void ButtonsAndTexturesApp::setup() { rotation = 0; screenshot = gl::Texture(getWindowWidth(), getWindowHeight()); //uninitialized texture with random pixels from GPU memory gui = new SimpleGUI(this); gui->lightColor = ColorA(1, 1, 0, 1); gui->addLabel("CONTROLS"); //let's add a button gui->addButton("Restart")->registerClick(this, &ButtonsAndTexturesApp::restartButtonClick); gui->addSeparator(); gui->addLabel("SCREENSHOT"); screenshotTextureControl = gui->addParam("Screenshot", &screenshot); //you can also store reference to it and add callback as a second step takeScreenshotButton = gui->addButton("Take screenshot"); cbTakeScreenshotButtonClick = takeScreenshotButton->registerClick(this, &ButtonsAndTexturesApp::takeScreenshotButtonClick); //to stop listening to click do this: //takeScreenshotButton->unregisterClick(cbTakeScreenshotButtonClick); gui->load(CONFIG_FILE); //we load settings after specifying all the //params because we need to know their name and type timer.start(); prevTime = timer.getSeconds(); }
void BasicApp::setup() { gui = new SimpleGUI(this); gui->lightColor = ColorA(1, 1, 0, 1); gui->addLabel("CONTROLS"); gui->addParam("Rotation", &rotation, 0, 360, 0); gui->addParam("Size", &size, 100, 600, 200); gui->addParam("Color", &color, ColorA(0,0.5,1,0.5), SimpleGUI::RGB); //use R,G,B,A sliders gui->addSeparator(); gui->addLabel("OPTIONS"); gui->addParam("Auto Rotation", &autoRotation, false); gui->addSeparator(); gui->addLabel("RENDER TYPE"); gui->addParam("Fill", &fill, true, RENDER_TYPE_GROUP); //if we specify group id, we create radio button set gui->addParam("Stroke", &stroke, false, RENDER_TYPE_GROUP); //i.e. only one of the buttons can be active at any time gui->load(CONFIG_FILE); //we load settings after specifying all the //params because we need to know their name and type timer.start(); prevTime = timer.getSeconds(); }
void GesichtertauschApp::setup() { console() << "+++ Gesichtertausch (PID " << getpid() << ")." << endl; mTime = 0.0; mSerialID = 0; FACE_COLOR_UNO = ColorA(0, 1, 1, 1); FACE_COLOR_DUO = ColorA(1, 0, 0, 1); BACKGROUND_IMAGE_COLOR = ColorA(1, 1, 1, 1); /* watchdog */ mWatchdogHost = "localhost"; mWatchdogPort = 8080; mWatchdogSender.setup(mWatchdogHost, mWatchdogPort); mWatchdogCounter = 0.0; mWatchdogInterval = 2.5; /* shader */ try { mShader = gl::GlslProg( loadResource( RES_PASSTHRU_VERT ), loadResource( RES_BLUR_FRAG ) ); } catch( gl::GlslProgCompileExc &exc ) { console() << "Shader compile error: " << std::endl; console() << exc.what(); } catch( ... ) { console() << "Unable to load shader" << std::endl; } /* settings */ mGui = new SimpleGUI(this); mGui->addParam("WINDOW_WIDTH", &WINDOW_WIDTH, 0, 2048, 640); mGui->addParam("WINDOW_HEIGHT", &WINDOW_HEIGHT, 0, 2048, 480); mGui->addParam("CAMERA_WIDTH", &CAMERA_WIDTH, 0, 2048, 640); mGui->addParam("CAMERA_HEIGHT", &CAMERA_HEIGHT, 0, 2048, 480); mGui->addParam("DETECTION_WIDTH", &DETECTION_WIDTH, 0, 2048, 320); mGui->addParam("DETECTION_HEIGHT", &DETECTION_HEIGHT, 0, 2048, 240); mGui->addParam("FULLSCREEN", &FULLSCREEN, false, 0); mGui->addParam("TRACKING", &TRACKING, 0, 1, 0); // mGui->addParam("FRAME_RATE", &FRAME_RATE, 1, 120, 