Exemple #1
// construct by copy of SiconosMatrix
OSNSMatrix::OSNSMatrix(const SiconosMatrix& MSource):
  _dimRow(MSource.size(0)), _dimColumn(MSource.size(1)), _storageType(NM_DENSE)
  _numericsMat.reset(new NumericsMatrix);
  _M1.reset(new SimpleMatrix(MSource));
Exemple #2
void DynamicalSystem::setJacobianRhsx(const SiconosMatrix& newValue)
  // check dimensions ...
  if (newValue.size(0) != _n || newValue.size(1) != _n)
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("DynamicalSystem::setJacobianRhsx - inconsistent sizes between jacobianRhsx input and n - Maybe you forget to set n?");

  if (_jacxRhs)
    *_jacxRhs = newValue;

    _jacxRhs.reset(new SimpleMatrix(newValue));
void SimpleMatrix::SolveByLeastSquares(SiconosMatrix &B)
  if (B.isBlock())
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::SolveByLeastSquares(Siconos Matrix &B) failed. Not yet implemented for M being a BlockMatrix.");
  int info = 0;
  info += lapack::gels(*mat.Dense, *(B.dense()), lapack::optimal_workspace());
  info += lapack::gels(*mat.Dense, *(B.dense()), lapack::minimal_workspace());
  if (info != 0)
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::SolveByLeastSquares failed.");
Exemple #4
void private_addprod(const SiconosMatrix& A, unsigned int startRow, unsigned int startCol, const BlockVector& x, SiconosVector& y)
  assert(!(A.isPLUFactorized()) && "A is PLUFactorized in prod !!");

  assert(!A.isBlock() && "private_addprod(A,start,x,y) error: not yet implemented for block matrix.");

  VectorOfVectors::const_iterator it;
  unsigned int startColBis = startCol;
  for (it = x.begin(); it != x.end(); ++it)
    private_addprod(A, startRow, startColBis, **it, y);
    startColBis += (*it)->size();

Exemple #5
void EulerMoreauOSI::setW(const SiconosMatrix& newValue, SP::DynamicalSystem ds)
  // Check if ds is in the OSI
  if (!OSIDynamicalSystems->isIn(ds))
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::setW(newVal,ds) - ds does not belong to this Integrator ...");

  // Check dimensions consistency
  unsigned int line = newValue.size(0);
  unsigned int col  = newValue.size(1);

  if (line != col) // Check that newValue is square
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::setW(newVal,ds) - newVal is not square! ");

  if (!ds)
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::setW(newVal,ds) - ds == NULL.");

  unsigned int sizeW = ds->getDim(); // n for first order systems, ndof for lagrangian.
  unsigned int dsN = ds->number();
  if (line != sizeW) // check consistency between newValue and dynamical system size
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::setW(newVal,ds) - unconsistent dimension between newVal and dynamical system to be integrated ");

  // Memory allocation for W, if required
  if (!WMap[dsN]) // allocate a new W if required
    WMap[dsN].reset(new SimpleMatrix(newValue));
  else  // or fill-in an existing one if dimensions are consistent.
    if (line == WMap[dsN]->size(0) && col == WMap[dsN]->size(1))
      *(WMap[dsN]) = newValue;
      RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI - setW: inconsistent dimensions with problem size for given input matrix W");
SimpleMatrix operator * (double a, const SiconosMatrix & A)
  // To compute B = a * A

  unsigned int numA = A.getNum();

  if (numA == 6) // if A = 0
    //DenseMat p(zero_matrix(A.size(0),A.size(1)));
    //return p;
    return A;
  else if (numA == 7)
    return (DenseMat)(a**A.identity());
  else if (numA == 0) // A block
    SimpleMatrix tmp(A); // ... copy ...
    tmp *= a;
    return tmp;
  else if (numA == 1) // dense)
    return (DenseMat)(a** A.dense());
  else if (numA == 2)
    return (TriangMat)(a ** A.triang());
  else if (numA == 3)
    return (SymMat)(a ** A.sym());
  else if (numA == 4)
    return (SparseMat)(a ** A.sparse());
  else //if(numA==5)
    return (BandedMat)(a ** A.banded());
void SimpleMatrix::trans(const SiconosMatrix &m)
  if (m.isBlock())
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::trans(m) failed, not yet implemented for m being a BlockMatrix.");

