Exemple #1
void StraussShader::AffectReflection(ShadeContext &sc, IllumParams &ip, Color &rClr ) 
   float opac = ip.channels[ S_TR ].r;
   float g = ip.channels[ S_GL ].r;
   float m = ip.channels[ S_MT ].r;
   Color Cd = ip.channels[ S_DI ];

   float rn = opac - (1.0f - g * g * g) * opac;

   // the reflection of the reflection vector is just the view vector
   // so dot(v, r) is 1, to any power is still 1
   float a, b;
// NB: this has been transformed for existing in-pointing v
   float NV = Dot( sc.V(), sc.Normal() );
   Point3 R = sc.V() - 2.0f * NV * sc.Normal();
   float NR = Dot( sc.Normal(), R );
      a = (float)acos( NR ) * OneOverHalfPi;
      b = (float)acos( NV ) * OneOverHalfPi;
   float fa = F( a );
   float j = fa * G( a ) * G( b );
   float rj = Bound( rn + (rn+kj)*j );
   Color white( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );

   Color Cs = white + m * (1.0f - fa) * (Cd - white);
   rClr *= Cs * rj * REFL_BRIGHTNESS_ADJUST;
float BerconGradient::getGradientValueNormal(ShadeContext& sc) {
	switch (p_normalType) {	 
		case 0: { // View			 
			return -DotProd(sc.Normal(), sc.V());
		case 1: { // Local X
			return (sc.VectorTo(sc.Normal(), REF_OBJECT)).x;
		case 2: { // Local Y
			return (sc.VectorTo(sc.Normal(), REF_OBJECT)).y;
		case 3: { // Local Z
			return (sc.VectorTo(sc.Normal(), REF_OBJECT)).z;
		case 4: { // World X
			return (sc.VectorTo(sc.Normal(), REF_WORLD)).x;
		case 5: { // World Y
			return (sc.VectorTo(sc.Normal(), REF_WORLD)).y;
		case 6: { // World Z
			return (sc.VectorTo(sc.Normal(), REF_WORLD)).z;
		case 7: { // Camera X
			return sc.Normal().x; //(sc.VectorTo(sc.Normal(), REF_CAMERA)).x;
		case 8: { // Camera Y
			return sc.Normal().y; //(sc.VectorTo(sc.Normal(), REF_CAMERA)).y;
		case 9: { // Camera Z
			return sc.Normal().z; //(sc.VectorTo(sc.Normal(), REF_CAMERA)).z;
		case 10: { // To Object
			if (sc.InMtlEditor() || !p_node)
				return -DotProd(sc.Normal(), sc.V());												
			return DotProd(sc.Normal(), FNormalize(sc.PointFrom((p_node->GetNodeTM(sc.CurTime())).GetTrans(),REF_WORLD) - sc.P()));							
		case 11: { // Object Z			
			if (sc.InMtlEditor() || !p_node)
				return -DotProd(sc.Normal(), sc.V());				
			return DotProd(sc.Normal(), FNormalize(sc.VectorFrom(p_node->GetNodeTM(sc.CurTime()).GetRow(2),REF_WORLD)));			
	return 0.f;
Exemple #3
void plPassMtl::ShadeWithBackground(ShadeContext &sc, Color background, bool useVtxAlpha /* = true */)
#if 1

    // old
#if 0
    Color lightCol,rescol, diffIllum0;
    RGBA mval;
    Point3 N0,P;
    BOOL bumped = FALSE;
    int i;

    if (gbufID) 
    if (sc.mode == SCMODE_SHADOW) {
        float opac = 0.0;
        for (i=0; i < NumSubTexmaps(); i++)     {
            if (SubTexmapOn(i)) {
                hsMaxLayerBase *hsmLay = (hsMaxLayerBase *)GetSubTexmap(i);
                opac += hsmLay->GetOpacity(t);
        float f = 1.0f - opac;
        sc.out.t = Color(f,f,f);
    N0 = sc.Normal();
    P = sc.P();

    TimeValue t = sc.CurTime();
    Color color(0, 0, 0);
    float alpha = 0.0;

    // Evaluate Base layer
    Texmap *map = fLayersPB->GetTexmap(kPassLayBase);
    if (map && ( map->ClassID() == LAYER_TEX_CLASS_ID 
                || map->ClassID() == STATIC_ENV_LAYER_CLASS_ID ) )
        plLayerTex *layer = (plLayerTex*)map;
        AColor evalColor = layer->EvalColor(sc);

        color = evalColor;
        alpha = evalColor.a;

