// The submat with a higher index "cover" the ones "below".
// If the first submat taken from the end of the array has amount == 100,
// that's al it matters. Otherwise all until the second consecutive submat
// with amount == 100 matter
bool CompositeMat::IsOutputConst
	ShadeContext& sc, // describes context of evaluation
	int stdID				// must be ID_AM, ect
	Mtl *sm = NULL;
	int numSubMatOn = 0;
	int numConsec = 0;
	bool bIsConst = true;
	Interval iv;

	// Iterate through the submats in reverse order because that is
	// the order of their significance
	for (int i = MAX_NUM_MTLS-1; i >= 0; i--)
		BOOL enabled;
		float amount;
		// The first one is always enabled
		if ( i == 0 ) 
			enabled = 1;
			pblock2->GetValue( compmat_map_on, sc.CurTime(), enabled, iv, i-1 );
		if ( enabled )
			pblock2->GetValue( compmat_mtls, sc.CurTime(), sm, iv, i );
			if ( sm != NULL ) 

				// All of the first on is always composited
				if ( i == 0 ) 
					amount = 100.f;
					pblock2->GetValue( compmat_amount, sc.CurTime(), amount, iv, i-1 );
				if ( numSubMatOn == 1 && amount == 100.0f )
					return sm->IsOutputConst( sc, stdID );
					if ( amount == 100.0f )
						numConsec = 0;
					bool b = sm->IsOutputConst( sc, stdID );
					bIsConst = (bIsConst && b );
					if ( !bIsConst )
						return bIsConst;
					else if ( numConsec == 2 )
						return bIsConst;
	return bIsConst;
float BerconGradient::getGradientValueDist(ShadeContext& sc) {
	switch (p_normalType) {	 
		case 0: { // View			 
			return -sc.P().z; //Length(sc.OrigView()); //(sc.PointTo(sc.P(), REF_CAMERA)).z;
		case 1: { // Local X
			return (sc.PointTo(sc.P(), REF_OBJECT)).x;
		case 2: { // Local Y
			return (sc.PointTo(sc.P(), REF_OBJECT)).y;
		case 3: { // Local Z
			return (sc.PointTo(sc.P(), REF_OBJECT)).z;
		case 4: { // World X
			return (sc.PointTo(sc.P(), REF_WORLD)).x;
		case 5: { // World Y
			return (sc.PointTo(sc.P(), REF_WORLD)).y;
		case 6: { // World Z
			return (sc.PointTo(sc.P(), REF_WORLD)).z;
		case 7: { // Camera X
			return sc.P().x; //(sc.PointTo(sc.P(), REF_CAMERA)).x;
		case 8: { // Camera Y
			return sc.P().y; //(sc.PointTo(sc.P(), REF_CAMERA)).y;
		case 9: { // Camera Z
			return -sc.P().z; //-(sc.PointTo(sc.P(), REF_CAMERA)).z;
		case 10: { // To Object
			if (sc.InMtlEditor() || !p_node)
				return -sc.P().z; //(sc.PointTo(sc.P(), REF_CAMERA)).z;			
			return Length((p_node->GetNodeTM(sc.CurTime())).GetTrans() - sc.PointTo(sc.P(), REF_WORLD));
		case 11: { // Object Z			
			if (sc.InMtlEditor() || !p_node)
				return -sc.P().z; //(sc.PointTo(sc.P(), REF_CAMERA)).z;			
			Matrix3 tm = p_node->GetNodeTM(sc.CurTime());
			Point3 a = tm.GetTrans() - sc.PointTo(sc.P(), REF_WORLD);
			Point3 b = FNormalize(tm.GetRow(2));
			return (-DotProd(b, a) / Length(b));
	return 0.f;
void CompositeMat::PreShade(ShadeContext& sc, IReshadeFragment* pFrag)
	int i(0);
	Mtl *submtl = NULL;
//	BOOL enabled(FALSE);

	char texLengths[12];

	int lengthChan = pFrag->NTextures();

	int nPrevTex = 3 + lengthChan;

	// preshade any submaterials
	for (i=0; i<MAX_NUM_MTLS; i++)
		pblock2->GetValue(compmat_mtls, sc.CurTime(), submtl, FOREVER, i);
		if (submtl){
			IReshading* pReshading = (IReshading*)(submtl->GetInterface(IID_IReshading));
			if( pReshading ){
				pReshading->PreShade(sc, pFrag);
				int nTex = pFrag->NTextures();
				texLengths[i] = char( nTex - nPrevTex);
				nPrevTex = nTex;
	int* pI = (int*)&texLengths[0];
	pFrag->SetIntChannel( lengthChan++, pI[0] );
	pFrag->SetIntChannel( lengthChan++, pI[1] );
	pFrag->SetIntChannel( lengthChan, pI[2] );

Exemple #4
RGBA Noise::EvalColor(ShadeContext& sc) {
	Point3 p,dp;
	if (!sc.doMaps) return black;

	AColor c;
	if (sc.GetCache(this,c)) 
		return c; 

	if (gbufID) sc.SetGBufferID(gbufID);

	//IPoint2 ps = sc.ScreenCoord();
  	UpdateCache(sc.CurTime());  // DS 10/3/00
	p /= size;	   
	filter = sc.filterMaps;
	float smw;
	float limlev = LimitLevel(dp,smw);
    float d = NoiseFunction(p,limlev,smw);

	RGBA c0 = mapOn[0]&&subTex[0] ? subTex[0]->EvalColor(sc): col[0];
	RGBA c1 = mapOn[1]&&subTex[1] ? subTex[1]->EvalColor(sc): col[1];
	c = texout->Filter((1.0f-d)*c0 + d*c1);
	return c;
AColor mrTwoSidedShader::EvalColor(ShadeContext& sc) {

	// Provide a good default for this (for the material editor peview)... 
	// Use the front color for the top half of the screen the the back color 
	// for the bottom half.
	if(m_mainPB != NULL) {
		Point2 screenUV;
		Point2 screenDUV;
		sc.ScreenUV(screenUV, screenDUV);

		// Front map is used for top part of the image
		bool useFront = (screenUV.y > 0.5f);

		TimeValue t = sc.CurTime();
		BOOL mapOn = m_mainPB->GetInt(useFront ? kMainPID_FrontMapOn : kMainPID_BackMapOn, t);
		if(mapOn) {
			Texmap* map = m_mainPB->GetTexmap(useFront ? kMainPID_FrontMap : kMainPID_BackMap, t);
			if(map != NULL) {
				return map->EvalColor(sc);

		// Return the color only
		AColor col = m_mainPB->GetAColor(useFront ? kMainPID_FrontColor : kMainPID_BackColor, t);
		return col;
	return AColor(0,0,0);
Exemple #6
AColor BerconNoise::EvalColor(ShadeContext& sc) {
	if (!sc.doMaps) return black;
	AColor c;
	if (sc.GetCache(this,c)) 
		return c; 	
	if (gbufID) sc.SetGBufferID(gbufID);

	// UVW and Distortion
	Point3 p, dpdx, dpdy, dp;	
	if(!berconXYZ.get(sc, p, dpdx, dpdy)) return AColor(0,0,0,0);

	if (useDistortion)
	float nSize = (mapOn[4] && subtex[4]) ? subtex[4]->EvalMono(sc)*size : size;
	p /= nSize; dpdx /= nSize; dpdy /= nSize;
	Noise::alterUVW(p, uvwDist);
	NoiseParams np = EvalParameters(&sc);
	// Caluclate noise function
	float d = sc.filterMaps ? Noise::limitedNoise(p, dpdx, dpdy, np) : Noise::limitedNoise(p, np);	
	if (useCurve)
		d = curve->GetControlCurve(0)->GetValue(sc.CurTime(), d);

