SHEET_PATH* sheet = GetFirst();
    wxString sheetPath;

    while( sheet )
        sheetPath = ( aHumanReadable ) ? sheet->PathHumanReadable() : sheet->Path();

        if( sheetPath == aPath )
            return sheet;

        sheet = GetNext();

    return NULL;
    XNODE*      xcomps = node( wxT( "components" ) );

    wxString    timeStamp;

    // some strings we need many times, but don't want to construct more
    // than once for performance.  These are used within loops so the
    // enclosing wxString constructor would fire on each loop iteration if
    // they were in a nested scope.

    // these are actually constructor invocations, not assignments as it appears:
    wxString    sFields     = wxT( "fields" );
    wxString    sField      = wxT( "field" );
    wxString    sComponent  = wxT( "comp" );          // use "part" ?
    wxString    sName       = wxT( "name" );
    wxString    sRef        = wxT( "ref" );
    wxString    sPins       = wxT( "pins" );
    wxString    sPin        = wxT( "pin" );
    wxString    sValue      = wxT( "value" );
    wxString    sSheetPath  = wxT( "sheetpath" );
    wxString    sFootprint  = wxT( "footprint" );
    wxString    sDatasheet  = wxT( "datasheet" );
    wxString    sTStamp     = wxT( "tstamp" );
    wxString    sTStamps    = wxT( "tstamps" );
    wxString    sTSFmt      = wxT( "%8.8lX" );        // comp->m_TimeStamp
    wxString    sLibSource  = wxT( "libsource" );
    wxString    sLibPart    = wxT( "libpart" );
    wxString    sLib        = wxT( "lib" );
    wxString    sPart       = wxT( "part" );
    wxString    sNames      = wxT( "names" );


    SCH_SHEET_LIST sheetList;

    // Output is xml, so there is no reason to remove spaces from the field values.
    // And XML element names need not be translated to various languages.

    for( SCH_SHEET_PATH* path = sheetList.GetFirst();  path;  path = sheetList.GetNext() )
        for( EDA_ITEM* schItem = path->LastDrawList();  schItem;  schItem = schItem->Next() )
            SCH_COMPONENT*  comp = findNextComponentAndCreatePinList( schItem, path );
            if( !comp )
                break;  // No component left

            schItem = comp;

            XNODE* xcomp;  // current component being constructed

            // Output the component's elements in order of expected access frequency.
            // This may not always look best, but it will allow faster execution
            // under XSL processing systems which do sequential searching within
            // an element.

            xcomps->AddChild( xcomp = node( sComponent ) );
            xcomp->AddAttribute( sRef, comp->GetRef( path->Last() ) );

            xcomp->AddChild( node( sValue, comp->GetField( VALUE )->GetText() ) );

            if( !comp->GetField( FOOTPRINT )->IsVoid() )
                xcomp->AddChild( node( sFootprint, comp->GetField( FOOTPRINT )->GetText() ) );

            if( !comp->GetField( DATASHEET )->IsVoid() )
                xcomp->AddChild( node( sDatasheet, comp->GetField( DATASHEET )->GetText() ) );

            // Export all user defined fields within the component,
            // which start at field index MANDATORY_FIELDS.  Only output the <fields>
            // container element if there are any <field>s.
            if( comp->GetFieldCount() > MANDATORY_FIELDS )
                XNODE* xfields;
                xcomp->AddChild( xfields = node( sFields ) );

                for( int fldNdx = MANDATORY_FIELDS; fldNdx < comp->GetFieldCount(); ++fldNdx )
                    SCH_FIELD*  f = comp->GetField( fldNdx );

                    // only output a field if non empty and not just "~"
                    if( !f->IsVoid() )
                        XNODE*  xfield;
                        xfields->AddChild( xfield = node( sField, f->GetText() ) );
                        xfield->AddAttribute( sName, f->GetName() );

            XNODE*  xlibsource;
            xcomp->AddChild( xlibsource = node( sLibSource ) );

            // "logical" library name, which is in anticipation of a better search
            // algorithm for parts based on "logical_lib.part" and where logical_lib
            // is merely the library name minus path and extension.
            LIB_PART* part = m_libs->FindLibPart( comp->GetPartName() );
            if( part )
                xlibsource->AddAttribute( sLib, part->GetLib()->GetLogicalName() );

            xlibsource->AddAttribute( sPart, comp->GetPartName() );

