void print_controller_h(ostream& out, string component, const StateMachine& machine)
  out << "// Auto generated C++ code started by "<<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<< endl;
  out << "// " << machine.getIdent() << ": " << machine.getShorthand() << endl;
  out << endl;
  out << "#ifndef " << component << "_CONTROLLER_H" << endl;
  out << "#define " << component << "_CONTROLLER_H" << endl;
  out << endl;
  out << "#include \"Global.h\"" << endl;
  out << "#include \"Consumer.h\"" << endl;
  out << "#include \"TransitionResult.h\"" << endl;
  out << "#include \"Types.h\"" << endl;
  out << "#include \"Network.h\"" << endl;
  out << "#include \"" << component << "_Profiler.h\"" << endl;
  out << endl;
  out << "class " << component << "_Controller : public Consumer {" << endl;

  out << "public:" << endl;
  out << "  " << component << "_Controller(NodeID id, Network* network_ptr);" << endl;
  out << "  ~" << component << "_Controller();" << endl;
  out << "  void print(ostream& out) const;" << endl;
  out << "  void wakeup();" << endl;
  out << "  void printConfig(ostream& out);" << endl;
  out << "  static void dumpStats(ostream& out) { s_profiler.dumpStats(out); }" << endl;
  out << "  static void clearStats() { s_profiler.clearStats(); }" << endl;

  // Member variables
  out << "  // Member variables (should probably be private)" << endl;
  const Vector<Symbol*>& symbols = g_sym_table.getAllSymbols();
  for (int i=0; i < symbols.size(); i++) {
    Var* var_ptr = dynamic_cast<Var*>(symbols[i]);
    if (var_ptr == NULL || var_ptr->getMachine() != &machine) {
    out << "  " << var_ptr->getType()->cIdent() << "* m_" << var_ptr->cIdent() << "_ptr;" << endl;

  out << "private:" << endl;
  out << "  TransitionResult doTransition(" << component << "_Event event, " << component 
      << "_State state, const Address& addr);  // in " << component << "_Transitions.C" << endl;
  out << "  TransitionResult doTransitionWorker(" << component << "_Event event, " << component 
      << "_State state, " <<  component << "_State& next_state, const Address& addr);  // in " 
      << component << "_Transitions.C" << endl;
  out << "  NodeID m_id;" << endl;
  out << "  static " << component << "_Profiler s_profiler;" << endl;
  // internal function protypes
    out << "  // Internal functions" << endl;
    const Vector<Symbol*>& symbols = g_sym_table.getAllSymbols();
    for (int i=0; i < symbols.size(); i++) {
      Func* func_ptr = dynamic_cast<Func*>(symbols[i]);
      if (func_ptr == NULL || func_ptr->getMachine() != &machine) {
      string proto;
      if (proto != "") {
        out << "  " << proto;
  out << "  // Actions" << endl;
  for(int i=0; i < machine.numActions(); i++) {
    const Action& action = machine.getAction(i);
    out << "  void " << action.getIdent() << "(const Address& addr);" << endl;
  out << "};" << endl;
  out << "#endif // " << component << "_CONTROLLER_H" << endl;
void print_controller_C(ostream& out, string component, const StateMachine& machine)
  out << "// Auto generated C++ code started by "<<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<< endl;
  out << "// " << machine.getIdent() << ": " << machine.getShorthand() << endl;
  out << endl;
  out << "#include \"Global.h\"" << endl;
  out << "#include \"slicc_util.h\"" << endl;
  out << "#include \"" << component << "_Controller.h\"" << endl;
  out << "#include \"" << component << "_State.h\"" << endl;
  out << "#include \"" << component << "_Event.h\"" << endl;
  out << "#include \"Types.h\"" << endl;
  out << "#include \"Profiler.h\"" << endl;
  out << "#include \"Network.h\"" << endl;
  out << endl;

  out << "// static profiler defn" << endl;
  out << component << "_Profiler " << component << "_Controller::s_profiler;" << endl;
  out << endl;

  out << "// constructor" << endl;
  out << component << "_Controller::" << component << "_Controller(NodeID id, Network* network_ptr)" << endl;
  out << "{" << endl;
  out << "  m_id = id;" << endl;

  // Initialize member variables
  const Vector<Symbol*>& symbols = g_sym_table.getAllSymbols();
  for (int i=0; i < symbols.size(); i++) {
    Var* var = dynamic_cast<Var*>(symbols[i]);
    if (var == NULL || var->getMachine() != &machine) {
    out << "  // " << var->cIdent() << endl;
    if (var->existPair("network")) {
      // Network port object
      string network = var->lookupPair("network");
      string ordered =  var->lookupPair("ordered");
      string vnet =  var->lookupPair("virtual_network");
      out << "  m_" << var->cIdent() << "_ptr = network_ptr->get" 
          << network << "NetQueue(MachineType_" << var->getMachine()->getIdent() << ", m_id, " 
          << ordered << ", " << vnet << ");\n";
    } else if (var->getType()->existPair("primitive") || (dynamic_cast<Enum*>(var->getType()) != NULL)) {
      // Normal non-object
      out << "  m_" << var->cIdent() << "_ptr = new " << var->getType()->cIdent() << ";\n";
    } else {
      // Normal Object
      out << "  m_" << var->cIdent() << "_ptr = new " << var->getType()->cIdent();
      if (!var->getType()->existPair("non_obj")) {
        if (var->existPair("constructor_hack")) {
          string constructor_hack = var->lookupPair("constructor_hack");
          out << "(m_id, " << constructor_hack << ")";
        } else {
          out << "(m_id)";
        out << ";\n";
    out << "  assert(m_" << var->cIdent() << "_ptr != NULL);" << endl;