	// Get colors
	RGBA c0 = mapOn[0]&&subtex[0] ? subtex[0]->EvalColor(sc): col[0];
	RGBA c1 = mapOn[1]&&subtex[1] ? subtex[1]->EvalColor(sc): col[1];				
	c = texout->Filter((1.f-d)*c0 + d*c1);

	// Cache
	return c;	
float BerconGradient::getGradientValueNormal(ShadeContext& sc) {
	switch (p_normalType) {	 
		case 0: { // View			 
			return -DotProd(sc.Normal(), sc.V());
		case 1: { // Local X
			return (sc.VectorTo(sc.Normal(), REF_OBJECT)).x;
		case 2: { // Local Y
			return (sc.VectorTo(sc.Normal(), REF_OBJECT)).y;
		case 3: { // Local Z
			return (sc.VectorTo(sc.Normal(), REF_OBJECT)).z;
		case 4: { // World X
			return (sc.VectorTo(sc.Normal(), REF_WORLD)).x;
		case 5: { // World Y
			return (sc.VectorTo(sc.Normal(), REF_WORLD)).y;
		case 6: { // World Z
			return (sc.VectorTo(sc.Normal(), REF_WORLD)).z;
		case 7: { // Camera X
			return sc.Normal().x; //(sc.VectorTo(sc.Normal(), REF_CAMERA)).x;
		case 8: { // Camera Y
			return sc.Normal().y; //(sc.VectorTo(sc.Normal(), REF_CAMERA)).y;
		case 9: { // Camera Z
			return sc.Normal().z; //(sc.VectorTo(sc.Normal(), REF_CAMERA)).z;
		case 10: { // To Object
			if (sc.InMtlEditor() || !p_node)
				return -DotProd(sc.Normal(), sc.V());												
			return DotProd(sc.Normal(), FNormalize(sc.PointFrom((p_node->GetNodeTM(sc.CurTime())).GetTrans(),REF_WORLD) - sc.P()));							
		case 11: { // Object Z			
			if (sc.InMtlEditor() || !p_node)
				return -DotProd(sc.Normal(), sc.V());				
			return DotProd(sc.Normal(), FNormalize(sc.VectorFrom(p_node->GetNodeTM(sc.CurTime()).GetRow(2),REF_WORLD)));			
	return 0.f;
Exemple #8
AColor BerconWood::EvalColor(ShadeContext& sc) {
	Point3 p,dpdx,dpdy;
	if (!sc.doMaps) return black;

	// If we've already evalutated the color at this point we'll use it and stop here
	AColor c;
	if (sc.GetCache(this,c)) 
		return c; 	
	if (gbufID) sc.SetGBufferID(gbufID);

	// Evaluate parameters
	WoodParam wp = EvalParameters(sc);
	float grainA = mapOn[19]&&subtex[19]?subtex[19]->EvalMono(sc)*grainAmount:grainAmount;
	float grainF = mapOn[20]&&subtex[20]?subtex[20]->EvalMono(sc)*grainFreq:grainFreq;

	// UVW, Distortion and size
	if (useDistortion)
	float wSize = mapOn[5]&&subtex[5]?subtex[5]->EvalMono(sc)*woodSize:woodSize;
	p /= wSize; dpdx /= (wSize / 2.f); dpdy /= (wSize / 2.f);
	// Caluclate wood function and grain
	Point3 gP;
	float d = sc.filterMaps? Noise::wood(p, dpdx, dpdy, gP, wp) : Noise::wood(p, gP, wp);

	float g = (grainAmount > .001f) ? Fractal::grain(gP, grainA, grainF): 0.f;	

	// Get colors
	RGBA c0 = mapOn[0]&&subtex[0] ? subtex[0]->EvalColor(sc): col[0];
	RGBA c1 = mapOn[1]&&subtex[1] ? subtex[1]->EvalColor(sc): col[1];
	RGBA c2 = lockGrain ? c1: (mapOn[2]&&subtex[2] ? subtex[2]->EvalColor(sc): col[2]);
	// Apply curves
	if (useCurve)
		d = curve->GetControlCurve(0)->GetValue(sc.CurTime(), d);

	// Calculate color
	c = (1.0f-d)*c0 + d*c1;
	c = (1.0f-g)*c + g*c2;
	c = texout->Filter(c);

	// Cache
	return c;	
Exemple #9
void M3Mat::PreShade(ShadeContext& sc, IReshadeFragment* pFrag)
	int i; 
	IReshading* pReshading;

	TimeValue t = sc.CurTime();
	Interval valid = FOREVER;

	// get the base material value into i
	pblockMat->GetValue(100, t, i, valid );

	Mtl *sm1 = mTex[100];

	// handle no base mat
	if(sm1 == NULL) 

		for( i=0;i<100;i++)
			float u;

			if(mTex[i]!=NULL && u!=0 && mapOn[i])
				Mtl *comb = mTex[i];
				pReshading = (IReshading*)(comb->GetInterface(IID_IReshading));
				if( pReshading ) 
					pReshading->PreShade(sc, pFrag);

		pReshading = (IReshading*)(sm1->GetInterface(IID_IReshading));
		if( pReshading ) 
			pReshading->PreShade(sc, pFrag);
	else {
		// i == 1 && not inRender
		pReshading = (IReshading*)(sm1->GetInterface(IID_IReshading));
		if( pReshading ) 
			pReshading->PreShade(sc, pFrag);
Exemple #10
Point3 Noise::EvalNormalPerturb(ShadeContext& sc) {
	Point3 p,dp;
	if (!sc.doMaps) return Point3(0,0,0);
	if (gbufID) sc.SetGBufferID(gbufID);
  	UpdateCache(sc.CurTime());  // DS 10/3/00
	p /= size;
	filter = sc.filterMaps;
	float smw;
	float limlev = LimitLevel(dp,smw);
	float del,d;
	d = NoiseFunction(p,limlev,smw);
	//del = (dp.x+dp.y+dp.z)/(size*3.0f);
	del = .1f;
	Point3 np;					  
	Point3 M[3];

	np.x = (NoiseFunction(p+del*M[0],limlev,smw) - d)/del;
	np.y = (NoiseFunction(p+del*M[1],limlev,smw) - d)/del;
	np.z = (NoiseFunction(p+del*M[2],limlev,smw) - d)/del;

	np = sc.VectorFromNoScale(np, REF_OBJECT);