    // Evaluate Top layer, if it's on
    if (fLayersPB->GetInt(kPassLayTopOn))
        Texmap *map = fLayersPB->GetTexmap(kPassLayTop);
        if (map && ( map->ClassID() == LAYER_TEX_CLASS_ID 
                    || map->ClassID() == STATIC_ENV_LAYER_CLASS_ID 
                    || map->ClassID() == ANGLE_ATTEN_LAYER_CLASS_ID) )
            plPlasmaMAXLayer *layer = (plPlasmaMAXLayer*)map;
            AColor evalColor = layer->EvalColor(sc);

            // Blend layers
            if( !layer->DiscardColor() )
                int blendType = fLayersPB->GetInt(kPassLayBlend);
                switch (blendType)
                case kBlendAdd:
                    color += evalColor * evalColor.a;
                case kBlendAlpha:
                    color = (1.0f - evalColor.a) * color + evalColor.a * evalColor;
                case kBlendMult:
                    color *= evalColor;
                default:    // No blend...
                    color = evalColor;
            if( !layer->DiscardAlpha() )
                int alphaType = fLayersPB->GetInt(kPassLayOutputBlend);
                switch( alphaType )
                case kAlphaMultiply:
                    alpha *= evalColor.a;
                case kAlphaAdd:
                    alpha += evalColor.a;
                case kAlphaDiscard:

#if 1
    AColor black;
    AColor white;

    SIllumParams ip;
    if (fBasicPB->GetInt(kPassBasEmissive))
        // Emissive objects don't get shaded
        ip.diffIllum = fBasicPB->GetColor(kPassBasColorAmb, t) * color;
        ip.specIllum = black;
        // Shading setup

        // Setup the parameters for the shader
        ip.amb = fBasicPB->GetColor(kPassBasColorAmb, t);
        ip.diff = fBasicPB->GetColor(kPassBasColor, t) * color;
        ip.diffIllum = black;
        ip.specIllum = black;
        ip.N = sc.Normal();
        ip.V = sc.V();

        // Specularity
        if (fBasicPB->GetInt(kPassBasUseSpec, t))
            ip.sh_str = 1.f;
            ip.spec = fBasicPB->GetColor( kPassBasSpecColor, t );
            ip.ph_exp = (float)pow(2.0f,float(fBasicPB->GetInt(kPassBasShine, t)) / 10.0f);
            ip.shine = float(fBasicPB->GetInt(kPassBasShine, t)) / 100.0f;
            ip.spec = black;
            ip.sh_str = 0;
            ip.ph_exp = 0;
            ip.shine = 0;
        ip.softThresh = 0;


        // Do the shading
        Shader *myShader = GetShader(SHADER_BLINN);
        myShader->Illum(sc, ip);

        // Override shader parameters
        if (fAdvPB->GetInt(kPBAdvNoShade))
            ip.diffIllum = black;
            ip.specIllum = black;
        if (fAdvPB->GetInt(kPBAdvWhite))
            ip.diffIllum = white;
            ip.specIllum = black;

        ip.diffIllum = ip.amb * sc.ambientLight + ip.diff * ip.diffIllum;

//  AColor returnColor = AColor(opac * ip.diffIllum + ip.specIllum, opac)

    // Get opacity and combine with alpha
    float opac = float(fBasicPB->GetInt(kPassBasOpacity, t)) / 100.0f;
    alpha *= opac;

    float vtxAlpha = 1.0f;
    if (useVtxAlpha && GetOutputBlend() == plPassMtlBase::kBlendAlpha)
        Point3 p;
        GetInterpVtxValue(MAP_ALPHA, sc, p);
        vtxAlpha = p.x;
    alpha *= vtxAlpha;

    // MAX will do the additive/alpha/no blending for us based on what Requirements()
    // we tell it. However, since MAX's formula is bgnd*sc.out.t + sc.out.c,
    // we have to multiply our output color by the alpha.
    // If we ever need a more complicated blending function, you can request the
    // background color via Requirements() (otherwise it's just black) and then do
    // the blending yourself; however, if the transparency isn't set, the shadows
    // will be opaque, so be careful.
    Color outC = ip.diffIllum + ip.specIllum;

    sc.out.c = ( outC * alpha );
    sc.out.t = Color( 1.f - alpha, 1.f - alpha, 1.f - alpha );