  if (&m == this)
    trans();//SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::trans(m) failed, m = this, use this->trans().");
    unsigned int numM = m.num();
    switch (numM)
    case 1:
      if (_num != 1)
        SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::trans(m) failed, try to transpose a dense matrix into another type.");
      noalias(*mat.Dense) = ublas::trans(*m.dense());
    case 2:
      if (_num != 1)
        SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::trans(m) failed, try to transpose a triangular matrix into a non-dense one.");
      noalias(*mat.Dense) = ublas::trans(*m.triang());
    case 3:
      *this = m;
    case 4:
      if (_num == 1)
        noalias(*mat.Dense) = ublas::trans(*m.sparse());
      else if (_num == 4)
        noalias(*mat.Sparse) = ublas::trans(*m.sparse());
        SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::trans(m) failed, try to transpose a sparse matrix into a forbidden type (not dense nor sparse).");
    case 5:
      if (_num == 1)
        noalias(*mat.Dense) = ublas::trans(*m.banded());
      else if (_num == 5)
        noalias(*mat.Banded) = ublas::trans(*m.banded());
        SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::trans(m) failed, try to transpose a banded matrix into a forbidden type (not dense nor banded).");
    case 6:
      *this = m;
    case 7:
      *this = m;
    // unsigned int tmp = _dimRow;
    // _dimRow = _dimCol;
    // _dimCol = tmp;
Exemple #8
// x block, y siconos
void private_prod(const SiconosMatrix& A, unsigned int startRow, const SiconosVector& x, SiconosVector& y, bool init)
  assert(!(A.isPLUFactorized()) && "A is PLUFactorized in prod !!");

  // Computes y = subA *x (or += if init = false), subA being a sub-matrix of A, between el. of index (row) startRow and startRow + sizeY

  if (init) // y = subA * x , else y += subA * x
  private_addprod(A, startRow, 0, x, y);
Exemple #9
void subprod(const SiconosMatrix& A, const BlockVector& x, SiconosVector& y, const Index& coord, bool init)
  assert(!(A.isPLUFactorized()) && "A is PLUFactorized in prod !!");

  // Number of the subvector of x that handles element at position coord[4]
  std::size_t firstBlockNum = x.getNumVectorAtPos(coord[4]);
  // Number of the subvector of x that handles element at position coord[5]
  unsigned int lastBlockNum = x.getNumVectorAtPos(coord[5]);
  Index subCoord = coord;
  SPC::SiconosVector  tmp = x[firstBlockNum];
  std::size_t subSize =  tmp->size(); // Size of the sub-vector
  const SP::Index xTab = x.tabIndex();
  if (firstBlockNum != 0)
    subCoord[4] -= (*xTab)[firstBlockNum - 1];
    subCoord[5] =  std::min(coord[5] - (*xTab)[firstBlockNum - 1], subSize);
    subCoord[5] =  std::min(coord[5], subSize);

  if (firstBlockNum == lastBlockNum)
    subprod(A, *tmp, y, subCoord, init);
    unsigned int xPos = 0 ; // Position in x of the current sub-vector of x
    bool firstLoop = true;
    subCoord[3] = coord[2] + subCoord[5] - subCoord[4];
    for (VectorOfVectors::const_iterator it = x.begin(); it != x.end(); ++it)
      if ((*it)->getNum() == 0)
        SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("subprod(A,x,y) error: not yet implemented for x block of blocks ...");
      if (xPos >= firstBlockNum && xPos <= lastBlockNum)
        tmp = x[xPos];
        if (firstLoop)
          subprod(A, *tmp, y, subCoord, init);
          firstLoop = false;
          subCoord[2] += subCoord[5] - subCoord[4]; // !! old values for 4 and 5
          subSize = tmp->size();
          subCoord[4] = 0;
          subCoord[5] = std::min(coord[5] - (*xTab)[xPos - 1], subSize);
          subCoord[3] = subCoord[2] + subCoord[5] - subCoord[4];
          subprod(A, *tmp, y, subCoord, false);
Exemple #10
// matrices comparison
bool isComparableTo(const  SiconosMatrix& m1, const  SiconosMatrix& m2)
  // return:
  // - true if one of the matrices is a Simple and if they have the same dimensions.
  // - true if both are block but with blocks which are facing each other of the same size.
  // - false in other cases

  if ((!m1.isBlock() || !m2.isBlock()) && (m1.size(0) == m2.size(0)) && (m1.size(1) == m2.size(1)))
    return true;

