Exemple #1
// matrices comparison
bool isComparableTo(const  SiconosMatrix& m1, const  SiconosMatrix& m2)
  // return:
  // - true if one of the matrices is a Simple and if they have the same dimensions.
  // - true if both are block but with blocks which are facing each other of the same size.
  // - false in other cases

  if ((!m1.isBlock() || !m2.isBlock()) && (m1.size(0) == m2.size(0)) && (m1.size(1) == m2.size(1)))
    return true;

  const SP::Index I1R = m1.tabRow();
  const SP::Index I2R = m2.tabRow();
  const SP::Index I1C = m1.tabCol();
  const SP::Index I2C = m2.tabCol();

  return ((*I1R == *I2R) && (*I1C == *I2C));
void SimpleMatrix::trans(const SiconosMatrix &m)
  if (m.isBlock())
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::trans(m) failed, not yet implemented for m being a BlockMatrix.");

  if (&m == this)
    trans();//SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::trans(m) failed, m = this, use this->trans().");
    unsigned int numM = m.num();
    switch (numM)
    case 1:
      if (_num != 1)
        SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::trans(m) failed, try to transpose a dense matrix into another type.");
      noalias(*mat.Dense) = ublas::trans(*m.dense());
    case 2:
      if (_num != 1)
        SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::trans(m) failed, try to transpose a triangular matrix into a non-dense one.");
      noalias(*mat.Dense) = ublas::trans(*m.triang());
    case 3:
      *this = m;
    case 4:
      if (_num == 1)
        noalias(*mat.Dense) = ublas::trans(*m.sparse());
      else if (_num == 4)
        noalias(*mat.Sparse) = ublas::trans(*m.sparse());
        SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::trans(m) failed, try to transpose a sparse matrix into a forbidden type (not dense nor sparse).");
    case 5:
      if (_num == 1)
        noalias(*mat.Dense) = ublas::trans(*m.banded());
      else if (_num == 5)
        noalias(*mat.Banded) = ublas::trans(*m.banded());
        SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::trans(m) failed, try to transpose a banded matrix into a forbidden type (not dense nor banded).");
    case 6:
      *this = m;
    case 7:
      *this = m;
    // unsigned int tmp = _dimRow;
    // _dimRow = _dimCol;
    // _dimCol = tmp;
void SimpleMatrix::SolveByLeastSquares(SiconosMatrix &B)
  if (B.isBlock())
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::SolveByLeastSquares(Siconos Matrix &B) failed. Not yet implemented for M being a BlockMatrix.");
  int info = 0;
  info += lapack::gels(*mat.Dense, *(B.dense()), lapack::optimal_workspace());
  info += lapack::gels(*mat.Dense, *(B.dense()), lapack::minimal_workspace());
  if (info != 0)
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::SolveByLeastSquares failed.");
Exemple #4
void private_addprod(const SiconosMatrix& A, unsigned int startRow, unsigned int startCol, const BlockVector& x, SiconosVector& y)
  assert(!(A.isPLUFactorized()) && "A is PLUFactorized in prod !!");

  assert(!A.isBlock() && "private_addprod(A,start,x,y) error: not yet implemented for block matrix.");

  VectorOfVectors::const_iterator it;
  unsigned int startColBis = startCol;
  for (it = x.begin(); it != x.end(); ++it)
    private_addprod(A, startRow, startColBis, **it, y);
    startColBis += (*it)->size();

Exemple #5
void private_addprod(const SiconosMatrix& A, unsigned startRow, unsigned int startCol, const SiconosVector& x, SiconosVector& y)
  assert(!(A.isPLUFactorized()) && "A is PLUFactorized in prod !!");
  assert(!A.isBlock() && "private_addprod(A,start,x,y) error: not yet implemented for block matrix.");

  // we take a submatrix subA of A, starting from row startRow to row (startRow+sizeY) and between columns startCol and (startCol+sizeX).
  // Then computation of y = subA*x + y.
  unsigned int numA = A.getNum();
  unsigned int numY = y.getNum();
  unsigned int numX = x.getNum();
  unsigned int sizeX = x.size();
  unsigned int sizeY = y.size();

  assert(numX == numY && "private_addprod(A,start,x,y) error: not yet implemented for x and y of different types.");

  if (numY == 1 && numX == 1)

    assert(y.dense() != x.dense());