	Texmap *sub0 = mapOn[0]?subTex[0]:NULL;
	Texmap *sub1 = mapOn[1]?subTex[1]:NULL;
	if (sub0||sub1) {
		// d((1-k)*a + k*b ) = dk*(b-a) + k*(db-da) + da
		float a,b;
		Point3 da,db;
		if (sub0) { 	a = sub0->EvalMono(sc); 	da = sub0->EvalNormalPerturb(sc);		}
		else {	 a = Intens(col[0]);	 da = Point3(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);		 }
		if (sub1) { 	b = sub1->EvalMono(sc); 	db = sub1->EvalNormalPerturb(sc);	}
		else {	 b = Intens(col[1]);	 db= Point3(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);		 }
		np = (b-a)*np + d*(db-da) + da;
		np *= Intens(col[1])-Intens(col[0]);
	return texout->Filter(np);
Exemple #11
float Noise::EvalMono(ShadeContext& sc) {
	Point3 p,dp;
	if (!sc.doMaps) 	return 0.0f;

	float f;
	if (sc.GetCache(this,f)) 
		return f; 

	if (gbufID) sc.SetGBufferID(gbufID);
  	UpdateCache(sc.CurTime());  // DS 10/3/00
	p /= size;
	filter = sc.filterMaps;
	float smw;
	float limlev = LimitLevel(dp, smw);
    float d = NoiseFunction(p,limlev,smw);
	float c0 = mapOn[0]&&subTex[0] ? subTex[0]->EvalMono(sc): Intens(col[0]);
	float c1 = mapOn[1]&&subTex[1] ? subTex[1]->EvalMono(sc): Intens(col[1]);
	f = texout->Filter((1.0f-d)*c0 + d*c1);
	return f;
Exemple #12
// #################### // Color \\ ####################
AColor BerconGradient::EvalColor(ShadeContext& sc) {
	// Initialize returned color
	AColor res(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
	if (!sc.doMaps) return res;

	// Use cache
	if (sc.GetCache(this,res)) 
		return res; 	
	if (gbufID) sc.SetGBufferID(gbufID);		
	// Function type
	float d;
	if (p_type == 0) {// UVW
		Point3 p;
		if (!berconXYZ.get(sc, p)) return res;
		d = getGradientValueUVW(p);
	} else { // Others
		d = getGradientValue(sc);

	// Distortion
	if (p_disOn && p_distex) d += (1.f - p_distex->EvalMono(sc) * 2.f) * p_disStr;

	// Limit range
	if (!limitRange(d)) return res;

	// Curve
	if (p_curveOn) d = curve->GetControlCurve(0)->GetValue(sc.CurTime(), d);		

	// Get color from gradient
	res = gradient->getColor(p_reverse?1.f-d:d, sc);

	// Output
	res = texout->Filter(res);

	// Shading ready, return results
	return res;
Exemple #13
float M3Mat::EvalDisplacement(ShadeContext& sc) {

	int i; 

	TimeValue t = sc.CurTime();
	Interval valid = FOREVER;


	Mtl *sm1 = mTex[100];

	int counter = 0;
	float final = 0.0f;

	// handle no base mat
		return 0.0f;


		float u[100];

		for( i=0;i<100;i++)

				Mtl *comb = mTex[i];
				float mI = u[i]/100.0f;
				final += (comb->EvalDisplacement(sc)*mI);
Exemple #14
void plPassMtl::ShadeWithBackground(ShadeContext &sc, Color background, bool useVtxAlpha /* = true */)
#if 1

    // old
#if 0
    Color lightCol,rescol, diffIllum0;
    RGBA mval;
    Point3 N0,P;
    BOOL bumped = FALSE;
    int i;

    if (gbufID) 
    if (sc.mode == SCMODE_SHADOW) {
        float opac = 0.0;
        for (i=0; i < NumSubTexmaps(); i++)     {
            if (SubTexmapOn(i)) {
                hsMaxLayerBase *hsmLay = (hsMaxLayerBase *)GetSubTexmap(i);
                opac += hsmLay->GetOpacity(t);
        float f = 1.0f - opac;
        sc.out.t = Color(f,f,f);
    N0 = sc.Normal();
    P = sc.P();

    TimeValue t = sc.CurTime();
    Color color(0, 0, 0);
    float alpha = 0.0;

    // Evaluate Base layer
    Texmap *map = fLayersPB->GetTexmap(kPassLayBase);
    if (map && ( map->ClassID() == LAYER_TEX_CLASS_ID 
                || map->ClassID() == STATIC_ENV_LAYER_CLASS_ID ) )
        plLayerTex *layer = (plLayerTex*)map;
        AColor evalColor = layer->EvalColor(sc);

        color = evalColor;
        alpha = evalColor.a;

    // Evaluate Top layer, if it's on
    if (fLayersPB->GetInt(kPassLayTopOn))
        Texmap *map = fLayersPB->GetTexmap(kPassLayTop);
        if (map && ( map->ClassID() == LAYER_TEX_CLASS_ID 
                    || map->ClassID() == STATIC_ENV_LAYER_CLASS_ID 
                    || map->ClassID() == ANGLE_ATTEN_LAYER_CLASS_ID) )
            plPlasmaMAXLayer *layer = (plPlasmaMAXLayer*)map;
            AColor evalColor = layer->EvalColor(sc);

            // Blend layers
            if( !layer->DiscardColor() )
                int blendType = fLayersPB->GetInt(kPassLayBlend);
                switch (blendType)
                case kBlendAdd:
                    color += evalColor * evalColor.a;
                case kBlendAlpha:
                    color = (1.0f - evalColor.a) * color + evalColor.a * evalColor;
                case kBlendMult:
                    color *= evalColor;
                default:    // No blend...
                    color = evalColor;
            if( !layer->DiscardAlpha() )
                int alphaType = fLayersPB->GetInt(kPassLayOutputBlend);
                switch( alphaType )
                case kAlphaMultiply:
                    alpha *= evalColor.a;
                case kAlphaAdd:
                    alpha += evalColor.a;
                case kAlphaDiscard:

#if 1
    AColor black;
    AColor white;

    SIllumParams ip;
    if (fBasicPB->GetInt(kPassBasEmissive))
        // Emissive objects don't get shaded
        ip.diffIllum = fBasicPB->GetColor(kPassBasColorAmb, t) * color;
        ip.specIllum = black;
        // Shading setup

        // Setup the parameters for the shader
        ip.amb = fBasicPB->GetColor(kPassBasColorAmb, t);
        ip.diff = fBasicPB->GetColor(kPassBasColor, t) * color;
        ip.diffIllum = black;
        ip.specIllum = black;
        ip.N = sc.Normal();
        ip.V = sc.V();

        // Specularity
        if (fBasicPB->GetInt(kPassBasUseSpec, t))
            ip.sh_str = 1.f;
            ip.spec = fBasicPB->GetColor( kPassBasSpecColor, t );
            ip.ph_exp = (float)pow(2.0f,float(fBasicPB->GetInt(kPassBasShine, t)) / 10.0f);
            ip.shine = float(fBasicPB->GetInt(kPassBasShine, t)) / 100.0f;
            ip.spec = black;
            ip.sh_str = 0;
            ip.ph_exp = 0;
            ip.shine = 0;
        ip.softThresh = 0;


        // Do the shading
        Shader *myShader = GetShader(SHADER_BLINN);
        myShader->Illum(sc, ip);

        // Override shader parameters
        if (fAdvPB->GetInt(kPBAdvNoShade))
            ip.diffIllum = black;
            ip.specIllum = black;
        if (fAdvPB->GetInt(kPBAdvWhite))
            ip.diffIllum = white;
            ip.specIllum = black;

        ip.diffIllum = ip.amb * sc.ambientLight + ip.diff * ip.diffIllum;

//  AColor returnColor = AColor(opac * ip.diffIllum + ip.specIllum, opac)

    // Get opacity and combine with alpha
    float opac = float(fBasicPB->GetInt(kPassBasOpacity, t)) / 100.0f;
    alpha *= opac;

    float vtxAlpha = 1.0f;
    if (useVtxAlpha && GetOutputBlend() == plPassMtlBase::kBlendAlpha)
        Point3 p;
        GetInterpVtxValue(MAP_ALPHA, sc, p);
        vtxAlpha = p.x;
    alpha *= vtxAlpha;