30); mGui->addParam("MIN_TRACKING_DISTANCE", &MIN_TRACKING_DISTANCE, 1, 100, 50); mGui->addParam("TIME_BEFOR_IDLE_DEATH", &TIME_BEFOR_IDLE_DEATH, 0, 10, 0.5); mGui->addParam("MIN_LIFETIME_TO_VIEW", &MIN_LIFETIME_TO_VIEW, 0, 10, 1.0); mGui->addParam("ENABLE_SHADER", &ENABLE_SHADER, 0, 1, 0); mGui->addParam("FACE_COLOR_UNO", &FACE_COLOR_UNO, ColorA(0, 1, 1, 1), SimpleGUI::RGB); mGui->addParam("FACE_COLOR_DUO", &FACE_COLOR_DUO, ColorA(1, 1, 1, 1), SimpleGUI::RGB); mGui->addParam("BACKGROUND_IMAGE_COLOR", &BACKGROUND_IMAGE_COLOR, ColorA(1, 1, 1, 1), SimpleGUI::RGB); mGui->addParam("FACE_BORDER_SCALE", &FACE_BORDER_SCALE, 0, 3, 0.7); mGui->addParam("FACE_FADE_BORDER_SCALE", &FACE_FADE_BORDER_SCALE, 1, 2, 1.4); /* clean up controller window */ mGui->getControlByName("WINDOW_WIDTH")->active=false; mGui->getControlByName("WINDOW_HEIGHT")->active=false; mGui->getControlByName("CAMERA_WIDTH")->active=false; mGui->getControlByName("CAMERA_HEIGHT")->active=false; mGui->getControlByName("DETECTION_WIDTH")->active=false; mGui->getControlByName("DETECTION_HEIGHT")->active=false; mGui->getControlByName("FULLSCREEN")->active=false; mGui->getControlByName("TRACKING")->active=false; mGui->getControlByName("BACKGROUND_IMAGE_COLOR")->active=false; mGui->getControlByName("BACKGROUND_IMAGE_COLOR")->active=false; mGui->load(getResourcePath(RES_SETTINGS)); mGui->setEnabled(false); setWindowSize( WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT ); setFullScreen( FULLSCREEN ); if (FULLSCREEN) { hideCursor(); // switch_resolution (WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, 60.0); } mFont = Font(loadResource("pf_tempesta_seven.ttf"), 8); /* setting up capture device */ mCameraTexture = gl::Texture(CAMERA_WIDTH, CAMERA_HEIGHT); switch (TRACKING) { case 0: mFaceDetection = new FeatureDetectionCinder(); break; #ifdef COMPILE_CAPTURE_FIREFLY case 1: mFaceDetection = new FeatureDetectionFireFly(); break; #endif #ifdef COMPILE_CAPTURE_OPENCV case 2: mFaceDetection = new FeatureDetectionOpenCV(); break; #endif default: console() << "### choosing default tracking method." << endl; mFaceDetection = new FeatureDetectionCinder(); break; } mGui->addParam("DETECT_FLAGS",&(mFaceDetection->DETECT_FLAGS), CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, CV_HAAR_DO_ROUGH_SEARCH, CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING); mGui->addParam("DETECT_SCALE_FACTOR",&(mFaceDetection->DETECT_SCALE_FACTOR), 1.1, 5, 1.2); mGui->addParam("DETECT_MIN_NEIGHBORS",&(mFaceDetection->DETECT_MIN_NEIGHBORS), 1, 20, 2); mGui->addParam("CAMERA_EXPOSURE", &(mFaceDetection->CAMERA_EXPOSURE), 0, 255, 20); mGui->addParam("CAMERA_SHUTTER", &(mFaceDetection->CAMERA_SHUTTER), 0, 255, 200); mGui->addParam("CAMERA_BRIGHTNESS", &(mFaceDetection->CAMERA_BRIGHTNESS), 0, 255, 166); mGui->addParam("CAMERA_GAIN", &(mFaceDetection->CAMERA_GAIN), 0, 255, 17); mGui->load(getResourcePath(RES_SETTINGS)); // HACK this is quite stupid, but we have a catch 22 here ... mFaceDetection->setup(CAMERA_WIDTH, CAMERA_HEIGHT, DETECTION_WIDTH, DETECTION_HEIGHT, 0); mGui->dump(); mGui->addSeparator(); mFaceOut = mGui->addLabel(""); mFPSOut = mGui->addLabel(""); }