  const SP::Index I1R = m1.tabRow();
  const SP::Index I2R = m2.tabRow();
  const SP::Index I1C = m1.tabCol();
  const SP::Index I2C = m2.tabCol();

  return ((*I1R == *I2R) && (*I1C == *I2C));
Exemple #11
 void expm(SiconosMatrix& A, SiconosMatrix& Exp, bool computeAndAdd)
   // Implemented only for dense matrices.
   // Note FP : Maybe it works for others but it has not been
   // tested here --> to be done
   // Do not work with sparse.
   assert(Exp.num() == 1 || A.num() == 1);
     *Exp.dense() += expm_pad(*A.dense());
     *Exp.dense() = expm_pad(*A.dense());
Exemple #12
void prod(const SiconosVector& x, const SiconosMatrix& A, BlockVector& y, bool init)
  assert(!(A.isPLUFactorized()) && "A is PLUFactorized in prod !!");
  unsigned int startRow = 0;
  VectorOfVectors::const_iterator it;
  // For Each subvector of y, y[i], private_prod computes y[i] = subA x, subA being a submatrix of A corresponding to y[i] position.
  // private_prod takes into account the fact that x and y[i] may be block vectors.
  for (it = y.begin(); it != y.end(); ++it)
    private_prod(createSPtrConstSiconosVector(x), createSPtrConstSiconosMatrix(A), startRow, *it, init);
    startRow += (*it)->size();
Exemple #13
void private_addprod(const SiconosMatrix& A, unsigned startRow, unsigned int startCol, const SiconosVector& x, SiconosVector& y)
  assert(!(A.isPLUFactorized()) && "A is PLUFactorized in prod !!");
  assert(!A.isBlock() && "private_addprod(A,start,x,y) error: not yet implemented for block matrix.");

  // we take a submatrix subA of A, starting from row startRow to row (startRow+sizeY) and between columns startCol and (startCol+sizeX).
  // Then computation of y = subA*x + y.
  unsigned int numA = A.getNum();
  unsigned int numY = y.getNum();
  unsigned int numX = x.getNum();
  unsigned int sizeX = x.size();
  unsigned int sizeY = y.size();

  assert(numX == numY && "private_addprod(A,start,x,y) error: not yet implemented for x and y of different types.");

  if (numY == 1 && numX == 1)

    assert(y.dense() != x.dense());

    if (numA == 1)
      noalias(*y.dense()) += prod(ublas::subrange(*A.dense(), startRow, startRow + sizeY, startCol, startCol + sizeX), *x.dense());
    else if (numA == 2)
      noalias(*y.dense()) += prod(ublas::subrange(*A.triang(), startRow, startRow + sizeY, startCol, startCol + sizeX), *x.dense());
    else if (numA == 3)
      noalias(*y.dense()) += prod(ublas::subrange(*A.sym(), startRow, startRow + sizeY, startCol, startCol + sizeX), *x.dense());
    else if (numA == 4)
      noalias(*y.dense()) += prod(ublas::subrange(*A.sparse(), startRow, startRow + sizeY, startCol, startCol + sizeX), *x.dense());
    else //if(numA==5)
      noalias(*y.dense()) += prod(ublas::subrange(*A.banded(), startRow, startRow + sizeY, startCol, startCol + sizeX), *x.dense());
  else // x and y sparse
    if (numA == 4)
      *y.sparse() += prod(ublas::subrange(*A.sparse(), startRow, startRow + sizeY, startCol, startCol + sizeX), *x.sparse());
      SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("private_addprod(A,start,x,y) error: not yet implemented for x, y  sparse and A not sparse.");
Exemple #14
void prod(const SiconosMatrix& A, const BlockVector& x, SiconosVector& y, bool init)

  assert(!(A.isPLUFactorized()) && "A is PLUFactorized in prod !!");

  if (init)
  unsigned int startRow = 0;
  unsigned int startCol = 0;
  // In private_addprod, the sum of all blocks of x, x[i], is computed: y = Sum_i (subA x[i]), with subA a submatrix of A,
  // starting from position startRow in rows and startCol in columns.
  // private_prod takes also into account the fact that each block of x can also be a block.
  VectorOfVectors::const_iterator it;
  for (it = x.begin(); it != x.end(); ++it)
    private_addprod(A, startRow, startCol, **it, y);
    startCol += (*it)->size();
const SimpleMatrix operator / (const SiconosMatrix & A, double a)
  // To compute B = A/a