    // MAX will do the additive/alpha/no blending for us based on what Requirements()
    // we tell it. However, since MAX's formula is bgnd*sc.out.t + sc.out.c,
    // we have to multiply our output color by the alpha.
    // If we ever need a more complicated blending function, you can request the
    // background color via Requirements() (otherwise it's just black) and then do
    // the blending yourself; however, if the transparency isn't set, the shadows
    // will be opaque, so be careful.
    Color outC = ip.diffIllum + ip.specIllum;

    sc.out.c = ( outC * alpha );
    sc.out.t = Color( 1.f - alpha, 1.f - alpha, 1.f - alpha );

Exemple #15
Point3 BerconNoise::EvalNormalPerturb(ShadeContext& sc) {		
	if (!sc.doMaps) return Point3(0,0,0);
	if (gbufID) sc.SetGBufferID(gbufID);

	// UVW and Distortion
	Point3 p, dpdx, dpdy;
	Point3 M[3];
	if (!berconXYZ.get(sc, p, dpdx, dpdy, M)) return Point3(0,0,0);

	if (useDistortion)
	float nSize = (mapOn[4] && subtex[4]) ? subtex[4]->EvalMono(sc)*size : size;
	p /= nSize;
	Noise::alterUVW(p, uvwDist);

	NoiseParams np = EvalParameters(&sc);

	// Vector
	Point3 normal;
	float d = Noise::limitedNoise(p, np);
	if (useCurve) {		
		d = curve->GetControlCurve(0)->GetValue(sc.CurTime(), d);
		normal.x = (curve->GetControlCurve(0)->GetValue(sc.CurTime(), Noise::limitedNoise(p+DELTA*M[0], np)) - d) / DELTA;
		normal.y = (curve->GetControlCurve(0)->GetValue(sc.CurTime(), Noise::limitedNoise(p+DELTA*M[1], np)) - d) / DELTA;
		normal.z = (curve->GetControlCurve(0)->GetValue(sc.CurTime(), Noise::limitedNoise(p+DELTA*M[2], np)) - d) / DELTA;
	} else {
		normal.x = (Noise::limitedNoise(p+DELTA*M[0], np) - d) / DELTA;
		normal.y = (Noise::limitedNoise(p+DELTA*M[1], np) - d) / DELTA;
		normal.z = (Noise::limitedNoise(p+DELTA*M[2], np) - d) / DELTA;
	normal = -sc.VectorFromNoScale(normal, REF_OBJECT);

	// Eval sub maps
	float f1, f2;
	Point3 v1, v2;
	bool maps = false;
	if (subtex[0]) {
		f1 = subtex[0]->EvalMono(sc);
		v1 = subtex[0]->EvalNormalPerturb(sc);
		maps = true;
	} else {
		f1 = Intens(col[0]);
		v1 = Point3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
	if (subtex[1]) {
		f2 = subtex[1]->EvalMono(sc);
		v2 = subtex[1]->EvalNormalPerturb(sc);
		maps = true;
	} else {
		f2 = Intens(col[1]);
		v2 = Point3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
	// Calculate vector
	if (maps)
		normal = (f2-f1)*normal + d*v2 + (1.f-d)*v1;
		normal *= f2 - f1;

	return texout->Filter(normal); // Does this filter actually do something?
Exemple #16
void M3Mat::Shade(ShadeContext& sc) {
	int i; 

	TimeValue t = sc.CurTime();
	Interval valid = FOREVER;


	Mtl *sm1 = mTex[100];
	float total(0.0f);
	ShadeOutput sFinal( sc.out.nElements ); // get nElements correctly
	ShadeOutput	sDatabase[100];
//	for(  i = 0; i < 100; ++i )
//		sDatabase[i] = sFinal;	

	float u[100];

	// handle no base mat
		sc.out.c = black;
		sc.out.t = black;

		for( i=0;i<100;i++)
			u[i] /= 100.0f;

				Mtl *comb = mTex[i];
				sDatabase[i] = sc.out;
				total += u[i];

		sFinal.c = black;
		sFinal.t = black;
		sFinal.ior = 0.0f;

		for( i=0;i<100;i++)
				sc.out.flags |= sDatabase[i].flags;
					sFinal.c += u[i]/total * sDatabase[i].c;
					sFinal.t += u[i]/total * sDatabase[i].t;
					sFinal.ior += u[i]/total * sDatabase[i].ior;
					sFinal.c += u[i] * sDatabase[i].c;
					sFinal.t += u[i] * sDatabase[i].t;
					sFinal.ior += u[i] * sDatabase[i].ior;
		if(total) {
			sc.out.MixIn(sFinal, 1.0f-total);
	else {
Exemple #17
void M3Mat::PostShade(ShadeContext& sc, IReshadeFragment* pFrag, int& nextTexIndex, IllumParams* ip)
	int i; 
	IReshading* pReshading;

	TimeValue t = sc.CurTime();
	Interval valid = FOREVER;


	Mtl *sm1 = mTex[100];
	float total(0.0f);
	ShadeOutput	sDatabase[100];
	float u[100];
	ShadeOutput sFinal; 

	// handle no base mat
		sc.out.c = black;
		sc.out.t = black;

	if(i==0 || (i==1 && inRender) )
		for( i=0; i<100; i++)
			u[i] /= 100.0f;

			if( mTex[i]!=NULL && u[i]!=0 && mapOn[i] )
				Mtl *comb = mTex[i];
				pReshading = (IReshading*)(comb->GetInterface(IID_IReshading));
				if( pReshading ) 
					pReshading->PostShade(sc, pFrag, nextTexIndex, ip );
				sDatabase[i] = sc.out;
				total += u[i];

		pReshading = (IReshading*)(sm1->GetInterface(IID_IReshading));
		if( pReshading ) 
			pReshading->PostShade(sc, pFrag, nextTexIndex, ip );

		sFinal.c = black;
		sFinal.t = black;
		sFinal.ior = 0.0f;

		for( i=0;i<100;i++)
			if(mTex[i]!=NULL && u[i]!=0 && mapOn[i])
				sc.out.flags |= sDatabase[i].flags;
					sFinal.c += u[i]/total * sDatabase[i].c;
					sFinal.t += u[i]/total * sDatabase[i].t;
					sFinal.ior += u[i]/total * sDatabase[i].ior;
					sFinal.c += u[i] * sDatabase[i].c;
					sFinal.t += u[i] * sDatabase[i].t;
					sFinal.ior += u[i] * sDatabase[i].ior;
		if(total) {
			sc.out.MixIn(sFinal, 1.0f-total);
	else {
		pReshading = (IReshading*)(sm1->GetInterface(IID_IReshading));
		if( pReshading ) 
			pReshading->PostShade(sc, pFrag, nextTexIndex, ip );
// if this function changes, please also check SupportsReShading, PreShade and PostShade
// end - ke/mjm - 03.16.00 - merge reshading code
// [attilas|29.5.2000] if this function changes, please also check EvalColorStdChannel
void CompositeMat::Shade(ShadeContext& sc)
	Mtl *sm1 = NULL;
	int id =0; 
//	float gamount;
	if (gbufID){
		id = gbufID;