Exemple #4
RGBA Plate::EvalColor(ShadeContext& sc) {
	BMM_Color_64 c;
	IPoint2 s;
	int id = sc.NodeID();
	PlateMap *pmap = FindMap(id);
	if (gbufID) sc.SetGBufferID(gbufID);
	if (pmap) {
		s = sc.ScreenCoord();
		int w = pmap->bm->Width(); 
		int h = pmap->bm->Height();

		Point3 view = sc.OrigView();
		Point3 v2 = sc.V();
		Point3 p = sc.P();
		Point3 dV,dvf;
		Point3 N0 = sc.OrigNormal();

		Point3 vf = RefractVector(sc, N0, view, sc.GetIOR()); 
		RenderGlobalContext *gc = sc.globContext;
		if (gc==NULL) return blackrgba;

		// total deflection due to refraction
		dV = view-v2;

		// deflection due to flat refracton (no bumps)
		dvf = view-vf;

		dV = refrAmt*(dV-dvf) + thick*dvf;

		// compute screen deflection: This is really a cheat, and the
		// scale factor is arbitrary. Infact it depends on the distance 
		// between to the point on the glass plate and  to the point being
		// seen behind it, which we don't know.
		// these should be multiplied by the factor (Zbehind-Zcur)/Zcur
		// This assumes that the factor is .1

		float dsx,dsy;
		if (gc->projType==0) {
			// perspective
			dsx = dV.x*0.1f*gc->xscale;
			dsy = dV.y*0.1f*gc->yscale;
		else {
			// parallel projection
			dsx = -dV.x*gc->xscale*10.0f;
			dsy = -dV.y*gc->yscale*10.0f;

		if (gc->fieldRender) dsy *= 2.0f;		
		int x = s.x - (pmap->org.x+gc->devWidth/2);
		int y = s.y - (pmap->org.y+gc->devHeight/2);

		if (applyBlur) {
			float du = 1.0f/float(w);
			float dv = 1.0f/float(h);

			float u = (float(x)+dsx)*du; 
			float v = (float(y)+dsy)*dv; 
			if (u<0.0f||u>1.0f||v<0.0f||v>1.0f) {
				if (useEnvMap) {
					return sc.EvalGlobalEnvironMap(view-dvf);
					return blackrgba;
				pmap->bm->GetFiltered(u,v, du*blur, dv*blur,&c);
		else {
			int ix = x + int(dsx); 
			int iy = y + int(dsy); 
			if (ix<0||ix>=w||iy<0||iy>=h) {
				if (useEnvMap)
					return sc.EvalGlobalEnvironMap(view-dvf);
					return blackrgba;
		return c;
		return blackrgba;
Exemple #5
void plParticleMtl::ShadeWithBackground(ShadeContext &sc, Color background)
#if 1
    TimeValue t = sc.CurTime();
    Color color(0, 0, 0);
    float alpha = 0.0;

    // Evaluate Base layer
    Texmap *map = fBasicPB->GetTexmap(kTexmap);
    if (map && map->ClassID() == LAYER_TEX_CLASS_ID)
        plLayerTex *layer = (plLayerTex*)map;
        AColor evalColor = layer->EvalColor(sc);

        color = evalColor;
        alpha = evalColor.a;

#if 1
    AColor black;
    AColor white;

    SIllumParams ip;
    if( fBasicPB->GetInt( kNormal ) == kEmissive )
        // Emissive objects don't get shaded
        ip.diffIllum = fBasicPB->GetColor(kColorAmb, t) * color;
        ip.specIllum = black;
        // Shading setup

        // Setup the parameters for the shader
        ip.amb = black;
        ip.diff = fBasicPB->GetColor(kColor, t) * color;
        ip.spec = white;
        ip.diffIllum = black;
        ip.specIllum = black;
        ip.N = sc.Normal();
        ip.V = sc.V();

        // Specularity
        ip.sh_str = 0;
        ip.ph_exp = 0;
        ip.shine = 0;

        ip.softThresh = 0;

        // Do the shading
        Shader *myShader = GetShader(SHADER_BLINN);
        myShader->Illum(sc, ip);

        ip.diffIllum = ip.amb * sc.ambientLight + ip.diff * ip.diffIllum;

//  AColor returnColor = AColor(opac * ip.diffIllum + ip.specIllum, opac)

    // Get opacity and combine with alpha
    float opac = float(fBasicPB->GetInt(kOpacity, t)) / 100.0f;
    //float opac = 1.0f;
    alpha *= opac;