  if (a == 0.0)
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow(" Matrix, operator / , division by zero.");

  unsigned int numA = A.getNum();

  if (numA == 6) // if A = 0
    //DenseMat p(zero_matrix(A.size(0),A.size(1)));
    //return p;
    return A;
  else if (numA == 7)
    return (DenseMat)(*A.identity() / a);
  else if (numA == 0) // A block
    SimpleMatrix tmp(A); // ... copy ...
    tmp /= a;
    return tmp;
  else if (numA == 1) // dense)
    return (DenseMat)(*A.dense() / a);
  else if (numA == 2)
    return (TriangMat)(*A.triang() / a);
  else if (numA == 3)
    return (SymMat)(*A.sym() / a);
  else if (numA == 4)
    return (SparseMat)(*A.sparse() / a);
  else //if(numA==5)
    return (BandedMat)(*A.banded() / a);
void SimpleMatrix::addBlock(unsigned int row_min, unsigned int col_min, const SiconosMatrix& m)
  // add m to current matrix elements, starting from row row_min and column col_min, to the values of the matrix m.
  // m may be a BlockMatrix.

  if (_num == 6 || _num == 7)
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::addBlock(pos,..., m) forbidden for zero or identity matrix.");

  if (&m == this)
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::addBlock(pos,..., m): m = this.");

  if (row_min >= size(0))
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::addBlock(row,col): row is out of range");

  if (col_min >= size(1))
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::addBloc(row,col)k: col is out of range");

  unsigned int row_max, col_max;
  row_max = m.size(0) + row_min;
  col_max = m.size(1) + col_min;

  if (row_max > size(0))
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::addBlock(row,col,m): m.row + row is out of range.");

  if (col_max > size(1))
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::addBlock(row,col,m): m.col + col is out of range.");

  unsigned int numM = m.num();

  if (numM == 0) // if m is a block matrix ...
    const BlockMatrix& mB = static_cast<const BlockMatrix&>(m);
    BlocksMat::const_iterator1 it;
    BlocksMat::const_iterator2 it2;
    unsigned int posRow = row_min;
    unsigned int posCol = col_min;

    for (it = mB._mat->begin1(); it != mB._mat->end1(); ++it)
      for (it2 = it.begin(); it2 != it.end(); ++it2)
        addBlock(posRow, posCol, **it2);
        posCol += (*it2)->size(1);
      posRow += (*it)->size(0);
      posCol = 0;
  else if (numM == 6) // if m = 0
    // nothing to do !
  else // if m is a SimpleMatrix
    if (_num == 1)
      switch (numM)
      case 1:
        noalias(ublas::subrange(*mat.Dense, row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max)) += *(m.dense());
      case 2:
        noalias(ublas::subrange(*mat.Dense, row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max)) += *(m.triang());
      case 3:
        noalias(ublas::subrange(*mat.Dense, row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max)) += *(m.sym());
      case 4:
        noalias(ublas::subrange(*mat.Dense, row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max)) += *(m.sparse());
      case 5:
        noalias(ublas::subrange(*mat.Dense, row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max)) += *(m.banded());
      case 7:
        noalias(ublas::subrange(*mat.Dense, row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max)) += *(m.identity());
        SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::addBlock(...,m): wrong matrix type for m.");
      SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::addBlock(...): implemeted only for dense matrices.");
Exemple #17
bool write(const std::string& fileName, const std::string& mode, const SiconosMatrix& m, const std::string& outputType)
  // Open file and various checks
  std::ofstream outfile;
  if (mode == "ascii")
    outfile.open(fileName.c_str(), std::ofstream::out);
  else if (mode == "binary")
    outfile.open(fileName.c_str(), std::ofstream::binary);
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("ioMatrix::write Incorrect mode for writing");

  if (!outfile.good())
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("ioMatrix:: write error : Fail to open \"" + fileName + "\"");

  if (m.isBlock())
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("ioMatrix:: write error : not yet implemented for BlockMatrix");

