Exemple #1
void drawInputSegments(){

    cout << segments.size() << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < segments.size(); i++){
        glVertex2d(segments[i].p1[0], segments[i].p1[1]);
        glVertex2d(segments[i].p2[0], segments[i].p2[1]);
void ShapeOutsideInfo::updateDeltasForContainingBlockLine(const RenderBlockFlow& containingBlock, const FloatingObject& floatingObject, LayoutUnit lineTop, LayoutUnit lineHeight)
    LayoutUnit borderBoxTop = containingBlock.logicalTopForFloat(&floatingObject) + containingBlock.marginBeforeForChild(&m_renderer);
    LayoutUnit borderBoxLineTop = lineTop - borderBoxTop;

    if (isShapeDirty() || m_borderBoxLineTop != borderBoxLineTop || m_lineHeight != lineHeight) {
        m_borderBoxLineTop = borderBoxLineTop;
        m_referenceBoxLineTop = borderBoxLineTop - logicalTopOffset();
        m_lineHeight = lineHeight;

        LayoutUnit floatMarginBoxWidth = containingBlock.logicalWidthForFloat(&floatingObject);

        if (lineOverlapsShapeBounds()) {
            SegmentList segments = computeSegmentsForLine(borderBoxLineTop, lineHeight);
            if (segments.size()) {
                LayoutUnit logicalLeftMargin = containingBlock.style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ? containingBlock.marginStartForChild(&m_renderer) : containingBlock.marginEndForChild(&m_renderer);
                LayoutUnit rawLeftMarginBoxDelta = segments.first().logicalLeft + logicalLeftMargin;
                m_leftMarginBoxDelta = clampToLayoutUnit(rawLeftMarginBoxDelta, LayoutUnit(), floatMarginBoxWidth);

                LayoutUnit logicalRightMargin = containingBlock.style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ? containingBlock.marginEndForChild(&m_renderer) : containingBlock.marginStartForChild(&m_renderer);
                LayoutUnit rawRightMarginBoxDelta = segments.last().logicalRight - containingBlock.logicalWidthForChild(&m_renderer) - logicalRightMargin;
                m_rightMarginBoxDelta = clampToLayoutUnit(rawRightMarginBoxDelta, -floatMarginBoxWidth, LayoutUnit());
                m_lineOverlapsShape = true;

        // Lines that do not overlap the shape should act as if the float
        // wasn't there for layout purposes. So we set the deltas to remove the
        // entire width of the float.
        m_leftMarginBoxDelta = floatMarginBoxWidth;
        m_rightMarginBoxDelta = -floatMarginBoxWidth;
        m_lineOverlapsShape = false;
Exemple #3
void ShapeOutsideInfo::updateDeltasForContainingBlockLine(const RenderBlockFlow* containingBlock, const FloatingObject* floatingObject, LayoutUnit lineTop, LayoutUnit lineHeight)
    LayoutUnit shapeTop = containingBlock->logicalTopForFloat(floatingObject) + std::max(LayoutUnit(), containingBlock->marginBeforeForChild(*m_renderer));
    LayoutUnit lineTopInShapeCoordinates = lineTop - shapeTop + logicalTopOffset();

    if (shapeSizeDirty() || m_lineTop != lineTopInShapeCoordinates || m_lineHeight != lineHeight) {
        m_lineTop = lineTopInShapeCoordinates;
        m_shapeLineTop = lineTopInShapeCoordinates - logicalTopOffset();
        m_lineHeight = lineHeight;

        LayoutUnit floatMarginBoxWidth = containingBlock->logicalWidthForFloat(floatingObject);

        if (lineOverlapsShapeBounds()) {
            SegmentList segments = computeSegmentsForLine(lineTopInShapeCoordinates, lineHeight);
            if (segments.size()) {
                LayoutUnit rawLeftMarginBoxDelta = segments.first().logicalLeft + containingBlock->marginStartForChild(*m_renderer);
                m_leftMarginBoxDelta = clampTo<LayoutUnit>(rawLeftMarginBoxDelta, LayoutUnit(), floatMarginBoxWidth);