    // MAX will do the additive/alpha/no blending for us based on what Requirements()
    // we tell it. However, since MAX's formula is bgnd*sc.out.t + sc.out.c,
    // we have to multiply our output color by the alpha.
    // If we ever need a more complicated blending function, you can request the
    // background color via Requirements() (otherwise it's just black) and then do
    // the blending yourself; however, if the transparency isn't set, the shadows
    // will be opaque, so be careful.
    Color outC = ip.diffIllum + ip.specIllum;

    sc.out.c = ( outC * alpha );
    sc.out.t = Color( 1.f - alpha, 1.f - alpha, 1.f - alpha );

Exemple #6
void OrenNayarBlinnShader::Illum(ShadeContext &sc, IllumParams &ip) 
	LightDesc *l;
	Color lightCol;

#ifdef _DEBUG
	IPoint2 sp = sc.ScreenCoord();
	if ( sp.x == stopX && sp.y == stopY )
		sp.x = stopX;

	// Blinn style phong
	BOOL isShiny= (ip.channels[ID_SS].r > 0.0f) ? 1 : 0; 
	double phExp = 0.0;
	if (isShiny)
		phExp = pow(2.0, ip.channels[ID_SH].r * 10.0) * 4.0; 

	for (int i=0; i<sc.nLights; i++) {
		l = sc.Light(i);
		float NL, kL;
		Point3 L;
		if (l->Illuminate( sc, sc.Normal(), lightCol, L, NL, kL)) {
			if (l->ambientOnly) {
				ip.ambIllumOut += lightCol;
			if (NL<=0.0f) 

			// specular  
			Color spec( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
			if (isShiny && l->affectSpecular) {
				Point3 H = Normalize(L-sc.V() ); // (L + -V)/2
				float c = DotProd(sc.Normal(), H);	 
				if (c>0.0f) {
					if (softThresh != 0.0 && kL < softThresh) {
						c *= Soften(kL/softThresh);
					c = (float)pow((double)c, phExp); // could use table lookup for speed
					spec = c * ip.channels[ID_SS].r * lightCol;
					ip.specIllumOut += spec;

			// diffuse
			if (l->affectDiffuse){
				float diffIntens;
				Color d = OrenNayarIllum( sc.Normal(), L, sc.V(), ip.channels[ID_DIFF_ROUGH].r * Pi*0.5f, ip.channels[ID_DI], &diffIntens, NL );
				d = d * ip.channels[ID_DIFF_LEV].r; 
				ip.diffIllumOut += kL * d * lightCol;
				ip.diffIllumIntens += kL * diffIntens * Intens(lightCol);
	} // for each light

	// Apply mono self illumination
	if ( ! selfIllumClrOn ){
		float si = 0.3333333f * (ip.channels[ID_SI].r + ip.channels[ID_SI].g + ip.channels[ID_SI].b);
//		float si = ip.channels[ID_SI].r;  //DS: 4/23/99
		if ( si > 0.0f ) {
			si = Bound( si );
			ip.selfIllumOut = si * ip.channels[ID_DI];
			ip.diffIllumOut *= (1.0f - si);
			// fade the ambient down on si: 5/27/99 ke
			ip.ambIllumOut *= 1.0f-si;
	else {
	// colored self illum, 
		ip.selfIllumOut += ip.channels[ID_SI];

	// get the diffuse intensity...unscramble the wavelength dependence
//	float rho, diffIntens;
//	rho = ip.channels[ID_DI].r == 0.0f ? 1.0f : 1.0f / ip.channels[ID_DI].r;
//	diffIntens = ip.diffIllumOut.r * rho;
//	rho = ip.channels[ID_DI].g == 0.0f ? 1.0f : 1.0f / ip.channels[ID_DI].g;
//	diffIntens += ip.diffIllumOut.g * rho;
//	rho = ip.channels[ID_DI].b == 0.0f ? 1.0f : 1.0f / ip.channels[ID_DI].b;
//	diffIntens += ip.diffIllumOut.b * rho;
//	ip.diffIllumIntens = diffIntens * 0.5f;
	// now we can multiply by the clrs
	ip.specIllumOut *= ip.channels[ID_SP]; 
	ip.ambIllumOut *= ip.channels[ID_AM]; 

	int chan = ip.stdIDToChannel[ ID_RR ];
	ShadeTransmission(sc, ip, ip.channels[chan], ip.refractAmt);
	chan = ip.stdIDToChannel[ ID_RL ];
	ShadeReflection( sc, ip, ip.channels[chan] ); 

	if (sc.globContext != NULL && sc.globContext->pToneOp != NULL) {
		if (isInvertSelfIllum())
		if (isInvertReflect() && (ip.hasComponents & HAS_REFLECT))
		if (isInvertRefract() && (ip.hasComponents & HAS_REFRACT))