            XNODE* xsheetpath;

            xcomp->AddChild( xsheetpath = node( sSheetPath ) );
            xsheetpath->AddAttribute( sNames, path->PathHumanReadable() );
            xsheetpath->AddAttribute( sTStamps, path->Path() );

            timeStamp.Printf( sTSFmt, (unsigned long)comp->GetTimeStamp() );
            xcomp->AddChild( node( sTStamp, timeStamp ) );

    return xcomps;
    SCH_SCREEN* screen;
    XNODE*     xdesign = node( wxT("design") );
    XNODE*     xtitleBlock;
    XNODE*     xsheet;
    XNODE*     xcomment;
    wxString   sheetTxt;
    wxFileName sourceFileName;

    // the root sheet is a special sheet, call it source
    xdesign->AddChild( node( wxT( "source" ), g_RootSheet->GetScreen()->GetFileName() ) );

    xdesign->AddChild( node( wxT( "date" ), DateAndTime() ) );

    // which Eeschema tool
    xdesign->AddChild( node( wxT( "tool" ), wxT( "Eeschema " ) + GetBuildVersion() ) );

        Export the sheets information
    SCH_SHEET_LIST sheetList;

    for( SCH_SHEET_PATH* sheet = sheetList.GetFirst();  sheet;  sheet = sheetList.GetNext() )
        screen = sheet->LastScreen();

        xdesign->AddChild( xsheet = node( wxT( "sheet" ) ) );

        // get the string representation of the sheet index number.
        // Note that sheet->GetIndex() is zero index base and we need to increment the number by one to make
        // human readable
        sheetTxt.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), ( sheetList.GetIndex() + 1 ) );
        xsheet->AddAttribute( wxT( "number" ), sheetTxt );
        xsheet->AddAttribute( wxT( "name" ), sheet->PathHumanReadable() );
        xsheet->AddAttribute( wxT( "tstamps" ), sheet->Path() );

        TITLE_BLOCK tb = screen->GetTitleBlock();

        xsheet->AddChild( xtitleBlock = node( wxT( "title_block" ) ) );

        xtitleBlock->AddChild( node( wxT( "title" ), tb.GetTitle() ) );
        xtitleBlock->AddChild( node( wxT( "company" ), tb.GetCompany() ) );
        xtitleBlock->AddChild( node( wxT( "rev" ), tb.GetRevision() ) );
        xtitleBlock->AddChild( node( wxT( "date" ), tb.GetDate() ) );

        // We are going to remove the fileName directories.
        sourceFileName = wxFileName( screen->GetFileName() );
        xtitleBlock->AddChild( node( wxT( "source" ), sourceFileName.GetFullName() ) );

        xtitleBlock->AddChild( xcomment = node( wxT( "comment" ) ) );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT("number"), wxT("1") );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT( "value" ), tb.GetComment1() );

        xtitleBlock->AddChild( xcomment = node( wxT( "comment" ) ) );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT("number"), wxT("2") );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT( "value" ), tb.GetComment2() );

        xtitleBlock->AddChild( xcomment = node( wxT( "comment" ) ) );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT("number"), wxT("3") );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT( "value" ), tb.GetComment3() );

        xtitleBlock->AddChild( xcomment = node( wxT( "comment" ) ) );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT("number"), wxT("4") );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT( "value" ), tb.GetComment4() );

    return xdesign;
Exemple #6
void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::OnFindSchematicItem( wxFindDialogEvent& aEvent )
    static wxPoint itemPosition;  // the actual position of the matched item.

    SCH_SHEET_LIST schematic;
    wxString msg;
    SCH_FIND_REPLACE_DATA searchCriteria;
    bool warpCursor = !( aEvent.GetFlags() & FR_NO_WARP_CURSOR );

    searchCriteria.SetFlags( aEvent.GetFlags() );
    searchCriteria.SetFindString( aEvent.GetFindString() );
    searchCriteria.SetReplaceString( aEvent.GetReplaceString() );

    if( aEvent.GetEventType() == wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_CLOSE )
        if( m_foundItems.GetCount() == 0 )
    else if( m_foundItems.IsSearchRequired( searchCriteria ) )
        if( aEvent.GetFlags() & FR_CURRENT_SHEET_ONLY && g_RootSheet->CountSheets() > 1 )
            m_foundItems.Collect( searchCriteria, m_CurrentSheet );
            m_foundItems.Collect( searchCriteria );
        EDA_ITEM* currentItem = m_foundItems.GetItem( data );

        if( currentItem != NULL )
            currentItem->SetForceVisible( false );


    if( m_foundItems.GetItem( data ) != NULL )
        wxLogTrace( traceFindReplace, wxT( "Found " ) + m_foundItems.GetText() );

