int main() { StackMin min; ElemType tmp; cin >> tmp; while (tmp != -1) { min.Push(tmp); cin >> tmp; } min.Pop(); cout << min.Min() << endl; return 0; }
int main() { //3.2 Stack Min: How would you design a stack which, in addition to push and pop, has a function min //which returns the minimum element ? Push, pop and min should all operate in O(1) time. //Hints : #27, #59, #78 cout << endl; cout << "StackMin: " << endl; StackMin MyMinStack; cout << MyMinStack.IsEmpty() << endl; MyMinStack.Push(25); cout << MyMinStack.IsEmpty() << endl; MyMinStack.Push(30); MyMinStack.Push(15); MyMinStack.Push(5); MyMinStack.Print(); cout << "Peek: " << MyMinStack.Peek() << endl; cout << "Current Minimum: " << MyMinStack.Min() << endl; cout << "Pop: " << MyMinStack.Pop() << endl; cout << "Current Minimum: " << MyMinStack.Min() << endl; cout << "Pop: " << MyMinStack.Pop() << endl; cout << "Current Minimum: " << MyMinStack.Min() << endl; cout << "Peek: " << MyMinStack.Peek() << endl; MyMinStack.Print(); //3.4 Queue via Stacks : Implement a MyQueue class which implements a queue using two stacks. //Hints : #98, #114 cout << endl; cout << "QueueViaStacks: " << endl; QueueViaStacks MyQueue; MyQueue.Enqueue(15); MyQueue.Enqueue(20); MyQueue.Enqueue(25); cout << "MyQueue£º 15 20 25.\n"; cout << "Size of my QViaStacks: " << MyQueue.Size() << endl; cout << "Peek my QViaStacks: " << MyQueue.Peek()<<endl; MyQueue.Dequeue(); cout << "Dequeue and Peek: " << MyQueue.Peek() << endl; cout << "Size of my QViaStacks: " << MyQueue.Size() << endl; MyQueue.Enqueue(35); cout << "Dequeue and Peek: " << MyQueue.Peek() << endl; cout << "Size of my QViaStacks: " << MyQueue.Size() << endl; MyQueue.Dequeue(); cout << "Dequeue and Peek: " << MyQueue.Peek() << endl; cout << "Size of my QViaStacks: " << MyQueue.Size() << endl; //3.4 In the classic problem of the Towers of Hanoi, you have 3 rods and N disks of different //sizes which can slide onto any tower.The puzzle starts with disks sorted in ascending //order of size from top to bottom(e.g., each disk sits on top of an even larger one).You //have the following constraints : //(A)Only one disk can be moved at a time. //(B)A disk is slid off the top of one rod onto the next rod. //(C)A disk can only be placed on top of a larger disk. //Write a program to move the disks from the first rod to the last using Stacks. cout << endl; cout << "TowerOfHanoi: " << endl; TowerOfHanoi MyTower(6); MyTower.SolveTOH(); //3.5 Sort Stack : Write a program to sort a stack such that the smallest items are on the top.You can use //an additional temporary stack, but you may not copy the elements into any other data structure //(such as an array).The stack supports the following operations : push, pop, peek, and is Empty. //Hints : # 15, #32, #43 cout << endl; cout << "Sort Stack: 4 3 1 5 2" << endl; stack<int> InputStack; InputStack.push(2); InputStack.push(5); InputStack.push(1); InputStack.push(3); InputStack.push(4); stack<int> result = Sort(InputStack); cout << "Sorted Stack: \n"; while(!result.empty()) { cout <<<<" "; result.pop(); } getchar(); return 0; }