	CombineComponents( sc, ip ); 

Exemple #7
void StraussShader::Illum(ShadeContext &sc, IllumParams &ip) 
   LightDesc *l;
   Color lightClr;

#ifdef _DEBUG
   IPoint2 sp = sc.ScreenCoord();
   if ( sp.x == stopX && sp.y == stopY )
      sp.x = stopX;

   float opac = ip.channels[ S_TR ].r;
   float g = ip.channels[ S_GL ].r;
   float m = ip.channels[ S_MT ].r;
   Color Cd = ip.channels[ S_DI ];
// BOOL dimDiffuse = ip.hasComponents & HAS_REFLECT;
   BOOL dimDiffuse = ip.hasComponents & HAS_REFLECT_MAP;

   float rd;
   float g3 = Cube( g );
   if ( dimDiffuse )
      rd = (1.0f - g3) * opac;
      rd = (1.0f - m * g3) * opac;  //ke 10/28/98

   float rn = opac - (1.0f - g3) * opac;

   float h = (g == 1.0f ) ? 600.0f : 3.0f / (1.0f - g );
   float d = 1.0f - m * g;

   for (int i=0; i<sc.nLights; i++) {
      l = sc.Light(i);
      float NL, Kl;
      Point3 L;
      if (l->Illuminate( sc, sc.Normal(), lightClr, L, NL, Kl)) {
         if (l->ambientOnly) {
            ip.ambIllumOut += lightClr;
         if (NL<=0.0f) 

         // diffuse
         if (l->affectDiffuse){
            ip.diffIllumOut += Kl * d * rd * lightClr;

         // specular  
         if (l->affectSpecular) {
            // strauss uses the reflected LIGHT vector
            Point3 R = L - 2.0f * NL * sc.Normal();
            R = Normalize( R );

            float RV = -Dot(R, sc.V() );
            float s;
            if (RV < 0.0f) {
               // soften
               if ( NL < softThresh )
                  RV *= SoftSpline2( NL / softThresh );
               // specular function
               s = SpecBoost * (float)pow( -RV, h);
            } else

            float a, b;
            a = (float)acos( NL ) * OneOverHalfPi;
            b = (float)acos( -Dot(sc.Normal(), sc.V()) ) * OneOverHalfPi;
            float fa = F( a );
            float j = fa * G( a ) * G( b );
            float rj = rn > 0.0f ? Bound( rn + (rn+kj)*j ) : rn;
            Color Cl = lightClr;
            // normalize the light color in case it's really bright
            float I = NormClr( Cl );
            Color Cs = Cl + m * (1.0f - fa) * (Cd - Cl);

            ip.specIllumOut += s * rj * I * Cs;

         } // end, if specular
      }  // end, illuminate

   } // for each light

   // now we can multiply by the clrs, except specular, which is already done
   ip.ambIllumOut *= 0.5f * rd * Cd; 
   ip.diffIllumIntens = Intens(ip.diffIllumOut);
   ip.diffIllumOut *= Cd; 

   // next due reflection
   if ( ip.hasComponents & HAS_REFLECT ){
      Color rc = ip.channels[ ip.stdIDToChannel[ ID_RL ] ];
      AffectReflection(sc, ip, rc);
      ip.reflIllumOut = rc * ip.reflectAmt;

   // last do refraction/ opacity
   if ( (ip.hasComponents & HAS_REFRACT) ){
      // Set up attenuation opacity for Refraction map. dim diffuse & spec by this
      ip.finalAttenuation = ip.finalOpac * (1.0f - ip.refractAmt);   

      // Make more opaque where specular hilite occurs:
      float max = Max(ip.specIllumOut);
      if (max > 1.0f) max = 1.0f; 
         float newOpac = ip.finalAttenuation + max - ip.finalAttenuation * max;

      // Evaluate refraction map, filtered by filter color.
//    Color tClr = ((StdMat2*)(ip.pMtl))->TranspColor( newOpac, ip.channels[filtChan], ip.channels[diffChan]);
      Color tClr = transpColor( TRANSP_FILTER, newOpac, Cd, Cd );
      ip.transIllumOut = ip.channels[ ip.stdIDToChannel[ ID_RR ] ] * tClr;