	Interval iv;
	int first = 1;
	ShadeOutput out1;
	int nEles = sc.NRenderElements();
	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_MTLS; i++){
		BOOL enabled;
		float amount;
		if (i==0) enabled = 1;
		else pblock2->GetValue(compmat_map_on,sc.CurTime(),enabled,iv,i-1);
		if (enabled){
			if (sm1 != NULL){
				if (i==0) amount = 100.f;
				else pblock2->GetValue(compmat_amount,sc.CurTime(),amount,iv,i-1);
				amount = amount*0.01f;
				int type;
				if (i==0) type = 2;
				else pblock2->GetValue(compmat_type,sc.CurTime(),type,iv,i-1);

				if (first ==1){	// first material
					first = 0;
					sm1->Shade(sc); // sc.out already reset for first
					out1 = sc.out;
					if (type == 0){
						out1.t.r += 1.0f-amount;
						out1.t.g += 1.0f-amount;
						out1.t.b += 1.0f-amount;
						out1.c *= amount;

						// render elements
						for( int i = 0; i < nEles; ++i )
							out1.elementVals[i] *= amount;

					out1.ior *= amount;

//					gamount = 1.0f-(out1.t.r + out1.t.g + out1.t.b)/3.0f;
				} else {	// not first material
//					pblock2->GetValue(compmat_mtls,sc.CurTime(),sm2,iv,i);
//					sc.out.ior = s*a.ior + f*ior;
//					if (f<=0.5f) gbufId = a.gbufId;
					ShadeOutput out2 = sc.out;

					if (type == 0){  // additive
						out2.t.r += 1.0f-amount;
						out2.t.g += 1.0f-amount;
						out2.t.b += 1.0f-amount;
						out2.c *= amount;

						out2.ior *= amount;

						float f1 = 1.0f-(out1.t.r + out1.t.g + out1.t.b)/3.0f; 
						float f2 = 1.0f-(out2.t.r + out2.t.g + out2.t.b)/3.0f; 

						out1.c =  out1.c *(1.0f-f2) + out2.c * (f1); 
						out1.t =  out1.t- (1.0f-out2.t);
						out1.ior = out1.ior + out2.ior;
//						if (f2 > gamount) {
//							gamount = f2;
//							out1.gbufId = out1.gbufId;//?? ke 6.13.00
//						}
						// render elements
						for( int i = 0; i < nEles; ++i )
							out1.elementVals[i] = out1.elementVals[i] * (1.0f-f2) + out2.elementVals[i] * f1;
					} else if (type == 1) { // subtractive
						//NB: as of 6.13.00 this is SAME as additive case
						out2.t.r += 1.0f-amount;
						out2.t.g += 1.0f-amount;
						out2.t.b += 1.0f-amount;
						out2.c *= amount;


						out2.ior *= amount;

						float f1 = 1.0f-(out1.t.r + out1.t.g + out1.t.b)/3.0f; 
						float f2 = 1.0f-(out2.t.r + out2.t.g + out2.t.b)/3.0f; 

						out1.c =  out1.c *(1.0f-f2) - out2.c * f1; 
						out1.t =  out1.t- (1.0f-out2.t);
						out1.ior = out1.ior + out2.ior;
//						if (f2 > gamount){
//							gamount = f2;
//							out1.gbufId = out1.gbufId;	//?? ke 6.13.00
//						}

						// render elements
						for( int i = 0; i < nEles; ++i )
							out1.elementVals[i] = out1.elementVals[i] * (1.0f-f2) + out2.elementVals[i] * f1;
					} else { //mix

						// mixIn handles render elements
				}// end, not first mtl
			} // end, sm1 not null
		}// end, enabled
	} // end, for each material

	sc.out = out1;
void CompositeMat::PostShade(ShadeContext& sc, IReshadeFragment* pFrag, int& nextTexIndex, IllumParams* )
	int i(0), type(2);
	Mtl* submtl = NULL;
	BOOL enabled(TRUE);
	ShadeOutput out1, out2;
	float amount(100.0f); // , gamount(0.0f);

	char texLengths[12];

	int* pI = (int*)&texLengths[0];
	pI[0] = pFrag->GetIntChannel(nextTexIndex++);
	pI[1] = pFrag->GetIntChannel(nextTexIndex++);
	pI[2] = pFrag->GetIntChannel(nextTexIndex++);

	// postshade any submaterials
	for ( i=0; i<MAX_NUM_MTLS; i++)
		if( i>0 )
			pblock2->GetValue(compmat_map_on, sc.CurTime(), enabled, FOREVER, i-1);
			enabled = TRUE;

		pblock2->GetValue(compmat_mtls, sc.CurTime(), submtl, FOREVER, i);
		if ( enabled && submtl ){
			if( i > 0 ){
				pblock2->GetValue(compmat_amount, sc.CurTime(), amount, FOREVER, i-1);
				pblock2->GetValue(compmat_type, sc.CurTime(), type, FOREVER, i-1);
			amount = amount * 0.01f;
			IReshading* pReshading = (IReshading*)(submtl->GetInterface(IID_IReshading));
			if( pReshading ) 
				pReshading->PostShade(sc, pFrag, nextTexIndex);
			// first check for base material
			if( i > 0 ) {
				// not base material, composite the next material
				out2 = sc.out;
				if (type == 0) // additive
					out2.t.r += 1.0f-amount;
					out2.t.g += 1.0f-amount;
					out2.t.b += 1.0f-amount;
					out2.c *= amount;
					out2.ior *= amount;

					float f1 = 1.0f - (out1.t.r + out1.t.g + out1.t.b) / 3.0f; 
					float f2 = 1.0f - (out2.t.r + out2.t.g + out2.t.b) / 3.0f; 
					out1.c = out1.c * (1.0f-f2) + out2.c * f1;
					out1.t = out1.t - (1.0f-out2.t);
					out1.ior = out1.ior + out2.ior;
				else if (type == 1) // subtractive
					out2.t.r += 1.0f-amount;
					out2.t.g += 1.0f-amount;
					out2.t.b += 1.0f-amount;
					out2.c *= amount;
					out2.ior *= amount;

					float f1 = 1.0f - (out1.t.r + out1.t.g + out1.t.b) / 3.0f;
					float f2 = 1.0f - (out2.t.r + out2.t.g + out2.t.b) / 3.0f;

					out1.c = out1.c * (1.0f-f2) - out2.c * f1;
					out1.t = out1.t - (1.0f-out2.t);
					out1.ior = out1.ior + out2.ior;

				else //mix
					out1.MixIn(out2, 1.0f-amount);
			}// end, not base mtl
			else {
				// base material.
				out1 = sc.out;
				out1.ior *= amount;

		}// end, if has submtl & enabled
		else {
			nextTexIndex += texLengths[i];

	}// end, for each mtl

	sc.out = out1;
// Evaluates the material on a single texmap channel. 
bool CompositeMat::EvalMonoStdChannel
	ShadeContext& sc, // describes context of evaluation
	int stdID,				// must be ID_AM, ect
	float& outVal			// output var
	Mtl *sm1 = NULL;
	int id =0; 
	Interval iv;
	int first = 1;
	float val1 = 0.0f;
	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_MTLS; i++)
		BOOL enabled;
		float amount;
		// The first one is always enabled
		if ( i == 0 ) 
			enabled = 1;
			pblock2->GetValue( compmat_map_on, sc.CurTime(), enabled, iv, i-1 );
		if ( enabled )
			pblock2->GetValue( compmat_mtls, sc.CurTime(), sm1, iv, i );
			if ( sm1 != NULL ) 
				// All of the first on is always composited
				if ( i == 0 ) 
					amount = 100.f;
					pblock2->GetValue( compmat_amount, sc.CurTime(), amount, iv, i-1 );
				amount = amount*0.01f;
				int type;
				// The first one is mixed in
				if ( i == 0 ) 
					type = 2;
					pblock2->GetValue( compmat_type, sc.CurTime(), type, iv, i-1 );

