Exemple #1
void CommandSet::setup()
    /* Setup callbacks for SerialCommand commands */
    sCmd.addCommand("L",       this->led);          // Toggles LED
    sCmd.addCommand("ping",    this->ping);         // Check serial link
    sCmd.addCommand("help",    this->help);

    /* Movement commands */
    sCmd.addCommand("M",       this->move);         // Runs wheel motors
    sCmd.addCommand("S",       this->stop);         // Force stops all motors
    sCmd.addCommand("G",       this->go);           // Runs wheel motors with correction

    /* Read from rotary encoders */
    sCmd.addCommand("speeds",  this->speeds);

    /* Misc commands */
    sCmd.addCommand("pixels",  this->pixels);       // Set LED colour

    sCmd.addCommand("grab",    this->grab);         // Grab 0 or 1
    sCmd.addCommand("kick",    this->kick);         // Kick
    sCmd.addCommand("shuntkick", this->shuntkick);  // Shuntkick

    sCmd.addCommand("rotate",  this->rotate);       // Rotate

    /* Debug and inspection commands */

    sCmd.addCommand("ps",      this->proc_dump);    // Show process status
    sCmd.addCommand("ptog",    this->proc_toggle);  // Enable or disable by pid on the fly
    sCmd.setDefaultHandler(this->unrecognized);   // Handler for command that isn't matched
void initCommandProcessor()