      // no transparency when doing refraction

   } else {
      // no refraction, transparent?
      ip.finalAttenuation = opac;
      if (ip.hasComponents & HAS_OPACITY) {
         // ip.finalT = Cd * (1.0f-opac);
         Cd = greyVal * Color( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) + clrVal * Cd;
         ip.finalT = transpColor( TRANSP_FILTER, opac, Cd, Cd );

   if (sc.globContext != NULL && sc.globContext->pToneOp != NULL) {
      if (isInvertSelfIllum())
      if (isInvertReflect() && (ip.hasComponents & HAS_REFLECT))
      if (isInvertRefract() && (ip.hasComponents & HAS_REFRACT))

   CombineComponents( sc, ip ); 
Exemple #8
void WardShader::Illum(ShadeContext &sc, IllumParams &ip) {
	LightDesc *l;
	Color lightCol;

#ifdef _DEBUG
	IPoint2 sp = sc.ScreenCoord();
	if ( sp.x == stopX && sp.y == stopY )
		sp.x = stopX;

	BOOL isShiny= (ip.channels[W_SL].r > 0.0f) ? 1 : 0; 

	for (int i=0; i<sc.nLights; i++) {
		l = sc.Light(i);
		float NL, Kl;
		Point3 L;
		if (l->Illuminate( sc, sc.Normal(), lightCol, L, NL, Kl)) {
			if (l->ambientOnly) {
				ip.ambIllumOut += lightCol;
			if (NL<=0.0f) 

			// diffuse
			if (l->affectDiffuse){
				ip.diffIllumOut += Kl / Pi * ip.channels[W_DL].r * lightCol;

			// specular  
			if (isShiny && l->affectSpecular) {
				float gx = ip.channels[W_GX].r;
				float gy = ip.channels[W_GY].r;
				assert( gx >= 0.0f && gy >= 0.0f );
				Point3 H = Normalize(L - sc.V() ); // (L + -V)/2
				float NH = DotProd(sc.Normal(), H);	 
				if (NH > 0.0f) {
					float g2 = normalizeOn ? gx * gy : DEFAULT_GLOSS2;
					float norm = 1.0f / (4.0f * PI * g2);
					float NV = -DotProd(sc.Normal(), sc.V() );
					if ( NV <= 0.001f)
						NV = 0.001f;
					float g = 1.0f / (float)sqrt( NL * NV );
					if ( g > 6.0f ) g = 6.0f;

					//Point3 basisVecs[ 3 ];
					//sc.DPdUVW( basisVecs, uvChan ); // 0 is vtxclr, 1..n is uv channels, max_meshmaps in mesh.h
					//basisVecs[0] = Normalize( basisVecs[0] );

					// This is the new preferred method for getting bump basis vectors -- DS 5/22/00
					Point3 basisVecs[2];
					sc.BumpBasisVectors(basisVecs, 0, uvChan);

					// the line between the tip of vec[0] and its projection on N is tangent
					Point3 T = basisVecs[0] - sc.Normal() * Dot( basisVecs[0], sc.Normal() );
					Point3 B = CrossProd( sc.Normal(), T );
					float x = DotProd( H, T ) / gx;
					float y = DotProd( H, B ) / gy;
					float e = (float)exp( -2.0 * (x*x + y*y) / (1.0+NH) );
					ip.specIllumOut += Kl * ip.channels[W_SL].r * norm * g * e * lightCol;
	} // for each light

	// now we can multiply by the clrs, 
	ip.ambIllumOut *= ip.channels[W_AM]; 
	ip.diffIllumIntens = Intens(ip.diffIllumOut);
	ip.diffIllumOut *= ip.channels[W_DI]; 
	ip.specIllumOut *= ip.channels[W_SP]; 

	int chan = ip.stdIDToChannel[ ID_RR ];
	ShadeTransmission(sc, ip, ip.channels[chan], ip.refractAmt);
	chan = ip.stdIDToChannel[ ID_RL ];
	ShadeReflection( sc, ip, ip.channels[chan] ); 

	if (sc.globContext != NULL && sc.globContext->pToneOp != NULL) {
		if (isInvertSelfIllum())
		if (isInvertReflect() && (ip.hasComponents & HAS_REFLECT))
		if (isInvertRefract() && (ip.hasComponents & HAS_REFRACT))

	CombineComponents( sc, ip ); 