				// [attilas|29.5.2000] I don't understand why the i == 0 test
				// is not used to ensure special treatment for the base material
				if ( first == 1 )
					first = 0;
					if ( !sm1->EvalMonoStdChannel(sc, stdID, outVal) )
						return false;
					val1 = outVal;

					// [attilas|29.5.2000] Why is this needed?
					if (type == 0)
						val1 *= amount;
					outVal = 0.0f;
					if ( !sm1->EvalMonoStdChannel(sc, stdID, outVal) )
						return false;
					float val2 = outVal;

					if ( type == 0 )  // additive
						val2 *= amount;
						val1 += val2; 
					else if ( type == 1 ) // subtractive
						val2 *= amount;
						val1 -= val2; 
					else //mix
						// ShadeOutput::MixIn prototype and teh way it's called in CMtl::Shade
						// s.out =  (1-f)*a + f*s.out;
						// void ShadeOutput::MixIn(ShadeOutput &a, float f)
						// out1.MixIn(out2,1.0f-amount);
						val1 = amount*val2 + (1.0f - amount)*val1;
	outVal = val1;
	return true;
Exemple #21
void plParticleMtl::ShadeWithBackground(ShadeContext &sc, Color background)
#if 1
    TimeValue t = sc.CurTime();
    Color color(0, 0, 0);
    float alpha = 0.0;

    // Evaluate Base layer
    Texmap *map = fBasicPB->GetTexmap(kTexmap);
    if (map && map->ClassID() == LAYER_TEX_CLASS_ID)
        plLayerTex *layer = (plLayerTex*)map;
        AColor evalColor = layer->EvalColor(sc);

        color = evalColor;
        alpha = evalColor.a;

#if 1
    AColor black;
    AColor white;

    SIllumParams ip;
    if( fBasicPB->GetInt( kNormal ) == kEmissive )
        // Emissive objects don't get shaded
        ip.diffIllum = fBasicPB->GetColor(kColorAmb, t) * color;
        ip.specIllum = black;
        // Shading setup

        // Setup the parameters for the shader
        ip.amb = black;
        ip.diff = fBasicPB->GetColor(kColor, t) * color;
        ip.spec = white;
        ip.diffIllum = black;
        ip.specIllum = black;
        ip.N = sc.Normal();
        ip.V = sc.V();

        // Specularity
        ip.sh_str = 0;
        ip.ph_exp = 0;
        ip.shine = 0;

        ip.softThresh = 0;

        // Do the shading
        Shader *myShader = GetShader(SHADER_BLINN);
        myShader->Illum(sc, ip);

        ip.diffIllum = ip.amb * sc.ambientLight + ip.diff * ip.diffIllum;

//  AColor returnColor = AColor(opac * ip.diffIllum + ip.specIllum, opac)

    // Get opacity and combine with alpha
    float opac = float(fBasicPB->GetInt(kOpacity, t)) / 100.0f;
    //float opac = 1.0f;
    alpha *= opac;

    // MAX will do the additive/alpha/no blending for us based on what Requirements()
    // we tell it. However, since MAX's formula is bgnd*sc.out.t + sc.out.c,
    // we have to multiply our output color by the alpha.
    // If we ever need a more complicated blending function, you can request the
    // background color via Requirements() (otherwise it's just black) and then do
    // the blending yourself; however, if the transparency isn't set, the shadows
    // will be opaque, so be careful.
    Color outC = ip.diffIllum + ip.specIllum;

    sc.out.c = ( outC * alpha );
    sc.out.t = Color( 1.f - alpha, 1.f - alpha, 1.f - alpha );

// Evaluates the material on a single texmap channel. 
// Note: Channels are added, subtracted or mixed without taking into 
// account the opacity of the materials
bool CompositeMat::EvalColorStdChannel
	ShadeContext& sc, // describes context of evaluation
	int stdID,				// must be ID_AM, ect
	Color& outClr			// output var
	Mtl *sm1 = NULL;
	int id =0; 
	Interval iv;
	int first = 1;
	Color c1;
	Color t1;	// transparency color (to mimic the logic of Shade())
	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_MTLS; i++){

		BOOL enabled;
		float amount;
		// The first one is always enabled
		if ( i == 0 ) 
			enabled = 1;
			pblock2->GetValue( compmat_map_on, sc.CurTime(), enabled, iv, i-1 );
		if ( enabled ){

			pblock2->GetValue( compmat_mtls, sc.CurTime(), sm1, iv, i );
			if ( sm1 != NULL ) {
				// All of the first on is always composited
				if ( i == 0 ) 
					amount = 100.f;
					pblock2->GetValue( compmat_amount, sc.CurTime(), amount, iv, i-1 );
				amount *= 0.01f;
				int type;
				// The first one is mixed in
				if ( i == 0 ) 
					type = 2;
					pblock2->GetValue( compmat_type, sc.CurTime(), type, iv, i-1 );

				// [attilas|29.5.2000] I don't understand why the i == 0 test
				// is not used to ensure special treatment for the base material
				if ( first == 1 ){
					first = 0;
					if ( !sm1->EvalColorStdChannel(sc, stdID, c1) )
						return false;
					if ( !sm1->EvalColorStdChannel(sc, ID_FI, t1) )

					// [attilas|29.5.2000] Why is this needed?
					if (type == 0){
						t1.r += 1.0f - amount;
						t1.g += 1.0f - amount;
						t1.b += 1.0f - amount;
						c1 *= amount;

					Color c2(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), t2(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
					if ( !sm1->EvalColorStdChannel(sc, stdID, c2) )
						return false;
					if ( !sm1->EvalColorStdChannel(sc, ID_FI, t2) )

					if ( type == 0 ){  // additive
						c2 *= 1.0f - t2;
						t2.r += 1.0f - amount;
						t2.g += 1.0f - amount;
						t2.b += 1.0f - amount;
						c2 *= amount;

						float f1 = 1.0f - (t1.r + t1.g + t1.b) / 3.0f;
						float f2 = 1.0f - (t2.r + t2.g + t2.b) / 3.0f;

						c1 = c1 * (1.0f-f2) + c2 * f1;
						t1 = t1 - (1.0f-t2);

					else if ( type == 1 ){ // subtractive

						c2 *= 1.0f - t2;
						t2.r += 1.0f - amount;
						t2.g += 1.0f - amount;
						t2.b += 1.0f - amount;
						c2 *= amount;

						float f1 = 1.0f - (t1.r + t1.g + t1.b) / 3.0f;
						float f2 = 1.0f - (t2.r + t2.g + t2.b) / 3.0f;

						c1 = c1 * (1.0f-f2) - c2 * f1;
						t1 = t1 - (1.0f-t2);
					else{ //mix
						// copies the behaviour of ShadeOutput::MixIn()
						float f = 1.0f - amount;
						if(f <= 0.0f)
							c1 = c2;
						else if(f < 1.0f){
							float s = 1.0f - f;
							c1 = s*c2 + f*c1;
							t1 = s*t2 + f*t1;
	outClr = stdID == ID_FI ? t1 : c1;
	return true;
float CompositeMat::EvalDisplacement(ShadeContext& sc) {

	int first = 1;
	float disp = 0.0f;
	Interval iv;
	Mtl *sm1 = NULL;
	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_MTLS; i++)
		BOOL enabled;
		float amount;
		if (i==0) enabled = 1;
		else pblock2->GetValue(compmat_map_on,sc.CurTime(),enabled,iv,i-1);
		if (enabled)

			if (sm1 != NULL) 
				if (i==0) amount = 100.f;
				else pblock2->GetValue(compmat_amount,sc.CurTime(),amount,iv,i-1);

				amount = amount*0.01f;
				int type;
				if (i==0) type = 0;
				else pblock2->GetValue(compmat_type,sc.CurTime(),type,iv,i-1);
				if (first ==1)
					float d2 = sm1->EvalDisplacement(sc);
					disp = d2;

					if (type == 0)  // addative
						float d2 = sm1->EvalDisplacement(sc);
						disp += d2;

					else if (type == 1) // subtractive
						float d2 = sm1->EvalDisplacement(sc);
						disp -= d2;

					else //mix
						float d2 = sm1->EvalDisplacement(sc);
						disp = (1.0f-amount)*disp + amount*d2;