                LayoutUnit rawRightMarginBoxDelta = segments.last().logicalRight - containingBlock->logicalWidthForChild(*m_renderer) - containingBlock->marginEndForChild(*m_renderer);
                m_rightMarginBoxDelta = clampTo<LayoutUnit>(rawRightMarginBoxDelta, -floatMarginBoxWidth, LayoutUnit());

        // Lines that do not overlap the shape should act as if the float
        // wasn't there for layout purposes. So we set the deltas to remove the
        // entire width of the float. 
        // FIXME: The latest CSS Shapes spec says that in this case, the
        // content should interact with previously stacked floats on the line
        // as if this outermost float did not exist. Perhaps obviously, this
        // solution cannot do that, and will be revisted with bug 122576.
        m_leftMarginBoxDelta = floatMarginBoxWidth;
        m_rightMarginBoxDelta = -floatMarginBoxWidth;
SegmentList WaterShedDecomposer::decompose(ImageColor const & image) const {
   QTime time;

   // original image

   // filter image
   ImageColor filtered = filterGauss(image, radiusGauss->value());
   qDebug("Image filtered in %g seconds", time.restart()/1000.0);

   // calculate gradient magnitude map
   ImageGray gradientMap = gradientMagnitude(filtered);
   qDebug("Gradient magnitude map calculated in %g seconds", time.restart()/1000.0);

   // apply watershed transformation
   SegmentList segments = watershed(gradientMap, image);
   qDebug("Watershed transformation applied in %g seconds", time.restart()/1000.0);
   qDebug("  Segments: %d", segments.size());
   ImageColor debugOut(image.width(), image.height());

   // merge similiar and small segments
   int oldSegmentsSize;
   do {
      oldSegmentsSize = segments.size();
      mergeSimiliarSegments(segments, epsilonMerge->value()*epsilonMerge->value());
      mergeSmallSegments(segments, minSize->value());
   } while (segments.size() != oldSegmentsSize);
   qDebug("Segments merged in %g seconds", time.restart()/1000.0);
   qDebug("  Segments: %d", segments.size());

   return segments;
SegmentList ShapeOutsideInfo::computeSegmentsForLine(LayoutUnit lineTop, LayoutUnit lineHeight) const
    ASSERT(lineHeight >= 0);
    SegmentList segments;

    computedShape().getExcludedIntervals((lineTop - logicalTopOffset()), std::min(lineHeight, shapeLogicalBottom() - lineTop), segments);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < segments.size(); i++) {
        segments[i].logicalLeft += logicalLeftOffset();
        segments[i].logicalRight += logicalLeftOffset();

    return segments;
/// Optimise a track trajectory
void Trajectory::Optimise(SegmentList track, int max_iter, float alpha, const char* fname, bool reset)
    int N = track.size();
    clock_t start_time = clock();
    int min_iter = max_iter/2; // minimum number of iterations to do
    float time_limit = 2.0f; // if more than min_iter have been done, exit when time elapsed is larger than the time limit
    float beta = 0.75f; // amount to reduce alpha to when it seems to be too large

    // initialise vectors
	int i;
    for (i=0; i<N; ++i) {
        if (reset) {w[i] = 0.5f;}
        dw2[i] = 1.0f;
        indices[i] = i;

    // Shuffle thoroughly
#if 1
    for (i=0; i<N-1; ++i) {
        int z = rand()%(N-i);
        int tmp = indices[i];
        indices[i] = indices[z+i];
        indices[z+i] = tmp;

    float prevC = 0.0f;
    float Z = 10.0f;
    float lambda = 0.9f;
    float delta_C = 0.0f;
    float prev_dCdw2 = 0.0f;

    for (int iter=0; iter<max_iter; iter++) {

        float C = 0.0f;
        float P = 0.0f;
        float dCdw2 = 0.0f;
        float EdCdw = 0.0f;