  // Writing

  if (outputType != "noDim")
    outfile << m.size(0) << " " << m.size(1) << std::endl;

  if (m.getNum() == 1)
    // DenseMat * p = m.dense();
    DenseMat::iterator1 row;
    DenseMat::iterator2 col;
    double tmp;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m.size(0); i++)
      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < m.size(1); j++)
        tmp = m(i, j);
        if (fabs(tmp) < std::numeric_limits<double>::min()) tmp = 0.0;
        outfile << tmp << " " ;
      outfile << std::endl;

  else if (m.getNum() == 2)
    TriangMat * p = m.triang();
    TriangMat::iterator1 row;
    for (row = p->begin1(); row != p->end1() ; ++row)
      std::copy(row.begin(), row.end(), std::ostream_iterator<double>(outfile, " "));
      outfile << std::endl;
  else if (m.getNum() == 3)
    SymMat * p = m.sym();
    SymMat::iterator1 row;
    for (row = p->begin1(); row != p->end1() ; ++row)
      std::copy(row.begin(), row.end(), std::ostream_iterator<double>(outfile, " "));
      outfile << std::endl;
  else if (m.getNum() == 4)
    SparseMat * p = m.sparse();
    SparseMat::iterator1 row;
    for (row = p->begin1(); row != p->end1() ; ++row)
      std::copy(row.begin(), row.end(), std::ostream_iterator<double>(outfile, " "));
      outfile << std::endl;
    BandedMat * p = m.banded();
    BandedMat::iterator1 row;
    for (row = p->begin1(); row != p->end1() ; ++row)
      std::copy(row.begin(), row.end(), std::ostream_iterator<double>(outfile, " "));
      outfile << std::endl;

  return true;
const SimpleMatrix operator + (const  SiconosMatrix& A, const  SiconosMatrix& B)
  // To compute C = A + B

  if ((A.size(0) != B.size(0)) || (A.size(1) != B.size(1)))
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("Matrix operator + : inconsistent sizes");

  unsigned int numA = A.getNum();
  unsigned int numB = B.getNum();

  // == A or B equal to null ==
  if (numA == 6) // A = 0
    if (numB == 6) // B = 0
      return SimpleMatrix(A.size(0), A.size(1));
      return SimpleMatrix(B);

  if (numB == 6)
    return SimpleMatrix(A);

  // == A and B different from 0 ==

  if (numA == numB && numA != 0) // all matrices are of the same type and NOT block
    if (numA == 1)
      return (DenseMat)(*A.dense() + *B.dense());
    else if (numA == 2)
      return (TriangMat)(*A.triang() + *B.triang());
    else if (numA == 3)
      return (SymMat)(*A.sym() + *B.sym());
    else if (numA == 4)
      SparseMat tmp(*A.sparse());
      tmp += *B.sparse();
      return tmp;
      // return (SparseMat)(*A.sparse() + *B.sparse());
    else //if(numA==5)
      BandedMat tmp(*A.banded());
      tmp += *B.banded();
      return tmp;
  else if (numA != 0 && numB != 0 && numA != numB) // A and B of different types and none is block
    if (numA == 1)
      if (numB == 2)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.dense() + *B.triang());
      else if (numB == 3)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.dense() + *B.sym());
      else if (numB == 4)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.dense() + *B.sparse());
      else if (numB == 5)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.dense() + *B.banded());
      else // if(numB ==7)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.dense() + *B.identity());
    else if (numA == 2)
      if (numB == 1)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.triang() + *B.dense());
      else if (numB == 3)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.triang() + *B.sym());
      else if (numB == 4)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.triang() + *B.sparse());
      else if (numB == 5)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.triang() + *B.banded());
      else // if(numB ==7:
        return (DenseMat)(*A.triang() + *B.identity());
    else if (numA == 3)
      if (numB == 1)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.sym() + *B.dense());
      else if (numB == 2)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.sym() + *B.triang());
      else if (numB == 4)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.sym() + *B.sparse());
      else if (numB == 5)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.sym() + *B.banded());
      else // if(numB ==7)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.sym() + *B.identity());
    else if (numA == 4)
      if (numB == 1)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.sparse() + *B.dense());
      else if (numB == 2)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.sparse() + *B.triang());
      else if (numB == 3)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.sparse() + *B.sym());
      else if (numB == 5)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.sparse() + *B.banded());
      else // if(numB ==7)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.sparse() + *B.identity());

    else if (numA == 5)
      if (numB == 1)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.banded() + *B.dense());
      else if (numB == 2)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.banded() + *B.triang());
      else if (numB == 3)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.banded() + *B.sym());
      else if (numB == 4)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.banded() + *B.sparse());
      else //if(numB ==7)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.banded() + *B.identity());