    // Set to the default value
    if (var->existPair("default")) {
      out << "  (*m_" << var->cIdent() << "_ptr) = " << var->lookupPair("default") 
          << "; // Object default" << endl;
    } else if (var->getType()->hasDefault()) {
      out << "  (*m_" << var->cIdent() << "_ptr) = " << var->getType()->getDefault() 
          << "; // Type " << var->getType()->getIdent() << " default" << endl;
    // Set ordering
    if (var->existPair("ordered")) {
      // A buffer
      string ordered =  var->lookupPair("ordered");
      out << "  m_" << var->cIdent() << "_ptr->setOrdering(" << ordered << ");\n";
    // Set randomization
    if (var->existPair("random")) {
      // A buffer
      string value =  var->lookupPair("random");
      out << "  m_" << var->cIdent() << "_ptr->setRandomization(" << value << ");\n";
    out << endl;

  // Set the queue consumers
  for(int i=0; i < machine.numInPorts(); i++) {
    out << "  " << machine.getInPort(i).getCode() << ".setConsumer(this);" << endl;

  out << endl;
  // Set the queue descriptions
  for(int i=0; i < machine.numInPorts(); i++) {
    out << "  " << machine.getInPort(i).getCode() 
        << ".setDescription(\"[Node \" + int_to_string(m_id) + \", " 
        << component << ", " << machine.getInPort(i).toString() << "]\");" << endl;

  // Initialize the transition profiling
  out << endl;
  for(int i=0; i<machine.numTransitions(); i++) {
    const Transition& t = machine.getTransition(i);
    const Vector<Action*>& action_vec = t.getActions();
    int numActions = action_vec.size();

    // Figure out if we stall
    bool stall = false;
    for (int i=0; i<numActions; i++) {
      if(action_vec[i]->getIdent() == "z_stall") {
        stall = true;

    // Only possible if it is not a 'z' case
    if (!stall) {
      out << "  s_profiler.possibleTransition(" << component << "_State_"
          << t.getStatePtr()->getIdent() << ", " << component << "_Event_"
          << t.getEventPtr()->getIdent() << ");" << endl;

  out << "}" << endl;

  out << endl;

    out << component << "_Controller::~" << component << "_Controller()" << endl;
    out << "{" << endl;
    const Vector<Symbol*>& symbols = g_sym_table.getAllSymbols();
    for (int i=0; i < symbols.size(); i++) {
      Var* var_ptr = dynamic_cast<Var*>(symbols[i]);
      if (var_ptr == NULL || var_ptr->getMachine() != &machine) {
      if (!var_ptr->existPair("network")) {
        // Normal Object
        out << "  delete m_" << var_ptr->cIdent() << "_ptr;\n";
    out << "}" << endl;

    out << endl;
    out << "void " << component << "_Controller::printConfig(ostream& out)\n";
    out << "{\n";
    out << "  out << heading(\"" << component << " Config\");\n";
    const Vector<Symbol*>& symbols = g_sym_table.getAllSymbols();
    for (int i=0; i < symbols.size(); i++) {
      Var* var_ptr = dynamic_cast<Var*>(symbols[i]);
      if (var_ptr == NULL || var_ptr->getMachine() != &machine) {
      if (!var_ptr->existPair("network") && (!var_ptr->getType()->existPair("primitive"))) {
        // Normal Object
        out << "  m_" << var_ptr->cIdent() << "_ptr->printConfig(out);\n";

    out << "  out << endl;\n";
    out << "}" << endl;
  out << endl;
  out << "void " << component << "_Controller::print(ostream& out) const { out << \"[" << component 
      << "_Controller \" << m_id << \"]\"; }" << endl;

  out << endl;
  out << "// Actions" << endl;
  out << endl;

  for(int i=0; i < machine.numActions(); i++) {
    const Action& action = machine.getAction(i);
    if (action.existPair("c_code")) {
      out << "//" << action.getDescription() << endl;
      out << "void " << component << "_Controller::" 
          << action.getIdent() << "(const Address& addr)" << endl;
      out << "{" << endl;
      out << "  DEBUG_MSG(GENERATED_COMP, HighPrio,\"executing\");" << endl;
      out << action.lookupPair("c_code");
      out << "}" << endl;
    out << endl;

  // Function definitions
    const Vector<Symbol*>& symbols = g_sym_table.getAllSymbols();
    for (int i=0; i < symbols.size(); i++) {
      Func* func_ptr = dynamic_cast<Func*>(symbols[i]);
      if (func_ptr == NULL || func_ptr->getMachine() != &machine) {
      string code;
      out << code;