        float direction = 0.0;
        for (int j=0; j<N-1; ++j) {
            int i = indices[j];//rand()%(N-3) + 3;
            int i_p3 = i - 3;
            if (i_p3 < 0) i_p3 +=N;
            int i_p2 = i - 2;
            if (i_p2 < 0) i_p2 +=N;
            int i_p1 = i - 1;
            if (i_p1 < 0) i_p1 +=N;
            //int i_n3 = (i + 3)%N;
            int i_n2 = (i + 2)%N;
            int i_n1 = (i + 1)%N;
            Segment s_prv3 = track[i_p3];
            Segment s_prv2 = track[i_p2];
            Segment s_prv = track[i_p1];
            Segment s_cur = track[i];
            Segment s_nxt = track[i_n1];
            Segment s_nxt2 = track[i_n2];
            Point prv3 = GetPoint(track[i_p3], w[i_p3]);
            Point prv2 = GetPoint(track[i_p2], w[i_p2]);
            Point prv = GetPoint(track[i_p1], w[i_p1]);
            Point cur = GetPoint(track[i], w[i]);
            Point nxt = GetPoint(track[i_n1], w[i_n1]);
            Point nxt2 = GetPoint(track[i_n2], w[i_n2]);
            Point u_prv2 = prv2 - prv3;
            Point u_prv = prv - prv2;
            Point u_cur = cur - prv;
            Point u_nxt = nxt - cur;
            Point u_nxt2 = nxt2 - nxt;
            //float l_prv2 = (prv2 - prv3).Length();
            float l_prv = (prv - prv2).Length();
            float l_cur = (cur - prv).Length();
            float l_nxt = (nxt - cur).Length();
#if 1
            Point a_prv = (u_cur - u_prv)/l_prv;
            Point a_cur = (u_nxt - u_cur)/l_cur;
            Point a_nxt = (u_nxt2 - u_nxt)/l_nxt;
            Point a_prv = (u_prv - u_prv2)/l_prv2;
            Point a_cur = (u_cur - u_prv)/l_prv;
            Point a_nxt = (u_nxt - u_cur)/l_cur;

            float current_cost = a_prv.Length()*a_prv.Length()
                + a_cur.Length()*a_cur.Length()
                + a_nxt.Length()*a_nxt.Length();

            //accel[i] = +a_nxt.Length();
            accel[i] = (a_prv.Length() + a_cur.Length() + a_nxt.Length())/3.0f;
            C += current_cost;

            float dCdw = 0.0;

            if (1) {
                // Done only for a_cur, ignoring other costs.
                    Point lr = s_cur.left - s_cur.right;
                    Point d = cur - prv;
                    float dnorm2 = d.x*d.x + d.y*d.y;
                    float dnorm = sqrt(dnorm2);
                    float dxdynorm = d.x * d.y / dnorm;
#ifdef EXP_COST
                    float tmp = exp(a_cur.x*a_cur.x + a_cur.y*a_cur.y);
                    dCdw += tmp * a_cur.x * lr.x * (dnorm + d.x/dnorm + dxdynorm);
                    dCdw += tmp *a_cur.y * lr.y * (dnorm + d.y/dnorm + dxdynorm);
                    dCdw += a_cur.x * lr.x * (dnorm + d.x/dnorm + dxdynorm);
                    dCdw += a_cur.y * lr.y * (dnorm + d.y/dnorm + dxdynorm);
                    Point lr = s_cur.left - s_cur.right;
                    Point d = nxt - cur;
                    float dnorm2 = d.x*d.x + d.y*d.y;
                    float dnorm = sqrt(dnorm2);
                    float dxdynorm = d.x * d.y / dnorm;
#ifdef EXP_COST
                    float tmp = exp(a_cur.x*a_cur.x + a_cur.y*a_cur.y);
                    dCdw += tmp * a_cur.x * lr.x * (dnorm + d.x/dnorm + dxdynorm);
                    dCdw += tmp *a_cur.y * lr.y * (dnorm + d.y/dnorm + dxdynorm);
                    dCdw += a_cur.x * lr.x * (dnorm + d.x/dnorm + dxdynorm);
                    dCdw += a_cur.y * lr.y * (dnorm + d.y/dnorm + dxdynorm);