void RogersGuiApp::setup() { rotation = 0; screenshot = gl::Texture(getWindowWidth(), getWindowHeight()); //uninitialized texture with random pixels from GPU memory IntVarControl *ic; BoolVarControl *bc; PanelControl *pc; ByteVarControl *btc; FlagVarControl *fc; aString = "whatever"; gui = new SimpleGUI(this); gui->lightColor = ColorA(1, 1, 0, 1); gui->addColumn(); gui->addLabel("> READ ONLY"); gui->addSeparator(); gui->addLabel("READONLY"); gui->addParam("String", &aString); // !NEW! Update aString will update label gui->addParam("Window Width", &windowWidth, 0, 1920, getWindowWidth())->setReadOnly(); // !NEW! No slider, just value gui->addParam("Window Height", &windowHeight, 0, 1080, getWindowHeight())->setReadOnly(); // !NEW! No slider, just value gui->addParam("FPS", &FPS, 0, 60, 0)->setReadOnly(); // !NEW! No slider, just value gui->addSeparator(); // Textures gui->addLabel("> TEXTURES"); gui->addSeparator(); takeScreenshotButton = gui->addButton("Take screenshot"); takeScreenshotButton->registerClick(this, &RogersGuiApp::takeScreenshotButtonClick); screenshotTextureControl = gui->addParam("Screenshot", &screenshot); screenshotTextureControl->refreshRate = 0.0; // !NEW! let's refresh manually //screenshotTextureControl->refreshRate = 0.1; // !NEW! use this for movies or syphon //takeScreenshotButton->unregisterClick(cbTakeScreenshotButtonClick); gui->addSeparator(); gui->addParam("Null Texture example", &nullTex); // !NEW! Null textures will be marked so // // ROGER:: From Grouping example gui->addColumn(); gui->addLabel("> CONTROLS"); gui->addSeparator(); gui->addButton("Restart Animation")->registerClick(this, &RogersGuiApp::restartButtonClick); bc = gui->addParam("Auto Rotation ON", &autoRotation, true); bc->nameOff = "Auto Rotation OFF"; // !NEW! Alternative label when OFF gui->addParam("Rotation", &rotation, 0, 360, 0)->setDisplayValue(); gui->addParam("Size", &size, 100, 600, 200)->setDisplayValue(); gui->addParam("Background", &colorBack, Color(0.1, 0.1, 0.5), SimpleGUI::RGB); //use R,G,B,A sliders gui->addParam("Color", &color, ColorA(1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1), SimpleGUI::RGB); //use R,G,B,A sliders gui->addParam("HSV", &colorBackHSV, Color(0.1, 0.1, 0.5), SimpleGUI::HSV); gui->addParam("HSV+A", &colorHSV, ColorA(1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1), SimpleGUI::HSV); gui->addSeparator(); gui->addLabel("RENDER TYPE"); gui->addParam("Fill", &fill, true, RENDER_TYPE_GROUP); //if we specify group id, we create radio button set bc = gui->addParam("Stroke", &stroke, false, RENDER_TYPE_GROUP); //i.e. only one of the buttons can be active at any time pc = gui->addPanel(); bc->switchPanel( pc ); // !NEW! Automatically open/close a panel gui->addParam("Thickness", &thickness, 1, 10); // // LIST CONTROL gui->addColumn(); gui->addLabel("> LISTS"); gui->addSeparator(); gui->addButton("Increase List")->registerClick(this, &RogersGuiApp::addToList); gui->addButton("Decrease List")->registerClick(this, &RogersGuiApp::removeFromList); valueLabels[0] = "val 0"; valueLabels[1] = "val 1"; valueLabels[2] = "val 2"; gui->addSeparator(); theDropDownControl = gui->addParamDropDown("Drop-Down List", &listVal, valueLabels); // !NEW! Drop-Down control gui->addSeparator(); theListControl = gui->addParamList("Explicit List", &listVal, valueLabels); // !NEW! List control gui->addSeparator(); gui->addLabel("just a label"); // // INTS CONTROL gui->addColumn(); gui->addLabel("> INTS"); gui->addSeparator(); gui->addParam("Int Radio (<=10)", &intValue1, 1, 3, 0)->setDisplayValue(); // !NEW! small int range will be displayed as radios gui->addParam("Int Radio (<=10)", &intValue2, 1, 10, 0)->setDisplayValue(); // !NEW! small int range will be displayed as radios gui->addParam("Int slider (>10)", &intValue3, 1, 11, 0)->setDisplayValue(); // !NEW! Display the value beside labels // stepped gui->addSeparator(); ic = gui->addParam("Int Step 2", &intValue4, 0, 10, 0); ic->setDisplayValue(); ic->setStep(2); // !NEW! int step ic = gui->addParam("Int Step 2", &intValue5, 0, 18, 0); ic->setDisplayValue(); ic->setStep(2); // !NEW! int step ic = gui->addParam("Int Step 2", &intValue6, 0, 20, 0); ic->setDisplayValue(); ic->setStep(2); // !NEW! int step // // BYTE CONTROL gui->addColumn(); gui->addLabel("> BYTES"); gui->addSeparator(); gui->addParam("Byte", &byteValue1, 0)->setDisplayValue(); // !NEW! ranges from 0-255 btc = gui->addParam("Byte as char", &byteValue2, 0); // !NEW! display as char btc->setDisplayValue(); btc->displayChar = true; btc = gui->addParam("Byte as hex", &byteValue3, 0); // !NEW! display as hex btc->setDisplayValue(); btc->displayHex = true; // FLAGS gui->addSeparator(); fc = gui->addParamFlag("Byte Flag", &flagValue, 8, 0x55); // !NEW! Byte Flag fc->setDisplayValue(); fc->displayHex = true; gui->load(CONFIG_FILE); //we load settings after specifying all the //params because we need to know their name and type timer.start(); prevTime = timer.getSeconds(); }
void RogalarmApp::setup() { mFullscreen = false; mUser = false; mNoUserMessage = false; setFullScreen(mFullscreen); mUserPos = 0; mDebug = false; mKonnect = loadImage(loadResource("konnect-kinect.jpg") ); try { mKinect = Kinect( Kinect::Device() ); mKinectConected = true; } catch( ... ){ mKinectConected = false; } mConfigPath = getResourcePath().c_str(); mConfigPath += "settings.sgui.txt"; mStopedTime = getElapsedSeconds(); mTargetPosition = Vec3f::zero(); mContourTexture = gl::Texture(getWindowWidth(), getWindowHeight()); mDepthTexture = gl::Texture(getWindowWidth(), getWindowHeight()); mGui = new SimpleGUI(this); mGui->lightColor = ColorA(1, 1, 0, 1); mGui->addLabel("CONTROLS"); mGui->addParam("Depth Threshold", &mThreshold, 0, 255, 70); mGui->addParam("Min Contour Area", &mBlobMin, 10, 100, 30); mGui->addParam("Max Contour Area", &mBlobMax, 100, 500, 200); mGui->addSeparator(); mGui->addParam("Reflection Top", &mReflectionTop, 0, 480, 0); mGui->addParam("Reflection Bottom", &mReflectionBottom, 0, 480, 0); mGui->addSeparator(); mGui->addLabel("OPTIONS"); mGui->addParam("Fullscreen (f)", &mFullscreen, false); mGui->addButton("Save Configuration")->registerClick(this, &RogalarmApp::openSaveConfigClick); mGui->addColumn(142, 7); mGui->addLabel("Contour Image"); mGui->addParam("Contour Texture", &mContourTexture); mGui->addLabel("Depth Image"); mGui->addParam("Depth Texture", &mDepthTexture); mGui->load(mConfigPath); mHost = ""; mPort = 7110; mSender.setup(mHost, mPort); }