    else //if(numA==7)
      if (numB == 1)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.identity() + *B.dense());
      else if (numB == 2)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.identity() + *B.triang());
      else if (numB == 3)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.identity() + *B.sym());
      else if (numB == 4)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.identity() + *B.sparse());
      else //if(numB ==5)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.identity() + *B.banded());
  else if (numB != 0) // B Simple, whatever is A
    SimpleMatrix tmp(B);
    tmp += A;
    return tmp;
  else // B Block, A simple or block
    SimpleMatrix tmp(A);
    tmp += B;
    return tmp;
const SimpleMatrix operator - (const  SiconosMatrix& A, const  SiconosMatrix& B)
  // To compute C = A - B

  if ((A.size(0) != B.size(0)) || (A.size(1) != B.size(1)))
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("Matrix operator -  : inconsistent sizes");

  unsigned int numA = A.getNum();
  unsigned int numB = B.getNum();

  // == B equal to null ==
  if (numB == 6)
    return SimpleMatrix(A);

  // == B different from 0 ==

  if (numA == numB && numA != 0) // all matrices are of the same type and NOT block
    if (numA == 1)
      return (DenseMat)(*A.dense() - *B.dense());
    else if (numA == 2)
      return (TriangMat)(*A.triang() - *B.triang());
    else if (numA == 3)
      return (SymMat)(*A.sym() - *B.sym());
    else if (numA == 4)
      SparseMat tmp(*A.sparse());
      tmp -= *B.sparse();
      return tmp;
      //return (SparseMat)(*A.sparse() - *B.sparse());
    else //if(numA==5)
      BandedMat tmp(*A.banded());
      tmp -= *B.banded();
      return tmp;
      //return (BandedMat)(*A.banded() - *B.banded());
  else if (numA != 0 && numB != 0 && numA != numB) // A and B of different types and none is block
    if (numA == 1)
      if (numB == 2)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.dense() - *B.triang());
      else if (numB == 3)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.dense() - *B.sym());
      else if (numB == 4)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.dense() - *B.sparse());
      else if (numB == 5)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.dense() - *B.banded());
      else // if(numB ==7)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.dense() - *B.identity());
    else if (numA == 2)
      if (numB == 1)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.triang() - *B.dense());
      else if (numB == 3)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.triang() - *B.sym());
      else if (numB == 4)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.triang() - *B.sparse());
      else if (numB == 5)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.triang() - *B.banded());
      else // if(numB ==7:
        return (DenseMat)(*A.triang() - *B.identity());
    else if (numA == 3)
      if (numB == 1)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.sym() - *B.dense());
      else if (numB == 2)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.sym() - *B.triang());
      else if (numB == 4)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.sym() - *B.sparse());
      else if (numB == 5)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.sym() - *B.banded());
      else // if(numB ==7)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.sym() - *B.identity());
    else if (numA == 4)
      if (numB == 1)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.sparse() - *B.dense());
      else if (numB == 2)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.sparse() - *B.triang());
      else if (numB == 3)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.sparse() - *B.sym());
      else if (numB == 5)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.sparse() - *B.banded());
      else // if(numB ==7)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.sparse() - *B.identity());

    else if (numA == 5)
      if (numB == 1)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.banded() - *B.dense());
      else if (numB == 2)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.banded() - *B.triang());
      else if (numB == 3)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.banded() - *B.sym());
      else if (numB == 4)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.banded() - *B.sparse());
      else //if(numB ==7)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.banded() - *B.identity());

    else if (numA == 6)
      if (numB == 1)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.zero_mat() - *B.dense());
      else if (numB == 2)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.zero_mat() - *B.triang());
      else if (numB == 3)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.zero_mat() - *B.sym());
      else if (numB == 4)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.zero_mat() - *B.sparse());
      else //if(numB ==7)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.zero_mat() - *B.identity());
    else //if(numA==7)
      if (numB == 1)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.identity() - *B.dense());
      else if (numB == 2)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.identity() - *B.triang());
      else if (numB == 3)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.identity() - *B.sym());
      else if (numB == 4)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.identity() - *B.sparse());
      else //if(numB ==5)
        return (DenseMat)(*A.identity() - *B.banded());
  else // A and/or B are/is Block
    SimpleMatrix tmp(A);
    tmp -= B;
    return tmp;

void add(const SiconosMatrix & A, const SiconosMatrix& B, SiconosMatrix& C)
  // To compute C = A + B in an "optimized" way (in comparison with operator +)

  if ((A.size(0) != B.size(0)) || (A.size(1) != B.size(1)))
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("Matrix addition: inconsistent sizes");
  if ((A.size(0) != C.size(0)) || (A.size(1) != C.size(1)))
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("Matrix addition: inconsistent sizes");

  unsigned int numA = A.getNum();
  unsigned int numB = B.getNum();
  unsigned int numC = C.getNum();