            if (1) {
                    Point lr = s_cur.left - s_cur.right;
                    Point d = nxt - cur;
                    float dnorm2 = d.x*d.x + d.y*d.y;
                    float dnorm = sqrt(dnorm2);
                    float dxdynorm = d.x * d.y / dnorm;
#ifdef EXP_COST
                    float tmp = exp(a_nxt.x*a_nxt.x + a_nxt.y*a_nxt.y);
                    dCdw -= tmp * a_nxt.x * lr.x * (dnorm + d.x/dnorm + dxdynorm);
                    dCdw -= tmp * a_nxt.y * lr.y * (dnorm + d.y/dnorm + dxdynorm);
                    dCdw -= a_nxt.x * lr.x * (dnorm + d.x/dnorm + dxdynorm);
                    dCdw -= a_nxt.y * lr.y * (dnorm + d.y/dnorm + dxdynorm);

            if (1) {
                    Point lr = s_cur.left - s_cur.right;
                    Point d = cur - prv;
                    float dnorm2 = d.x*d.x + d.y*d.y;
                    float dnorm = sqrt(dnorm2);
                    float dxdynorm = d.x * d.y / dnorm;
#ifdef EXP_COST
                    float tmp = exp(a_prv.x*a_prv.x + a_prv.y*a_prv.y);
                    dCdw -= tmp*a_prv.x * lr.x * (dnorm + d.x/dnorm + dxdynorm);
                    dCdw -= tmp*a_prv.y * lr.y * (dnorm + d.y/dnorm + dxdynorm);
                    dCdw -= a_prv.x * lr.x * (dnorm + d.x/dnorm + dxdynorm);
                    dCdw -= a_prv.y * lr.y * (dnorm + d.y/dnorm + dxdynorm);
            float K = 10.0;
            float penalty = 0.0;//K*(0.5f - w[i])*(exp(fabs(0.5-w[i]))-1);
            if (1) {
                float b = 0.1f;
                if (w[i] < b) {
                    penalty += K*(b - w[i]);
                } else if (w[i] > 1.0 -b) {
                    penalty += K*((1.0-b) - w[i]);
            P+= K*penalty*penalty;
            dCdw += K*penalty;
            dw2[i] = lambda*dw2[i] + (1.0-lambda)*dCdw*dCdw;
            direction += dCdw * dw[i];
            float delta = dCdw/(dw2[i] + 1.0);
            dw[i] = delta;
            w[i] += alpha * delta;
            if (1) {
                float b = 0.0;
                if (w[i] < b) {
                    w[i] = b;
                } else if (w[i] > 1.0 -b) {
                    w[i] = 1.0 - b;
            dCdw2 += dCdw*dCdw;
            EdCdw += delta/(float) N;
        } // indices

        if (direction<0) {
            alpha *= beta;
            fprintf (stderr, "# Reducing alpha to %f\n", alpha);
        Z = (dCdw2);
        if (Z<0.01) {
            Z = 0.01f;

        bool early_exit = false;
        delta_C = 0.9*delta_C + 0.1*fabs(EdCdw-prev_dCdw2);
        prev_dCdw2 = EdCdw;

        if (delta_C < 0.001f) {
            early_exit = true;

        if (iter%100==0) {
            clock_t current_time = clock();
            float elapsed_time = (float) (current_time-start_time) / (float) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
            if (elapsed_time > time_limit) {
                early_exit = true;
            fprintf (stderr, "%d %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",
                     C / (float) N,
                     P / (float) N, dCdw2, EdCdw, delta_C, elapsed_time);

        if (iter>min_iter && early_exit) {
            fprintf (stderr, "# Time to break\n");
            fflush (stderr);
        prevC = C;