        SCH_SHEET_PATH* sheet = schematic.GetSheet( data.GetSheetPath() );

        wxCHECK_RET( sheet != NULL, wxT( "Could not find sheet path " ) +
                     data.GetSheetPath() );

        // Make the item temporarily visible just in case it's hide flag is set.  This
        // has no effect on objects that don't support hiding.  If this is a close find
        // dialog event, clear the temporary visibility flag.
        if( aEvent.GetEventType() == wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_CLOSE )
            m_foundItems.GetItem( data )->SetForceVisible( false );
            m_foundItems.GetItem( data )->SetForceVisible( true );

        if( sheet->PathHumanReadable() != m_CurrentSheet->PathHumanReadable() )
            sheet->LastScreen()->SetZoom( GetScreen()->GetZoom() );
            *m_CurrentSheet = *sheet;
            SetScreen( sheet->LastScreen() );

        sheet->LastScreen()->SetCrossHairPosition( data.GetPosition() );

        RedrawScreen( data.GetPosition(), warpCursor );

        msg = m_foundItems.GetText();

        if( aEvent.GetFlags() & FR_SEARCH_REPLACE )
            aEvent.SetFlags( aEvent.GetFlags() | FR_REPLACE_ITEM_FOUND );
        if( aEvent.GetFlags() & FR_SEARCH_REPLACE )
            aEvent.SetFlags( aEvent.GetFlags() & ~FR_REPLACE_ITEM_FOUND );

        msg.Printf( _( "No item found matching %s." ), GetChars( aEvent.GetFindString() ) );

    SetStatusText( msg );
void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::updateFindReplaceView( wxFindDialogEvent& aEvent )
    wxString                msg;
    SCH_SHEET_LIST          schematic( g_RootSheet );
    SCH_FIND_REPLACE_DATA   searchCriteria;
    bool                    warpCursor = !( aEvent.GetFlags() & FR_NO_WARP_CURSOR );

    searchCriteria.SetFlags( aEvent.GetFlags() );
    searchCriteria.SetFindString( aEvent.GetFindString() );
    searchCriteria.SetReplaceString( aEvent.GetReplaceString() );

    if( m_foundItems.GetItem( data ) != NULL )
        wxLogTrace( traceFindReplace, wxT( "Found " ) + m_foundItems.GetText() );

        SCH_SHEET_PATH* sheet = schematic.GetSheetByPath( data.GetSheetPath() );

        wxCHECK_RET( sheet != NULL, wxT( "Could not find sheet path " ) +
                     data.GetSheetPath() );

        SCH_ITEM* item = (SCH_ITEM*)m_foundItems.GetItem( data );

        // Make the item temporarily visible just in case it's hide flag is set.  This
        // has no effect on objects that don't support hiding.  If this is a close find
        // dialog event, clear the temporary visibility flag.
        if( item )
            if( aEvent.GetEventType() == wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_CLOSE )
                item->SetForceVisible( false );
            else if( item->Type() == SCH_FIELD_T && !( (SCH_FIELD*) item )->IsVisible() )
                item->SetForceVisible( true );

        if( sheet->PathHumanReadable() != m_CurrentSheet->PathHumanReadable() )
            sheet->LastScreen()->SetZoom( GetScreen()->GetZoom() );
            *m_CurrentSheet = *sheet;
            SetScreen( sheet->LastScreen() );

        // careful here
        SetCrossHairPosition( data.GetPosition() );

        RedrawScreen( data.GetPosition(), warpCursor );

        msg = m_foundItems.GetText();

        if( aEvent.GetFlags() & FR_SEARCH_REPLACE )
            aEvent.SetFlags( aEvent.GetFlags() | FR_REPLACE_ITEM_FOUND );
        if( aEvent.GetFlags() & FR_SEARCH_REPLACE )
            aEvent.SetFlags( aEvent.GetFlags() & ~FR_REPLACE_ITEM_FOUND );

        msg.Printf( _( "No item found matching %s." ), GetChars( aEvent.GetFindString() ) );

    SetStatusText( msg );