  // === if C is zero or identity => read-only ===
  if (numC == 6 || numC == 7)
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("Matrix addition ( add(A,B,C) ): wrong type for resulting matrix C (read-only: zero or identity).");

  // === common memory between A, B, C ===
  if (&A == &C) // A and C have common memory
    C += B;
  else if (&B == &C)  // B and C have common memory
    C += A;
  else // No common memory between C and A or B.
    if (numA == 6) // A = 0
      C = B ;
    else if (numB == 6) // B = 0
      C = A;
    else // A and B different from 0
      if (numC == 0) // if C is Block
        if (numA != 0) // A simple, whatever is B
          C = A;
          C += B;
        else  // A Block
          C = B;
          C += A;
      else // if C is a SimpleMatrix
        if (numA == numB && numA != 0) // A and B are of the same type and NOT block
          if (numC == numA)
            if (numA == 1)
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.dense() + *B.dense();
            else if (numA == 2)
              noalias(*C.triang()) = *A.triang() + *B.triang();
            else if (numA == 3)
              noalias(*C.sym()) = *A.sym() + *B.sym();
            else if (numA == 4)
              noalias(*C.sparse()) = *A.sparse() + *B.sparse();
            else //if(numA==5)
              noalias(*C.banded()) = *A.banded() + *B.banded();
          else // C and A of different types.
            if (numC != 1)
              SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("Matrix addition ( add(A,B,C) ): wrong type for resulting matrix C.");
            // Only dense matrices are allowed for output.

            if (numA == 1)
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.dense() + *B.dense();
            else if (numA == 2)
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.triang() + *B.triang();
            else if (numA == 3)
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.sym() + *B.sym();
            else if (numA == 4)
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.sparse() + *B.sparse();
            else //if(numA==5)
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.banded() + *B.banded();
        else if (numA != 0 && numB != 0 && numA != numB) // A and B of different types and none is block
          if (numC != 1)
            SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("Matrix addition ( add(A,B,C) ): wrong type for resulting matrix C.");
          // Only dense matrices are allowed for output.

          if (numA == 1)
            switch (numB)
            case 2:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.dense() + *B.triang();
            case 3:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.dense() + *B.sym();
            case 4:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.dense() + *B.sparse();
            case 5:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.dense() + *B.banded();
            case 7:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.dense() + *B.identity();
              SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("Matrix function add(A,B,C): invalid type of matrix");
          else if (numA == 2)
            switch (numB)
            case 1:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.triang() + *B.dense();
            case 3:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.triang() + *B.sym();
            case 4:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.triang() + *B.sparse();
            case 5:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.triang() + *B.banded();
            case 7:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.triang() + *B.identity();
              SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("Matrix function add(A,B,C): invalid type of matrix");
          else if (numA == 3)
            switch (numB)
            case 1:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.sym() + *B.dense();
            case 2:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.sym() + *B.triang();
            case 4:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.sym() + *B.sparse();
            case 5:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.sym() + *B.banded();
            case 7:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.sym() + *B.identity();
              SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("Matrix function add(A,B,C): invalid type of matrix");
          else if (numA == 4)
            switch (numB)
            case 1:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.sparse() + *B.dense();
            case 2:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.sparse() + *B.triang();
            case 3:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.sparse() + *B.sym();
            case 5:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.sparse() + *B.banded();
            case 7:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.sparse() + *B.identity();
              SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("Matrix function add(A,B,C): invalid type of matrix");
          else if (numA == 5)
            switch (numB)
            case 1:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.banded() + *B.dense();
            case 2:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.banded() + *B.triang();
            case 3:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.banded() + *B.sym();
            case 4:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.banded() + *B.sparse();
            case 7:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.banded() + *B.identity();
              SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("Matrix function add(A,B,C): invalid type of matrix");
          else if (numA == 7)
            switch (numB)
            case 1:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.identity() + *B.dense();
            case 2:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.identity() + *B.triang();
            case 3:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.identity() + *B.sym();
            case 4:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.identity() + *B.sparse();
            case 5:
              noalias(*C.dense()) = *A.identity() + *B.banded();
              SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("Matrix function add(A,B,C): invalid type of matrix");
            SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("Matrix function add(A,B,C): invalid type of matrix");
        else // A and/or B is Block
          if (numA != 0) // A Simple, whatever is B
            C = A;
            C += B;
          else // A Block
            C = B;
            C += A;