	Mtl *sm1 = mapOn[0]?sub1:NULL;
	Mtl *sm2 = mapOn[1]?sub2:NULL;
	Texmap *mp = mapOn[2]?map:NULL;
	float mix = mp ? mp->EvalMono(sc) : u;
	if (mp && useCurve) mix = mixCurve(mix);
	if (mix<0.0001f) {
		return (sm1)?sm1->EvalDisplacement(sc):0.0f;
	} else
	if (mix>0.9999f) {
		return (sm2)?sm2->EvalDisplacement(sc):0.0f;
	} else {
		if (sm1) {
			float d = sm1->EvalDisplacement(sc);
			if(sm2) {
				float d2 = sm2->EvalDisplacement(sc);
				d = (1.0f-mix)*d + mix*d2;
			return d;
		else {
			if (sm2) 
				return sm2->EvalDisplacement(sc);
	return disp;
Exemple #24
AColor CrackVisualizer::EvalColor(ShadeContext& sc)
	if (gbufID) sc.SetGBufferID(gbufID);

	float dist = pblock->GetFloat( pb_spin, sc.CurTime() )*0.1f;
	float distSquared = dist*dist;
	float minDist = 9999999999999999999.0f;

	// we must be sure that minDist is a value greater than dist
	// ...

	//AColor edgeColor = AColor (1.0f,0.0f,0.0f,1.0f);
	AColor edgeColor = pblock->GetAColor( pb_color, sc.CurTime() );
	edgeColor.a = 1.0f;

	int nodeID = sc.NodeID();

	if( !sc.globContext )
		return AColor (0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);

	RenderInstance* inst = sc.globContext->GetRenderInstance(nodeID);
	if( (inst==NULL) || (inst->mesh==NULL) || NULL == inst->mesh->faces || inst->mesh->getNumFaces() <= sc.FaceNumber() )
		return AColor (0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);

	// if an entry for the current nodeID doesnt exist 
	if( adjBoundaryEdges.find( nodeID ) == adjBoundaryEdges.end() )
		// build the table
		findAdjBoundaryEdges( nodeID, inst );

	int faceIndex = sc.FaceNumber();
	Face& f = inst->mesh->faces[faceIndex];

	// compute Position of p
	Point3 bary = sc.BarycentricCoords();
	Point3 p = bary[0]*inst->mesh->getVert(f.getVert(0)) + bary[1]*inst->mesh->getVert(f.getVert(1)) + bary[2]*inst->mesh->getVert(f.getVert(2));

	// p is not close to any boundary edge
	// check if p close to any vertex which neighbours a boundaryedge from another triangle
	for( int i=0; i<3; ++i )
		// if wireframe
			DWORD edgeIdx = f.GetEdgeIndex( f.getVert(i), f.getVert((i+1)%3) );

			// get vertex positions
			Point3 v0 = inst->mesh->getVert(f.getVert(i));
			Point3 v1 = inst->mesh->getVert(f.getVert(i+1)%3);

			// compute distance p <-> edge v0, v1
			//float edgeDistance = distancePointLine( p, v0, v1 );
			float edgeDistance = Dist3DPtToLine( &p, &v0, &v1 );
			edgeDistance = edgeDistance*edgeDistance;

			// if distance of p is closer then 1/10 of the distance of v2 to that edge
			if( edgeDistance < minDist )
				minDist = edgeDistance;

		// if there is any incident boundary edge to the current vertex, than we know that it is a
		// boundary vertex
		if( !adjBoundaryEdges[nodeID][f.getVert(i)].empty() )
			// current vertex is a boundary vertex
			// comute distance of p to that vertex
			float vertexDistance = (inst->mesh->getVert( f.getVert(i) ) - p).LengthSquared();

			if( vertexDistance < minDist )
				minDist = vertexDistance;

			// check all boundary edges which are adjacent to the vertex and may
			// come from other faces
			for( int j = 0; j<adjBoundaryEdges[nodeID][f.getVert(i)].size(); ++j  )
				// compute distance to that edge
				Point3 v0 = inst->mesh->getVert( adjBoundaryEdges[nodeID][f.getVert(i)][j].first );
				Point3 v1 = inst->mesh->getVert( adjBoundaryEdges[nodeID][f.getVert(i)][j].second );

				// compute dotproduct
				Point3 vec = p - v0;
				Point3 direction = Normalize( v1 - v0 );
				float maxLength = Length( v1 - v0 );

				float dp = DotProd( vec, direction  );

				if( (dp<0.0f)||(dp>maxLength) )

				float edgeDistance = LengthSquared( vec - dp*direction );

				if( edgeDistance < minDist )
					minDist = edgeDistance;

	if( minDist < distSquared )
		return edgeColor;

	return AColor (0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);}
Exemple #25
Point3 BerconGradient::EvalNormalPerturb(ShadeContext& sc) {
	// Returned vector
	Point3 res(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
	if (p_type != 0) return res; // Bump only works for UVW, otherwise we don't really know the derivative of the gradient
	// Use cache
	if (sc.GetCache(this,res)) 
		return res;
	if (gbufID) sc.SetGBufferID(gbufID);

	// UVW
	Point3 p;
	Point3 M[3];

	if (!berconXYZ.get(sc, p, M)) return res;
	// Distortion
	float dist = 0.f;
	if (p_disOn && p_distex) dist = (1.f - p_distex->EvalMono(sc) * 2.f) * p_disStr;
	// Origin
	float d = getGradientValueUVW(p) + dist;	
	if (!limitRange(d)) return res;
	if (p_curveOn) d = curve->GetControlCurve(0)->GetValue(sc.CurTime(), d);		
	d = Intens(gradient->getColor(d, sc));

	// Deltas
	Point3 normal;

