Exemple #1
template <> void LuaObject<SystemPath>::PushToLua(const SystemPath &o) {
	lua_State *l = Lua::manager->GetLuaState();

	// get the system path object cache
	if (!luaL_getsubtable(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "SystemPaths")) {
		lua_createtable(l, 0, 1);
		lua_pushliteral(l, "v");
		lua_setfield(l, -2, "__mode");
		lua_setmetatable(l, -2);

	// stack: [SystemPaths]

	// push the system path as a blob to use as a key to look up the actual SystemPath object
	char key_blob[SystemPath::SizeAsBlob];

	lua_pushlstring(l, key_blob, sizeof(key_blob)); // [SystemPaths key]
	lua_pushvalue(l, -1); // [SystemPaths key key]
	lua_rawget(l, -3); // [SystemPaths key value/nil]
	if (lua_isnil(l, -1)) {
		// [SystemPaths key nil]
		lua_pop(l, 1);

		// push a new Lua SystemPath object
		Register(new (LuaObjectBase::Allocate(sizeof(LuaCopyObject<SystemPath>))) LuaCopyObject<SystemPath>(o));

		// store it in the SystemPaths cache, but keep a copy on the stack
		lua_pushvalue(l, -1); // [SystemPaths  key  value  value]
		lua_insert(l, -4); // [value SystemPaths key value]
		lua_rawset(l, -3); // [value SystemPaths]
		lua_pop(l, 1); // [value]
	} else {
		// [SystemPaths key value]
		lua_insert(l, -3); // [value SystemPaths key]
		lua_pop(l, 2); // [value]