Exemple #21
SimpleMatrix::SimpleMatrix(const SiconosMatrix &m): SiconosMatrix(m.getNum()), _isPLUFactorized(), _isQRFactorized(false), _isPLUInversed(false)
  // num is set in SiconosMatrix constructor with m.getNum() ... must be changed if m is Block
  unsigned int numM = m.getNum();

  _isPLUFactorized= m.isPLUFactorized();
  _isPLUInversed= m.isPLUInversed();

  if (m.ipiv())
    _ipiv.reset(new VInt(*(m.ipiv())));

  if (numM == 0) // ie if m is Block, this matrix is set to a dense.
    const BlockMatrix& mB = static_cast<const BlockMatrix&>(m);
    num = 1;
    // get number of blocks in a row/col of m.
    mat.Dense = new DenseMat(m.size(0), m.size(1));
    ConstBlocksIterator1 it;
    ConstBlocksIterator2 it2;
    unsigned int posRow = 0;
    unsigned int posCol = 0;

    for (it = mB._mat->begin1(); it != mB._mat->end1(); ++it)
      for (it2 = it.begin(); it2 != it.end(); ++it2)
        setBlock(posRow, posCol, **it2);
        posCol += (*it2)->size(1);
      posRow += (*it)->size(0);
      posCol = 0;
  else if (num == 1)
    mat.Dense = new DenseMat(m.size(0), m.size(1));
    noalias(*mat.Dense) = (*m.dense());

  else if (num == 2)
    mat.Triang = new TriangMat(*m.triang());

  else if (num == 3)
    mat.Sym = new SymMat(*m.sym());

  else if (num == 4)
    mat.Sparse = new SparseMat(*m.sparse());

  else if (num == 5)
    mat.Banded = new BandedMat(*m.banded());

  else if (num == 6)
    mat.Zero = new ZeroMat(m.size(0), m.size(1));

  else // if(num == 7)
    mat.Identity = new IdentityMat(m.size(0), m.size(1));
void SimpleMatrix::PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(SiconosMatrix &B)
  if (B.isBlock())
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(B) failed at solving Ax = B. Not yet implemented for a BlockMatrix B.");
  int info = 0;

  if (_num == 1)
    if (!_isPLUFactorized) // call gesv => LU-factorize+solve
      // solve system:
      if (!_ipiv)
        _ipiv.reset(new VInt(size(0)));
      info = lapack::gesv(*mat.Dense, *_ipiv, *(B.dense()));
      _isPLUFactorized = true;

        ublas::vector<double> S(std::max(size(0),size(1)));
        ublas::matrix<double, ublas::column_major> U(size(0),size(1));
        ublas::matrix<double, ublas::column_major> VT(size(0),size(1));

        int ierr = lapack::gesdd(*mat.Dense, S, U, VT);
        printf("info = %d, ierr = %d, emax = %f, emin = %f , cond = %f\n",info,ierr,S(0),S(2),S(0)/S(2));
      // B now contains solution:
    else // call getrs: only solve using previous lu-factorization
      if (B.num() == 1)
        info = lapack::getrs(*mat.Dense, *_ipiv, *(B.dense()));
        SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow(" SimpleMatrix::PLUInverseInPlace: only implemented for dense matrices in RHS.");
    if (!_isPLUFactorized) // call first PLUFactorizationInPlace
    // and then solve
    if (B.num() == 1)
      inplace_solve(*sparse(), *(B.dense()), ublas::lower_tag());
      inplace_solve(ublas::trans(*sparse()), *(B.dense()), ublas::upper_tag());
    else if (B.num() == 4)
      inplace_solve(*sparse(), *(B.sparse()), ublas::lower_tag());
      inplace_solve(ublas::trans(*sparse()), *(B.sparse()), ublas::upper_tag());
      SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow(" SimpleMatrix::PLUInverseInPlace: only implemented for dense ans sparse matrices in RHS.");
    info = 0 ;
  //  SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow(" SimpleMatrix::PLUInverseInPlace: only implemented for dense matrices.");

  if (info != 0)
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::PLUForwardBackwardInPlace failed.");