	/*if (berconXYZ.req()) {		
		Point3 MP[3];
		MP[0] = Point3(DELTA,0.f,0.f); MP[1] = Point3(0.f,DELTA,0.f); MP[2] = Point3(0.f,DELTA,0.f);
		for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
			normal[i] = getGradientValueUVW(p+DELTA*M[i]) + dist;
			if (!limitRange(normal[i])) return res;
			if (p_curveOn) 
				normal[i] = curve->GetControlCurve(0)->GetValue(sc.CurTime(), normal[i]);
			normal[i] = (normal[i] - d) / DELTA;
		normal = M[0]*normal.x + M[1]*normal.y + M[2]*normal.z;
	} else {*/
		Point3 MP[3];
		MP[0] = Point3(DELTA,0.f,0.f); MP[1] = Point3(0.f,DELTA,0.f); MP[2] = Point3(0.f,DELTA,0.f);
		for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
			normal[i] = getGradientValueUVW(p+MP[i]) + dist;
			if (!limitRange(normal[i])) return res;
			if (p_curveOn) 
				normal[i] = curve->GetControlCurve(0)->GetValue(sc.CurTime(), normal[i]);
			normal[i] = Intens(gradient->getColor(normal[i], sc));
			normal[i] = (normal[i] - d) / DELTA;
		normal = M[0]*normal.x + M[1]*normal.y + M[2]*normal.z;
		//normal = sc.VectorFromNoScale(normal, REF_OBJECT);		

	// Compute maps and proper bump vector
	res = gradient->getBump(p_reverse?1.f-d:d, p_reverse?normal:-normal, sc);

	// Output
	res = texout->Filter(res);

	// Shading ready, return results	
	return res;
Exemple #26
Point3 BerconWood::EvalNormalPerturb(ShadeContext& sc) {	
	Point3 p,dpdx,dpdy;
	if (!sc.doMaps) return Point3(0,0,0);
	if (gbufID) sc.SetGBufferID(gbufID);

	// Evaluate parameters
	WoodParam wp = EvalParameters(sc);
	float grainA = mapOn[19]&&subtex[19]?subtex[19]->EvalMono(sc)*grainAmount:grainAmount;
	float grainF = mapOn[20]&&subtex[20]?subtex[20]->EvalMono(sc)*grainFreq:grainFreq;

	// UVW, Distortion and size
	Point3 M[3];
	berconXYZ.get(sc, p, dpdx, dpdy, M);

	if (useDistortion)
	float wSize = mapOn[5]&&subtex[5]?subtex[5]->EvalMono(sc)*woodSize:woodSize;
	p /= wSize; dpdx /= (wSize / 2.f); dpdy /= (wSize / 2.f);

	// Vectors
	bool grainON = (grainAmount > .001f); 
	Point3 np, nG, gP;
	float d = sc.filterMaps? Noise::wood(p, dpdx, dpdy, gP, wp) : Noise::wood(p, gP, wp);
	if (useCurve) d = curve->GetControlCurve(0)->GetValue(sc.CurTime(), d);
	float g = grainON ? Fractal::grain(gP, grainA, grainF): 0.f;	
	for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {		
		np[i] = sc.filterMaps? Noise::wood(p + DELTA * M[i], dpdx, dpdy, gP, wp) : Noise::wood(p + DELTA * M[i], gP, wp);
		if (useCurve) np[i] = curve->GetControlCurve(0)->GetValue(sc.CurTime(), np[i]);	
		np[i] = (np[i] - d) / DELTA;
		if (grainON) nG[i] = Fractal::grain(gP, grainA, grainF); // gP is updated by wood()

	np = -sc.VectorFromNoScale(np, REF_OBJECT);
	nG = -sc.VectorFromNoScale(nG, REF_OBJECT);

	// Eval sub maps
	float f1, f2, f3;
	Point3 v1, v2, v3;
	bool maps = false;
	if (subtex[0]) {
		f1 = subtex[0]->EvalMono(sc);
		v1 = subtex[0]->EvalNormalPerturb(sc);
		maps = true;
	} else {
		f1 = Intens(col[0]);
		v1 = Point3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
	if (subtex[1]) {
		f2 = subtex[1]->EvalMono(sc);
		v2 = subtex[1]->EvalNormalPerturb(sc);
		maps = true;
	} else {
		f2 = Intens(col[1]);
		v2 = Point3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
	if (subtex[2]) {
		f3 = subtex[2]->EvalMono(sc);
		v3 = subtex[2]->EvalNormalPerturb(sc);
		maps = true;
	} else {
		f3 = Intens(col[2]);
		v3 = Point3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
	// Calculate vector	
	if (maps) {
		np = (f2-f1)*np + d*v2 + (1.f-d)*v1;
		if (grainON) {
			float val = d*f1 + (1.f-d)*f2;
			np = (f3-val)*nG + g*v3 + (1.f-g)*np;
	} else {
		np *= f2 - f1;
		if (grainON) {
			float val = d*f1 + (1.f-d)*f2;
			np = (f3-val)*nG + (1.f-g)*np;

	return texout->Filter(np); // Does this filter actually do something?
Exemple #27
// Calculates 0..1 value which is given to the gradient
float BerconGradient::getGradientValue(ShadeContext& sc) {
	switch (p_type) {
		case 0: { // UVW
			break; // Handled in main evaluation
		case 1: { // Normal
			switch (p_normalFunction) {
				case 0: { // Perpendicular / Parallel
					return fabs(getGradientValueNormal(sc));
				case 1: { // Towards / Away
					return (getGradientValueNormal(sc) + 1.f) / 2.f;	
				case 2: { // Fresnel
					// NOTE: Should this get IOR from sc.GetIOR()?
					//		 I think not since its just a map, not material.
					//		 You get more predictable behaviour with constant 1.f.
					static float n1 = 1.0f;								
					float cti = fabs(getGradientValueNormal(sc));					
					float stt = (n1 / p_ior) * sqrt(1 - cti * cti);
					float ctt = sqrt(1 - stt * stt);
					float rs = (p_ior * ctt - n1 * cti ) / (p_ior * ctt + n1 * cti);
					rs = rs * rs;
					float rp = (n1 * ctt - p_ior * cti ) / (n1 * ctt + p_ior * cti);
					rp = rp * rp;
					return 1.f - 0.5f * (rs + rp);				
		case 2: { // Distance
			return getGradientValueDist(sc);		
		case 3: { // Light
			return Intens(sc.DiffuseIllum());
		case 4: { // Map			
			return p_maptex?p_maptex->EvalMono(sc):0.f; // TODO: Evaluate submaps color, bump is tougher DELTA shift with BerconSC?
		case 5: { // Random
			return (float)sfrand();		
		case 6: { // Particle age
			Object *ob = sc.GetEvalObject();		
			if (ob && ob->IsParticleSystem()) {				
				ParticleObject *obj = (ParticleObject*)ob;
				TimeValue t = sc.CurTime();
				TimeValue age  = obj->ParticleAge(t,sc.mtlNum);
				TimeValue life = obj->ParticleLife(t,sc.mtlNum);
				if (age>=0 && life>=0) 
					return float(age)/float(life);
		case 7: { // Particle speed
			Object *ob = sc.GetEvalObject();		
			if (ob && ob->IsParticleSystem()) {
				ParticleObject *obj = (ParticleObject*)ob; 
				/*IChkMtlAPI* chkMtlAPI = static_cast<IChkMtlAPI*>(obj->GetInterface(I_NEWMTLINTERFACE));
				if ((chkMtlAPI&&chkMtlAPI->SupportsParticleIDbyFace()))
					return (Length(obj->ParticleVelocity(sc.CurTime(),chkMtlAPI->GetParticleFromFace(sc.FaceNumber()))) - p_rangeMin) / (p_rangeMax - p_rangeMin);
					return Length(obj->ParticleVelocity(sc.CurTime(),sc.mtlNum));
		case 8: { // Particle size
			Object *ob = sc.GetEvalObject();		
			if (ob && ob->IsParticleSystem()) {
				ParticleObject *obj = (ParticleObject*)ob;
				return obj->ParticleSize(sc.CurTime(),sc.mtlNum);
	return 0.f;