    if (numA == 1)
      noalias(*y.dense()) += prod(ublas::subrange(*A.dense(), startRow, startRow + sizeY, startCol, startCol + sizeX), *x.dense());
    else if (numA == 2)
      noalias(*y.dense()) += prod(ublas::subrange(*A.triang(), startRow, startRow + sizeY, startCol, startCol + sizeX), *x.dense());
    else if (numA == 3)
      noalias(*y.dense()) += prod(ublas::subrange(*A.sym(), startRow, startRow + sizeY, startCol, startCol + sizeX), *x.dense());
    else if (numA == 4)
      noalias(*y.dense()) += prod(ublas::subrange(*A.sparse(), startRow, startRow + sizeY, startCol, startCol + sizeX), *x.dense());
    else //if(numA==5)
      noalias(*y.dense()) += prod(ublas::subrange(*A.banded(), startRow, startRow + sizeY, startCol, startCol + sizeX), *x.dense());
  else // x and y sparse
    if (numA == 4)
      *y.sparse() += prod(ublas::subrange(*A.sparse(), startRow, startRow + sizeY, startCol, startCol + sizeX), *x.sparse());
      SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("private_addprod(A,start,x,y) error: not yet implemented for x, y  sparse and A not sparse.");
Exemple #6
bool write(const std::string& fileName, const std::string& mode, const SiconosMatrix& m, const std::string& outputType)
  // Open file and various checks
  std::ofstream outfile;
  if (mode == "ascii")
    outfile.open(fileName.c_str(), std::ofstream::out);
  else if (mode == "binary")
    outfile.open(fileName.c_str(), std::ofstream::binary);
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("ioMatrix::write Incorrect mode for writing");

  if (!outfile.good())
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("ioMatrix:: write error : Fail to open \"" + fileName + "\"");

  if (m.isBlock())
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("ioMatrix:: write error : not yet implemented for BlockMatrix");

  // Writing

  if (outputType != "noDim")
    outfile << m.size(0) << " " << m.size(1) << std::endl;

  if (m.getNum() == 1)
    // DenseMat * p = m.dense();
    DenseMat::iterator1 row;
    DenseMat::iterator2 col;
    double tmp;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m.size(0); i++)
      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < m.size(1); j++)
        tmp = m(i, j);
        if (fabs(tmp) < std::numeric_limits<double>::min()) tmp = 0.0;
        outfile << tmp << " " ;
      outfile << std::endl;

  else if (m.getNum() == 2)
    TriangMat * p = m.triang();
    TriangMat::iterator1 row;
    for (row = p->begin1(); row != p->end1() ; ++row)
      std::copy(row.begin(), row.end(), std::ostream_iterator<double>(outfile, " "));
      outfile << std::endl;
  else if (m.getNum() == 3)
    SymMat * p = m.sym();
    SymMat::iterator1 row;
    for (row = p->begin1(); row != p->end1() ; ++row)
      std::copy(row.begin(), row.end(), std::ostream_iterator<double>(outfile, " "));
      outfile << std::endl;
  else if (m.getNum() == 4)
    SparseMat * p = m.sparse();
    SparseMat::iterator1 row;
    for (row = p->begin1(); row != p->end1() ; ++row)
      std::copy(row.begin(), row.end(), std::ostream_iterator<double>(outfile, " "));
      outfile << std::endl;
    BandedMat * p = m.banded();
    BandedMat::iterator1 row;
    for (row = p->begin1(); row != p->end1() ; ++row)
      std::copy(row.begin(), row.end(), std::ostream_iterator<double>(outfile, " "));
      outfile << std::endl;

  return true;
void SimpleMatrix::PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(SiconosMatrix &B)
  if (B.isBlock())
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(B) failed at solving Ax = B. Not yet implemented for a BlockMatrix B.");
  int info = 0;

  if (_num == 1)
    if (!_isPLUFactorized) // call gesv => LU-factorize+solve
      // solve system:
      if (!_ipiv)
        _ipiv.reset(new VInt(size(0)));
      info = lapack::gesv(*mat.Dense, *_ipiv, *(B.dense()));
      _isPLUFactorized = true;

        ublas::vector<double> S(std::max(size(0),size(1)));
        ublas::matrix<double, ublas::column_major> U(size(0),size(1));
        ublas::matrix<double, ublas::column_major> VT(size(0),size(1));

        int ierr = lapack::gesdd(*mat.Dense, S, U, VT);
        printf("info = %d, ierr = %d, emax = %f, emin = %f , cond = %f\n",info,ierr,S(0),S(2),S(0)/S(2));
      // B now contains solution:
    else // call getrs: only solve using previous lu-factorization
      if (B.num() == 1)
        info = lapack::getrs(*mat.Dense, *_ipiv, *(B.dense()));
        SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow(" SimpleMatrix::PLUInverseInPlace: only implemented for dense matrices in RHS.");
    if (!_isPLUFactorized) // call first PLUFactorizationInPlace
    // and then solve
    if (B.num() == 1)
      inplace_solve(*sparse(), *(B.dense()), ublas::lower_tag());
      inplace_solve(ublas::trans(*sparse()), *(B.dense()), ublas::upper_tag());
    else if (B.num() == 4)
      inplace_solve(*sparse(), *(B.sparse()), ublas::lower_tag());
      inplace_solve(ublas::trans(*sparse()), *(B.sparse()), ublas::upper_tag());
      SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow(" SimpleMatrix::PLUInverseInPlace: only implemented for dense ans sparse matrices in RHS.");
    info = 0 ;
  //  SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow(" SimpleMatrix::PLUInverseInPlace: only implemented for dense matrices.");

  if (info != 0)
    SiconosMatrixException::selfThrow("SimpleMatrix::PLUForwardBackwardInPlace failed.");